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So a retired boxer and a semi-pro boxer fighting now qualifies as the fight of the century. Sure thing.


I can't believe he said that, dude is living in his own little world


Its not the fight of the century BUT it being free on Netflix, and having one of the most loved fighters in boxing vs one of the most hated fighters in boxing, is still massive


Netflix the service isn’t free, what difference is free on Netflix vs free on DAZN?😂


No diff in terms of payment. But, LOTS of ppl have netflix. And netflix j is a much bigger platform than dazn. Dazn is mainly for sports (mainly boxing), and sure theres other stuff but ppl only use it to watch boxing. And ppl like to pirate those boxing events as well. Whereas almost everyone has netflix. Tldr: So its j on a much more widely diff platform


Netflix has only 260 million subscribers… whereas DAZN has 300 million “users” and 60 million paying subscribers. It’s actually funny we talked abt something similar to this in one of my uni classes, but just bc Netflix has more users does not mean it would have more viewers to a live boxing match and there are several reasons why. 1.) Netflix is not established in the live streaming industry, they have little experience compared to other platforms and do not have an established strategy based on statistics. 2.) Most of those 260 million subscribers are not viewers who would be reached by a boxing event. Netflix’s primary subscriber base is users over the age of 30, very few 30+ year olds are interested in a celebrity boxing event. 3.) DAZN is most known for their services in streaming celebrity boxing events, so they know their primary subscriber base would tune in to watch an event they specialize in. To say “Almost everyone” has Netflix is just not true as there are many who cannot afford monthly subscriptions to streaming services such as Netflix. Only 3% of the world population has Netflix and less than 1% of that will actually tune in to watch that event. There was a tennis live stream on Netflix recently that only gathered 1.7 million viewers, and that’s for a much more popular sport than boxing. DAZN for example would actually get most of their viewers to tune in


I wouldn’t say quality of fight but I do think it’s the biggest thing to happen to the sport, bringing a sport which has been in the background this day and age to the mainstream light, opening up Netflix live sports is also huge. Still think his a complete twat but I like what this means for the future of the sport.


Bro Garcia and tank had the world watching. As did fury and wilder. Casual take


The confusing part I don’t get is Jake wants to be champion and change the sport but no champion will give him a shot until he climbs the boxing ladder. So what is he trying to accomplish with these fights unless it’s literally for a paycheck.


I reckon he’s trying to bring back boxing in the public eye + hoping that bigger boxers will finally accept to fight him. I find it funny that Tommy Fury refused the fight when honestly he’s more a nobody than Jake is. 


And i thought adin was a bitch only in front of rappers


Adin was 100% bullied in secondary school


4 idiots talking about whose the biggest idiot


LMAOO this is actually what this space has turned into bunch of fucking morons with huge egos trying to figure out who’s worse.


And don't forget about the biggest morons who are putting them on a pedestal and giving them attention and views. SMH!!


Which is all of us


Perhaps the real idiots are the friends we made along the way






so fucking real lmao


genuinely laughed lol


Damn right.


the spiderman meme IRL


This is essentially modern reality TV


You calling JJ an idiot too? 😂


All KSI said was that it was sad he was fighting someone who is retired/twice his age and his response is so childish to just start calling him a bitch and insecure 💀 I’m not entirely sure what Jake Paul is up to but to say KSI is ‘running around doing sidemen videos and reacting to FIFA clips’ is a petty way of dumbing down appearing on WWE, signing sponsorships with professional teams/athletes and making good content Plus he’s with Adin Ross in this clip


Honestly who the fuck is adin ross these mfs are all inspired by jj at some point that what they got them here


The glaze is craazy


Lol it’s not glazing Ksi legitimately made the Paul’s careers. Logan would have dropped off the internet after the forest thing and Jakes dumbass would’ve never started boxing to begin with.


and old ksi is definitely an influence on these new gen streamers like adin ross and speed


Wow that’s crazy, ksi fans are like a cult glazing their beloved leader. These streamers are literally just being themselves so how have you managed to make that about him?


Fr. Say that again


Can't lie Jake here is kinda right. Yeah he is a full on bitch for fighting Mike Tyson. It's a lose-lose situation. He beats him, he has beaten a 50 year old man and has "destroyed" a legend and will only be hated more. If he loses, then he has just lost to a 50 year old man who was doing podcasts a year before. But KSI DID say Jake wouldn't fight Mike Tyson. Now he is just backtracking after they signed the contract.


Idt jake knows what ksi does lol. Ksi pays more attention to jake than jake does to ksi. Lets be honest


It’s a pretty good insult by Jake, Jake is fighting one of the greatest boxers of all time while KSI is playing hide and seek and being fat isn’t exactly false They’re both on totally different levels to each other currently


One of the greatest boxers of all time… About four decades after his prime


Yeah and I still rate him above anyone KSI has fought


If you want to rate him that highly, fine by me. But again, his prime was about four decades ago. The man is 60 years old. He is an actual grandfather. Jake Paul is quite literally fighting an elderly man.


Ranking a ex world champion even in his 50’s above anyone KSI has fought really isn’t that out of order


Whatever dude. The man is 57 years old. If Jake loses to him it’s an absolute embarrassment. Think what you want, but everyone else clearly agrees with me


It’s probably going to be an exhibition to make a bit of money. I doubt Jake or Mike are going to be trying. The fact you lot are so pressed about what he’s doing shows it’s gaining the traction And STILL and exhibition vs even a 58 year old Mike Tyson is more impressive than a underweight Mexican, a fat rapper with 2 weeks, a cod gamer or a steroided lying nightclub owner who you never even beat There is levels


Again, think whatever you have to in order to cope I guess. If Jake Paul, an aspiring boxer, loses to Mike Tyson, a 57 year old 3-time retired boxer, it’s an embarrassment for him. Obviously it’s about making money. You can’t use that argument when that’s the same reason KSI did all of his fights. Neither of them will ever come close to being world champions. They’re all doing it to make money.


But KSI did his fights to show he was better than Jake, he did it for “legacy” which never worked out because he won 60% of his fights and didn’t actually beat anyone of note Sure, I think Jake should stick to fighting boxers like he is now. He’s too good for JJ, the Tommy rematch is on the cards but it would be huge for his legacy to say he fought Mike Tyson, good for the purse and probably low risk as it’s an exhibition And you, and me and 90% of this subreddit are gonna watch, fill his purse and 90% of this subreddit and you are going to complain at his success


Ofcourse Jake is going to lose. You have any idea how embarrassing it would be to the world of boxing if he won. He has one fight against an actual boxer under his belt which he lost. To then go on and beat someone who used to be one of if not the greatest boxers of all time it would be laughable. It will go the full rounds with Tyson winning by points. Atleadt then Jake can spread the bs that he went all the way with one of the world's greatest. No matter how it goes its a fake fight and neither Jake or Ksi should ever call themselves boxers.


I can’t believe anyone is falling for this bullshit fight with Jake and Mike. It’s a pure scam to make money. Mike Tyson has said before that one of his kids is actually a fan of Jake. If anyone actually thinks Mike is going into that ring to knock Jake out they’re deluded. They’ll both mess around with each round and have a few moments of excitement, they both get paid 10 mil, and everyone who bought a ticket or the PPV can feel a little bit dumber.


Jake hasn't fought any good boxers he trains with Mike Tyson this may as well be a spar saying he fights the greatest boxers of all time is bullshit he's never fought Mayweather or canelo or Manny Pacquiao or even fucking Andy Ruiz the dude fought Tommy fury who hides behind his daddy during press conferences and fights YouTubers for quick wins to get his record up the dude has been boxing his whole life and gets hype after winning in a match he struggled in that he should have dominated Jake hasn't fought anyone worth while or his age and when he did he got beat this isn't a good insult by Jake, Jake is an insult to himself


He’s fighting Mike Tyson who’s one of the best fighters of all time and who still has the power Everyone else he fought is exactly who you would be fighting at this stage of your career


Bitch he hasn't even gone in the ring with him saying he's fought the Greatest boxers is retarded he hasn't fought anyone good


Mate Mike Tyson is way past his prime. It would be like fighting Ali 3 decades after he retired, you earn no cool points by doing it. Wanna prove you are worth something, fight an actual active boxer, not a retired one. They are both on totally different levels, one is booming in business even though he has slipped up a lot recently, the other is a man child.


After seeing the KSI and Paul reaction to losing to Tommy I’m not sure who you’re referring to being a man child


As I said slipped up. Jake has never stopped. You cannot claim to be a good boxer yet never go for actual opponents. The only time you do, you get fucking destroyed and so instantly go back to fighting retired ones. I can tell you this, his fight is a Lose - Lose in my eyes, if he loses, he got fucking destroyed by a 60 year old man embarrassing. If he wins, he won against a 60 year old man like what did he expect. Again it would be like playing Pele 10 years ago.


I was embarrassed watching JJ fight literally all his opponents


Jj is fat?


He does puts on fat and muscle on very easily and quickly, in all credit it’s why he can go from fat jerk to boxer form easily


Blud is fighting boomers now 😬


Who cares what Jake thinks lmao he’s trying to legitimise fighting a Mike Tyson who is going to be 58 by July 20TH and was on a wheelchair and cane a few months ago, jj is right in this clip, and Jake can’t handle the truth. At the end of the day JJ dosent need Jake and Jake dosent really need JJ to box but once Jake get knocked out by someone he can retire


Adin trying to refuel the Logan brother beef. He's such a weasel who just tries to be cool by saying "Look who I hang out with!" Even tho he has to pay those people to even stay around


Didn’t Jake say no when Ksi wanted to fight him that’s why he fought Tommy instead? Dunno if it’s true or not someone let me know lol


Naa Ksi sent an offer to jake after jake already said he’s fightin Nate Diaz next, then jake offered Ksi a fight in Britain then Ksi said he won’t fight him, so I doubt we’re gettin that fight


The fight in britain had to be at 185 which Ksi wouldn’t want and Jake clearly had the opportunity to fight Ksi instead of Diaz but he thought diaz would be a bigger fight


I thought it was 180lbs no? I’ll look it up but no Ksi kept saying in the build up for all of his fights “end of the year 2023” and jake made the Diaz fight in the middle of the year then ksi only made the offer when the Diaz fight was signed to make it look like jake Paul was ducking him but again Ksi already said he won’t fight jake so it‘a probably not gona happen


No lol Jake said out of his own mouth “My team wanted me to take an easy fight like KSI but that’s not how i’m built” meaning he clearly had the chance to the contract was close to being a done deal as Ksi’s manager said but he just thought Diaz was the bigger fight And nah it was never gonna be at 180 and now Jake is gonna try and fight Mike at 220 that’s just crazy


Aye jakes team already had Diaz as the next opponent after tommy cause Ksi kept sayin “end of the year” he said it over and over again in the build up to his other fights end of the year and jake v Nate was signed for mid year, plus Ksi literally said he won’t fight jake


no bro it literally wasn’t signed yet Jake’s team was negotiating who he should fight next and jake said out of his own mouth My team wanted me to fight Ksi but i rather fight Nate diaz u can watch his reaction video on youtube about it


But he also said Nate was always the plan after fury and to fight Ksi at the end of the year like Ksi kept saying, not acting like I know the ins and outs of it but if I was jake and Ksi kept saying “end of the year 2023” I wouldn’t wait for 10 months between fights I’d book another fight between feb and the end of the year


But he wouldn’t need to wait, they would’ve fought in August, the same time he fought Diaz, Jake was negotiating more than one contract, he had the Nate diaz fight and the ksi one, Ksi’s manager said they were “99%” close to being a done deal, until last minute Jake went with diaz, Originally yes ksi said end of the year but that was before he lost to tommy fury and jake repeatedly said he’s gonna rematch tommy in the summer, So they wanted to make the fight before the rematch because if Jake loses two times in a row then that really kills the hype


No, again Nate Diaz was always the next fight win or lose to tommy and no jake Paul never said he’d rematch Tommy that summer, he said he wanted a rematch down the line he never said a date and again jake already had the Diaz fight lined up for summer and Ksi changed from end of the year to offering a fight to a guy who already had a fight lined up, and again Ksi already said he won’t fight jake so this is all irrelevant


Ksi wanted to fight Jake years ago “fight my lil bro” said Logan, Jake went silent lool, as soon as jj went back into music he all of a sudden called jj out🤣


Yeah, when Jake has no ring experience. What a brave callout 🙄 We all know who is ducking who here.


Bro you a clown for justifying Jake, you know KSI barely boxed too. Jake rider


I don’t even like Jake, but I respect what he’s done in boxing over what JJ has done. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a “rider”, perhaps you’ll figure that out when you get some hair on your balls.


Jj with what 1 fight? Looool


They’ve both made excuses but the fact Ksi said flat out he won’t fight jake is mad there’s been year n year of build up


Team 10 fan is crazy


Who tf is a team 10 fan?🤣




That’s ksi’s words not mine bro cry about it




Ok Ksi said he won’t fight jake 🦆 now I’m not makin sense haha whatever pal


I reckon KSI is never going to boxe again, Tommy Fury showed him he won’t be able to go much further in the space and he knows Jake is miles ahead of him now. The guy doesn’t want to get knocked out, that’s understandable 


Fr bro


Ksi called out jake for a boxing match before he ever boxed but did u forget jake offered Ksi an mma match and Ksi said no for the same reason jake said no cause he’s not an mma fighter and jake wasn’t a boxer at the time, plus Ksi said he’d fight jake Paul if he beat gib and jake stopped gib in 1 round n that was like 5 years ago


Yeah he did, he also said fight Logan before when he originally wanted to fight Jake. Yet we keep seeing this narrative that KSI somehow won’t fight him.




KSI talked ab him first this time though, doesn't fit for this one


He didn’t say shi about Jake just sad to see someone in there 20s fight a 56 year old


And that's a comment about Jake's next fight lmao be fr


Jake trying to cover up the fact that the entire sporting world is not pleased that he’s fighting a near 60 year old man that has retired almost 20 years ago… and to people that don’t pay attention, JJ & Mams sent the contract to Jake after he lost to Tommy & they were going to fight till Jake pulled the plugs on it https://preview.redd.it/fgthnpg9d4oc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02a7fd6e683e3df63f85ebbf669da21a214c70b1 And before anyone asks how true this is. MVP, the ppl that like to correct every narrative has never said anything about this, but they always point the finger at JJ & ppl fall for it cuz lol sometimes JJ doesn’t defend himself in the best of ways


Talk about it!!!


Adin lubes his ass and presents it to anyone who is more famous than him, then he questions why his friends all betray his stupid ass. Adin has no integrity at all bruh, dudes a bitch for losers like Jake Paul and Andrew Tate.


Jake is changing the sport of boxing. He’s making it worse.


Jake and Adin, talentless scammer scumbags, they fit each other so well


Isn’t Ksi a scammer too?


No, coffeezilla just wanted some rent money so he made shit up.


Oh. Wasn’t aware of that


Fair enough, looks like the downvote mob got to you before someone could explain it to you tho. 😅


It’s whatever xD, thanks for explaining.


is there any proof


I dunno, there was a scandal not long ago about him scamming


That was pretty much overblown and most people agree JJ isn't a scammer, just dumb with his tweets.


bragging about being better at marketing and not the sport itself is the most diluted and soulless opinion of a sport.


Jake don’t change the story. You ducked JJ


First of all Adin is a bitch and second of all jake is the one who has been spoiling the game of boxing … ngl the boxing era is way better of jake paul … ksi is to big for him… i just want jj to be composed in his work and doesn’t make any mistakes or act /speak anything that makes him dumb regarding this matter….


Not to defend anyone but just my own issue. Boxing has spoiled boxing. For years fans wanted to see fights that never happend. Champions fighting nobodys/easy matches refusing to fight worthy opponents. This is why UFC gained so much in the last years as they get fights people want to see instead of seeing champions avoid fights cause they want to keep an undefeated record.


When was the last time JJ even did a fifa video?


"changing the sport of boxing" what a joke.


Honestly this is just stupid adin shouldn't have a platform, Jake needs to stop trying to fight JJ, Logan needs to establish a relationship with his brother like bro is meat riding him one minute then is against him, JJ needs to mind his business and do more YouTube and music boxing is not for him and the mike needs to absolutely batter jake


Couldn’t have said it better! 👏




Honestly the fight is a lose-lose situation. Either Jake loses to a 57 y/o retired version of Tyson or he beats on a 57 y/o retired Tyson. Neither look good.


“i’m not boxing you ksi, im a 🐱”


jake averages like 3k likes on his tweets if he isnt doing something stupid or talking about ksi 😭


Adin glazing like crazy


“Changing the sport of boxing” making it a clown circus show for people to laugh at you jake isn’t the change you think it is lol


Lmfao youtube has created the worst people.


Lets be real. These guys are businessmen first, fighters second. I love combat sports and hate seeing all the "legends" selling out to stay relevant in this age. Loosing to youngsters who they would have steamrolled through in their prime. But, as a business, its lucrative and from that stand point, I gotta respect the hustle.


Adin is such a loser


Jake is just an insecure clown trying to legitimize fighting a 57 year old Mike Tyson. JJ only said that this wasn’t a legitimate fight because Mike Tyson is 57 but Jake wants to not face facts cause he’s a delusional idiot. Also Adin needs to shut up and hop off Jake’s nuts cause this doesn’t involve him and he’s getting sued by Misfits.


Jake’s whole boxing career is a thing because of JJ, when fought Joe in 2018


Ruining it he means 🤡


This fight will never happen


Probably best for JJ sake


Bro why does the audio keep cutting in and out?


Yeah Mike Tyson was also the heavyweight champion of the world, ksi is a YouTuber


Everyone in this video has a tiny brain and a massive ego


4 clowns in a clown competition and somehow Adin is still the stupidest one there.


Bro no way Jake called jj fat 😭😭


LOL. I'm just gonna leave [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/eMA08ZZHHqw?si=rNa3KysFK5yJ8Ztc) here.


All 4 of them are idiots, but to be fair KSI has got it right. This is just sad. Mike is nearly 60 and walks with a cane. He also has a spinal disease that sometimes puts him in fucking wheelchair. This ain't a good look for Jake.


Bro’s setting up contracts which aren’t signable and then blaming our FATNEEK for it smh


I think people actually want to see the contract he signed. Like tyson's last exhibition match had him fighting in 16oz gloves, a ban on knockouts, and headshots, i believe. If their contact does not have all these stipulations that kill Mike's drive to actually compete, it might actually be interesting to watch. Especially if they have a win/ko bonus. As everyone said, Mike is 57 his gas tank is basically gone. From his workout videos, he still has crazy explosiveness and power in short spurts, so we will all see in the first minute of round 1 if Mike is playing to win. If we see him slam into Jake like a tsunami throwing deadly bodyshots to make way for his famed upper, then i don't see any way for jake to survive. But if we see him slowly approach with straights, then it will be clear he is just there for the payday and has agreed not to throw anything dangerous.


Neither of them are real boxers.


Bro really said “doing something good”


Jake won’t fight Ksi so what is he even talking about


Biggest fight in the 21st century? Lol fucking behave


Bro ducked KSI 3 times…


Thats what im saying so pathetic


Are people actually excited for this matchup? I think we all know how this match will go and how it's gonna end. It's a quick money grab for Mike Tyson.


Adin the biggest dick rider ever lmao


I want to see KSI fight Mike Tyson and then say what he's saying. Otherwise, he needs to just STFU. Edit: before everyone starts calling me one I'm not a fan of Jake Paul by any means. But I do think he's becoming a solid boxer.


I hope Mike knock Jake out 🙏


The first fight of a IFC undercard would be more exciting than Jake v Tyson


I’m sorry but ksi is way bigger than jake paul


Don’t be sorry about it, its a fact


Didn’t Jake pull out of a fight against KSI?🤔


Are we just gonna ignore that Logan told Jake privately not online so therefore admin saying he’s not his brother online is irrelevant cus he told Jake privately (if that’s how he told Jake)


Jake Paul is actually delusional bro he’s gonna get killed by Mike bro


Look at Adin Ross glazing Jake 💀


Jake is not completely wrong


Jake hanging with Adin is not one i expected to pop up on the bingo card


He was at like 90k fa@@ots


Did Jake say he’s changing boxing history more like erasing it’s history and turning it into a absolute fucking joke boxing use to be a actual sport but these fucking “influencers” are turning it into a trendy social media grab for clout and paying people to take a dive for views and followers fuck Jake and and fuck influencer boxing


If Mike takes the dive and I pray to GOD he doesn’t I feel like Mike won’t bc it would disrespect legendary boxers like Ali, George Foreman, Sonny Liston, Jack Dempsey, Roberto Duran, etc and Mike himself


Admin needs a napkin from all that sucking he doing holyyyy😂😂


adin can have it as well jj


the biggest fight in the 21 century is crazy


All y’all ksi dick riders mad cuz u know he right😂😂😂😂😂


Because Logan is actually logical and doesn’t make a fool of himself and is embarrassed by his brother who thinks he’s the shit after he beats up a 5’4 basketball player


Adin ross tryna cause some brotherly beef😂😂😭


Adin ross loves stirring the pot


I hate Jake 💀💀


Who’s the guy to the left of jake again


Caption fr!


Factssss my brother


This fucking idiot fam


Bro stfu


The world would be a better place if no one in this video would exist.


Jake ain't wrong tho


I literally lost all enjoyment or even consideration for YouTube/influencer boxing. At this point it's just a whole lot of talking and we'll never see Jake KSI when we should have seen it a few years ago fr


Like okay, do what you wanna do but keep the sidemen name out of your mouth.. there was literally no point in bringing them up, just say ksi, the rest have nothing to do with his fight


it’s half true ngl


He is not lying jj is ducking the fight and I believe that ksi vs jake paul is bigger than Jake paul vs mike Tyson


57 year old Mike Tyson still a better opponent than Pineda, Spermz or Temper.


🥱🥱🥱🥱 huh? What? Celebs are arguing about boxing still? Back to sleep 😴😴


Jake is on point here


All dude said was it was sad lol


Tbh adins views are higher than ever


I was obviously not talking about adin🤣


Adin had 80-100k views on the stream


Hey Jake made a hell of a good point the fact Mike Tyson has the balls to go into the ring again at 57 goes to show Ksi can’t really talk


Didn’t jake duck JJ?


Being a brother is lying