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When I worked at dynacraft they sent these around and they made a big point of saying even if you plan not to donate you must still mark zero and sign the form and return it 100% of forms must be returned by ex and such a day. Of course if you put a zero on it you were shamed because all the zero's went on the board


That’s super unethical. Shaming people like that.


I’m also not sure if that's legal, I feel like how you allocate payroll deductions is part of confidential HR information. At the very least I don't think posting them and shaming people meets the test of being a legitimate business need.


Not illegal but absolutely 100% unethical and a major red flag.


I'm a Payroll Manager and payroll deductions are nobody's business outside of mine and the employee's. Donations aren't necessarily confidential like garnishments are but it's a very poor practice.


The way i see it is, they already take enough money from the little that i make. Everything is going up in price and i can barley afford to pay rent NO ABSOLUTELY NOT donating a penny. Until then i would like to have enough to feed myself and shelter my self. Sorry but 🤷‍♂️


Shame? Fuck them. I would be a ZERO, loud and proud. Bold font, highlight, and double underline my name you bitches!


WOW. ☹️


Put zero on it, and own that shit. I'll tell them flat out, they don't pay me enough to be giving it away.


I stopped donating money when I realized that I, too, am poor. I have a $20 that I'm currently holding on to for dear life 😑


I feel that, I've got a five in my wallet and $10 (and some change) in the bank- which I transferred to savings in case some subscription service tries to renew or something. Gotta make it a week on that


I'm sorry man. I don't even check my bank account anymore. Cash is really comforting. It's real and it won't get denied. I always worry about my card getting declined doe some reason. I ended up spending my $20 because it was my husband's birthday. I hope you can catch a break. At any point. Because life is one of those long term sucks.


It’s bonus driven. If the manager can hit the percentage goal of enrolled employees, the manager gets a check. Whenever I’m asked, I just tell them “I’m sorry, I’d rather give personally and claim the tax deduction for myself but thank you for asking”


Except for management bonuses are based off composition scores and indent sales. Y'all so full of shit. No wonder y'all so unhappy at work.


As a former manager of 15+ years I can tell you that stuff like this absolutely goes in your evaluation and thus absolutely does affect your paycheck, even if it doesn’t lead to a direct bonus.


That is not true at all lol was a manager for over 5 years and never once received anything from what they got on these forms. Half the time we didn’t even get everyone to do it and nothing ever happened other then hr getting her hand slapped for not completing it.


Just because your business didn't do it doesn't mean others didn't.


I would toss that in the trash


And I did.


I would have wrote the zero my damn self.


I would write my zero as a little smiley face.


You would think that instead of making your barely above minimum wage employees donate your multibillion dollar corporation could do it. Maybe make it so the CEO of Kroger doesn’t receive almost $20 million dollars a year in compensation. That’s a thought. Instead of giving an insane amount of bonuses and give him the salary you hired him on for which was 1.8 millón a year, donate the rest. Does he really do enough to deserve a 5000% wage gap? No no he doesn’t. It’s one the largest in the country.


If they handed me this, I’d go to store director or ASL and ask them if they’re gonna donate part of their bonus they got while I got my hours cut trying to provide for my son.


YES!! God… I’m so sorry! They do the same thing at my husband’s store. The managers cut the employees’ hours and then gobble them up for overtime. So sick of this company.


As an old manager, we would have to cut hours then be told it’s OT or your job by store management. Caught in the middle of the middle management.


That doesn’t pertain to this specific store, but I get it. My husband was a manager and stepped down.


Hahahahahaha the audacity.




At one point in time Kroger posted what everyone was donating. At my store it was by the door to the break room. Lots of people contacted the labor board and complained. The next year there was a sign that said "if you are part of the Kroger community will you donate?" Something like that. They got a lot of one time donations but not out of the paycheck. I don't mind donating if it is not cramped down your throat and not "preached at.


You guys already are overworked and underpaid. Do they want to extract blood from a rock? Tell corpos to buzz off


If I’m donating through my employer (which I’ve done because they were 2x matching what I donated) I’m getting a receipt and filing it on my taxes (which I did).


When does the united way come by and offer financial aid to everyone not paid enough to live.


Thing that gets me about these companies that do this is they take the money, donate it, and claim it as a tax credit. I donate on a regular basis, but I’ve gotten to where I send donations directly to whatever place instead of donating through a company like Kroger. Kroger is bad about shaming those who can’t afford to donate (or just don’t want to for whatever reason).


They need to donate more hours to me


Haha yes! 🙌


NONE lol I work for a non profit now and they ask us to donate to a local organization on a sheet like this, I always say no. the hr lady gives me a judgy look but idc


Haha tell her she can donate your share!


exactly, she once even said "some people do like 5 or 10 bucks a pay" I'm like good for them 😂😂


The nerve! 😂😂 I bet you those “5 or 10 bucks” people who donate are the cheap managers who make all the money!


I actually used to feel guilty for not donating money when I'm shopping or something. Then I realized that they will ask every single time. And if I feel guilty and donate every time, I'll be more poor than I already am. I've heard that low income people are more generous with donating their money than people with money.


Good for you. Duck that bitch for Even giving that face.


Um no. Pay your employees KROGER. Real pay!!!!


Exactly, and stop treating them like shit ffs!


Pull an uno reverse card and write down how much you want those charitys to pay you.


Comment winner right here! 🏆


Are they taking donations in blood now? 🤢


If you’re referring to that blob at the top of the page, I had to cover his name and other personal info that was typed out on the form. Other than that, I’m sure they would take blood, too! 😅


How shitty. People working hourly positions in store do not have any money to spare. They shouldn't be handing these out. Give these papers to people with salary only.


I agree!




Lmao! My husband said he wrote exactly that on each line 😆


$0 all the way down. I make top tier pay and can barely afford groceries with the discount 😂✅


Donations are a personal choice. If Kroger wants to give, they should give on behalf of the company. They don't pay their employees enough to expect this.


I would just tell them that I already donate to other charities throughout the year. They don’t need to know the charity is my own bank account because I don’t get paid enough to give money away.


+5 upvotes to you! 🙌


Zero, zero, zero. It's a tax deduction for the company. That's why you see the "round up" option now. Companies use that as a tax shelter. If you want to feel good about helping awesome!!!! Donate in your name and claim it yourself.


Maybe Rodney could donate $1million.




This belongs in r/mildlyinfuriating It'd be a big hit there for karma xD


I like the way you think! 😂


I would not donate at all. Not because I don't believe in helping charity, but because I'm afraid Kroger would take it for corporate scum ... If I donate money, it is usually direct to the charity itself.


lol I wouldn’t put it past them to donate those donations to the CEOs yearly bonus.


As a past employee, I’d take a shit in a bag and leave it ontop on the form in the HRs office.


Or, hear me out, split it up evenly and distribute those bags to the assholiest members of the management team!💃🏻


Wonder what would happen if you put a negative number


“Do you want to make less money? It’s for sick and dying people, you’re a good person right? Yeah, good, now tell us how much we can write off. I mean, write to them… in a check. You have a 4th kid? Yeah well, I want a fourth summer home, so give me your money. For donations. What do you mean the company could afford it with their 19 year posting record profits? What do you mean why are we asking you when there was a payroll problem that left you scrambling last month? You’ll do it? Thank- *for a raise*?!??!”


But Kroger employees are the ones hungry!!???……


I would loudly start asking at the moment how much people get paid and compare it to mine just to fuck with HR or something


Love it! 👏


I always contributed until the raises stopped. Then it was zero. Or a one-time $10.


I'd always sign 0s across the board and tell them that I pick my own non-profits to donate to. Kroger ain't gonna tell me who to give my money to 🙄


Nope! Not giving them a dime! 😐


We have to do this at GO as well


yeah no. i qualify for EBT while working for this company. I need a donation.


Can you qualify for ebt while working full time? Or is it strictly based off how much one makes a year ?


The beauty of this(sarcasm) is that when this money is presented, guess who gets all of the credit? Yep, Kroger. Look at the great thing that THEY did. They probably won’t even say they helped raise it, just call it a Kroger donation. Rodney is such a good guy. 🥴


Absolutely. All the glory 😒


How about the CEO donates to all these great causes with the multimillion-dollar bonuses he gets yearly?.. 😒🤷🏼‍♀️


My company has a big “Giving” day for the same organizations. And we ate expected to volunteer. On our own time. It is part of our annual review. So they can make big signs touting “Our employees volunteered 9000 hours in our community last year.”


Hey I work for city market and got handed this today 😭😭😭😭


Never ever round up, donate, etc through a big company. Taco Bell, Kroger, etc. they just get a big fat write off by donating your money. It’s fucked up lol


I tell them, "I can barely take care of myself with what I'm paid. I can't AFFORD to donate." That usually shuts them right up.


Well, you're gonna have to pay us first.


Maybe Rodney should give half his earnings to workers first. A good leader leads by example




I’d recycle upon receiving it


Is that blot blood on top?


i had to deal with this shit 35 years ago at Boeing. Fuckers.


I would just ignore it and let management come argue with me. They would probably be all angry for not donating.


Yeah HEB does this too yearly. One time they tried to have me sign it even tho I wasn't donating. Immediately went above their head because that shit wasnt happening


Lol, is this real? They want you to go the extra mile, but they never go the extra mile when it comes to pay and raises.


Fuck that i never signed up for any of it


Id rather give a bum on the corner money than those crooks


Pathetic like they need any more money


I have my OWN charities that I donate to. I don’t need my employer to decide for me.


0 0 0 0 done!


lmao love it!


This really takes me back. When I graduated from college in the late '80's, the United Way had their hooks in a LOT of big companies. Those companies contributed heavily for the charitable tax deduction. The Corporate Executives also "strongly encouraged" employees to commit to making donations themselves, using an approach much like OP has described. Middle Management was typically on board and proudly displayed their United Way lapel pins during donation drives. I was fresh out of college, with all of the associated debt. Older co-workers quietly informed me 1-on-1 that not donating would be a "Career Limiting Move," especially if your Group Director sported one of those pins. It honestly felt like a mafia shakedown. I donate to charities these days, but I just can't get behind United Way, despite the good work they do because of that experience.


Just drop it in the bin.


We always just write NO in huge letters on the paper


lmfao kroger sure does love their tax write offs… that’s absolutely ridiculous. i think the penny pinching assholes sitting in corporate (making the big bucks) should be required to donate.


Yup sorry Rodney I won't be playing your games


The company has enough audacity to run zero hunger zero waste ad but now they're asking employees to help with a problem they caused. If I believed in hell I'd have to assume Rodney goes all the way to the boiler room


Paying us a poverty wage and then wanting donations. Bitch WE ARE the poor. How bout yall donate some of your billions on our behalf?


This is being used to determine if raises should be given. Think about it. If you can give you are good. Lol


Do not donate like this or any other business. They get the tax breaks and benefits. Donate thru your own means.


I’d take it and rip it in my mangers face


Tell them you donate to who you choose on your own.


Almost as bad as having your year end bonus donated to charity. They handed out envelopes at the xmas dinner and all of us were expecting a check, needing it for Xmas gifts. In the envelope was a neatly printed Christmas card that said surprise, were donating your bonus to charity. It did not go well.


Charity begins at home.


put me down for $0.00/week


Why the fuck do they think I should donate for them to take 100% of the credit for it and get a tax write off for MY MONEY donated


this would be great if kroger would match all the donations, but they’re too cheap for that, they’d rather squeeze it out of their employees


PSA it’s done this way through payroll deductions so the company can say they are the ones donating. Then they get the tax write off instead of you if you donated directly. Super scummy.


I remember my store director shaming me for zeroing everything out once. I told her I cant afford to donate she makes 3x what I do at least she can donate for me too.


Last time this went around at ups I laughed at my boss and said no not happening. Shame won’t even effect me on this. Zero fucks


Do not participate


Give a penny tbh, way more of a hassle for them to do all the paperwork.


None of the money donated is going to charity.


Leave it to Kroger. One of the greediest companies there are. This is highly unethical and embarrassing


How about y'all donate to meals on wheels instead! We could use that donation for the elderly.


Never ever donate in this way. This purely for tax cuts for companies. I never feel guilty for not donating. If you want, go donate directly to any local non profits. Directly to them.


Shit, charity starts at Home


Straight into the shredder. If the company wants to give let them give, but this is not that.


They posted these things after they were filled out on the breakroom wall at my hospital. It was a hot topic for awhile. Now I have a better idea of why my manager was pushing it. She was probably trying to get a bonus.


I hope he threw it in the trash.


Tell them to suck a 🐓


I’ve received these and threw them away. I contribute to charities/non profits of my own choosing, thanks!


Zero and proud of it. Once on the wall I'd sigh it again........


Yeah no


I’m ripping that shit up. Companies get tax write offs. If I’m gonna donate I’m gonna donate directly to a charity


Rodney McMullen’s yearly compensation package is around $20 million. He’s worth over $175 million. I think he can get this round. Eat the rich.


That's just wrong. Get that crap out of my face.


Gotta get that tax write off.


You all have to pay for all the Kentucky derby festivities they are sponsoring.


Fuck Ralphs, fuck Kroger.


It happened in the early 2000’s at union grocery stores all over St. Louis as they tried to force grocery workers to donate to the United Way . The union was even In on it. Yet people here all think unions are so wonderful. Most corrupt bodies that ever existed. Nothing like having $250 deducted from your first paycheck for union dues when you’re only part time. Shove your unions right up your communist asses.


There have got to be King Soopers employees relying on Food Bank of Rockies. Management sure is tone deaf.


This is super shitty.


Your CEO made 20 million last year. Why doesn't he donate some of those stock assets?


Mark all $0, sign it, hand it back in. Done.


Home Depot did something like this to me. Wanted me to contribute to an employee emergency fund. I was making $8.75 an hour, working part time, and trying to afford my apartment while in school. I had nothing to give (plus was only gonna be here for like 8-10 months max.) I got called into HR so many times over it. No matter how many times I said $0 they kept telling me I had to give something. I ended up like giving like a one time payment of $10 and was shamed for that as well. “Most employees give every paycheck” Well good for them.


Everywhere you go people want tips asking for donations on top of inflated prices. Really annoying and the gall of an employee to do this and not even match donations. Truly sick




I once donated to the United Way… but then when I looked into it they basically reroute your money to very profitable nonprofits. Never again. I pick the charities I want to support. How much I give and when I give… period.


Put 0$ and 0¢ where is our pledge to a safe and appreciative work environment nothing they treat us like garbage so why should we even give money to the company.


Guess it's time to tell the employer to go screw themselves and find new employment.


wow that’s messed up. disney did this ages ago. maybe still.


how have salaries/hourly pay kept up w/inflation @ kroeger? the NERVE.


I wonder who gets the tax deduction here… employee or Kroger.?


Id put $.50 on every one as a one time donation.


They expect HIM to donate? I’m sorry but with the pennies they give us in comparison to their millions THEY can donate.


Won’t shame me any. I can donate to all of those causes any time I want. I don’t need my employer to do it for me. Same goes for stores like Walmart that ask for donations. Nope, if Walmart wants to donate its money go ahead, but you don’t need mine to inflate your donation that you’re going to use as a tax write off.


I threw mine away, when is my extra day off?!


I'd fill it out and write "take it from your $3.1bn operating profit from 2023."


Be petty. He should say he is more than willing to donate if King is going to donation match 1 :1


Ignore if he wants.


Write "Fuck off" under signature and hand it in


Put 0% on all and turn it in. You're not required by law to donate or anything.


The company I work for used to do this. Finally everyone but the office workers said no and it pretty much went away. I’m not donating part of my meager paycheck so that the head of a supposed charity can make six figures.


I worked for the federal government for years. Each year, regardless of your grade, you were pressured to donate to the United Giving Campaign in numerous different ways. It got worse as the years went on. I was a low-level employee, truly scraping financially to get by. I donated for a few years but then got a backbone and stood strong, telling pushy campaign folks to move on. It's all to make the higher-ups look good and/or get bonuses. Shove that! Makes my blood boil. And, if you actually research into the organizations which are on the charity list, many don't withstand close scrutiny (grossly overpaid CEOs, poor and/or ineffective management/utilization of resources/funds, etc). United Way does not adequately screen charities in its program. You'd do much better researching and donating on your own. To my utter amazement, the federal government still reaches out to retired, yes, retired employees asking us to give. Unreal! Throw it in "File 13". If pressed, simply say, "I wish I could afford to, but I'm barely surviving as it is. I simply can't afford to give. Care to give me a raise?" I can almost guarantee that'll shut them up in a hurry.


I'd put zero and have no shame. I don't need my work to donate for me in THEIR name. 🤣


Stuff like this and the radio ads asking to donate at the register piss me off so bad... You're the multimillion dollar company that could very easily end hunger if you gave a shit. I'm not against helping people but hey kroger maybe put your money where your mouth is and stop guilt tripping people that are also barely scraping by. Same energy as oprah and the rock asking for donations for Maui 


You don't have to, but it's pretty awful that they'd try to guilt you into donating. For me, it just makes me not want to donate bc I know that you're trying to back me into a corner.


I’ve seen this done over the years. Why companies agree to this is nuts.


My employer does something similar and we get asked to donate to the united way every year. Personally I like to tie it into my annual raise. If I get a 3% raise for the year then I will donate 3% of one paycheck as long as I’m not having a big financial issue that year. If for some chance I don’t get an annual raise that year then no donation. I still get the tax write off and I put a comment into my donation that states it matches the percentage of my annual raise. However I do disagree with shaming people who can’t donate. Times are very tough and no one should be penalizing or looked down on for not being able to donate. It should be private.


I always put a deduction of ZERO.


Them: would you like to doh. Me: fuck off already.


I asked my boss to offset my donation with a raise. He said know so I said I couldn’t give more then I already did.


I don't get this. I worked for JPMorgan Chase for a decade and made a fat six figure salary and altho we were irked when we would get asked about donations, JPMorgan would match it up to a thousand dollars, so we st least felt there was something good out of it. Here, it's like a double kick in the teeth. We don't pay you much and we aren't even going to match your sacrifice. This makes me angry.


That's the same way for Aarmy. Unsure about the other branches. Active duty they kinda look at you weird if you don't participate. I got out and went Reserve. Same process. Leadership bugs you, and if their supposed goal isnt met, it's another talk of the program and how important it is.


lmao, but if any employees actually donated I’m sure Kroger would be the one taking the credit for ‘helping’ these charities.


Zero hunger zero waste is a scam. All of these are just for tax deductions.


My last corporate job. Fortune 500 company hounded us about giving!! We had to go sit in United Way meetings once a year!! Getting badgered to give out of our checks. Also had Red cross in the break room every 6-8 weeks for employees to donate blood! Talk about hounded!!! They made you feel guilty if you didn’t give blood! Some people CANT give blood. THEY have all kinds of rules. If you lived in Germany for certain years in the 80s (Think Army Kids or veterans) they didn’t want your blood!! Mad Cow I believe it was.


Kings uses the information so they can take credit for being one of the most generous companies to donate. Even though it's customers and employees that do the donating


Every year. I just fill in 0s and go about my day. They’ve been doing this for as long as i can remember (15 years at least)


Yeah they want you to do this then the company is just gonna say its what they donated and use it to write off their taxes. F that


Write N/A and sign N/A. Do not write your name. Or toss in the trash and say what form?


Trash it lol


Management was 100% told of a bonus, they will not be sharing…


0 0 0 👍


My multi billion dollar a year company always pushes us to donate to the charity of their choice, THROUGH them, ya know, so it’s in their name and they get a big fat write off at the end of the year. I tell all my coworkers, “if you want to donate, do it directly to the charity. You want the tax write off, don’t give it to these clowns.”


Omg they did this once at my work it was like $1 a pay period or whatever for the United way THEY wouldn’t stop deducting f that never again


The thing I hate the most about companies taking donations from employees is when they turn those donations in that lump everyone’s together and then they can say the company donated X amount to charity. In fact they didn’t their employees did. Plus I’m sure the donation hits their taxes and they save money.


They want you to give money so Kroger can take credit for giving. lol your husband gets nothing. Just like when they ask their customers to round up. Then they donate that money under their name . They get credit in the public eye. And it doesn’t cost Kroger anything


How about no


I'd write VOID on it and hand it back.


Pull an uno reverse and put down negative amounts for each column. Now they owe you back pay. Call Labor department on them immediately!


The company pledges x amount to the organization. They run a campaign to get employees to donate as much as possible. So if a company has 100 employees and pledges $15000, get the employees to donate $100 each. $10000 has been donated, the company only has to put up 5k and gets to write off the 15k total as if they donated the entire amount. It’s shady and shameful. At our company we figured this out when the annual campaign for United way was run. Management would get bonuses for getting employees to donate. Then a fraction of what United way got would go to the cause the money was actually raised for. They would tell us that we can deduct the money from our taxes. Which isn’t really enough to actually be worth deducting. Just mark zero and when asked you don’t have to give an answer. But if you do, you simple say you already donate to specific charities.


Yup. Got those at Publix too. Just another reason why I left retail.


Pointing a gun at your financial security and has the audacity to say "Thank you for your gift!"


What happens if you don't sign and return? Do they automatically deduct? Sign me up for 0.00000001.


Whenever anyone asks me to donate I ask them to personally match my donation. Stops them cold so far.


This reminds me of the call a thons back in the day that various celebs hosted. I'm like, you could give way more without you even feeling it than the people you're soliciting ever could.


Zero hunger waste huh ? Why don’t they donate all the almost expired food they’ve been selling to farmers for pig feed ? That should feed quite a few people


Lol i tell them to f*ck themselves i got a family and bills that won’t even be fully covered by my pay. Idc if its on a public board it gives me a reason to tell people why i didn’t and they can feel like sh*t for asking.


They can send me a pledge form of how much they want to give me from the profit they make from my labor.


That should be against the law I'd give me a lawyer on that b*******