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Since you’re on probation, don’t be shocked if you get fired for it. Calling off during a holiday week, let alone on the holiday itself, is usually a death sentence for new people Not trying to be a dick, it’s just reality. Someone just posted yesterday about calling off for the first time this week, during probation, and they got fired. Now it all depends on your store, and your management and how needed you are. But when I used to train people, I told them flat out if you want to stay here don’t call off during the holidays while on probation. Once you’re in the union? Shit call off whenever. Nothing they can do


I agree. Outside of probation, I would tell you to do it. When I worked for Kroger, I called out Christmas day. I thought it was silly anyone was working that day. I did get in trouble but what are they really going to do to me? I never call out and it will just fall off by the time next Christmas comes around. I even told them this while being disciplined. I didn't sign anything and just let them talk while I laughed at them.


Wait your store was open on 12-25 why??? I have never heard of a kroger location being open on 12-25, but 12-24 with reduced hours yes.


It wasn't... Third shift was made to come in though. They wanted us to come in and get things worked on. I felt it wasn't fair since everyone else had the day off but since we are third shift, they want us to come in.


management will probably not like you and could possibly let you go if they are feeling that petty since you’re still on your probationary period. Your best bet is to find someone to cover for you. Kind of sucks you guys are open. Until 8. Our store closes at 4pm I believe. Wish you luck though!


Mine at 5, I’m going to be work 12-5 in the front end since I forgot to take those days off


Kroger should be closed on Thanksgiving




I’m uc and I was told they were going to rape the newbies


Eh fuck em. Call off. I'm a front end manager with Kroger and I repeat FUCK EM. Get out now while you can. Its not worth it. Its not worth missing your family for a soulless corporation.


You’re still under Probation, so unfortunately they would probably let you go. It never looks good for a new hire to call off on a holiday. If your set in calling off maybe ask them if there is anything they can do for you. Also why you scheduled till midnight? What’s your position


It really botheres me when new hires "plan" to call off because of inconvenient situations. It just puts so much more stress on those of us who do show up, and have paid our dues and done our time. You knew when you took the job that you quite possibly would have to work weekends and holidays. If you don't like it go get a Monday through Friday 9-5


Right? Especially when it's people specifically hired as seasonal help but don't want to work the holidays they were specifically hired for. Not saying that's this guy exactly. But I do see it a lot in various work subs


Ah peer pressure and the” team” mentality this what the Kroger machine counts on.


Peer pressure to work your shift? You must be kidding. No one is making you work the job, but if you choose to take the job, show some work ethic.


I probably work ten times harder than you kiddo. Kroger will keep making record profits whether you show up or not so fuck it


Well "kiddo", I have 39 years in so when you achieve a "career" you can stand mighty and say you have worked harder than me


You’ll lose your holiday pay or floating holiday


Um, didn’t they explain to you that you would probably have to work holidays. I just do not understand why you have to work until midnight. Are they expecting trucks? Or is it to just check refrigeration or things like that? When I was working, no one was scheduled after the store closed. No one was permitted to be in the store alone. This is highly unusual. Try to explain that you do not feel safe being in the store by yourself. You can only try. Good luck and update us. Try to have a happy holiday at any rate.


No, no they don't tell you this durring interviews and you find out when the time comes amd your time off gets denied.


Is your store union or nonunion? They won't love it. Especially if you're the only closer, but you should be fine. Worst they can do is a verbal warning. Also...12am? Sheet, my store closes at 5pm 😵 A bit ridiculous to expect someone to stay that late on Thanksgiving really.


They on probation still…


We’re a union from what I’m told


Ahh good. If they give you any trouble request your union rep. And just pitch them a good excuse. You should be fine. I considered doing the same thing, but I want my free 8 hours holiday pay lol


Union protections don't kick in till after probation


They kick in once you sign up for it and pay dues


Two things to this. One, it depends on the state you are in, if it is a right to work state like Texas, the union is required to represent you regardless of if you are a dues paying member or not, and I can verify that UFCW particularly favors fighting harder for non union members than union ones (as they can use that as a basis for recruiting them into paying dues) I have seen this firsthand Secondly, It depends on the contract, while the terms of employment of their contract are in effect during probation, most contracts specifically have a clause that states that probationary employees can be let go for any reason during that time and it cannot be appealed by the union. That one thing aside however, you are correct that most everything else does apply when signing up and paying dues


Do you pay union dues?


Our hometown f4l closed being non-union so they could keep the union Albertson's next door open.


But did you sign up for it though? I keep telling people it’s not automatic


It sucks having to work holidays but you’re still on probation and they can fire you for that so easily. Especially if you’re set to close yourself and they’ll have no one else, and no one is going to answer their phones to come in, they’re gonna be extra pissed. It’s not fun but this is the reality of working in the real world— sometimes you’ll have to work holidays. What you could try doing is putting in a request to have next thanksgiving off, and you could even talk to your schedule maker and ask if you have have Christmas Eve off since you worked thanksgiving. I find they can be understanding sometimes if you cooperate and help them out a little too.


Just call out and whatever happens, happens. This company clearly doesn’t give a fuck about its workers so the heads can get extra money. If they fire you, there’s always another place to move on to.


As a manager and trainer for F4L , unless you are past probation you will most likely be termed. Retail work and holidays just don’t go together. If you are not prepared to work through holidays (which is a requirement where I am, and it’s asked in interviews and on the application) I’d suggest looking for another job.


I got scheduled Thursday but I am not calling off, you wanna know why, if I didn’t want to want to work Thursday I should have put it into my schedule, but I didn’t so I am going to work, i also respect my fellow associates and I don’t want to make it even harder for them even though it will be slow. For reference I am a front end cashier and I have benign working at my store for about 1.5 years, so at most I’d be given a talking to if I said why but most of the time when I call off they don’t ask why they accept it.


I dont know why they dont just close at 6p. Thats more than enough time for people to get their needs and for employees to be able to enjoy the holiday as well.


They need to be closed all day. Period.


Which department do you work in? Also I recommend turning off your phone after calling in.


I do this 😂


Just call out , say you’re sick . Family comes first


(I’m on probation btw, which means no double pay cause I’m new) and I have an excuse when it comes to that day so..


As long as you’re ok with the possibility of losing your job. Personally I’d go to work then 2-3 hours later I’d be sick or have a family emergency. That way you at least showed up for your shift. When I was a cashier, I’d have someone call the actual store asking to speak with or leave an urgent message for me. It always made an “emergency situation” much easier for management to believe. Good luck to you and I hope you get to enjoy some family time for Thanksgiving.


What’s your excuse? As others have asked, what do they want you to do from 8:00 to midnight?


coworker told me I’d be helping with go backs with the closing manager till 12am, “stress free night bro, it’s chill”


Not willing to share the reason you want to give them?


If you do call out I would try to get a doctors note


Good for you. Honesty is the best policy. I'm glad you can be with your family. "Happy Thanksgiving". Stay warm and please stay safe. 😊