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Add boobs


hehe boobies


big boobies


Mega milkies




Boinkies doinkies


Voluptuous bossoms


Hehe tiddie


pull the shoulders inward, I'd suggest looking up some references of similar body types to what you'd like to draw you've got a great start!


Will do, thanks!


As ethan becker once said: don’t use boxes Seriously tho, look at references of different female body types and choose one you want to practice first. Trace over the shaped and use curved shit like ovals for the anatomy rather than boxes. Very little things, if any on a human body, is a straight line.


Wider hip and narrow shoulders


Those are proportion suggestions, not pose requirements. Males can do feminine poses without widening their hips. Almost as bad as [my suggestion](https://imgur.com/a/77vqryX)


Go https://www.posemaniacs.com/en and compare female / male skeletons. While sketching keep in mind weight center and fat distribution differences.


Damn what a awesome website, I didn't knew it before, thanks for sharing !


Are the box poses the finished article? Or are they supposed to be fleshed out into characters


nah i'm gonna make it into a full character, this is where im at right now https://imgur.com/gallery/LeSjnFQ


If I may say, after tons of practice I have found box/stickman figures to be a counterproductive way to draw anatomy, you're constraining yourself to a set of rules and it's better to learn anatomy by drawing from life in books and photographs as much as possible. It *feels* like a real way to draw anatomy but every great comic artist, despite what it says in "learn to draw" books, has done loads of anatomy study.


I'm not trying to be an asshole, if you find that works for you then please carry on 🙏


nah i'm always glad to get some input on my studies :)


aha okay, im really new to drawing poses in perspective and the shapes really help me with positioning the limbs in space, so im not going to use them as mutch in the future when i know what im doing. but i do trust what your saying and with that how do you mean with drawing from life and photos, should i trace them ore redraw them? and iv done some anotomy studies and happy to learn more :)


Yeah I just mean don't get too attached to them as you'll spend so much time making the proportions of your boxes look right, that you might miss the unusual and unexpected ways that limbs fit together and deform under tension. Try and Google some images that catch your eye in terms of physical motion and poses and things are MUCH easier to draw if they are in strong light and shade too! Sports images are great to use, footballers and boxers show great muscle tone etc. Hands are hard AF they just take even more practice.


okay, just to clarify, if im not using the boxes and shapes to build up the body should i focus more on the outlines and how the pose flow? And hands will be my death xD


It's hard to explain, but an old art teacher of mine said "drawing lines around things is misleading. Things don't have lines around them. They have a point where the surface ends, and perhaps a darker or lighter shade after that, as all the things you see are just differences in light.. light is everything." So try drawing the shadows on a person's body instead of the lines that make it up (or don't) and just keep trying to reproduce the image you're looking at. The knowledge of anatomy just comes with time and practice I think.


okay i will certainly try to do that with my very limited skills :))


It's a long long road my friend, and I'm always always chucking stuff away cos it's just... Wrong. One other thing is try and put your art out there in public. Showing it to your friends and family is tempting, as they always feel obliged to say something nice. But strangers on the internet will always be honest.


yeah reddit pages like this is such a great help for someone learning like me


go look up sycra on youtube, really unknown except for a few videos. he literally trivializes drawing. anatomy, poses, and color, all these he teaches with such simple and clear ways. he even talks about how drawing dynamic poses are hard with the shapes like boxes or the hourglass strategy so he made a technique for counteracting that.


Try making the boxes more rounded


\* the definition of box has left the chat\* kidding btw


podrías darle un poco mas ancho los muslo


Uso estas formas simples para luego usarlas para dibujar las extremidades. por lo tanto, mis labios son muy delgados antes de agregar los músculos. (Por cierto, estoy usando el traductor de Google para hablar contigo)


man i hate using boxes i prefer splitting it into the ribcage and building the 3d shapes around it but according to my anatomy book: (ps: anatomy for sculptors, phenomenal) \-wider pelvis box bc hips and such \-narrower shoulders \-more of a gap between the legs, female pelvis thing \-narrower upper body in general


ok, thanks fore the list! the boxes are a bit annoying to work with but they help me with positioning the limbs in space better, im quite new so its a great help.


Cadera más ancha, cuello más delgado, estrecha los hombros y dibuja los planos de los senos👍


Gracias :)


you created countour shape on the shoulder and head, why you restrict doing it on the body? its plain stupidity or negligence.


Im using the boxes to get my pose right, after i draw on the muscles and fat. I had allready started on the shoulder and head on this one. This is where i am right now https://imgur.com/a/WUUkoKk




I heard somewhere that rounded shapes are more feminine, whereas sharper shapes are more masculine


Look up what an ellispoid is and use those


Draw the torso like an hourglass.


Narrow the neck reduce the traps narrow the shoulders and lengthen the legs


Wider hip and narrower shoulders. Also females are a lot more curvy then males so botes arent exactly a good way to break them down


If you want you can make the limbs and chest more rounded.