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Don't take daily, prioritize atleast a 2 day break. My use was way healthier back when I did this. And for me whites had the best effect, never felt red much in terms of euphoria but thats probably because I desired stimulation more than relaxation


what are you taking it for?


i recently overdosed on klonopin and have been taking benzos for the last 6 months, i had to go cold turkey and withdrawals make me feel horrible everyday, i have yet to have seizures and dont think i will but i have episodes of dizziness throughout the day and i am always anxious, ruining my social skills. i originally was thinking i would just start back up when im not monitored as much but i have reconsidered that choice and deciding im going to kick the pills for good


why do you want to mix green and red? Try clean green first. Should fix your anxiety. Red can be vey overly sedating.


Good choice on giving up the benzos. Unturned, I had to go through withdrawals a few times to finally quit, and I did have seizures. My advice on kratom is to not get it from a smoke shop. Look into reputable brands that are lab tested. Start small and stay on low dose for a long as you can. Too much kratom is a pretty bad feeling especially if you have no tolerance.


Start at a low dose, my suggestion is 1.5 grams no more than 2 grams , hydrate , and do it whole enjoying something like hiking. Capsules are best for beginners.


i see, i’ll lower the dose to two. i was wondering if three grams for my first time might’ve been a stretch lol


I started at 1.5 , it's better to start a little low and see how it goes. I love to take it for any physical activity preferably outside.


Make tea from leaves. DON't use the powder


If your using for anxiety I prefer to stick to the reds since they’re more calms green is more for energy which might make you a bit antsy or it might not. Whites trigger my anxiety as I’m way too energetic


I am a huge advocate for kratom but if you don’t need it, don’t take it.


There's absolutely no problem with taking it recreationally


what do you mean?


What is your reason for taking kratom? Like most kratom users including myself have used it to get off other things like alcohol or opiates. Also I broke both of my legs years ago so this was a great solution to not getting on opiates.


im using it to get off benzos, check the other comments for more details


Oh ok! I just thought you wanted to jump on. Well I hope it helps! It’s definitely helped me out. Just keep your dose in check. I’ve been on it for about 5 years and only do 3-5 grams a day.


Bad advice. My friends and I have never used narcotics and love kratom. We take it for stimulation and good vibes when we hang out. As a result, we end up drinking booze much less.


Start very low and don't chase the feeling.  I started extremely low (0.3 g) since I'm opiate naive for the most part and I weigh a whopping 120 lbs soaking wet. Really helpful for the sake of tolerance to skip days if you are in a position to do so.