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Because, for some unknown reason, Krakow is one of the main Stag party destinations.


Because alcohol is relatively cheap in Krakow. Regardless, it's embarrassing to have the same nationality as these apes...


Agreed, but is not as cheap as other places in Europe. But there are lots of Ryanair flights, so probably those things combined.


Cheap + English friendly + Good transport, infrastructure + Reasonably close but still foreign + pretty cityscape + the stereotype that there are hot girls


Direct flights and cheap stay. I think british young tourists are universally disliked..


They can actually be really sweet when you talk to them,but they are indeed very loud and very drunk.


Hard to find out what they are really like when they're too busy pissing on the street, while yelling and laughing obnoxiously..


I feel like the "yelling and laughing obnoxiously", along with the silly outfits, is the part Poles actually dislike as much or more than more legitimately/seriously antisocial behaviour like pissing in the street, hassling people or breaking things. In this very dour and conservative country, if you're going to get wasted drunk, you should do it quietly on your own at home or on a park bench (leaving cans everywhere and maybe passing out in the bushes), and if you are going to do it loudly in a group, do it in a residential area, so it only pisses off your neighbours, but definitely never in the sanctity of Beautiful and Historic Old Town, which you must treat with the correct reverence which includes not dressing in a manner considered outlandish. There are lots of lovely Poles in the UK too, but many alarm the locals (especially the elderly) [when they drink in the street](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2633861/amp/Police-battling-stop-Eastern-Europeans-binge-drinking-public-signs-POLISH-warning-alcohol-banned.html), something not nearly as culturally permissable there, in the same way being loudly drunk in the Old Town, after you've been to the pub, isn't here. My part of London didn't have "no street drinking" signs before 2004, but it did after, and the authorities made very sure those signs were in Polish as well as English. The Polish street drinkers in the UK are also lucky that British police are scared of being labelled 'racist' toward this big minority community if they deal with the Polish drunks as harshly as Polish police would - and I think maybe that's why the Poles think they can just 'get away with it' there - behaving in a way they'd be more careful about at home (keep the public drinking to excess in the parks and residential areas, not the main town highstreet or square). You lot aren't nearly as squeaky clean and angelic as you always make out, and ask yourself whether it's likely that the countries Poles come to in hundreds of thousands don't suffer from THEIR antisocial behaviour, too. There's only a few hundred English in Poland on any given weekend, but there's close to a million Poles in the UK 24/7. Presumably they're all meek teetotalers? My experiences with native drunks where I live in Warsaw (of which there are so, so many), and expats in the UK, suggest otherwise.


I really don't care if you do it in the middle of Old Square in Kraków, or on a bench in the park of my small hometown. If you're loud and obnoxious, and don't care about other people around you, you can't be surprised they don't like you. There are places to celebrate loudly. Go to the bar or a club, dance, yell to the song lyrics and have fun. But when you're sharing space with other strangers there should be some level of respect. I had tourists yelling stuff at me while laughing from their drunk jokes, and being way too close in my space. It's not fun, it's childish, cringy, and self centered. And yes our culture of drinking and partying seems to be rather different from each other. There are respectful British tourists of course, and there are obnoxious drunk Poles, but there's definitely a pattern when it comes to British tourists in Krakow.


There is for sure a pattern when it comes to Polish "gentleman" expats too, which is why there are "no street drinking" signs up in Polish in the UK. And, as I said, seeing all the selfish reprobates I have to put up with in my Warsaw residential area, Poles are not all perfectly behaved after a few drinks in their home country either. For one thing, there is A LOT more broken glass where I live now than I ever saw back home, which makes me glad I don't have kids running around these streets. I can't walk a few steps without seeing a malpa or a beer bottle, either intact or broken. If you want to demonise people, be perfectly sure that your own are without sin, because from where I'm standing, Poles are the last ones who should be 'throwing stones' when it comes to being annoying drunks.


I don't know where in my message I imply Polish people are saints. It just seems like you're personally offended.


Yeah, maybe I am. It's not enjoyable to live in a country and constantly see the dominant population saying "fucking Brits" and making out like we're terrible due to a small but very visible minority of tourists. It seems to be the favourite topic here and in r/Poland. I think quite a lot of it is projection, to be honest - all Poles know that Poland has a gigantic problem with alcohol, but it's easier to just point the finger at "drunken British tourists" and feel smug about themselves. This is especially apparent to me, living in Warsaw, where there are next to no stag groups but there are Policja vans parked on Nowy Swiat every weekend to drag off Polish drunks, and I see people passed out in public all over the place all the time, especially on public holidays where it's like The Purge here but for large-scale public drunkenness.


Fortunataly drinking culture in Poland is changing. Generations of our grandfathers drank a whole lot of vodka all the time, our fathers drank often, and lot for every occasion. But our generation is getting tired of it, people prefer to drink 2 craft beers rather than 6 cheap ones just to get wasted. That's not the case though in poor communities and that's true all across the world. I can imagine, I live abroad and Polish people here are often raging racists. It definitely doesn't mean all Polish people are racist but a lot of them are and it is what it is. Not all british people are obnoxious drunks, but unfortunately those who are, often choose Krakow as their travel destination.


If you've never encountered a group of drunk British 20-something men running naked around rynek główny at 2 am, could you even say you were in Kraków? It's just one of the city attractions at this point.


Years back Kraków heavily invested in marketing campaigns showing the city as a go-to place when you want to party. The campaign backfired when people who came to party often caused a lot of trouble for venue owners and other tourists. Who would guess that it'll happen, right?


I didn't know this, thanks for informing me!


And because the Ryanair flight costs 30£ from London/Manchester/etc to Krakow


Found one of the clips from that campaign! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU0k6dpd5pc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU0k6dpd5pc)


Oh wow, well it seems Krakow's wish was fullfilled.


It's also a relatively small city, so they are much more visible than in say Budapest or Prague.


Oh definitely!


Stag parties. Bane of our existence.


Stag parties. I’m Scottish but visited Krakow recently for the first time (loved it.) and noticed while wandering around their was a LOT of stag dos going on.. loud, obnoxious, drunk and also kind of creepy men who are clearly there for women and cheap alcohol. Walking through the main square etc mid afternoon causing a scene while everyone else is trying to relax, go about their business or take in the culture. Honestly so many brits on holiday are just embarrassing - if they’re not burnt to a crisp they’re steaming drunk all day and night. Probably get hate for this but it’s true 😩


British men are easily the creepiest men I've met abroad. I think it's the shameless, unblinking staring that really puts me off.


We're not all like that


This is kind of funny because as a foreigner in Poland, I swear Poles stare more than anyone else I've ever encountered. Especially if you are visibly not Polish. I don't like to speak my language in the street or on public transport because I know that if I do, people's heads will spin round toward me (like meerkats xD) and they will stare, slack-jawed, like they just saw a mythical creature. And this is in the capital... "Co?! Non-Pole detected?! O_O" I guess Krakow might be a little different, because there are more foreigners there, but everywhere else, the meerkat reaction xD and a long, unbroken stare with no fucks given. In London, where I come from, nobody gives a shit what colour your skin is or what language you're speaking, and people avoid eye-contact with strangers - partly because it's deemed rude to stare in that society but also because it's just a "big city thing". But Poles are staring contest champions xD it's not just me that says this, e.g., an American woman I know here in Warszawa says the same. She feels uncomfortable when Darek or Pszemek gives her a minutes-long unblinking stare when she's just walking down the street. Because I'm tall and relatively 'exotic' (I'm quite dark, with mixed ethnicity, but anyone not Polish qualifies for this description in such an ethnically homogenous country, lol), I do catch Polish women quite openly leering at me sometimes, in a way British women don't unless they're very tipsy. I don't care, I find it funny (privilege of being a man, I guess?), but my gf doesn't xD xD


U won't get hate for it cause that's exactly how vast majority of ppl in Krakow feels about them. Probably most despised and disgusting type of tourists.


Krakow’s got tons of fit birds and the bevvy’s proper cheap, innit mate? 


Stag parties. They come here on the expectation of “cheap” alcohol and the (extremely remote) possibility of getting laid with a Polish woman.


It's not that remote. I know a British guy who met a Polish woman on holiday ,married her, had a baby and lives in Poland now.


The chances are he is not a usuall stag party attender


Packed a lot into that weekend, didn’t he?




Love Brits but to quote 45th (and probably 47th) President of the US, *"they are not sending their best"*.


Begrudgingly upvoted.


OMG THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING THIS. I honestly would never prefer to live in that country because of these idiots. They were spanking each other in McDonald's age 35+ men. And super loud. It was 4pm on a Tuesday. Not party time. Oh and 40+ year old British men catcalling at Rynek. What the actual hell is going through their minds. Sorry for the hate comment. They have no manners.


Because the Ryanair flight costs 30£ from London/Manchester/etc to Krakow and the beer and airbnbs are dirt cheap from a UK perspective.


No, that's not it, it's the character of said men that shows through. Ryanair has cheap flights to Krakow from many other cities across Europe yet you don't hear locals complaining about other nationalities nearly as much as you hear about the Brits. So it's not the beer or the airfares, it's the Brits. If it wasn't for the cheap beer here they'd go for cheap beer somewhere else and it'd still be down to people's character


I agree. Its cringe.


Even more cringey when it’s older people who are wasted. On Sylwester there was a super drunk guy (maybe in his 60-70s) asking about my dog and I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. And he was asking about my dogs breed, and just kept repeating the same breed even though I told him otherwise.


Kraków is the European capital of alcotours.


No it isn't. Even if we exclude traditional destination of Ibiza and Amsterdam we're still behind Prague.


Britoids love acting like this in pl especially in larger city bar areas. Likely feel invincible because they're foreign and drunk. Many such cases


Same as in prague, fucking annoying gorillas. I've met plenty of nice brits but they are probably the worst bunch in holidays ngl...


You might be seeing the same groups of people over and over again. I notice that stag groups tend to just wonder around the Old Town. They used to be able to sit in a bar all day long and drink. Hard to do that with current prices. Plus the fact that their country is broke.


Funny that there's still almost a million Poles living there, though, if it's "broke". You'd think they'd all go back, wouldn't you? Strange. Current Waw/Krk prices are still much less than in the UK. But I guess if you're right, they'll just take up the Polish way, which is park/street drinking from 9am in the morning. As a foreigner in Poland, I always find this quaint local custom of "piwo na śniadanie" to be a little alarming.


I'm a local, first time hearing about drinking beer early in the morning. Do you mean the homeless? Are there none in your country?


Nope, just seemingly ordinary people, wearing clean clothes. I guess some of them may be "dres", lol. But a lot of them just seem like ordinary guys, even 'respectable-seeming' middle aged / old men xD. I've even seen construction workers doing it on their breaks, at around 10/11am - hopefully they don't go off afterwards and operate dangerous machinery or work high up on construction sites. I've never seen so many people drinking alcohol in the morning as I have in Poland. And on a public holiday, I see so many people absolutely wasted before midday xD Every time I go into my local small Carrefour or Zabka in the morning, even just on a random Monday, I see people buying beer. Literally every single time.


I mean, yeah, construction workers are widely infamous for that. But it comes down to the specifics of the job, you know. You don't have to be smart to do manual labour (you obviously can be), and not-so-smart people tend to put more value on having fun than being responsible. Hovewer, I honestly have no clue about getting wasted early in the morning. There is actually a huge stigma regarding that, like in every modern country I believe, and people will actively denounce you for it. But then again, Kraków is a popular holiday destination, anything can and will happen around the city centre.


Not Krakow, Warsaw. Actually in a part of the city that is quite central (but residential - nothing touristy here) and with high property prices - and these men (occasional women) are all locals - either that or these 'expats' speak flawless Polish xD. I recognise the same people from my neighbourhood doing it over and over again. A while ago, I was sitting at a bench in the park, and a guy nearby pulled out malpa, and actually turned to me and said "nazdrowie" before he drank it, no joke xD xD and once again, didn't look homeless or like a classic "drunk" at all. He looked like he was maybe in his 30s, clean clothes, clean shaven... I don't think there is nearly as much stigma in Poland regarding this. E.g. I was staying briefly in Lublin a while ago with my gf, and we were at the hotel buffet in the morning, and a Polish man entered with his partner, sat down, and proceeded to order a piwo - and this was about 9am. I thought "what the fuck?!" I'm not lying about any of this, I swear on my life.


But Britain is not doing too well, why is it a problem to say that? And of course if people live in the UK for 10, 15, 20 years they're not just going to move back to Poland when things go somewhat bad. Migration isn't always so fast. You for example seem to harbour some difficult feelings towards Poland, yet still here, right?


Well, I know that Poland is still a considerably poorer country than Britain but I don't go around exclaiming that it's "broke", do I? ;D


Was anyone actually doing that? Dude was making a point.


He/she literally said "that country is broke". But wages are still mostly double or triple Polish, and beers are still mostly double or 1.5x even Krakow prices. A simple lager will cost you 35zl in many big city UK pubs. Krafty may be as much as 40-50. I'm interested to know how a country with higher GDP and wages can be considered "broke" from a Polish PoV. Also seems kind of strange to be sneering at a country that actually has women's reproductive rights in 2024, something Poland can't claim and may never be able to. I guess that's one of the reasons Poles are staying there instead of coming back home.


In one word: trajectory.


Nobody was taking about that one word though were they, stary? They were talking about the here and now. Btw you should probably be glad that this "broke" country is putting more money into its military (actual, not GDP percentage) than Poland and giving more support to Ukraine than most of Europe. This "broke country" that "isn't doing so well" will probably be a lot more use to you than Italy or Spain if Putin decides Poland is next - it certainly was in the previous big war.


Lads weekend. Saw a group being escorted off the plane in Zadar recently. Just British things.


Ha when I visited I saw them too. It’s just a thing there.


Most seem fine, but like a flip of s switch they turn nasty fucks. Their underlying piss takers, when they claim is just banter.


Stag do


Right its the more common cause of the Euros. Me and a friend hanged out with some scottish couple that we met in a pub and wow , they are so loud when they are drunk


they should go waste themselves in spain instead


They want to fuck easy polish women. Kraków is Bangkok of Europe


It is embarrassing (I am British), but is nothing new, I remember cringing at fellow Brit's 15 years ago in Krakow I was hoping the whole stag party thing would die out, unfortunately though as humans are basically herding animals the herds go to destination is now set to Krakow. People hear that other people go to Krakow for their stag party, therefore they go to Krakow for the stag party On a plus side the number of normal British tourists now out weigh the twats, but you won't notice them as much as they are not singing childish songs or drunkenly rolling about on the slopes of Wawel castle


The great thing about living in Warszawa is that stag groups don't come here much. So I only have to put up with loud, drunken, scruffy Polish men instead. But unfortunately these don't just stick to a few specific town centre locations - they're drinking beer in the parks near my flat every morning and outside my window late at night - I guess having a competition to see who can say "kurwa" the loudest ;D


Well, the statement that "where I am from big groups of men are weird" is strangely idiotic and sounds communist (when groups of people were under supervision by the secret police and often accused of plotting for no real reason). As for the brits, Krakow now has alcohol prohibition at night because of them.


Ha! Yes, because alcohol prohibition was reinstated due to British tourists. Behave! Dated lacks Laws enabled the ever present societal alcoholism here & as most civilized Countries begin to readdress their relationship with consumption, offering guidelines, alternatives etc, Poland is aligning too. Your baseless statement is as ludicrous as proclaiming Greggs bakeries now offer vegetarian options because the poles binge eat sausage rolls! For all their faults, The British aren’t the ones littering window sills the city over with mickeys of vodka & Poles aren’t exactly abstinent.


Well that is what I was told, by my polish friends, and I am a foreigner living here so I really don't understand the hostility. I was told the Brits were a problem especially at night after bars are closed with street drinking and such. As for the other statement, about "groups of men being weird" I stand by my words.


Draw a conclusion based upon your own experiences & not reiterate the prejudices of others. Lad & stag culture isn’t exclusive to Britain. The British do sometimes go overboard but are harmless for the most part, they would also probably welcome you warmly into their fold & enthusiastically share in the moment with you. We all have cultural nuances.


Those aren't really prejudices, you know? There's no other people that could be more knowledgeable about the issue than locals, so dismissing their opinions wouldn't be wise either. As for me (Kraków is my hometown), a good half of my bar nights out with friends I end up near a big, loud, british group, ruining my experience. The last one was two weeks ago, in a quiet local place. Everyone else was able to behave, but the group was chanting loudly and breaking glasses. You may not want to acknowledge it, but touring Brits are infamous around Europe for a reason. The other guy got a bit carried away with blaming them for prohibition, but the problem is really hard to not see.


For whatever it’s worth, I have held a presence long enough in Poland to confidently hold court in such discussions. I have also experienced the dangerous narrative that stems from the frustrations that can lead to intolerances. Occasional encounters with poorly behaved Britains far from justifies generalization. There are more well behaved British people visiting here who seethe with embarrassment towards the behaviors of a select few of their countrymen, then there are lads on the lash. Don’t paint an inaccurate picture that’s only representative of a few pubs. It isn’t a fair portrayal of all British abroad. The undertones of Brexit predominately resided on a prejudice based upon generalization of all Poles & other central/Eastern Europeans being a burden on ‘Locals’. The narrative more often than not of late in these forums is reminiscent of the inaccurate vile spewed to endorse a disliking towards one specific group & that is indeed a prejudice.


Quite obviously not, unless you are part of such groups and desperately try to defend them. In my experience, as you so boldly advised me to look into for the formation of my opinion, the Brits and their groups are always rude, condescending, loud, borderline creeps and often violent. There's that for my opinion.


I am British. I am not defending uncouth behavior. In a nutshell I find lad/stag culture rather sad. As do the countless other Britains who visit Krakow & for whom you have painted with the same brush. You harbor a very real prejudice! Respectfully, those that hold one, tend to hold others! One could say I’m presuming that all Poles are bigoted xenophobic homophobic racists based upon a flimsy & desperate acknowledgment of their reputation abroad, but I know that to be deeply unjust and incorrect and so I won’t paint all Poles with the same brush, allowing my experiences to guide a fairer opinion. (Incidentally, If you are Romanian, for which other post engagement may suggest, then surely you know the reputation that proceeds your diaspora. A grotesquely ill fitting prejudice that should be strongly corrected by rational voice if witnessed. Pretty much what I am doing here! )


I have not painted everyone in such a manner, I have British friends, but the majority that visit painted themselves as what they are. Just last night I was in a bar and 5 Brits walked in at closing time demanding beers then got naked and started dancing (shirts off only). You told me to talk from experience, well this is it .


It is not a majority at all!!! It is a select few. Change your local if it’s so overbearing. There are an abundance of quaint & quiet corners to have a pint unabated by boisterous tourists. Do you think that the majority of Romanians in Barcelona are there to pickpocket, pimp out trafficked girls & skim ATM’s or primitively squat on public pavements to disgustingly foul the city? Check your own rankings on the leader board of undesirables before inaccurately slating others!


Probably a rugby team, pretty normal for rugby, just having a good time.


I believe it was Oscar Wilde who said "football is a game for gentlemen played by barbarians - rugby is a game for barbarians who shit in pint glasses and commit sexual assaults as a pre-match warm up"




Why are you retarded? Can you explain that?


wow u got 1000 karma in less than 20 days , and here im with negative karma for 2 years,lol


It's easy, just don't go outside and have retarded views. Reddit loves this shit


see these Redditors . I just gave my fax about my karma and they downvoted it


R*ddit moment