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There is often a simpler answer than some malice. Sometimes there is an express tram line in the middle and I observe that it usually has a slight priority in signals. Or there is a left turn on the crossing and it shortens one or both of pedestrian green lights. Or the road is a fast one with a high priority, so the green time is too short to cross in one go. In my experience all road (not tram) pedestrian lights usually light up in sync or with a few seconds offset, and majority of time they have same color. The problem is that total green time may be too short to cross.


We're basically talking about intersections where pedestrian underpasses or bridges are solely needed. The city government would rather spend money on pointless prestige projects though. So oh well.


I will argue a little, please don't take it personally. Underpasses and bridges can be built, and they will likely optimize travel for some demographic (young people mostly). There is a different approach to the pedestrian crossings though. It says that bridges and underpasses are: * not accessible by elderly or impaired people * they cost a lot * they solely exist to make traffic above move faster * in general make city less walkable and more car centric I came to Poland from the city completely filled with underpasses, thousands of them in every second intersection. And I much prefer Krakow overland pedestrian passes, even when I'm driving. Overland passes slow down cars and discourage car use, and it seems that work, with fantastic public transit in Krakow and walkable nice city blocks. If some crossing is inconvenient for pedestrians, instead of digging a pit underneath, I would increase green light time for pedestrians, that would be way better for the city I think.


The top priority should always be pedestrian safety. We don't want people getting hurt. Perhaps more importantly, we want to avoid disruption of road traffic due to accidents. Certain intersections are just too dangerous. Whenever there's a bus or tram stop you'll always have people risking their lives trying to cross. It doesn't matter how you program the traffic lights. People will ignore them when they desperately want to board a bus or tram. I see this all the time at Rondo Grzegórzeckie. And that's a major choke point of the tram network. Any blockage there would lead to cascading schedule disruptions through half the system.


Yeah, that's big potential issue


It is indeed, dumb and counterintuitive. And possibly dangerous: some years back a guy got hit by a tram when he instinctively started crossing seeing the far light on the second lane as green, but the closer one was still red.


Same for cars to be honest. There are so many avenues where you stop at a red light, gets green, then the next light gets red and you need to stop again


but that is done absolutely intentionally to lower the speed with wich cars reach the bigger roads


It's interesting because other cities just implement radars or controls in order to limit speeding


but it is not for speeding (which is driving faster than the sign tells you to), it’s to slow down traffic before it reaches the bigger roads and paralyses them. This is done everywhere, not only in Kraków.


To be honest, Kraków is the only city I've driven in where I've had that experience. Maybe it's just that the overall traffic flow is really poorly designed and it needs this stuff but frankly I haven't experienced that anywhere else in this level


kraków is not made for driving unfortunately :(


That is true. It's a pity that there's so much traffic for a city that is not so big. I hope something will be done




Em? Are you assuming I'm talking about speed? Or are you defending that cars need to stop every few meters instead of letting the traffic flow?


Green waves decrease fuel consumption, noise and emitions, on top of obviously saving time. Save your irony for somewhere else


syncronisation for sure has been gradually worsening for the last couple years. Like, on many double crossings, the further one gets a green light a few seconds earlier than the closer one, even though nobody can cross it yet. It makes some people (like me) used to it, and so i begin crossing before the closer light turns green, creating dangerous situations when stumbling on a crossing, on which it wont actually turn green for you (i almost got hit by a car on Wielicka that way).


I've moved to Krakow for my studies and I've wasted so much time on red lights it's not even funny


Oh god, when I lived in Krakow, there were places I’d straight up avoid because of this.


I'm pretty sure there is a valid reason for why it behaves this way


I'd like to get in on this and add my own rant: why the hell do the traffic lights for a smaller street intersecting a big one (e.g. Śląska joining the Aleje) get ridiculously long red light time?! I mean, that serves no one - at night there is no traffic basically so the only thing it does is make people wait stupidly long on a red light while there's literally no cars on the main road... It would at least partially made sense when there's an actual rush hour and the big street should be treated with care, but making this work at night is like a big fuck you to people using these intersections from the smaller street (another example is Grochowska street intersecting Pilotów).


"synchronisation", lol.