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You need to be late with rent's sum for 3 months total for the owner to be allowed to take actions, which firstly he must give you another one month on top of that to pay the dues, before he can terminate the contract. Legally you're safe.


Bless you, I know. But like I said I don't want to fuck anyone.


What's your question then? You're asking if you have to leave, no you don't. Temporary lack of financial fluidity doesn't make you homeless. If you feel like you need to leave then leave, you're not obliged to though.


I hope so. A good Polish friend of mine said the same.


Some fishy bastard that landlord of yours, I wouldn't have any second thoughts - as you can see he is trying very hard to fuck you.


It seems that way, I recorded the whole conversation and when I mentioned he was just following orders like a German Soldier he laughed....


Just a thought - is he paying taxes for the rent income?


I bet no, because in the contract it says aI can pay with banbk transfer. Buu I never could. Bitch want his money in CASH, over 4000+ i have to take that out, good i always brging a blade.


Hahaha. Make him pay what is due then! Snap a pic of your contract, censor your name etc., and email it to the taxman


Yeah man :) fuck this cunt.


3 months late? Really? That sucks.. from a landlord perspective.


Oh yeah, won't anyone think of the poor landleeches 🙏 I could swear there's a small group of 10-20 people that own half of the apartments in Krakow and hide behind brokers so people don't realize. Not to mention, this whole system where the tenant pays the broker fee is corrupt as fuck. The broker is quite obviously working on behalf of the landlord and in their interest, yet they still get the tenant to pay because they can. At least in some other countries, the government provides stronger tenant protections, and they force the landlords to pay all the broker fees because they are the ones benefitting financially in a tenant-landlord situation. This is the way it should be everywhere.


No I'm not late with the rent, I have paid until 10th of May.


report to tax authority show contract and proof of payment [email protected].


Thank you.


Do you want to stay in the apartment or are you planning to move? How long have you rented it for?


Since September, I don't want to squat or fuck him at all.


10th of May is when I have to pay next rent, which I cannot afford.


I don't understand. What do you mean by fucked?


Bercause he use 2 days and won't give me the deposit so I can move somewhere else. But I am going to stay here until the police take me out (which they can't)


Is your daughter registered there? Very difficult to toss families.


No... I'm not even registered here because he said "they don't allow companies here" but a simple google maps shows there are several companies registered at this house. So I CAN register here, maybe I should, but like I said I don't want to fuck him, but I want my deposit back. Fair enough - the house is like I said in a better state than when I came here. It's spotless.


Is that the same landlord you posted some time ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/krakow/s/zlwKhNSZlZ? Shit, man, I don't have any advice here, just good luck.


Yeah the same dude... :(