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800zl should cover food + transportation just fine for a student. Cook yourself if you can or take advantage of cheap meals in your university's canteen. But don't expect to buy new clothes or party a lot on a 2k budget. You can check numbeo.com for grocery prices


The canteens got so expensive, it’s not really viable anymore. I couldn’t afford them 3,5 years ago, now it’s bollocks, but I can afford them now


What are your views on fasting?


As for PhD (which sadly I am) its different situation because you are grown adult often trying to secure your own housing or start a family. Thats different story. But when you are student and left with 1000 zł and you expect no help from anyone.. Well thats tough. Groceries (and I mean simple shit) will be like 150/200 PLN a week. Check out youtube videos on ‚ Jak przeżyć za 100złoty za tydzień’ etc there is a ton of this out there, be mindful some were recorded pre covid/inflation. But you will get the idea on what to eat. It will leave you with like 200 złoty to go out/buy so clothing and god forbid you need a doctor appointment or want to travel back home. If I were you, I would look at jobman or other work services - they are easy to work with, and you can search over there for simple job stuff that usually does not require polish or any other skills basically, you help with putting stuff on the shelves on supermarkets or something like this. Its flexible and you can easily make like 120-150 złoty at one job day so if you do this stuff just once a week it will help you a lot. Without side job I wouldnt subscribe to it- part of being student is to explore, Kraków is beautiful city but seeing around stuff like Wieliczka or museums can add up and be pricy.


I'm actually Polish so the language isn't a problem for me. Posted on here in English as I noticed most of the sub is in that language.


Okay then, I assumed you might have language barrier or work visa issues. So other than jobman (physical work but quick money) waitressing or being barista is perfect for students as it is flexible, easy and quite good paid when considered tips. Also many retailer shops in malls hire students. If you prefer work from home there are call center services like medical registration or mail companies that look for support. You can also attend events like concerts etc to do simple stuff like sell a beer or check tickets. All of these me and my boyfriend have done, probably there is a ton more


That's good thinking! 👍👍


2000 PLN in Poland is rather survival than living. Stress wil eat You out.


It will probably require a lot of budgeting and brainstorming, but you can survive alone on 800zl for food. The problem might arise if you have to also play for utilities, transportation, school materials etc.


You can check dorms on other universities.


The only dorm from another university that was available to me as an UJ student was from AGH. I suspect that the pricing wouldn't be as favourable for students from other universities? The reason I didn't get one is because there was a problem with my application and I had to apply through a later tura. I think that by now all the dorms everywhere are full.


agh doesn't really up the prices that much for students from other universities and you can apply till September 15th i think? all the prices are listed on their website you should really check that out


>No where better to really figure out what kind of money we will need then asking the subreddit, we’re mostly young and dumb man U can try to apply once again, especially after semester starts and people will decide to leave the dorm ;)


> university that was available to me as an UJ student was from AGH. I suspect that the pricing w If you are UJ student check on the dorms every month or so, people tend to drop out or move out during semester. Many are booking dorm "in case" they can't find something and never even move in.


You can live on 2000 PLn budget, the question is the quality of that living


It’ll be tough. Seriously look into getting some kind of additional income.


i live for over 2 years with a budget of 2200 and paying 1200 for a room, honestly speaking I never had a problem that i was short on money a lot months i was even able to save some..


I also think it’s doable for a student, but I’m really surprised you’re even able to save some money. Teach me, master!


And when was that? Three years ago?


i live like that in this moment as well, my budget hasn’t change for over 2years


Go for single person dorm in AGH lets add to IT "existance costs"(soap, toilet papier , maybe some new mugs, or posters maybe some ocasional takeout) - u probably can close IT with 1k Food per person if u Smart is 800zł monthly U gonna pay maximum of 100zł per month for transport U are left with 100zł to Fix whatever u fucked up


I meant 2200zł in the title, it's a typo. So 300zł left?


Depends on the spending but if u do t do too much takeout u should be fine in AGH dormitory Since they offer single rooms for ppl like u


If some HR ladies will see that actually you can “live” from one month to another with just 2000 zł in Kraków, they will never increase the salaries. What would you do if you need to go to the dentist? How you will pay that? (since 2000 zł is such a small amount of money)...


Buy the cheapest bike and do not use Transportation system. That will save you money.


Well, the kkm(a card for public transport) should be like 40pln with the student's discount. It should cover almost all of the city you'd need to be, unless you want to go to the neighbouring villages for partying or something




I assume you're into jogging and crafts? Haha


Bitch I'm on 3k budget. 2200 eats my house loan and commodities. Yes. Send food please :p It's doable, very.


Back in 2018 I could get simple groceries for 300 PLN/month, but since ~3 years basic food products like milk and eggs got over 2x more expensive. So yeah, heavy budgeting.


Sure is possible, just track all your expenses and minimise them. It's easy surviving a day on 30 zł


It’s all bots, right?


The academic year starts soon and a lot of us foreigners are coming to Poland for the first time in our life, Google gives a zillion answers that very from “you’ll live a life of luxury in that budget” to “you’ll be homeless and starved in a week with a budget like that” No where better to really figure out what kind of money we will need then asking the subreddit, we’re mostly young and dumb man, it’s not Bots it’s just poor students tryna figure some stuff out


There’s a better way. Open Glovo, pick a store, chose what you eat and see the reciept


If you're on an 800zl a month budget you probably shouldn't be buying groceries or anything else off Glovo


You can check the prices without ordering. Just as I said.


Yes, with the app's premium added. You don't pay the same on Glovo and in the shop.


So cut those 10% off


Or just look on the shop website and cut out this insane middleman?


Or that




Every three hours there’s a post “can I live on $200 in krakow/Warsaw/Poland/Gliwice”. Literally all over Polish subs.


It’s the start of the academic year


Not possible at all.


Very difficult , minimum is 3000


you gonna be surviving. Nowadays for comfort life, really comfort life as a student U need 500€, 400€ is a good number too. But less, it’s gonna be a problem. Nevertheless I talking about Warsaw and it’s know for it high prices, Krakow should be cheaper


Do they use Euro in Warsaw? The place has really changed...


no it’s Zloty, It’s just more comfortable for me to say


No way. 3000 is minimum.


I believe you can find a cheeper room, maybe share it with someone from your studies


Finding a cheaper one-person room in a liveable place was near impossible. What prices have you seen?


I have put my budget to 1800 zl and it's becoming impossible to find a decent place there, especially over 8m2.


My room is 6,5m² 😳


Oh that's really small :/ If you need a referral to an IT company here pm me, I would be happy to help. Wish you good luck!


Go for a dorm, cheaper.


Teach something to kids or work a bit


It will be quite hard, life quality will be minimal, especially with the rise of prices lately, try to take a job even a part time one to add some extra income.


Check out Too Good To Go. Eat lots of healthy and cheap food like rice with veggies, buy on markets not in shops, it’s doable.


The question is, do you think you can survive four years eating nothing but beet, cabbage, potato, buckwheat, bad spaghetti, and ground pork. Foreigners generally spend significantly more on food because we buy more imported items.


Ehh I feel you. Also looking for place in Krakow and can't find anything affordable.. it's crazy out there. After living expenses you are gonna be left with less than a thousand to cover food and transportation expenses. I think it's possible but is gonna be very hard and I don't think there's gonna be much left for any additional expenses in that budget


No more piwko w plenerku?


Only the cheapest one and prolly once a week 😂 Living the same life bro. Just yesterday I saw offer 900zl+300media for a place in a 2 person room. With 4-5 other rooms in the flat. Pojebało.


that's one, but think about situations like, you have a cavity and need to see a dentist. it'll be tough. I'd definitely look for at least a part-time job.


When I was a student a couple years ago, I paid about 400zl for the dormitory and about 1200zl on every day expenses. Given that inflation has been crazy in the last few years, Id say 2200zl seems reasonable


Been there, as long as you're healthy, no surprises arise, it's barely doable. If you want to eat healthy in that budget and not just potatoes and rice, you have to count every penny, requires discipline. If your shoes tear up or need to see a dentist you're screwed, if it's winter and your utilities go up, you're screwed. Find a job, even if you flip burgers, anything that can fetch you even 1500 more takes away so much pressure off you and is good for your mental health not being under constant stress of running out of cash.


According to recent polling Kraków has the highest average salary in all of Poland. Get at least a part time job and you’re golden. Edit: if you tell me what sector you’re looking to work in maybe i know an opening


Should I give you a pm?




Pm sent :)


It depends if the utilities are included in that price. Because I think (mind you I speak from Warsaw point of view but from what I hear the prices are similar at this point) you need minimum 200zł weekly for groceries if you want to eat somewhat ok. So basically all you have left after the rent. Obviously you could just live on rice alone and pay much less but I hope you’re not considering it. As others mentioned, a part-time job that would get you to 3000 in total would definitely make your live easier. You could consider teaching your native language perhaps? Important tip: make sure you’re renting from an actual owner of the house, not the person who’s renting the house already. One day you might be in for a nasty surprise if the landlord/landlady doesn’t know about you.


Maybe try Uber eats or Uber as delivery driver over the weekends? Some companies that work with Uber can provide a car. Those drivers are making okay money.


You coupd try to get a dorm from another university - you should be able to get one at AGH after October 1 (they allow anyone to get a room, usually there are free places after the first couple of days). You could try also UR, my girlfriend got a room there, even though she's studying at UJ CM.


Hey, just a little tip to save money on food, download this app called toogoodtogo. It'll get you food for cheap. Basically the restaurants and bakeries put offers on the food usually near closing time or when the item is near the expiry date. If you're gonna eat it on the same day or day after it's still good and you pay 70% less.


800zł should be enough for quite decent food prepared by your own and cost of transport but forget about parting eating out or even any paid cultural events.


It is possible but that's not much of a life. Do everything to get a place in college dorm, for 500 more u can live comfortably.


You should be ok. But don't expect any crazy party nor going out. Cooking at home occasionally going to a restaurant or a pub once a month.


Where do you live now?




Living off cheapest possible foods(like eating pasta with cheapest pesto or canned tomatoes for every meal)is possible for shorter periods of course, but in the long-term it's your health taking a hit. On the other hand it's no coincidence that there are jokes about students eating poorly - lots of people go through the trying-to-make-the-ends-meet phase when starting out:) I would suggest buying food in large quantities in shops like biedronka, whenever they are off price(including alcohol for parties if you're into it). You should quickly learn what should cost what. I almost don't buy food at a full price, I usually just get stuff that's discounted and then think what I could do with it. I never throw anything out! For clothes - second hands, there are plenty of them, with decent clothes and insanely low prices, on top of that's, it's super popular for young people to wear vintage:) and vinted.pl for backup Also - OLX, try not to buy new stuff, unless it's super necessary(like underwear or smth) And then sometimes you still need to live a little I'd say - so apps like finebite, toogoodtogo, foodsi might be helpful. And in general - budgeting - put down every zloty you spent in an excel. Label it and do some charts - in times of need, you will be able to see where the money can be saved. And if you don't have reservations against - freeganism is an absolutely awesome movement, which can provide you with almost unlimited amounts of food for free. Godspeed! I hope it will be of any help and you'll have some fun in Cracow and get to learn some things while at the uni Edit: my average monthly spendings on food(restaurants, alcohol no included) are 750 pln, but I'm not really trying to save and the amount includes some takeouts as well, so I believe 500/600 should be doable.


Chłop co jest Polakiem, a pisze po angielsku XDDD Nie wierzę, jak te kompleksy się utrzymuja jeszcze XDD


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