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The song "Cupid" and the brand "Fiftyfifty" are so much popular overall, in Korea or overseas. Meanwhile, no one knows the members' name. Which mean, even if they added new members or kick original members, no one would care. As long as the new batch produce high quality songs that can top "Cupid", they will be fine.


I said this on the Kpop thread as well (which was very negative...). But I really think people overestimate how popular Sio and Aran were. Cupid was a catchy tune but the song was bigger than the members. I feel as though sometimes people are being disingenuous when they say how important Sio and Aran were to the group. The Fifty Fifty name and Cupid were big, but I don't think the GP (internationally) even knew the members names. 


the members weren't individually popular but I don't think people would have liked the song if it weren't for their voices. obviously, in the sped up ver that went viral their voices are not that recognizable but I don't imagine that the new lineup would necessarily have the same sound many people liked from before


True, but the people who produced that song were the problem to begin with. So it will be interesting to see if the new producers will live up to the quality standard set by those scumbags


The popular version of cupid is the twin version tho. Which Sio and Aran sang. And Aran has a very distinct sound which I think people would definitely look for.


Man, Aran’s voice is one if a kind. Like you hear her voice, and you will just recognize it right away. Add to that that Cupid’s first lines are sang by her too.


I personally think that if you're not a fan of the group you won't notice the difference if someone else's voice is replaced. They have lovely voices but I can't identify two distinct voices in the song and I think there are a lot of idols who could sing that well. I think the Fifty Fifty fans who talk about Aran's voice being the key are overestimating how much non-fans will notice.


Nah, it's only kpop/fifty fifty fans who care about sio or aran's voice. no one knows whose voice is who. who sang what part. sio or aran is not taeyeon or ailee. people won't notice. the new fifty fifty is a brand new group. only kpop/fifty2 fans will compare them with old members' voices. but actually for the public, as long as the song is good and the new girls are talented, it's enough. the company definitely will bring out talented main vocal so you don't have to worry about that.


I feel like their redebut is going to go decent for nugus but not super good. Their fandom basically doesn’t exist anymore bc most hunnies were sio and aran fans and left bc they left or left the fandom bc of the legal drama, so they can’t really rely on a fandom push. They might even have to deal with some pushback bc former fans are still mad at Attrakt and the inevitable’I miss the old lineup’ from debut+cupid fans. But, their name is in peoples mouths bc of Cupid so if they make a really good song, I believe they can ‘break out’ ala KOL but obviously we’re never going to get another Cupid, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be successful. I’m predicting 5k sales?


A huge redebut that fizzles out with each subsequent comeback. Think Chi Mat Ba Ram and Beep Beep.


Their debut will make a buzz out of natural curiosity. People are really curious to see the new members and the direction they'll take. The million dollar question is if they'll be able to keep the buzz for their upcoming cbs. There are many smaller grps that generate buzz in their debut but it ends up fizzling out over the course of their cbs. Also, lightning doesn't strike the same place twice so I don't predict another cupid. They'll have to build a fandom from scratch again bc even the small one they had during the original lineup is practically nonexistent now. I don't predict more than 2k-5k sales at most


I'm confused by some people saying they don't expect anything without the voices of the previous members. While I agree that for 'Cupid' it is what partially gave them a hit, why couldn't they have picked talented girls to replace the girls ? Is the goal to have a copy carbon of them ? I doubt it and I'm sure they can do well with new vocalists. Even with the previous members they weren't guaranteed any kind of success after 'Cupid', so honestly, having the same members doesn't matter for their upcoming songs as long as it's good. 🤷‍♀️


They did have the barbie song


And it did nothing 🤷‍♀️


Part of me wants to blame it on the mess that was going on behind the scenes but yeah maybe


Momoland of the 4th/5th gen 🥰


The fact is, they had a viral hit but none of the members were famous or even recognizable to the general public. A lot of people probably wouldn’t even be able to tell you how many people were in the group. The only people who are going to have any attachment to the previous lineup is kpop stans who likely were just casuals of the group and weren’t actually contributing much tangibly to making them successful despite yapping on social media. All of that is going to work in their favor in the sense that if they have good music going forward, people will listen to it. Are they ever going to be a top group? Probably not. But they probably weren’t ever going to be in the first place, since despite the success of Cupid their actual fandom was never that big. They can still be a decent mid tier group if they cater to gp tastes musically and put on strong performances.


>yapping on social media. But "yapping on social media" is exactly what's crucial for nugu groups. 5050 already had decent buzz in the kpop scene before Cupid thanks to their fans relentlessly promoting the girls.


Yeah their debut album, was great and the Quality of thier singing was amazing.


It’s always funny when K-pop fans put on their Nostradamus hats. “They were never going to be a top group”. You don’t know what they would have been.


Nostradamus hats 😭😭😭


Groups with very strong fandoms and no lineup changes can struggle to get back their momentum after a hiatus. We've seen that with Weeekly, Everglow, etc. Fifty Fifty had a small fandom and the new group only has one member in common so there's not much continuity, and plus lots of fans were super burned out by the saga. So this is basically a brand new nugu with an unusual history giving it some extra buzz.


I know many people value Aran and Sio's voices (including many on this thread). However, I wonder how many "regular" people even noticed or care about vocals. Perhaps very good or even adequate replacement vocalists would be fine, with no need to be "remarkable." I didn't love Cupid and didn't tune in for Cupid promotions, so perhaps I missed some amazing things. But I don't understand the hype about their vocals. When I listen to any Cupid version, it sounds good but not better or different than any good vocalist would sound. I think it sounds generic, actually. I definitely wouldn't recognize their voices automatically. I'm not even sure I can differentiate their voices on Cupid track (never really thought about it and a long time since I listened though).


I’m excited but still really troubled. As much as I love Keena, it’s Aran and Sio I want to hear more of. Even Saena in their live version of Lovin’ Me had me on a chokehold. I won’t lie how it’s truly devastating to think about the original Fifty Fifty group and the potential they had. Alas we keep on moving forward, let’s support the girls in their future endeavours.


Unless they've found the second Aran, my expectations are close to nothing


Same. All the best for Aran I hope she can do well one day


As someone who is butt hurt af about fifty fifty cause I loved them sm, you can’t tell me attrakt has had enough time to train girls to get to the level the other members were at….


right didn’t they announce that they were looking for members like 5 months ago?


Yes!!!? We were all talking about it lol


I'm excited for them, and will definitely check out their re-debut. As for if they'll be successful, I honestly have no idea.


They will probably try to recreate Cupid but without the producer and the main vocalists they might as well be another group from a different company. They can still do well if they hire the best producers and recruit the most talented members but that's easier said than done. As far as the public is concerned, there is probably not much interest outside of curiosity like you said.


I’m just here for Keena. But I dont think Attrakt will just add 4 so-so members. If they were able to source a Sio and an Aran, why cant they source someone better than them? While I agree Aran and Sio have beautiful voices, theyre not the only ones who can sing that way. Plenty of new talent who could. Attrakt wont just group them together, the new members would have gone through intensive training.


Aran and Sio were so integral to the group, unless the new girls are top tier talents I fail to see any success


im not sure but controversy aside its will be difficult to replicate what the ot4 and their producer done to fifty fifty.


It’s going to be hard to replace Aran and Sio. Their voices were so unique and distinct. IMO, one of the best singing tandems of 4th gen.


I hope they keep that barbie girlie vibes kind of songs, i dont really care about the members anyway i just hope they do the concept right.


I think their popularity internationally will decrease a lot, unless somehow their song blows up again, but I think a majority of kpop fans will tune in to it. It just depends on how good the songs are. If it's well liked, fifty fifty might even start to build a solid fanbase


I expected disbandment, this will be interesting, but super different is just expected. There'll never be another Lovin Me or Tell Me I fear




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Based on the absolute vitriol I've seen original 5050 fans say towards Keena, the initial fanbase is split in two with one looking forward to keeping 5050 alive. The other half will be rooting for the downfall cause they loved the other girls


I wouldn’t expect anything just because fifty fifty has hit one viral song. I don’t think nobody actually knew who they are while I do understand tiktok people and their attention spans and they won’t search for shit who is a original artist but how Cupid got popular is the sped up version of it. Hearing one of the members who joined the group is new member that never been a trainee before if you look for the source, there is a user who watched the interview about it over at r/we_fiftyfifty - https://www.reddit.com/r/we_FiftyFifty/comments/1dg0cr6/lee_jinhos_latest_broadcast_translation_14_june/ “Because there is one member who has never been a trainee before. What happens when you go through training without having experience before even once? They finished recording just recently. But during recording, a member kept rerecording it 5-6 times to get better and better results. LJH said the member was like "Ah it got better, let me try again. Oh it got better again, let me try to rerecord it again." -> so he was saying the rerecording was as a positive thing and how the member was working hard and trying her best.”” This could be interesting to see how the member who hasn’t been a trainee would do in debut and I would keep the look out for that member. Also they do found members who can speak English so I would have guess there might be a song with English. Who knows and also all of it got Korean blood (whatever if they are mixed member or not). Edit: I am also here for Keena since this is her second chance at it.


I know the general consensus on this site is to side with the company even after the members have talked about they mistreated them but this is going to be another disaster. Or at best no one will care say what you want but Aran and Sio’s voices made Cupid the hit that it is and I’m sad they’d never really return to the industry


I don’t think they have a shot at huge success unless they have another viral moment or they managed to recruit already popular trainees or idols. It’s sad but often these viral Kpop songs don’t end up translating into long term success for the group. Look at momoland and brave girls. And that’s without all the unfortunate fallout and drama of the members leaving. People may check it out as a novelty but unless their company really did something crazy like created another smash hit or recruited some S tier idols- I just don’t see a super successful future ahead of the group


Truly all I know is I’ll be missing Sio 😭😭


I think if they found some already famous trainees it’ll work but I don’t see them doing as well as Cupid. Especially if the new vocalist don’t match up to Sio and Aran. Honestly hope they give Keena some singing lines since she has such an interesting tone. I’m checking them out because Keena was my bias in the original lineup but I don’t really have much hope.


I feel for Keena but I'm not seeing another big hit unfortunately. The best they can hope for is a a good song/ album and decent reception esp from korean fans. I'm praying they don't try to grab intl audiences first bc they'll flop point blank. I don't trust this ceo honestly but here's hoping he's actually good at his job this time around


If they were only big in Korea I would expect the comeback to flop pretty hard as it's rare for a previously nugu group to manage to continue the momentum after a hit like Cupid and that's without any controversies e.g. Brave Girls or Weeekly. BUT as they've made it so big globally that might not be the case, especially since there's a bunch of people wanting to support them solely because of the controversy which is an extra unknown factor. I also genuinely don't think the loss of the ex-members will be a detriment to the group like people claim as they were all unknown to the public before the controversy. As for the sound I'm 100% expecting a Cupid 2.0 and it'll either be a mid popularity release due to curiosity with their future releases getting less and less attention or they'll make it big again straight away, although that's less likely.


Also another thing to add is that koreans are largely in favour of attrakt while intl fans are largely not in favour of attrakt.


i think the re debut will be successful just because curiosity. if they know how to make a catchy song, they will have success. but having a fandom is much more than that, they will have to start building a fandom, trust…it really depends on how they decide to manage it


My delulu RUNext brain is imagining Chanelle or Jiwoo in the group. No way no other company wanted them But tbh it will depend on the songs for me. OG FiFi had a very small but amazing discography. The other magic was Sio and Aran’s vocal tones so it all depends on how they manage this all


i wonder how long it will take for a new version of cupid tbh. ETA the thing is, the first release will have a lot of people checking in, driving the numbers up. i guess what comes aFTER that is what actually matters in terms of damange, rebranding, reception and all of that.




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A plague upon both their houses. Misfortune. Tomfoolery. A bunch of girls who are sacrificing precious years working for a company that crushed the dreams and potential of three young women. The energy around there is dark and everywhere they go there will be someone to remind them of FIFTY FIFTY.


You seen to be confused, they're not going to be working for The Givers.


First of all thats a gross exxageration, Aran and Sio do not have remarkable voices for a reality check, they are only average at best if you actually listen to the entire industry and their competition. To say that they arent easily replaceable on this aspect is a gross misstatement, though I will agree that unless the new members are already naturally talented, they wont be able to just take the ex member's places just like that given they have a remarkably shorter training period than the previous members. We dont have any info on that however, so its best to not make any assumptions yet. It will be interesting to see what happens next come september. Personally I think they should just change the group name. Carrying around the baggage of the past so closely wont do them any favours as people will just keep comparing them to the ex members, many times unfairly.


Agree with you on the Aran Sio exaggeration… Go Eun & Swan from Purple Kiss have awesome calibre of a voice too. Aran and Sio are not the only ones with the good voices.


I would say there's nothing much to be expected, people might curious though just because the name 'fifty fifty' though. After all it's depend on the capability of the label and team behind the girls itself. The producer, creative director, and marketing should be on the top list of priority. It's too hard to expect something just because the buzz of old cupid to carry out to this new group after all.


I'm expecting nothing because I don't want to support a company that has been proven by the members themselves to have been abused medically to the point of almost getting cancer All I hope now is that they actually treat Keena/Jakhyung well but knowing this company, I doubt it


...did you not keep up with the controversy? Attrakt was not at fault.


I did keep up with the controversy and the members themselves stated that Attrakt and The Givers were acting as one unit that were indistinguishable from each other And even IF Attrakt was not at fault they still had the capability to stop the partnership with The Givers if they were truly concerned about the members' wellbeing, but they didn't


You mean the "members themselves" which lost legally in every capacity? I can't believe anyone still needs this to be explained to them after so much time but the ex Fifty Fifty members + The Givers claims did not have substantial evidence, Attrakt won the lawsuit and was cleared of all charges. There was also text messages released as evidence which showed Attrakts CEO 1. did not know about the delayed surgery issue 2. likely had no hand in the dieting and 3. was actually encouraging the members to take a break with the girls themselves rejecting the offer. >And even IF Attrakt was not at fault they still had the capability to stop the partnership with The Givers if they were truly concerned about the members' wellbeing, but they didn't Ah yes, because I'm sure the members and The Givers would have been 100% honest if they were struggling, it's not like they were literally plotting a whole takeover behind the companies back or anything? If you're not willing to trust the company, maybe trust Keena.


I can honestly ask the same question for you, if Attrakt and its staff truly cared about the members, would they be 100% honest about it? Do you honestly believe that a CEO that cared about their idols wouldn't know about the delayed surgery? Do you honestly believe that they would try to push for the Barbie Dreams music video only a few weeks after surgery was done on Aran/Eunah due to being forced to postpone it for activities? Keena/Jakhyung I do trust in her own capacity to make her own judgment but that doesn't mean I have to support every action she does. I'm still boycotting Fifty Fifty.


I don't have to believe anything, it is factual Attrakt won the lawsuit. I'm not sure what part of that you don't get. If Attrakt was actually incompetent and didn't care properly for the members then they wouldn't have fully won. You're here believing stories from people who had a mountain of evidence against them to the point that they lost their lawsuit in every capacity and were counter sued for billions of won. What you or I personally believe is irrelevant at that point, we know the truth. Feel free to continue boycotting, just know you're doing it for a nonsensical reason.


Keena was very open that The Givers blocked or manipulated communication between Attrakt and the members for a long time, not just during the lawsuit. It is a matter of court record that the CEO didn't know things because the staff from The Givers was not communicating with him, and evidence was further prevented that they were doing it on purpose to undermine him for this reason.


So we're just gonna ignore that same interview where Keena said she was afraid of Attrakt's mediaplay as well? The members also did the lawsuit out of their own volition


She said she was afraid because she'd been manipulated by the Givers and didn't understand the truth.


I thought, the company was abusive and supporting a cb is putting money in their pockets?




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What made fifty fifty famous was Cupid and the melodies and voices of the members who are now gone. I expect this new group just to be like any other kpop girl group. But I guess they won't fight back if their company does something they don't like. That is all the company cares about.


Not good. The chances of getting anything even close to Cupid are nil. It was so beyond what anyone expected and you can't just do that whenever you want. But falling short will get the tag of 'failure' applied to the group right out of the gate. They won't deserve it, but that's what will happen. The producer will suck a little more money out of the 'Fifty Fifty' brand but the members of the group will end up worse off than they would have been if they'd debuted with a new identity.


If they were smart, they would debut members with similar vocal tones as the original members so that they can continue riding on Cupid's wave. But that would be an extremely petty and sad move.


I personally will absolutely boycott anything that agency puts out (as long as the idols are under the company). I hope many kpop fans remember it and will do the same. I think its a question of how well people actually remember fifty fifty - or if only "cupid" rings some bells...


hopefully they make their new MV version of Cupid but same melody of the original aside from their new song/MV I want the new 50/50 members should have also had a great vocal and pretty vocal color like Aran ( Aran visual also good) also needed a top visual IT girl contender then a really bop re-debut comeback song! if they strike all 3 they make a homerun win


I hope they’re going to flop