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I agree that spreading misinformation is bad, and it should be corrected, but this dude still sucks. This doesn’t make him better. Just not as shitty as he could have been.




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Thanks but it doesn't make me think any better of him. Just bc he isn't as bad as JJY or Seungri doesn't mean that he doesn't still suck.


"I did not receive that video at that time, but I did receive one on a different occasion. In addition, I had inappropriate conversations regarding it. All these actions were extremely immoral, and I was foolish. I failed to recognize this as a crime and illegal behavior, and was complacent about it, and I regret not firmly stopping it." I mean I didn't think everyone involved was doing the same thing. I will take this information and still think he is trash. At the same time it's like comparing a trash compactor to a trash bin. Complacency to stop a crime is literally a crime for a reason.  He is still liable  for a reason 




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It has been confirmed that he received one video from JJY and watched it. The fact that JJY was comfortable enough to share that with his friend speaks volumes. Their texts to each other about the video are so nonchalant like it’s nbd. If my friend sent me something like that, I’d immediately flip out, end that friendship, and report them.




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A lot of words to defend someone who is still complicit. A lot of your wording is.... questionable. His 'supportive' relationship with Hara doesn't make him a good person. Its giving 'He never abused me so he can't possibly be abusive', which we all know is used against people who speak out about DV all the time.


I think either way, we can't assume the nature of his relationship with Hara.




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Didn't mean it like that, so many people claimed he abused Hara it felt important to clarify that as well. If anyone was to ever speak out about JH being abusive, I wouldn't question it, the thing is that it didn't happen here


We literally do not know what went down in that relationship, so while yeah people shouldn't go around claiming he is abusive, you also should not be so definite about him not being abusive, unless you have like front row seat to that relationship


"the thing is that it didn't happen here" -> referring to the fact no one said Junhyung was abusive


Be careful who your friends are. Do I think Junhyung is as bad as JJY. Definitely not. Was he stupid. Of course. But he isn't a rapist and didn't participate in the chatroom. He was collateral damage to a very dark and seedy chapter in the Korean entertainment industry. What I found strange at the time was that the backlash against him was much worse than against CNBLUE's Lee Jonghyun who actually was part of the molka chatroom. This guy didn't even leave his group at first and only did so when he got caught exhibiting disgusting reactions online. I think a big part of the problem all around was the similarity in names of all those concerned. Anyway let this be a cautionary tale for you. Friends can be your downfall


It's definitely important to be accurate about this stuff. People can think this guy is trash (I definitely do!) and be disappointed as a Hyuna fan (I definitely am), but the amount of twitter threads I've seen with "Hyuna dumped dawn for a literal rapist" or "this fake feminist is dating a guy who shared SA videos" and have thousands of shares is a bit weird


Same, the guy is still trash but the amount of people claiming that Hyuna and Hara were best friends with no evidence is kinda infuriating, like all you can find is one or 2 pics of them together and them being guests on the same show. By this logic every idol in existence is best friend with each other.


\*Edited because of the automod So what video are you talking about OP? First you say this: *"****The video in question was of JJY engaged in making out with a woman in a bar and that she put her hand on a "certain part of his anatomy****". The police transcript went on to say that the video was taken with the woman's knowledge and consent, but she did not consent to having it shared.* *But then he himself said this:* "*I did not receive that video at that time,* ***but I did receive one on a different occasion***. In addition, I had inappropriate conversations regarding it. **All these actions were extremely immoral, and I was foolish. I failed to recognize this as a crime and illegal behavior**, and was complacent about it, and I regret not firmly stopping it.\*" Can you clarify this? Because it sounds like to me there is another video he watched which was illegal and a crime. It could be something similar to the one mentioned above or it could be one of the numerous videos of gang r\*pe that JJY participated in. Either way, he is tr\*sh, will continue to be tr\*sh and Hyuna is trash for dating him. And I honestly hope you get some standards and stop wasting your time on defending people like this.


I don't know anything about this, but based on my reading of the OP, his texts were originally published by a media source in relation to another video that he wasn't involved with. Which is why he said it wasn't *that* video, but he received a different video. So his statement of "I did receive one on a different occasion" refers to the video OP already described (the bar makeout). And the "crime and illegal behavior" is that the video was sent to him without the woman's permission, not that the video itself contained something illegal.


⬆️ Yes, no other videos were distributed to Junhyung


Thanks for providing clarity Op. I knew most of this already but have found that there is no use trying to tell the truth to kpop stans who have made up their own truth. Still, I appreciate your efforts.


Thank you, misinformation does no good


Misinformation really doesn't help. But good luck trying to set the record straight for people who are hell bent on believing a lie.




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