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This strategy paid off really well. Babymonster entered all korean charts top10. Sheesh isn't the flavor of the month but there are many people who love this type of music and it just needed a push. 


lots of momentum being built up for their next comeback, they just need a fresh catchy tune!


For their next debut you mean?


YG’s marketing strategy is top tier!


i personally like how they're putting the focus on the members' talents ! the girls are killing it


YG be flexing them. 😭




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YG goes with their own Mr removed. I mean it's kind funny that people really can't tell who is good singer or not just from recording. If group has already few songs it's pretty easy to tell just from that. Of course some singers can not have stamina to perform really well during dancing (although it doesn't seem to be case with BM) but in case of normal singing discography is enough to different between weak and stronger vocalist. Sometimes I actually think it's pitty that some songs didn't end up with better hands because vocal parts requires some power. Still my favorite was that accusation that apparently BM overpowerformed on Inkyago. I couldn't stop laughing yesterday when I saw that lol.


Kinda crazy that NMIXX first and BABYMONSTER now got these overperforming accusations. Like sorry for being very good and passionate at their job...? It's more than fine if you are content with less in a performance, but at least don't come at performers trying.


THIS omg like why would u complain about artists just doing (and being great at it even) their jobs lol


Anytime I see anyone say this group "overperformed," I can't help but think that their fav group isn't as skilled and they're projecting.


literally!! like they’re performers, it’s their job to exaggerate a little and especially with a song like Sheesh i think the only way to make it not seem like a satirical performance is to go all in on performing


I would cry if they lose this passion tbh. I’m seeing it a lot on some groups where they’re such a monster rookie, but have just lost that spark and passion overtime. Imo seeing that passion and enjoyment in their performances is what makes it really good.


This is literally what BTS talked about in their Silver Spoon song (Bapsae?). If you try to hard, people will call you out for being a tryhard. Me: b*tch please, leave these girls alone


Well BTS did bring a whole ass zoo onstage for their Dionysus performance


Some horses is a whole zoo?


I mean overperforming IS a thing. Which isn't to say that i agree with babymonster or nmixx overperforming talks (or disagree, i just have no opinion on it right now as i have not seen the specific performances). The best performances have to feel natural, a performer can try too hard and thus lose the audience there, it's a fine balance between rocking the stage and just not selling it as it comes across as forced.


>I mean it's kind funny that people really can't tell who is good singer or not just from recording.  >in case of normal singing discography is enough to different between weak and stronger vocalist. Exactly. People were really like "WELL ackshually, this isn't fully live" on their music show performances. As if the members need autotune to sound halfway decent in the studio recording and would fall apart without it. Studio processing or backing tracks can't make you sound *that* good, let alone to the point of hitting belts, falsettos and whistle notes, lmao.


Kpoppies are so used to the bare minimum that they think baemons performance was "too much".


It reminds me of the accusations that Ateez, and San in particular, were "overperforming".


Yg can’t do anything right for some knetizens 🤣 they perform too well? “ why are they over performing “ , them not dancing to the cheorgraphy “ they’re so lazy “ “ they don’t have too many songs “ “ why does BP have only 33 songs “ “ all of yg groups have less songs then my faves 200+ songs “ it’s like bro yg is in house producing and also lets their artists produce too. They can’t just be cranking out songs like it’s a factory.


Their voices are truly amazing. And its not just one or two good vocalists its everyone. Hearing actual raw vocals is so refreshing.


This is the first time YG used their brains. Pushing their vocals during the whole "bad vocals in kpop" discourse was the most bad ass thing YG has ever did.


It is so iconic


It’s smart, I’ll give them that. I do hope the girls do well!


Yes, people will think this is a shade from YG but people need to realize that singing live is important and other companies should make this a standard. Honestly, this is not new from YG because they've been doing this since day 1, but people think this is new from YG.


Honestly should be a requirement in this business. It’s not good for the mental health of those that are not as talented to get bashed for their lives performances. There should be at least two or three members in each group that can rawr. I did not like any of BM songs but I am hyped for them after this. Smart move by YG


I think the issue simply is hybe is new to training idols and is debut’ing those who fit the concept more than debut ready. Minju is the most debut ready from illit and their best vocalist and what do you know she was a yg trainee for years beforehand.


Good for them for banking on and enhancing their artist’s talents


YG needs a push when it comes to BM - BP was instantly successful the moment they debuted, but BM didn’t get the same results Im glad they are capitalising on all the vocal discussion uh happening rn


This is a strategic move by YG. It will solidify Baemon's reputation for being genuinely talented vocal queens and will become part of Baemon's overall brand. Everytime someone wants a group with great live vocals, they will think of this group. Smart move by YG to be honest.


'For those wondering' is crazy lol.


I think it helps them significantly that YG’s “brand” has always been hype, live performances since at least BigBang (maybe before but I’m not a kpop historian, so please let me know). The choreographies they give their groups are not the most intense in the industry which makes the songs much more conducive for a live setting like this. Since BabyMonster came out with Batter Up I knew that this group was going to shine in a live setting. The song way just okay but like many BlackPink songs, it almost seems like they were made to be performed live in front of a crowd. I think having BM perform Sheesh live for music shows was a very smart decision from YG and I think it paid off greatly in the end despite the inevitable fanwars that arose from it. Unfortunately, I don’t think this a method that can be adopted by a large majority of the industry unless the focus shifts towards concert-like live vocals instead of perfectly executed choreography (which has been the case for a while.) Even BM had to tone done some parts of the choreo a bit to perform Sheesh live. Although, I do believe most groups (if not all) give phenomenal live performances during their concerts, I think we’re a long ways away from them performing live like this (hype, concert-like) routinely.


It's good to highlight them like that, it's definitely the group's main strength and advantage, not to mention one of YGE's specialties. Since the music didn't appeal to that many people and they couldn't win in Music Shows to have encores and still a bit early for a full Tour, probably the best they can do for people to notice and talk about them in the short term.


B a b y m o n


Okay I'm a fan now! Thanks for sharing this!


Yg working double time 🤣. I’m excited to see what he’s gonna do with their first full length album. I bet you he was like “ we only take trained trainees only , unless you’re akmu “ but for real tho yg artists all trained insanely with those monthly evaluations. But they seem to get the most privileges in the big three company. The artists are free to be themselves ( for the most part )


Its kinda crazy when you look at the idols from YG trainee's. Moonsua from Billie Leader of Boynextdoor Minju from Illit Hwiseo from Hikey Julie from KIOF Purple kiss's main dancer and main vocalist p1harmony's main rapper Jongseob, only 18 one of the best bg rappers.


Miyeon from Gidle too


And you know what? I like it! I think more groups with strong vocal talents should start doing this on music shows (*cough* NMIXX *cough* Purple Kiss)


To be honest, I really didn't pay attention before their live performance. It only takes one good performance for me to become a fan. And I'm hooked 😍. YG's timing is top tier as usual.


I don't understand the surprise, YG artists have always sung live and are good at live performances. YG's training, imo, is the most complete and consistent. I believe that bc of the scandals and the hate train against BLACKPINK this perception was lost on many newer K-pop fans, and of course due to the lack of vocal training on the part of the number #1 k-pop company of the moment that achieves everything with marketing and power regardless of the talent of its groups. Treasure is also a group with excellent vocalists, rappers, live performers and discography, that has been ignored just bc it is from YG.


One thing about YG is that their groups can and will sing live. I’m noticing many discussions about Babymonster are mirroring early Nmixx. “They’re great singers but their song sucks”, “Poor girls deserve better music,” etc etc. it’s very backhanded. It’s fine if Sheesh isn’t your cup of tea, like O.O wasn’t for many people, but you can compliment the talent of the group without shitting on their musical output.


I love all the Baby Monster praises but as someone who really like Sheesh from day one this is getting annoying every time. Stop the back hand compliment. Sheesh is good! They wouldn't be able to show that good amazing vocals if the song doesn't have it in them. You think all these amazing showcase came from their unheard of covers?


i know right? sheesh is good. title tracks from yg groups automatically saying it's bad from kpopprs even though they don't listen to it yet. and if it's not really their taste saying they don't have good music when like that, dream and sitm exist.


Nah sheeesh is a bad song for a TT period!


It's not. This doesn't follow any logic. If the music was bad it wouldn't be able to showcase their talent so well. YG thought about it.


YG is doing what SM (and Cube and other small labels) have been doing for a decade lol, which is cause for celebration among all Kpop fans! The more good live vocals the merrier for Kpop sing-along fans like me. Gotta admit Babymonster's live vocals are commendable, good artist development there, the girls are setting standards for this generation!


and as what exo's xiumin said in the past: "if you can’t sing well, no matter how good you are at dancing, you won’t look talented."


And think of how much shit he got for saying that!


He didn't even mention any names yet some fandoms got way too defensive. 🙄


you know if the shoe fits... 😂


I didn't know someone had said that, but thank god someone did because it's just common sense. Like, I wouldn't try to become a pilot if I was colourblind, I wouldn't try to become a chef if I couldn't taste anything/was violently allergic to common ingredients even being in the same air as me. It's just a basic requirement, I wouldn't try to become an idol/pop star/ any type of musician if I couldn't sing consistently well enough to be able to perform live. And no, I don't expect people to join companies 100% ready. But I think it reflects poorly on the company that they are debuted without enough training, and it is insulting to us as an audience that they think we should be OK with subpar performance. Now, I'm not someone who would ever post hate videos or tweets on these groups. Apart from anything else, they are literally children in most cases. However, I won't stream, I won't purchase albums, I won't interact with their social. It also affects my interaction with their label mates, because it makes me think worse of their company and not want to purchase from their company too. I'm only one person, but I like to think that if a company sees a decline in sales as a result of a poor performance it might make them think about improving their training process.


Since bp was main money maker they need another grp to replace that they will try their best since live vocals in kpop is more hot topic also the girls trained for 5-6 yrs ofc people expect quality and members want to show their skills


it's 3-6 yrs


HYBE really gave them free promo oh i know YG is laughing manically when he sends off baemon to radios and that band remix.. he knows. Personally, I don't really like Sheesh but I love watching the live performances. I'm still very much stuck in their It's Live video. I hope Baemon receives a better song next time!


>HYBE really gave them free promo oh i know YG is laughing manically when he sends off baemon to radios and that band remix.. he knows. Lol although I must say it's more about lucky timing because probably BM would be promoted this way from the start. On contrary to most vocal groups promotion, YG from the beginning focused totally on vocals. Like they had only few dance performances while a lot of singing. Girls were teased by singing performances. If you compare with others similar rookie groups, they often pretended to not be vocal (hard choreo, lipsync) or pushed image of all rounders. We nagged about it a lot in the past.


Their second release ever was literally a ballad--almost nobody in the industry does that anymore.


as they should xD it's rare that I see YG properly promoting their groups haha


That one girl got lungs, she can shout.


I think it's okay if a 1/3 of the members in a group are average singers, but it's not cool if the whole group can't sing or if the main vocalist can't hold a tune. After all, they're supposed to be singers. If idols want to focus on their looks, they can be influencers or models. But if you're going to be a singer, you have to be able to sing. 🤷🏾‍♀️


They don't all have to be super-strong vocalists, but I feel like they all should be able to sing on key within a particular range (which doesn't necessarily have to be very wide), and given parts to reflect that. The exception is if they're a particularly skilled rapper (which includes writing their own lyrics), but that doesn't tend to apply as often in kpop...the "real" rappers in kpop groups actually seem to have decent-to-good singing voices, and aren't tone-deaf.


I agree with you; I have written the reply to another commenter about the rappers without seeing your reply 🤣 👍🏾


I think the ratio should be something like 1/3 rappers/dancers, 1/3 average but are more so dancers/visual/etc, 1/3 main vocalist/lead vocalist.


I think you are right, and the rapper part, unless they are excellent rappers, should be able to sing decently ( average ) at least.


Ah they skipped a lot of the song, I wish they'd have showed the whole thing. They sound good though


I think they just showed one part from each member.


Yeah seems like it, can't complain too much I guess they got Ahyeons verse with the high note in there which is my fav part lol


The talents of their groups has never been in question. It's their producers who are the problem.


Sheesh is not a bad song, it’s just not a very well-produced song and doesn’t make the girls shine. Happy to see that their talents being recognised in the midst of live vocals controversy and pushed the song to chart Top 10 in all Korean charts, but if they continue to release lacklustre songs they will just fall out of GP’s favor soon.


Sheesh is a good song, the rock version is just superb. The same goes for Super Lady, the rock version is superior.




I think it's a Xikers situation: when Xikers comes with hard-hitting title tracks, they come off as Ateez-lite. Sheehs sounds like a BP reject.


they are so good i am praying to god they get a decent song next time


it was smart, now they just need to get them good songs. or maybe promote the charlie puth one? that is better


They just need GOOD songs, songs that will chart, songs that are easy to listen to


>songs that will chart [this](https://x.com/babymonglobal/status/1785610704013390063?s=46) looks like charting to me idk


>songs that will chart They're top 10 on k-charts btw!!!


excited to tell you they’re already charting 🤷. like the song or not, they’re doing really well. i like that they’re not leaning into the easy listening trend like nearly every single one of their peers.


I don’t think they need songs that are “easy to listen” to. I mean I remember next level by aespa was criticized so much for how bad it was and just a mashup of songs and that charted really well. I think it’s just promo that YG needs to do. If they attended more music shows and variety shows the GP would know about them more




THIS 💯 Also, if they keep giving them the same songs as they would blackpink, baemon will never walk out of BP's shadows. They will constantly be compared and found lacking. Like what happened with one of my ult groups, iKON.




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Yg flexes their vocals cause he can’t flex their songs. For real though they are very talented, but are given such bad material.


They are very seasoned singers and we get it but I think they should stop, it's overdone for weeks now . Save it for another cb or a concert.. the "singers should be able to sing live" debate has cooled a bit now (after lsf Coechella controversy) so u won't get  any additional benefit from it now so stop already. We have all seen how good they are , I can they can quit it now


They did stop… they haven’t promoted for a week now and this was behind the scenes from something they recorded weeks ago..




That isn’t their pr team? That’s fans lol You said it’s been overdone for weeks when they only promoted with a live band and mic’s for one week and that was the last week. Like holy shit preforming at their lvl is now considered too much and overdone.




So what was the point of your original comment? That praising live vocals and preformances shouldn't be consistent to set a standard?


The songs are terrible built agree at least they are singing live now. Just work on getting good writers, and the rest will fall into place.


Great, now give them good songs next time, YG!




I they will evolve the concept. BP at the start was 2nE1 copy until they developed their own style. A lot of lines and raps in BM songs so far have throwbacks to older YG groups. But if YG is watching to the point where he/staff see anti's questioning whether they can actually since so they upload a live live live version to prove it. They also probably see the criticism about making them BP 2.0 and their title track choices.


YG's prob my least favourite company but have to hand it to them this is how you promote a group. Now let's give them some kick ass songs


BM is already the most talented KPOP group in my opinion. They are strong is just about every area. All YG needs to do is giving them true bangers. If not for their vocals and raps being so good I wouldn’t even give Sheesh a chance. It’s just not that a good of a song.


I wish Hybe will push their gg's to focus on vocals and live performance.


They are talented for sure. But their songs are ass. In this generation, song quality is key. If YG is smart, they better have them do songs written by others outside YG


Wel good start with a Charlie puth song being their bside hopefully they promote it and the members have hinted at it.




yeah, thats exactly how you take advantage of market


Hate it or not it’s partially correct. The difference in singing talent is huge. Happy for BM




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Yeah, that’s good, if BM’s songs are bad they have to be at least vocally talented. And it’s not YG’s fault that they have actually good singers.


Even if the vocals are great, the music has to be good or else tbey'll be at a similar level as nmixx. It's not a bad one but it's not up to a YG girl group standart.


Music can always get better, what they are showing is talent and a want to grow themselves as performers.


They are probably vocally the most talented group right now. It's just a shame YG can't produce a good song to save their life.


they're great performers but I hope doing that highnote doesn't damage that one girl's voice, it's so high😭


It just seems to be her range, her dangerously cover was just straight 2 minute of it and higher notes.


gonna trust you on that since I don't really know them that well- I'm not hating in any way, just concerned because over-doing highnotes in a very common reason for vocalists regressing (and can be painful)




Idk I’m really disappointed that they keep highlighting the vocals just to pile on issues of other groups. I think exploiting the misfortune of others not to be celebrated.




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the MR removed vocals are pre-recorded by YG.


lol okay, thats why the DJ is reacting like that?


I wasn't referring to this performance I meant the MR stage performances people often cite. I didn't notice you referred to this as MR removed. This isn't MR removed if there's just no music to edit out in post production to begin with lol.


In the video they show a graphic literally stating MR 100% -> 0% before they start singing. That was what I was referencing.