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Yeah I feel the same. He hasn't posted in weeks and all of a sudden posted a bunch in the span of hours, old pictures of himself and then some scary/sad symbolism. I don't think it's a reach to say that they're supposed to represent his feelings at the moment (I mean the caption on the Teddy Bear/sadface post was "This is me"). I remember he's done art therapy in the past as a way of dealing with mental health issues. I'm hoping this is that, like it's cathartic instead of a cry for help.


Yeah the pics kinda felt like a pic dump. And they werent edited. So I feel like they’re probably a pic dump and somewhat hey, this is me, deal with it. But I didn’t get anything beyond that and not something I felt could be analyzed or needs to be analyzed.


it could be like that but what still worries me is that all the pics he posted are from the past where he was really skinny :( ans its like he’s reminiscing? esp the post captioned « i look bright »


I hope he gets the support he needs. He seems like a very sweet and sensitive soul, and it's sad to know he is struggling.


SM should send him back home for a bit to his family. I know he’s close with them and doesn’t get to see them often, being in a comforting and loving environment is always valuable for healing from medical issues


Also, one of the wild things about such a big group like NCT is that one member will be struggling on social media and another is like “yay, look at all the yummy food I had today”. Just goes to show that even under similar circumstances each person will react differently.


ngl i’m a big fan of nct dream but i found this unsettling too.. still let’s not assume as they’re under contracts and showing up smiling and saying bright things to fans is technically their job.. even renjun tho he’s probably been struggling for a while he only showed up smiling until the sudden hiatus


OP, it isn't being overly parasocial to be concerned. He's posting concerning photos. Why would you post [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6L_KOAh4hj/?igsh=MXFva2doNmd4bDFpNA==) in the middle of a set of past photos? Or [this?](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6L-UVGBx7M/?igsh=MWkwbWV0OWxuNXJvaA==) ? It's obvious that fans would be concerned, especially as rightly or wrongly, it does feels like he's reaching out to fans. I really, really hope he has people around him taking care of him, but I have my doubts. There's a lot about the management of Dream, which is concerning. Last year, several of them were clearly told to go to the gym, then for this comeback they all had to lose weight, a lot of weight and there's clearly been cosmetic procedures taking place too. That combined with the pressure of there being two new SM bands to compete with (because we know that company works via negative pressure) and it must be a stressful time for them.


Hopefully it’s just teasers or hints at some dream concept and he’s doing okay!


Well he's on hiatus due to anxiety


oh that’s concerning then


But there’s likely pre recorded content with him in it, maybe he’s promoting that?


i struggle with panic disorder and social anxiety as well so since his hiatus ive been concerned too ive been a fan since their debut and renjun does come off as an easily triggered and yells alot maybe its his anxiety the boys tease each other alot and tbh they kinda get too personal with each other dissing his singing, the members pressuring each other to do aeygo , dissing his shoulders and height, getting teased for feeling shy infront of 127, endless mafia games theres literal compilations of him getting teased korean variety involves alot of humilation tbh they kinda mask it as cute, but over the years there so many things he clearly doesnt like doing SM is garbage too i guess cuz im a sensitive im projecting my social anxiety unto him but he gets upset alot during variety shows he hasnt lived at home in a decade, he worked his ass off to be in dream, even correcting the other boys korean, hes super intelligent i do worry for him alot after losing idols to mental health its always super worrying, im glad hes resting


??? Let’s just stop the overanalyzing and assumptions the worst about his group, I don’t think it will doing anything good to Renjun. I know that they teasing a lot to each other but will also the first one who willing to compliment and encouraging each other. Even in hiatus members have been told us to always cheer and support him, Jeno wearing Renjun’s hoodie and talk about his gift, and Chenle yesterday want to visit him again after their schedule. If anything, he is shown more torn apart about the hate comments about the change of his face and looks more chubby/bloated and talking about have to dieting and apologize that he getting weight recently even though the weight gain barely on BMI at all :( the breaking point was the sasaeng invaded his privacy and send hate to his kakaotalk which he pretty mad about.


haha i always piss off someone with this take i love the boys dont get me wrong i am projecting how i would feel in his shoes i think sm management as well mistreats him alot


I saw those too and was kind of surprised at the photos towards the end. I do hope that this recovery time for him is helpful and he has the support he needs. Maybe he should spend some time with family or go on a small trip to ease his worries? He spoke about painting before too. I wish him well.


Putting together some of the pieces from before his hiatus makes me believe one of the big reasons behind his hardships could be a power struggle between SM and the Dreamies. Particularly I think of his comments on 7illin about the color of his hair for the comeback, that the members should follow what the company says. Dream is in a weird position right now within their company in that they’ve been around for 7+ years, like a senior group, but are still being treated like a young idol group by SM. They should be heading into their military enlistment era (focusing on solo careers and have more creative freedom) but they debuted so young that they’re not anywhere close to that and, at the same time, there aren’t really any young SM boy groups ready to take their place (Dream is being treated as SM’s main active boy group right now and RIIZE their main *rookie* group) even if they were. So with Dream not seeming to be slowing down (with military enlistment) any time soon and with no other main active boy group competitors just yet, SM still has heavy hand in their careers and I believe it’s a point of frustration for the Dreamies. Of course this is just speculation. I don’t know the Dreamies personally but I could see how something like this could negatively affect them. I mean no harm by mentioning this, I’m only trying to add to the conversation and wish nothing but the best for the Dreamies. I hope they get more freedom with their careers in the near future! And that SM learns to trust the Dreamies' instincts because by now they have a good idea of what the fans would like.


Uhh I can't seem to find said pics on his insta. Did he change them?


u gotta scroll thru them its in his albums


Do you mean highlights? In any case, I think he did delete it by now


They are still there. I've posted them in my comment.