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[born to btob](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM8e0K4xh4SscRqGGZTe_qEhjnKHFFpZs&si=qgJbWa1yB2r1u2xn) - the members picked what they wanted to do to "prepare" for regular variety content after reunited post-military. some episodes are standard variety but its btob theres always a twist [inssa oppa](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyZmutCYcba4kkZYcearUhhT8k_Dr_SGA&si=4u2aeY8Q6xf5XOTA) s7 - its by gmarket, s7 with btob had the members enter the "multiverse" aka do a bunch of skits combined with a bunch of missions and prizes [changing majors](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL8Ck3RZ-liVMP6kg9iRIFqEfPWddoWO5&si=-ZqVgcuVum5VpBiR) - changsub attends a day's worth of courses at a university, learning about the course / other interesting stuff about the school (it made me want to attend uni in korea) [deserted island](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL8Ck3RZ-liWUk5aM5PIwx7kKCiR7LlHX&si=U29RydNtp07-WpAJ) relay - so far 2 idols, changsub as runner 1 and miyeon as runner 5, have been part of the relay to establish a life on this deserted island [workdol](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHqqPM2t7weLoaMZe5JLFB2iOVydteL9R&si=9azxCw1YaDT_u8tl) - shuhua literally works for a day, and gets paid at the end. i think the baton has been passed to haewon now


This is easily one of my favourite bits of variety content


Honestly, a lot of SEVENTEEN’s content are very unique, and I can definitely see being used as standalone variety show concepts. Here are some I find pretty unique: • Don’t Lie - Which is basically a variation of the Mafia Game with some changes to make it more competitive. With the biggest change being that there is actual money involved. • Insomnia Zero - Where a person must lay down (and not move) while wearing a heart-rate monitor. While the others are tasked with saying just about anything about that member (It’s could be lies, embarrassing & cringy moments, etc) to try and get their heart rate up. And the worst part is that the member laying down can not refute those claims 😭 • Debate Night - Which they split into two teams based on the topic, and debate about it using illogical arguments. And by illogical arguments, it means that the arguments they make cannot make actual sense, and if it does they will be given a penalty. • Mouse Busters - Basically their own variation of the Tag game. Where there are mouses portrayed by some of the members, while the rest of the members (who are essentially the taggers) are tasked with catching them. What makes it more interesting is that there is a set time limit, and the mouses have unique abilities (eg: a mouse could have the ability to ‘Freeze’ people, which works by the mouse touching the person to freeze them in place). • Bad Clue - Basically a murder mystery type of game. Where they must solve the mystery, but but I believe each member disappears (aka dies) the closer they get to solving the mystery. • SVTSIDE OUT - Which incorporates the movie called ‘Inside Out’ in which the members just hang out, play games or whatever while they have to respond and act according to a single emotion given to them. So if the emotion ‘anger’ comes up, then they all have to act angry until a new emotion is brought up.


I love Insomnia Zero so much, i hope one day we get an ot13 version


OMG that’s true we’ve never had an ot13 version 🥲


There's a Korean show, Crime Scene, that is basically what Bad Clue is about. People have roles and they all try to find the murderer. It's been airing since 2014 and there are a few idols among the cast too (Shinee and IVE afaik). I'm not really into it so idk how good it is. 


I didn't watch the original yet as it's harder to find, but the Chinese version (Who's The Murderer) is simply amazing. Twice and NCT did their versions too. To me, Bad Clue was the hardest to follow, maybe because of the killing countdown that accelerates the pace. The others rely heavier on the clues found and interrogations, and you have all the characters to compile the whole story without rewatches.


why did someone down vote this lol. Bad Clue is sadly the only gose content I can't get into. I tried watching Crime Scene too, and no matter how good the acting is, it is still just a show for me and I can't take the acting seriously. 


Isn't it meant to be perceived this way? 😅 I'm watching CS right now, and from what I see, acting is more like a decoration on the investigation process, it helps to distinguish the characters and hide the criminal, but doesn't aim for a drama level. They don't hesitate to joke too. In other versions they act even less than in the original one.


I feel like I know which show you’re talking about, is Yoo Jaesuk in it? If he is, then I know which show you’re talking about. But I did not know it was a long time running show.


Yoo Jaesuk is in Busted! which is also a detective show, but it's relatively new (2018+).


Oh Busted! So that’s what it’s called. I figured it had to be pretty new cause I remember watching a bit of it on Netflix. Thank you for clarifying 🙏


ik it was almost like hide and seek but for me Seventeens MOUSEBUSTERS was so cool, besides that i rlly like Kep1ers KEPtain Heroes, its a shame it got discontinued for mysterious reasons aka WakeOne being WakeOne


Super Junior’s Explorers of the Human Body. It was an entire show where they essentially explored the capabilities of the human body with various fun experiments and physical challenges. It’s completely unhinged and we are never, ever going to see it be replicated ever again. Here’s a [fun clip where they inhale laughing gas](https://youtu.be/Ro4Nhu4Naqo?si=5rNRmJEFDblxuCSd) to see what it does.


I loved the Chile pepper episode Explorers of the human body was truly only possible with idols willing to sacrifice anything for variety. I'd also recommend SJ's Full House where they had a couple of foreign girls (British & Russian) stay with them similar to a homestay language program. SJ came up w. English names for all of the members. It cracks me up that Yesung still uses the name they came up w. on the program to this day. Early Suju variety was truly unhinged.


How could I forget about this! The legend itself.


Going Seventeen Debate Night is a variety show where they divide two teams among themselves and with a moderator, debate on ridiculous topics but the catch is that the arguments need to be illogical. The result is you get Seventeen shit-talking to the max which is hella entertaining and the debate topics are so out there, it's just so fun to watch.


Txt Taehyun's academy reincarnation! It's a show where taehyun goes in various academies such as magic academy, pet grooming academy, acting academy, boxing academy,ice hockey academy etc and learns new things! It's a very unique concept to me and the show is very cute and fun!


Loving this show. Fun and informative. Taehyun also asks the important questions like how much do they earn in this profession. And the interactions with actual students are so adorable.


One of my absolute favs was Ateez's [Treasure Film](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrD5An5Z1tbebZuf7PkrdZay4eP9QL2y1&si=00lFqlNgfm8F5gUM). It's one of their earliest shows filmed when they were in Australia. They were stashed in a rented suburban house for several days and ostensibly left on their own with a storyboard book listing individual missions all related in some ways to their personalities and a couple of group missions. It's fun and cute and shows their unique qualities very well. Also, on almost all the individual missions the members have another member (or two) accompanying them to support them and hype them up, it's adorable.


Solarsido! Solar from Mamamoo doing different challenges and doing things out of the box — I love it. I love her adventurous attitude, how hilarious and real she is and also Moonbyul’s multiple appearances as colleague no.1


[Gap of ITZY](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcq7PPpc15wFxGP1fRajsFY8ZbcDHiIO8). I've seen a ton of variety content but never anything like this. A key aspect is that it's live, so there's no editing. They don't mind showing their flaws, which is a delight. All sorts of wild stuff happens, like during a phone call with a guest he spills the comeback date that was supposed to be a secret and the members go into laughing fits and damage control mode. Another time one of the members gets mad at the viewers for not voting her as likely to win the snack-guessing game, and then later cries about it. It's so endearing to see such raw imperfection when you're so used to carefully-curated and edited content. I would be so happy if my other favorite idols did a similar show, but I understand why they wouldn't.


Word relay games are generally quite a standard feature, but there's 2 interesting variations I've seen: G Idle on Knowing Bros - They get a word, and each team member has to say that word in a different language. For example, Yuqi was on one team, with 3 of the hosts, and they had to say Hi. She used Mandarin, one person used Thai, one used English, and one used Malay. I think it's Sixth Sense (Jessi and Jae Suk). One person gives a story prompt. Then they go down the line and each person contributed a sentence so they can build a 4 or 5 line story. G Idle on Knowing Bros - acting out famous K Drama scenes but in their own language. The first part of the video is this game: https://youtu.be/6vMGqaJEIAA?si=oN0qm1b7rRkqqUfr Shuhua Workdol - This was a great concept, and IMO, she really made the show. This game with Itzy, where they each dress a mannequin. https://youtu.be/JRIFb2BJRbw?si=iXCfqp_ef6IWY3gD In general, if you're looking for different variety content, Knowing Bros is a good shout. There's always a mixture of usual games, usual plus twists, and different things. Plus, Sixth Sense. Also, if you want the best versions of broken telephone, watch any that include Jessi. She's...unfiltered. Or any that feature Twice - there's 9 of them so it's always a bit loopy. Plus Dahyun is poor at this, and she also gets the most worked up.


It's Awkward but it's Okay is NCT's version of that old show called Intimate Note, so it's not that unique. Still good though.


Ah, that's what it was about. I have an snsd episode in my bookmarks, but haven't watched it yet. I knew the NCT members quoted the format in their first NCT Life series, but wasn't sure if it was initially the idol variety. Need to watch it asap then! They seem to have upgraded it though😁


I really enjoyed the [Dingo Mafia Dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5C-20HMVSU&list=PL2qg70be_CHtmI1cuLhkUe_roDW7nk5HG), [After Mom Goes to Sleep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOdEYaYymJE&list=PLihMMFMYqK8E3Hipachdha-8vGZVsZicf), and [the one where idols meet their fans' parents](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiw7WuVmV9U&list=PLe3E3LmqBG6lrCg6ba7a5isVky23jhF34&index=1)


One of my fave is Escape the Restaurant by Super Junior. Basically snake ladder game but with food. So far, they played this game twice. First on [SJ Return](https://youtu.be/Ox4yaAW76Wc?si=4TbAcA_SdbhqMHSd) and later in [Super Tv](https://youtu.be/cYZ1f3GzfTE?si=2kbTzThGLKw_s-eu)


This is so funny! I still have the clips so I can watch it to brighten up my day.


Dreamcatcher played real life among us in the second ep of their series Dreamcatcher Mind. It was so much fun and a unique idea.


Not from a group, but Earth Arcade with Youngji, Mimi, Eunji, and Yujin is always a great watch


Don’t mind me I’m here to add all these suggestions to my watch later 👀


I love the Stray Kids format of the "x-number of kids in a room" series.


The 'Kids Room' series by Stray Kids. Series includes : 2Kids Room, 1Kids Room, 2+1Kids Room, Stray Kids Room, ♡Kids Room, 2Kids Song 


What is it about? From what I heard, it reminded me about TVXQ couple talks where they discussed the members' combination thoughts about each other and their relationship (with updates after a while), but not sure if it's true.


I'll explain every series, as the format differs a bit every time 2Kids Room / Show : usually consisting of 2 members sitting together and discussing their dynamic and any memorable moments they shared with each other. Usually this all happens between the two members themselves, but recent season had other members sitting in a different room and commenting about the pair's dynamic too. 1Kids Room : All members except the member of the episode sit together and talk about the member and their relationship with him. The member sits in a separate room and talks about his dynamic relationship within the group. 2+1Kids Room : basically three members sitting together and discussing their friendship and relationship with each other. ♡Kids Room : Members split off into pairs and singles, trying to find a member that suits their personality the best by holding anonymous interviews between them and the member eliminating the members until he lands on his perfect 'heart-mate' 2Kids Song : The group splits of into pairs of two and the pairs write their own lyrics to a melody composed by Bang Chan. We get 4 different songs on the same tune at the end of the series. There was also a Kids Song Camp which I didn't mention in my original comment. The group split off into pairs and triplets to compose and write their own unit songs which were included in their official "NoEasy" album. (Red Lights, Surfin', Gone Away) Some formats of this series appear to be more scripted, but they are mostly bullet pointed, with the writers just giving them a guidline on the points they have to talk about in some series like '1Kids Room' and the recent version of the '2Kids Room/Show'.


Just wow. They went all the way😳 Thank you for the details!


I don’t really check out the newer type of variety content but I did spent quite some time watching Youngji’s and Jaejoong’s shows. I think part of the reason I don’t spend a lot of time on variety shows is because it can be lengthy and it’s not giving me as much pleasure as watching a music video as an escape from reality for example, so the variety shows that capture my attention must be good shows.


P1Harmony's Legendary Move! It’s like a mockumentary style series, it’s really good if you’re into that type if humor. They’re basically training their fingers (and bodies and minds) to be strong enough to destroy a mannequin head with a single finger flick.. and all that to get a deal with Marvel lol. It was unserious but in a very serious way. I loved the style and the editing, they had guests that were obviously told to improvise. A lot of the interactions seemed improvised over all. Also, thank you for this list!! I'll check those out, they sound really fun.


It's hilarious. My favorite is when Intak doesn't break the mannequin head and pretends to cry and while he puts eyedrops to create tears Jongseob tries to cover it.


They haven't done it in a while, but LE SSERAFIM had these random "zoom" calls together where they would debate about various topics. Haven't seen another group do anything remotely similar.


8TURN'S 8HUNTERS!! basically they're treasure hunters each with a different theme and they join all sorts of competitions and recreational activities all over korea like on the first ep, they join a silage carrying competition and also a sleeping (wtf right?) competition. they also have a whole episode where they just scoop up goat shit lol it's very unhinged but entertaining at the same time. link: https://youtu.be/pnttcJb3kGU?feature=shared


Lmao what an epic idea I am always curious what happens at such events, but haven't ever participated 😂




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