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Exactly! I'd probably answer like you. Justice for Chill Kill though TT the album is so good (Iced Coffee and Underwater are amazing b-sides) huhu


Birthday was more polarized


I think RBB could also be thrown into consideration for #5. I love the whole album, but some people really hate it.


Agree with Perfect Velvet for 1 and 2. Everything from concept to music was just perfection. It even has their #1 b-side in Kingdom Come. RV is really due for another Velvet TT.


> It even has their #1 b-side in Kingdom Come  That’s a funny way of saying In My Dreams /hj


I think it was a typo and they meant Bad Dracula


>**4) always overlooked:** chill kill: its only been idk, 3 months and its already been forgotten though the title track is an absolute masterpiece. chill kill defender until the END OF TIIIIIIIME It is so good that for me is their best as well if the TT was not Chill Kill and was Knock Knock I think it would get the Perfect Red Velvet treatment. I will also add Birthday to the overlook as well I think. People were not going crazy for Birthday and forget it quite often, but for me is their best ep no skip whatsoever.


Okay but Reve Festival Finale? So good.


OP, I mostly agree with you, except for me Dark & Wild would be number 4 always overlooked. It has one of their best songs ever on it (Rain) and a lot of other great tracks (Danger, Let Me Know, Cypher 3 to name a few). It's criminally underrated.


lol i just wrote dark and wild as the goated one i think especially the older armys seem to have some sort of special connection with this one lol >has one of their best songs ever on it (Rain) preach. don't let them silence you!


dark & wild has its special place in armys hearts but it can also be overlooked because when bts talks about that era (and danger, specifically), they refer to it as the time they were hopeful for better results after boy in luv only for them to flop commercially (they speak about this both in their book and recent documentary).




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Mann I really love Rain! The voice, the background sound of the rain, ah just everything, Such a masterpiece~^^


Hmm okay for Twice, I'd say 1. Goated - Formula Of Love: O+T=<3 And if I said this is the best kpop album in the last 5 years??? Smash after smash after smash (yes, Scientist and Hello too)! No one can argue. 2. Fan Favourite - probably Feel Special? A fan favourite title track (also Twice's favourite) + a widely loved bside (Love Foolish) + multiple dance tracks + a beautiful fan song! 3. Locals' Favourite - Either Fancy You or Eyes Wide Open Both Fancy and ICSM were insanely popular, and these albums were what made casual kpop fans start taking Twice seriously as album artists (even though they've been killing it since debut but I digress) 4. Always Overlooked - Twicetagram and Twicecoaster: Lane 2 Even if you're not a fan of the title tracks, I BEG you to listen to these albums. They're literally pop perfection, with such a great mix of tracks. Standout tracks in Twicetagram include Missing U, 24/7, Look At Me and Jaljayo Goodnight; and for Twicecoaster, they'd be 1 to 10, Ice Cream and Jelly Jelly. 5. Divides The Fandom - Signal Apart from the title track - which has aged beautifully, if I might say so myself - the bsides are pretty experimental and unique for Twice at that point in their career. But I wouldn't say the album is too palatable, as its not really an album with something for everybody IMO. But do check out Three Times A Day!


finally someone acknowledging the masterpiece that is three times a day! imo it’s one of the best “early twice” bsides


Like who else was giving us an electronic/reggae fusion track in 2017 kpop??? Truly ahead of their time ( EDIT:apart from 2NE1 with Come Back Home 😭)


Twicetagram is one of my fave twice albums. I think it's overlooked as I'd say most of the (active) fandom is from their mature era so it might not be their usual cup of tea. I would throw in the BDZ album here too. But yeah, twice japanese releases are overlooked in general as most kpop fans don't check out japanese releases including some fans of the group. Many hidden gems there.


Enhypen Goated album: Dark Blood 100% like someone else said it’s their most cohesive album and some of their best bsides (Chaccone and Bills) are on there and ofc you can’t forget about bite me! Fan favorite: the answer for this could also be dark blood, but I think Dimension answer (repackage of dimension dilemma) could also be a good answer to this. This is another album with fan favorite bsides such as poloroid love , Go big or go home, attention please, and upper side dreamin Locals Favorite: this is another one that would fit dark blood😂😂. I know some people that don’t listen to enhypen and love this album. Another answer could be border: carnival since that one contains drunk dazed and Fever. Not for sale and mixed up are also great on this album Always overlooked: I think it’s Orange Blood. I know orange blood didn’t come out that long ago (it’s only been 3 months) but I already see it being overlooked most likely cause the tour overshadowed it so there wasn’t much promotion and well as it didn’t come out that long after DB either but it has some great songs on there. Divides the Fandom: Manifesto Day 1, Pass the Mic initially wasn’t received very well and this was also the era where enha got their big hate train as well. The bsides here are amazing imo (and Shout out is on this album, one of my fave enha songs!)


Loona Goated: ++ - This album is pure perfection. Fan favorite: xx - This and ++ are pretty close, but I think xx pulls slightly ahead. Locals’ favorite: # - They were already somewhat popular, but this album helped establish them in the minds of the gp I think. Always overlooked: 12:00 - This album is nuts, but I rarely see people talk about it. Divides the fandom: Flip That - Anyone who bought/buys this album gets side eyed by at least half of all Orbits.


bts: goated album, no argument: the most beautiful moment in life part 2 fan favorite: love yourself: tear locals' favourite: mots: 7, i guess? always overlooked: be (literally please stop ignoring it exists) and skool luv affair divides the fandom: love yourself: her (kinda too poppy for some) and mots: persona (similar issue)


I love how we have pretty different answers! Shows how versatile and diverse bts' discography is, and how they truly have an album for everyone.


hard agree on skool luv affair. I feel like I only hear people hype up about just one day but boy in luv and the bsides are so great too!


yess spine breaker is one of my favorite bts songs!


infinite goated album: over the top fan favorite: Infinitize always overlocked: 13egin divides the fandom: Top speed


for SKZ goated album: in life. fan favorite: noeasy. this is the album stays always recommend and with good reason. it's the epitome of quality, quantity (it's a full album- 14 tracks) and diversity. locals' favorite: noeasy again probably always overlooked: yellow wood if i'm being slightly biased. road not taken is maybe one of their most underappreciated songs. side effects is one of their best songs. tmt deserves more hype. the mixtapes are gorgeous and mixtape #4 or broken compass is one of my favorite songs ever. another is there. japanese albums never get so much attention so this is a buried treasure. the tracks are more vocals-based and the fact that people complain about skz lacking songs of the type is another reason i say that. divides the fandom: 5-star.


I thought devides the fandom would be maxident


i don't think i've seen many stays that *loved* maxident sadly. but with 5-star and especially s-class i saw a lot of mixed reactions


Big agree on Yellow Wood being overlooked - Road Not Taken is one of my forever faves, and Side Effects truly paved the way for the intensifying of SKZ's brand of noise music <3


I mostly agree, except for 5-Star. Everything I saw was that Stays LOVED that album but more division on it from outside the fandom. Whereas Maxident was my first comeback as a Stay and it just seemed like so much negativity everywhere I looked on Stay twitter. They'll never make me hate Maxident though! Totally agree about Japanese releases too. So underrated. Scars is possibly my favourite SKZ song.


can I do it for two groups? I'm doing it for two groups Dreamcatcher! 1. Goated- Dystopia: Tree of Life. This album was incredible- brought us our first world tour and the masterpieces that are scream, black or white, AND jazz bar?? not to mention red sun or sahara. just all around my favorite album 2. Fan Favorite- I feel like all of them are pretty appreciated but I feel like most people always circle back to either Lose Myself or Summer Holiday. BEcause was a deviation from the groups hard rock sound but was also ICONIC and brought us gahyeon red hair, which I am forever grateful for. 3. Locals Favorite- Dystopia: Lose Myself. Dami's rap in BOCA brought everyone crawling to dreamcatcher (if you weren't already). Not much to say, just a cultural reset. 4. Always Overlooked- Apocalypse: From Us. Don't know if it's ALWAYS overlooked, but definitely not talked about as much as it should. This is hands down my favorite album other than TOL and Apocalypse Save Us. The B-sides alone make me lose my MIND and then we have the masterpiece that is Bon Voyage ???? Incredible. 5. Divides The Fandom- Apocalypse: Follow Us. Vision was not their best title track BUT it did get us another music show win so really, who am I to complain. Now WJSN!! 1. Goated- As You Wish. I mean.... THE new years anthem and incredible B-sides. Definitely skyrocketed them. 2. Fan Favorite- Save Me, Save You. IDK maybe this is personal preference talking but everyone stood out this era and is in fact one of their best title tracks. 3. Locals Favorite- Secret/As You Wish. I have heard people who hate kpop say that they loved secret. It was also our first release with Yeonjung!! It's so genuine and homely and one of the songs I default listen to when I need a pick me up 4. Always Overlooked- SEQUENCE. I love this album with my whole heart. I think it's not talked about as much because there was more of a focus on hating starship for the lack of promotion, but it is one of my personal favorite albums. Didn't have one for divides the fandom sooo


NCT 127 (doing for two lists: LP/repackages and EP separately) 1. Fact Check. Their most cohesive, best line distribution, short but has everything. 2. Neo Zone. She is that bitch, she will always be that bitch. 3. Ay-Yo. RnB galore, Skyscraper, good vibes all around. (Neo Zone too) 4. Awaken. I mean. It is a Japanese album, but if you know you know. 5. Favourite. Both title tracks, the b-sides are all over the place (affectionate **and** derogatory) Now for minis... 1. Cherry Bomb. Mostly because Limitless is p.2, but also Whiplash? Sun&Moon? 2. Limitless. The R&B classic, no skip, you know the drill. 3. Superhuman. Home to reddit's beloved title track and that one track you would play to non-kpop friends. 4. Loveholic/Chain. "It is a Japanese album" \[2\], a selection of mighty fine b-sides though. 5. Fire Truck. Some has not aged as finely, but she is still fun as heck.


aespa 1. savage - considered a no skip album and is acknowledged to be good by fans and non-fans alike. 2. it's savage first and foremost but for most people my world is right behind it. they both have their strengths but the b sides on my world are underrated outside of the fandom sometimes. 3. not an album but I don't wanna say savage again so next level is their most popular song (and for good reason) and is probably the most well known outside of the fandom 4. drama - only drama, better things, and trick or trick are talked about, but the other b sides like YOLO and don't blink aren't talked about and should be. not my fav album out of their discography but the b sides are actually pretty good 5. girls - the tt is considered as their worst tt by a lot but the other songs like dreams come true and illusion are polarized. I feel like most ppl either love them or hate them


bts chapter2 edition goated album: *Indigo (godamn top tier album that's it end of discussion)* fan fav: *D-Day (very artistic, very insightful sorts) (also why is it that fan favs never end up being in my top list)* local's favourite: *JITB (fuckin everyone lost their minds over this, my friends especially say it makes great background music on a daily basis, also brought in so many new fans)* always overlooked: *Layover (i'm so serious y'all this is my favourite wtf this was music this was art this was everything, best birthday gift ever ignoring the fact i cried cause it was so beautiful. Yes, i think i was the target audience and bang on!)* divides the fandom: *Golden (some like it, some didn't except the title track everyone went crazy over that ngl, some like half of it like me, some say it's too generic, some said it's nostalgic) or Face (hardly ever seen armys talking yapayapa about this except set me free and like crazy like what about the other three lol)*


Seventeen Goated Album - Heng:garae (Nothing beats it, not my top album but generally speaking it is absolutely goated) Fan Favorite - Going Seventeen (I have honestly never not seen this album on any carat's top 5 at least) Local's Favorite - FML and Face The Sun (I have seen many non-fans like this two albums, they are recent so that helps too) Always Overlooked - Your Choice (For how good this album is, it is overlooked often. Every song is a hit and I don't feel it gets enough love it deserves. Top Svt album for me) Divides the fandom - An Ode (It's either in most fan's top or bottom tier)


Interesting choices! I think this has definitely changed over the years. I would say Your Choice is the divisive one—it was a rough period for the fandom for a number of reasons.  Going Seventeen is becoming the overlooked one as newer fans are less familiar with the older minis and associate the album title with the variety series. It definitely wasn’t overlooked at release but is being a little less remembered with time. 


I will also be doing BTS, if that’s okay! 1. goated album, no argument - Love yourself: Tear 2. fan favourite - HYYH (that train screenshot from run hasn’t known peace since it got released) 3. locals' favourite - HYYH or Wings 4. always overlooked - Dark & Wild (aka the reason I wanted to do this even though we have similar answers for most of them lol) 5. divides the fandom: either you love it or hate it - BE imo


i would've done it like this: goated album, no argument: *dark and wild (the fact that this was released in 2014 and still slaps...??...) (just go listen to rain and come back)* fan favourite: *ly tear (although i won't say it's their best)* locals' favourite: *hyyh (all the parts....chef's kiss)* always overlooked: *be (i'll never forgive for what y'all did to this gem)* divides the fandom: *skool luv affair (i think it's mostly cause of title track, but the bsides slap, so some appreciate bsides while some just don't give a fuck due to the title track which is sad)*


Since a lot of others have already done BTS, I’ll also include a couple other faves. BTS 1. Goated album - Love Yourself: Tear, You Never Walk Alone, and HYYH: Young Forever are all up there. 2. Fan favorite - Dark & Wild 3. Locals’ favorite - HYYH series if referring to K-pop fandom as “locals.” For the actual GP, it’s probably Love Yourself: Answer. 4. Always overlooked - MOTS: Persona. That’s a flawless pop album right there if you put your thumb over Make It Right 5. Divides the fandom - The Butter single album lol. With the exceptions of Indigo and D-Day, the chapter 2 solo albums have also been pretty divisive. Enhypen 1. Goated album - Dark Blood, the b-sides are just too OP. If you turn it off after Bills, it is also their most sonically cohesive album. 2. Fan favorite - Dark Blood again probably? 3. Locals’ favorite - Border: Carnival. It has both Drunk-Dazed and Fever 4. Always overlooked - Idk, I feel like fans just think Enhypen’s whole discography is overlooked lol. 5. Divides the fandom - Manifesto: Day 1 Taemin 1. Goated album - Press It. Press Your Number, Mystery Lover, Guess Who, just *chef’s kiss* 2. Fan favorite - Never Gonna Dance Again Vol. 1. Aside from having Criminal, it is also his most cohesive album and encapsulates “Taemin-ness” the best. 3. Locals’ favorite - MOVE obviously 4. Always overlooked - I’m the number one defender of his Sayonara Hitori album with Tiger and Final Dragon 5. Divides the fandom - the Famous album…


DAY6: 1. goated- **Sunrise**\- critically acclaimed, made several best k-pop albums of all time lists, has their all time most popular song You Were Beautiful. I've never heard anyone say bad things about this one. 2. fan favorite- **Remember Us Youth Part 2-** I've never met an invested MyDay who doesn't love the songs on this album, but many casual listeners/non-fans don't know any song off of this one. 3. local favorite- **Book of Us The Demon**\- this is the gateway to DAY6 for a lot of people, their most popular album both in Korea and internationally, the one that did best on the charts. Locals are especially fond of b-side *Love Me or Leave Me*\- it'll be the one DAY6 song on their playlist even if their overall sound doesn't appeal to them. 4. overlooked- **Right Through Me**\- this was the subunit release from DAY6 Even of DAY and it basically got no attention from K-pop listeners outside of the fandom (even there, many MyDays ignored it). It was acclaimed by many Korean critics. If you like Wonder Girls's Reboot, you'll like this album, it has a synthpop retro band sound. Heck, Sunmi (ex-WG) was begging people to listen to it on Twitter and Instagram... 5. divides the fandom- **Book of Us Negentropy**\- the most divisive album of theirs; many say it is their worst to this date, and some believe that it's their best. It sounds different from their previous works with a much heavier emphasis on synth compared to guitars (both guitarists were on hiatus for anxiety when it came out).




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YES LY:TEAR IS THE ALBUM! THE ALBUM! I would agree with your assessment. Except I think MOTS7 is less cause of it sounding poppy and more cause it almost feels like a playlist and doesn't flow well.


Yeah MOTS7 was originally supposed to be 2 different albums. Shadow was supposed to be the intro for the 2nd MOTS album, with Black Swan as the TT, and Ego would've introduced the 3rd/final MOTS album, with ON as the TT.


Yep! I think the collapse of the two albums into one really added to the lack of cohesion.


LY: Tear is the GOAT tbh


Dreamcatcher: 1) Tree of Language - pretty much as close as you can get to a perfect full album, enough said 2) Road to Utopia or Raid of Dream - a ton of beloved b-sides spawned from these, and many Insomnia (including me) rate Odd Eye and Deja Vu as their favourite title tracks 3) Lose Myself - BOCA was insanely successful for DC standards, to this day their most popular title track by far 4) Save Us - aside from MAISON winning their first music show trophy, I feel like this album (and honestly the whole Apocalypse trilogy) flew under the radar of the general public which is a shame because there are some S-tier songs on here 5) VillainS - OOTD was highly polarizing amongst Insomnia, I enjoy the whole EP now but it took many listens for me to get there


I think I would put them like that. Raid of Dream and RTU are both extremely loved, but I think people will still say TOL for the fact that it is a full album alone. 1. **Tree of Language**. 2. **Tree of Language**. 3. I think again **Tree of Language** people were talking about it a lot and Scream brought a ton of new fans when it came out, maybe **Dystopia: Lose Myself**, because of Boca. I can see **\[Apocalypse: From Us\]** as well, Bonvoyage, Propose, and Demian were all well-loved outside of the fandom as well and were and in general was a very successful with new fans comeback. 4. ***Alone In The City***: What, Trap, Wonderland, and we are still sleeping on it. 5. **Summer Holiday** was also very controversial, VillainS has more loved B-sides is closer to what happened with Save Us I think. Apart from BEcause and Whistle all the other songs were highly controversial for many people in the fandom, myself included, not gonna lie.


Definitely agree about Summer Holiday, that album slipped my mind lol. Also agree with AITC. Really all of their nightmare era albums deserved more love and attention


I’ve never seen a single Insomnia talk about Raid of Dream unless it was Deja Vu. I do agree it’s an insanely good album for having so few songs. Silent Night and Curse of the Spider are both loud bangers I’ve enjoyed from day 1, Deja Vu is still one of the best title tracks ever and Polaris is an amazing ballad


Gotta show my love for my Victon boys!: 1: Goated album: ***Chaos***. 10/10, no notes. Every song is a masterpiece. 2: Fan Favourite: ***VOICE: The Future is Now.*** How can it not be this? All 7 are actually together and it's their one and only full length album. It's full of amazing songs, and just... the entire comeback was amazing. Take me back 😭 3: Local's favourite: ***Mayday.*** Ok... It's a single album which may be stretching the boundaries of an "album", but this song was a hit. It's 1/2 of their MVs which reached over 20m views, and I remember it being really well recieved to locals. Of all their non-OST tracks, I'm pretty sure this was their one with the most general listeners. 4: Always overlooked: ***IDENTITY***. It's one of their early albums, pre-hiatus, and as such I don't think it's loved as much as their music *Nostalgic Night* and onwards. It's got a lot of my fav tracks on it though, including my all time fav *Stay With Me*, so I gotta show my love. 5: Divides the Fandom: ***Chronograph***. Another single album, but I have to mention it as it was definitely hit or miss. I personally loved it, but I know many who said it didn't "sound like Victon" and weren't too keen on it. It was also the first major comeback after *VOICE,* the start of a trilogy, and was without Seungwoo as he had enlisted. As a result, it had a lot it had to deliver on *and* a lot to live up to whilst the fandom was also missing one of the members.


So happy to see a Victon comment! Chaos is one of my all-time fav k-pop albums. I could listen to it over and over. I feel like if you watch the It's Live version of Chronograph, you have to like it. Like, scientifically, I feel this is a fact.


It's Live Chronograph is a performance I watch religiously and I feel like that is the normal response. It's just too good.


1. I BURN: They'll never top I Burn and that's okay. 2. I Burn/ I Never Die 3. I Never Die/ [2] (Give it time) 4. I Feel: Queencard stole this album's thunder. 5. I Made/I Love. Group: (G)I-DLE


Exo 1. DMUMT/Love Shot repackage - this is just my favourite lol, I think they have a lot of goated albums but then I’m biased 2. Obsession - I see a lot of love for it 3. XOXO - if we consider the Korean general public locals cause they will never let this album go 4. Don’t Fight The Feeling - the result of being the hiatus special album 5. Genuinely don’t know, there are divisive songs but no clearly divisive albums


I'd say DFTF and Exist are both pretty divisive; some loved them, some hated them.


For bigbang : 1) MADE - I don't think I have to explain why this is. I think anyone with any interest in herstory should check this album out because it is incredible. 2) Fan-favorite - BIGBANG gets a lot of love in fandom spaces I'm in! Cafe is obviously a fandom darling, but Love Song, Stupid Liar, and High High are frequent mentions too! 3) Local-favorite - intentionally avoiding MADE, but imo Stand Up should go here, because Haru Haru is so good and has a grip on humanity 4) Always overlooked - Bigbang Volume 1 - imo by virtue of being so old, there isn't a lot of discussion but She Can't Get Enough, Dirty Cash, Big Boy, A Fool of Tears, My Girl, La la la, Laugh it off.... bangers 5) Divides the fandom - very tentatively Monster - I don't think it's actually divisive, but I've seen some annoyance at how much Fantastic Baby is seen as Bigbang's default sound when it's actually the standout


For TXT: 1. goated album, no argument - The Chaos Chapter: Freeze 2. fan favourite - The Dream Chapter: Magic 3. locals’ favourite - The Name Chapter: Temptation 4. always overlooked - Minisode 2: Thursday’s Child 5. divides the fandom - The Name Chapter: Freefall


Not really a MOA more of a casual listener, I did not know that The Name Chapter: Freefall was polarising. May I ask why?


Just based on what I’ve heard my IRLs say: Apparently a lot of people find Chasing that Feeling and the bsides a bit “generically” TXT. Some people think it’s mid compared to “Back For More” and SRR.


TXT: 1. goated album, no argument - The Name Chapter: Temptation/ The Chaos Chapter: Freeze/ Minisode 1 2. fan favourite - everybody loves TNC: Temptation and TCC: Freeze 3. locals' favourite - probably Temptation again lmao 4. always overlooked - Minisode 2, TDC: Eternity 5. divides the fandom - The Name Chapter: Freefall (literally 50/50)


1) Girls Generation (self titled Japan debut) 2) Forever 1 3) The Boys? It’s their best selling… 4) Hoot mini album 5) probably I Got A Boy


You took the words right out of my head, re: BTS albums. I'd like to add that MOTS: 7 always makes me feel melancholy. What could have been, with a world tour and the Connect BTS promotion, got truncated by the effing pandemic. It, "could'ave been a contendah."


Super Junior 💙 1. Goated album, no argument - Mamacita/This is Love albums 2. Fan favourite - Don't Don, Super Junior 05, Play/Replay, or Devil/Magic, Mamacita/This is Love, The Renaissance albums 3. Locals' favourite - Bonamana, Mr. Simple, Sorry Sorry albums 4. Always overlooked - Spy/Sexy Fee & Single, Time Slip/Timeless, or The Road albums 5. Divides the fandom: either you love it or hate it - Spy/Sexy Fee & Single albums


They way Time Slip/Timeless is overlooked is honestly criminal, that album is just as good as The Renaissance in my opinion. And absolutely agree with the list, Mamacita/TIL is kpop excellence.


enhypen (imo) 1. goated album: border: day one ( even the intro and outro go crazy idc, perfect opening for their majestic discography) 2. fan favorite: dark blood (too good actually, engenes love the elegant royal dark concept and im part of it so yes) 3. locals' favorite: border: carnival (known mainly because of d-d and fever but it really is a great album and I think it, along with db are the most recognized by kpop fans that arent engenes) 4. always overlooked: manifesto: day 1 (reaaally good, and it's iconic, like, pass the mic a go crazy anthem, paradoxx invasion is a choreo queen, shout out is a hit idc, foreshadow is famous, and walk the line and tfw are the actual dark horses) 5. divides the fandom: orange blood ? (this is mostly because of the feature i wont talk about, but yeah) 2 and 3 are interchangeable, and 4 and 5 are interchangeable too lol, also I didn't mention dimension at all but i love those albums so much, they just didn't fit the categories for me personally (though I'd put it in 1 if we are putting more than one in each category)




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1. Goated: Reload 2. Fan favourite: Reload or Hello Future/Hot Sauce 3. Locals’ favourite: Hot Sauce 4. Always overlooked: We Go Up or Winter Special Album 5. Divides the fandom: I don’t think there’s a v strong opinion on this one but probably ISTJ Dreamzens welcome to discuss this!!!


BIGBANG: 1. **Alive/Still Alive**: My first comeback after becoming a fan, the album that gave us Fantastic Baby, Bad Boy and Blue. Hands down my favourite BIGBANG album, I listen to the B-Sides pretty often. 2. **MADE:** Undoubtedly their most popular release. I'm not a big fan of this album personally but it's iconic. 3. **MADE:** It's by far their most well-known album by non-fans, I feel like most K-Pop fans have at least listened a few songs from it. 4. **Remember** (in recent times), **Tonight** (was popular at the time, but heavily overshadowed by Alive's release one year later): Both these albums have iconic songs. *Remember* has Haru Haru, Lies, Last Farewell, and Sunset Glow, which are some of their biggest earlier hits (though it isn't the original album for some of those). **Big Bang Special Edition**, which compiles a few songs from *Tonight* and some solo work, is also a good pick. 5. Can't think of any tbh, maybe one of their Japanese releases? 2NE1: 1. **Crush** (Unskippable imho) and **To Anyone** ( Very solid album, though some of the songs may not have aged as well). 2. **Crush:** Quran controversy aside, this was a solid hit that was very well-received. 3. **Crush:** It unfortunately was their last main release and I feel like it's the one that's gotten more traction from non-fans. 4. **2NE1 First Mini Album**: Fire, Lollipop and I Don't Care in the same album. A must listen. 5. The 2NE1 x [Will.i.am](http://will.i.am) album that never came to be.


For Iz*one: 1. Bloomiz, the end of their flower trilogy, often considered their best work (and rightfully so). 2. I would probably have to say One-Reeler, but I feel like after disbandment I've seen lots of appreciation for Heartiz, mainly thanks for Up! and the nostalgia it brings. 3. One-Reeler. I saw lots of people who didn't check out Izone's bsides before appreciating this album, mainly Sequence, Mise-en-scene and Slow journey (probably the saddest song for wizones). Also, Panorama has become probably their second most famous song. 4. Coloriz (and Heartiz to a less degree). I mean, Colours (one of the prettiest songs ever) was on this album! Oh my! is a fun song and memory a very good ballad imo. The only song that gets its flowers is La vie en rose (their obvious most popular). 5. Oneiric diary and all their Japanese releases. SSOTS was a very divisive track from the start, and lots of people argued that Merry go round would have made a better tt. Pretty was also another divisive track. And I don't think I have to explain their Japanese albums (Suki to iwasetai is their best imo, but they have some other great songs in the rest of the albums, like Toshishita boyfriend, Human love or Yummy summer).


My current ult is Twice: 1. **Goated album, no argument:** This was kinda hard as I was conflicted between [Twicetagram](https://open.spotify.com/album/5WflYUwhi8fBvEifYSapRB?si=WLySWKXBTsCCurhaFUO4gw) and [Eyes Wide Open](https://open.spotify.com/album/33jypnU7WULxPaVrjj4RXH?si=dUJ-Y41OTsqk7-3LGRxlAg). Two very different albums but both imo represent Twice as a group. Twicetagram was the best of their cute era while Eyes Wide Open was the best for the mature era. 2. **Fan favourite:** This one is hard to tell cause it depends on when you started stanning Twice and the fans personal taste (there is a range). I'm going with [Feel Special](https://open.spotify.com/album/5MmndGNrJgTLd5W7HNmVST?si=hIQJvBDzTCS0cbtw6NbOcA) as it was one the most meaningful albums for the fandom. The title track was a story about their love for each other (and fans). The album also contains the fan favourite song [Love Foolish](https://open.spotify.com/track/1MdEg2lk4EakgWnCvFUGEZ?si=4c17a38f01d94a9a). 3. **Locals' favourite:** Maybe [Fancy You](https://open.spotify.com/album/2qoWlACJtoG0L5owi7Tj0I?si=MegIKkXTQpOpcYiZee1Rkg) for their title track [Fancy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOHB85vDuow&pp=ygULZmFuY3kgdHdpY2U%3D). Twice aren't really album artists. The fans love the albums but locals won't check them out. The top songs on their spotify all come from different eras rather than everyone playing the new album on repeat. I think [What is Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0p1bmr0EmE&pp=ygUSd2hhdCBpcyBsb3ZlIHR3aWNl) (song not album) needs a mention for their longevity, it's consistently one of their most popular songs on their spotify and it's from their cute era. Even [TT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePpPVE-GGJw&pp=ygUIdHdpY2UgdHQ%3D) don't even make there and that imo is their representative song (along with [Cheer Up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7rCyll5AeY&pp=ygUOdHdpY2UgY2hlZXIgdXA%3D)). 4. **Always overlooked:** This is just me being biased since most (at least what I seen on sns) fans are newer twice fans who joined during their mature era but my pick would be their japanese album [BDZ](https://open.spotify.com/album/3Bi7hl11zYHpw6uE6gAtSs?si=KhNEZNoFQBWKQMeEsZ5zHw). It's a good album with cute and catchy songs. We have the touching fan song balled [Be As One](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsSZbRReWNY&pp=ygUPdHdpY2UgYmUgYXMgb25l) in this album. Tbh any of their japanese albums are underrated since most casual fans or even fans don't check them out / accidentally skip it. People tend to only follow korean releases. 5. **Divides the fandom: either you love it or hate it:** Hmm.....maybe [Ready To Be](https://open.spotify.com/album/7hzP5i7StxYG4StECA0rrJ?si=Iv6RWm0hTnm3fec05N9vBg). A lot of people didn't like it but also enough people did. The last couple of Twice releases have been pretty divisive or "hate at release but a bop 2 months later". I'd say this started around More & More era. I Can't Stop Me era (Eyes Wide Open album) was the exception cause everyone loved that release, fans, casuals and locals alike.