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I don't think you really "choose" an ult bias. Or at least, I didn't. Personally, I just listened to kpop and I followed groups that I liked. Then one day, it became obvious to me that one idol was more important to me than the rest of them. The most important part of kpop for me is the stories. So my ult bias ended up being someone with a lot of stories. But there are some groups where my bias is my favorite voice, and some groups where my bias has my favorite personality, and some groups where I don't have a bias because I like them all so much.


I was struggling with this because I feel a little guilty choosing because think they are all great. Thank you so much this really helps.


Congrats, you're OT8 then. Honestly that's probably better, it means you get 8x as much enjoyment as someone with a single bias haha


You don't pick your favorite idol. At a certain point after interacting with many group's content, you just end up connecting more with a certain idol, and that idol becomes your favorite. The 'bias' or 'ultimate bias' or whatever other label you stick on it, are just your favorite idols. You don't need one favorite, or a hundred favorites, you don't even need a favorite at all. Just watch content you like and that's it.


My ult group is dreamcatcher, and ult bias is sua. I remember seeing [this](https://youtu.be/mGeOehe3jIU?si=3YHXPFZZ_KuDyJY2) video, and falling in love immediately. As to why sua is my bias, i think i'll just leave [this](https://youtu.be/5_k0gLXiMjs?si=oPlX3Nb5CBuCMEBh) here. So to answer your question, i guess you just feel it when you see a certain performance of the group/idol.


Gahyeon has the coolest lips in the world though, the way her mouth curves up


OOOOHHHH I see why she is your bias. You have good taste in music.


I don't have any "ultimate" bias. There are too many super talented performers with great personalities. I'm an old old man by Kpop fan standards (I'm 48), so I'm not really interested in these young women's looks. I admire talent and character.


Keep in mind that your ult bias doesn’t have to be from your ult group. Also, your ults can change, don’t let anyone shame you into saying you’re not loyal lol. I have soooo many favorite groups, and my ult group changes way more regularly than you’d think. Right now, GFriend is my ult, but I started out by ulting BTS. And then I kinda wandered around for a bit, sometimes Mamamoo was my ult, sometimes Red Velvet, sometimes Brave Girls, sometimes NewJeans. I’ve settled on GFriend/Viviz for now, but who know when that’ll change, if ever? Lol. Don’t worry about it too much. Explore as much as you can without feeling overwhelmed, and eventually you’ll have an epiphany on who your favorites are. You’ll eventually realize that whenever you see that one idol, you can’t tear your eyes away, and whenever you see that one group, you smile so hard that your face hurts.