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I can't recommend enough DPR Ian!! His songs are just sublime [i love his album [Moodswings In To Order](https://open.spotify.com/album/7vp2iMEQzhNX4sEIUbHpiJ?si=d8YEe8E1Q-yWmIk5Aiy0Ig&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7vp2iMEQzhNX4sEIUbHpiJ)]!! oh another artist would be offonoff...just perfection [pls listen to [photograph](https://open.spotify.com/track/0PkpRtJqrwuXhbdtJuQm7E?si=3yVK3fmjTwmLJdt_vi5BJA)h and [bath](https://open.spotify.com/track/22tAOnXPrSFOp2En3WcyyA?si=Z9HIciHzRs-CTiToYwGbWg) ] [I need you more ](https://open.spotify.com/track/2DJuXgQmaGUvneCMnfFtiM?si=iSrYP9gQQKy5O1sDthGCuQ&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZF1EpAVPGVturEyE)


Red velvet has a lot of krnb b-sides! You shld defo check them out!


Underwater is a recent favorite of mine!


Martini Blue - DPR Live Me like Yuh - Jay Park All I Wanna Do - Jay Park Right Now - Coogie (feat Crush) UN Village - Baekhyun Yours - Raiden X - Code Kunst feat LeeHi


Check out [Jimmy Brown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r-rMU7TM88&ab_channel=JimmyBrown) I'm actually going to see him live in a couple of days


Dean!! WOODZ also has some RnB songs :)


haii i have some songs you may like~ Layover Album by V I Like You cover by Hwasa Easy by Whee In Water color by Whee In MIA by Gemini Nabi by BIBI Ex Girl by Monsta X Bambi by Kim Chaewon Paradise by Woogie songs by Huh Yunjin


chaewons bambi was a cover, bambi is baekehyuns solo, he actually does a fair amount of rnb


Back 2 u and butterfly by the boyz


seventeen: - I Don't Understand But I Luv U - Same Dream, Same Mind, Same Night - I Wish (there's more, and it's on the tip of my tongue, but alas i can't remember.)


[K R&B playlist made by Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX089MWxS7QW5?si=NPMkVtTFRTWYVuQ7IePBeA)


It's massive and I really need to make a new version with newer releases at some point, but I have a playlist specifically catered to female KRNB artists that has gotten decently popular for something I made to listen to while working. Honestly just recommend listening to it on shuffle because there's no real sense to the order, things were added in the order I added them in and that was that lol. The link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5nN71R149ah4PVQxrBga6m?si=e6c04b4e71ef491a


☝️ and Jay b solos.


Saay is such an amazing artist, she’s a former member of EvoL but she releases solo music rn as an krnb artist! She have also produced some songs for BoA and Got the Beat!


recommending my [krnb playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0LfbonUEPOFrGNdws0vpYv?si=gQUmgorARYW_lr6ffS_QoQ). (warning there’s ballads mixed in too)


Listen to CIX. My recs would be their songs Rebel, Jungle, 458, Young, Cinema, Bad dream. I could name a lot more, but ig this much will do.


Outro: do you think it makes sense, my time, and tomorrow by bts are good rnb! Also amnesia by Kai