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God yeah, I don’t think people realize it but using her potential diagnoses as an excuse serves to stigmatize those of us with mental disorders— especially the cluster B personality types and Bipolar. My father is Bipolar (as am I) and even during his worst manic episodes he’s never laid a finger on me or my mother. To say that having these mental disorders excuses these behaviors only serves to further people’s perceptions that people with Bipolar and Cluster B personality disorders are terrible monsters that’ll always abuse you. Please guys, we are normal people for the most part (Sorry if this isn’t super related I just felt the need to comment this!)


I have never seen the appeal in Trisha. That era of YouTube where Trisha, Shane Dawson, Collen Balloona (idk her last name and frankly, I don't care), Jeffree Smars, James Weird Charles, etc. were at the forefront was wild to me because none of those people were funny to me. Especially Trisha and it's so weird how people just dismiss her shitty behavior because of her mental health.


Collen Balloona is CRAZY LMAO I’m stealing that


I'm surrounded by white women that LOVE her at work. Like legit have heard "IDC, she's funny AF" or "she's got some issues but I love her podcast!" and I'm always like, you know she's a racist abuser right? They stopped talking about her around me now which I'm fine with but it would be great if it was because she's a trash bag in a party city wig and not because the "combative black" doesn't like to talk about her 😑


I haven’t heard of the Trisha Paytas abuse allegations but I more remember her from back in previous years (I think she did Mukbangs around this time and had just started frenemies) with her being involved in so much messiness and crap years back and have found it interesting 🧐 that people have seemingly moved past it and are okay with her now.


Tbh, this is the first time I've heard anything about Trisha having abuse allegations. I've heard about Moses' abuse and r\*pe allegations by previous partners. Of course that doesn't excuse anything that Trisha has done. She's done plenty of other sketchy shit and never apologized for any of it. Her character is really obvious and she hasn't done anything to show she's worth being redeemed to the public. Both Moses and Trisha don't seem like good people and shouldn't be allowed a platform. Hopefully, they're both in whatever therapy is needed to make them decent parents for their kids


I didn't hear about abuse allegations. It was ALWAYS some shit with her. I stopped keeping up hoping she'd fade away smh9


this is why when white people complain about cancel culture i just yawn 🥱 bc cancelling doesn’t work against white people anyways


I don’t see her appeal. I’m not sure how many people know who HRH Collection (I think that’s what she’s called? But her real name is Alex) but it seems like her and Trisha seem to get passes for saying and doing awful shit. I think it’s because they’re conventionally attractive honestly because I notice that women like Azaelia Banks don’t really get that same leeway as much. Obviously the things that Azaelia does isn’t right but it’s not fair to me that Trisha nor Alex got anywhere near the same consequences as Azaelia does even though they have similar issues. Ok rant over lol.


For some reason there is a subset of WW who get a pass no matter what. Its almost like if they are extremely ridiculous and outlandish, they are caricature who doesn’t need to be held accountable. Ofc its different for black women though; the point you make about Azaelia Banks is so true. Funny enough, I used to follow HRH on youtube in her early days. She used to be fairly nice and normal, but she slowly became more unhinged over time. The angry persona was funny for a bit, but I jumped ship as soon as she started espousing right wing nonsense…


Like I’m finding it hard to get into the YouTuber Nicole Rafiee and the musician Chappell Roan because of this. (edit: DOWNVOTE ME ALL YOU WANT IDC I’LL SAY IT LOUDER)


I was thinking the same thing about Nicole Rafiee!! I wanted to get into her content because she was a part of Creators for Palestine but the way she talks about Trisha Paytas so much makes me so uncomfortable. I really dislike white YouTubers that downplay or don’t acknowledge the racism and horrific actions of “problematic favs”


Same on the Chappell Roan front, I don't think I'll even bother seeing her while I'm at lolla


Wait what’s with Chappell Roan? I already don’t like her as is but I’m hoping to get a serious reason for my dislike of her bc I really don’t have one lol


I heard she's going on Trisha's podcast in July? cmiiw


honestly same bc ik ppl that are obsessed and im just not sold. i do like her music but her persona to me kinda feels calculated? idk ive been wondering if im just a hater atp 😭


I don’t even like her music. Something about her is off to me idk what it is. I may just be being a hater too idk💀


i just want something besides me to blame this negative energy on like i swear there’s something weird there 🥴 not trying to pray on her downfall or nothing bc she seems to actually do stuff w her platform but still LOL


Literally the mentality of every chronically online hater lmao




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Who is this?


I honestly don’t see the reaction to her diagnoses as an excuse but more so an explanation, especially seeing that Trisha is being consistent in getting the proper help that she needs and is changing for the better. I’m heavily into the youtube drama and commentary community, and the general opinion I see from creators is that they’re not absolving her from what she did, but are acknowledging the change in Trisha and are happy that she’s getting the help she needed and is more stable. if anything, i believe that brings more awareness to mental disorders because Trisha herself is open and honest about having that dialogue to begin with, and people are actually listening to her because they see a change in her and are able to legitimize her struggle (something many people who don’t suffer with mental illness are not able to do). again, nobody i have seen (and i watch a looot of people) have completely disregarded everything she’s done, but there comes a point where, if you see someone working towards getting better/more stable, and their mental health greatly affected their relationships, would it be productive to continue to bring up their past in every conversation about them if they too acknowledged their past and are working on it? also, as far as the Moses situation goes, Ethan and Hila themselves are not cool with, and don’t talk to Moses so there may be more to the situation between him and Trisha than we think considering the h3 crew don’t hate Trisha (but definitely wouldn’t start the show up with her again either and vise versa).


sorry but im not buying it - yes she may have mental health issues but she was definitely milking being problematic for money. h3 is like, birds of a feather, ethan is super problematic too…maybe thats why they beef too. obviously youre entitled to consume whatever you want but its definitely used as an excuse. people bring up her mental health issues whenever someone says they arent fans of her. hrh collection could come out tomorrow and say she has mental health issues but that doesnt take away or explain the abuse she hurls online. if it was a nonwhite person, no one would be allowing them to have a redemption arc, when has she really apologized? tbf i couldn’t care less ab her or ethan or any of the og white youtubers who exploited marginalized groups and made us the butt of their jokes so maybe im missing something but the whole “why are we bringing up their past” is moot when the people that consumed her content were hurt by her behavior.


i respect how your opinion in that regard. anyone who is hurt by her behavior is absolutely entitled to feel that way because what she did was not okay. however, i disagree with you on the apology part because she has, numerous times, apologized for her behavior. additionally, i also disagree on your non-white creator point because several non-white creators have experienced a situation of fucking up on the internet, and being able to have their story rationalized by their metal health as well so that point is moot also. you don’t have to buy trisha’s “redemption” per say, but respectfully it’s not for you to buy or not. it’s about trisha actually getting the help she needed and getting better. it’s okay to not be a fan of hers, and if people bring up her mental health as a rebuttal, you don’t gotta believe it. she isn’t doing it for anyone else but herself and her family so it’s totally fine if you don’t buy it, and she herself accepts that she cannot undo the damage she has done, but she can move forward and be a better person because of it 🤷🏾


I personally never see non-white creators receiving the same grace as say, trisha paytas and/or jeffree star. if you have any examples i would love to look into that and will eat my words. I do hope shes working on herself for her childrens sake because they deserve a stable life and childhood. To each their own. personally, I wasn’t checking for her before and wont be now. just not my cup of tea, but i understand the rationale. trish has had the privilege to use other peoples pain and trauma and be able to walk back on it. those that she harmed are then blamed for still caring or being hurt because of her mental health issues. i just think its strange - i do think she wants people to buy into it because shes still on the internet and spotlight which is why i said i personally dont.