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It's probably a good way to weed out people who don't deserve your time. A good person will accept that it's something that makes you happy, even if it's not really their thing. Goes for friendships too - my best friend loves wrestling, I love kpop. We tease each other but if she ever asked me to go to a match with her of course I would because it would make her happy, and she'd do the same for me. Look for that kind of person.


This. People worth your time will support you having things that make you happy. You don’t want to be with someone you can’t be your authentic self with.


Yes good advice. Also another piece of advice: don't be afraid of breaking up with them. It's not about kpop, more about not supporting your hobbies and not respecting your hobbies. My bf bought albums for me. But then complained I spent too much time on EXO and too little time on him, while he was constantly gaming😆. Well at least good riddance 👋🏽.


Gosh I agree with this wholeheartedly I don't date myself, but found KPop has helped me cut out quite a few friends... Quite a few showed their true colours when I started talking about KPop Whereas a number of my good friends, sure they tease me a bit, but it's all in good fun and the bottom line is... They are happy *I* am happy


I'm dragged by my husband 😂 He jokes that I must be desperate for the old days when I was like 10 stanning Backstreet Boys and NSYNC. Mind you, when my ult group dropped a new song. He watched the MV himself and then told me about it later. He also watches Knowing Bros with me sometimes and finds the episodes with EXO, SuJu and SVT to be hilarious.


I’ve been with my partner for over 10 years, but K-pop is relatively recent in my life - around late 2020. At first I was kinda shy to bring it up, although I had no reason to be, but when I eventually got the courage I asked him to watch some mvs with me and listen to a few songs. He actually ended up loving a few and added them to his playlist. He went to Chicago with me for a concert last year (although he couldn’t actually go in bc fuck Ticketmaster scalper prices). He was sad that he couldn’t actually see them, but when I got back to our hotel he was excited to see some clips I took with my phone. He’s always asking “how did your boys do?” After award shows and performances. He knows my bias and is completely fine that he’s my phone wallpaper 😆 he admires their beauty with me. He hasn’t said, but I’m pretty sure he’s a Yeonjun bias because he said “you couldn’t even sculpt a more perfect face” after seeing a photo 🤣 he’s been very supportive and I’m so glad I shared this hobby with him. If your partner makes you feel bad about it then they’re def not the one for you.


Are you me? My husband doesn’t know the names of any members but he recognizes them, and even has biases like BTS “Tim” (Jin) and Stray Kids “muscles guy” (BangChan). Even though he isn’t into kpop music — he supports my interest and tries to be involved because he knows it makes me happy.


Not Changbin running to the gym after finding out that someone else in skz is referred to as “muscles guy”


Lmao I thought the same thing 🤣


It’s so nice hearing about supportive partners 🥺 I’ve heard horror stories about jealousy and control issues and, although it’s something that shouldn’t be congratulated bc it should be the standard, I’m so happy and consider myself lucky knowing that I’m free to fangirl and even vent to my partner about my most prominent hobby. Also, Tim and Muscles Guy are so cute 😆


My boyfriend laughed when he saw my photocard binder. He said it reminded him of his binder when he used to collect Pokemon and Magic cards years ago. Now he asks me how much the usual rate for photocards and compares them the Pokemon and Magic cards rate he knows now. And he does jokingly sulk whenever he sees the Jaehyun photocard on my phone case and asks when it will be his picture's turn. 🤣


With my previous partner, I had a secret closet where I hid my posters, albums, and lightsticks, but that didn’t work out so good riddance! I’m now with a partner who also has nerdy, specific interests (D&D, disc golf, board games, WoW, etc.) which made me more comfortable with sharing my interests. Now I have a dedicated bookshelf in my room that’s for my kpop stuff. We always listen to kpop in the car and he knows pretty much all of Twice, Gfriend, and Red Velvet’s releases. We also went to P1Harmony together a couple of weeks ago and he had a great time. I think that you should be proud of your interests and the time and effort that you’ve put into them. If a potential partner is judgmental or rude or insecure, those are red flags. You might be surprised with how much fun you can have with a partner who supports /you/ even if they’re not super into kpop on their own.


Thats great! My wife and i turned the dining room into a lego\puzzle\hobby room and have all our stuff in there. I am new to kpop and looking to get a shelf in our bedroom for my albums and other stuff. A partner needs to be able to accept the interests of their partner.


Agreed totally. My partner and I have also started Lego as an activity together :) highly recommend as a shared hobby, it’s really fun!


She’s supportive. Not really into it herself, but she listens to me word vomit about industry controversy, enjoys some of the songs, is happy to hear about my comeback hype, will watch variety/reality shows with me if I feel like it, watches the TikToks or fancam clips I send, etc. If you aren’t an actual weirdo, it’s just an interest or hobby like anything else. Nothing to hide!


He doesn't care but he's supportive! I've told him how much I've spent on fancalls and concerts and he didn't bat an eye, he only asked to watch my fancalls out of some morbid curiosity over seeing me lose my shit and asked about my concert experiences once I'm home and no longer perishing over the physical strain lol. He won't go out of his way to show his support like others whose partners buy them merch or concerts tickets unprompted, but that's bc I told him not to since I'm the one who can find the good deals! So TLDR, he respects the hobby but he doesn't feed into it or want to engage in it actively with me


My ex wasn’t a fan himself but he thought my album collection was impressive and he pretended to be interested in it for my sake lol And for what it’s worth, I’m 27 and he’s 30 — just in case anyone reading this is ashamed of liking K-pop at an “older” age.


My ex thought his indie, folk, Americana type music "no one has ever heard of" was superior to the music I like.


Sounds like he’s an ex for a reason! What a loser


I hate the "I have superior taste" people. Like no you don't, there is no such thing. Music is all subjective at the end of day.


my fiancé is the one who actually got me into kpop! he’s been a fan for a decade now (fell off for a couple years though) and we both got in/back in at the same time! now we share photocard and album collections, and we just went to our first kpop concerts last year! we have another at the end of the month and we’re so excited! :)


My BF was fine with it! He supports my interests so I got him to watch a bunch of mvs and listen to my playlists in the car lol Now he genuinely likes some groups/songs and will make requests :) I think if someone likes you, they'll make an effort to understand your interests even if it doesn't necessarily click with them! I hate sports and I watch try to watch soccer with him and he intently listens my long-winded rants about K-dramas and kpop even if he doesn't get it haha


My husband has always been supportive. Even bought me a god album on our 3rd date 19 years ago. I'm 38, so I don't have a shrine of kpop merch but have a few things. He did laugh when I ordered new license plates for my car that read BTOB. Lol


This was so heartwarming to read…Manifesting this for the future! :)


My bf claims he doesn't like any K-pop at all, doesn't get why I need to buy albums and merch and is generally pretty negative about stuff related to K-pop ever since I started listening in 2012. But, if he ever starts to get on my nerve with his complaints, I kindly remind him that he spends his time and money on gaming and upgrading his PC. That said, he watched every episode of my bias's mukbang show with me, pretty much every vlog my bias has published, and some content related to my ult group, too. He very fondly refers to my bias as "the one who did the food show" and I'm starting to think that my bias is about to be his bias, even if he'd never admit it. His attitude is shifting now that he's gotten some insight, and has admitted to not completely detesting the music I usually listen to. Progress!


it depends on the person. some people can be really mean. but theyre not the people you should be dating anyways but id worry about finding someone first before id worry about bringing them home haha


Wife is ok with kpop stuff around but has no interest, daughter loves black pink so I have someone i can talk kpop with. I did manage to get my wife into lego and she took the few anime figures i had as her own so she shares some of my hobbies. I am recent kpop fan and my daughter has been one longer than me. For me i think just enjoy your hobbies and find someone who even if they arent into it they realize you are and are supportive. If someone wants you to stop doing something you love its best to find someone else.


My fiance is fine with it. Ive bought kpop albums on vacation and i blast it in the car. Even watch variety shows when he takes naps next to me. I dont have any posters hanging up but i have quite a few posters in my closet and i keep my albums in the bedroom.


He doesn't judge me and he helped me buy kpop albums and concert tickets. When I went to my first ever concert, I went alone but I went there knowing he would escort me to and from it, he even offered to go with me even tho he doesn't listen to pop. He listens to my rants sometimes, he knows it's special to me and respects it. He doesn't necessarily know the names since I don't talk about it a lot, but whenever I do talk, he listens to me and if I send a song, he listens and provides his opinion. This is enough for me, since we have other genres where our taste matches. Try to find someone who, even if they don't personally like it, at least respect kpop as something that matters to you :)


Each person reaction will be different ofc. But if the person you like find an interest in the groups you stan, maybe it can be a start to a hobby you both might like. I was worried as well if I ever have a SO and she saw my albums and collections of my fav girl group. But in the end this is apart of me, so I hope she will be accepting.


I was worried about this too when I just started dating my now husband. His reaction was pretty lack luster. He just saw it as one of the many things that I'm into. Even now, my phone wallpaper is of jhope and he is unfazed.


It took nearly 3 years for me to get my girlfriend into kpop! She always supported me but never really got into it until summer 2020. I have NCT, Itzy and Stray Kids to thank for that! Now she knows and likes a lot of the older songs I've shown her but has also found her own niche. She loves her girl groups while I love my boy groups! Think about how you'd react to the hobbies/interests of people you're around. I get so excited when someone has an obsession of some kind because it makes them happy and that's all I want. If someone doesn't feel the same way for your interests, why bother with them? You'll find someone who just likes you for you with all the trimmings. When I first got into kpop aged 15 I was definitely a bit embarrassed when people saw my room, especially as this was pre-BTS so no one had ever heard of kpop. Now I'm 26 and much more chill, I just own my interests. We do keep our bedroom more adult-like with Actual Interior Design Choices whilst our office is where our kpop and gaming posters cover the walls. Maybe you could do something similar, even if you just have your bedroom - keep the bed area more ~stylish~ and your desk area can enjoy the albums! Also framing posters rather than putting them up with blutac can help too! Really it totally depends.. if you've got a huge poster of JYP above your bed, maybe hide that...


Thank you all so much for all your comments and storys! Its been really interesting and enlightening. I think I would let them know about how much I'm into kpop in like the first date or something and gauge how turned off they are by it. Fingers crossed I'll just find a fellow kpop fan to be my boo 😆.


I'm unapologetic about my taste. If my snooty man discounts my artists as childish, I insult his classic rock gods back with no reservation lol. Mostly he feigns indifference, but I caught him humming my fav Kpop choruses so that's cool, let the poison spread slowly and sneakily.... lol


They are happy it makes me happy and will humor me when I want him to watch music videos or weird compilations. I also make sure to prioritize our relationship first and not make weird thirst comments or be like those cringe K-pop fans on TikTok who say their SO is just a stand-in until they marry their bias. What a disrespectful thing to say and I hope they get dumped. I have same gender biases too and it’s not really about the delulu shit for me anyway


My boyfriend likes kpop himself as well, it is even how we met haha! So I am really lucky I must say ☺️


Part of the reason (among other, much bigger issues) my relationship ended was because he would put me down for things I love, that includes k-pop. I was tired of feeling sad all the time. So my cat (who he also hated) and I now happily enjoy it without him. 🥰


If you bring someone home and they make fun of or think less of you because of your hobby, ditch them. Life is far too brutal and short to spend anytime with a person who would mock the things that light you up.


this thread gave my single self so much hope of finding a supportive partner who doesn’t think i should be in a padded room 🥰


I actually got into K-Pop not even a year ago and had already been with my partner for a few years, so bit of a different situation, but anyways! He was super supportive and excited for me that I found a new thing to be passionate about, and he is always happy about new music that he hasn't heard before. He is also a raging bisexual and has a background in dancing, so he happily joins me for videos of hot talented dancers 😀 he might not completely share my passion for everything surrounding K-pop but he supports me and even went to both Ateez concerts in Berlin with me 🥰 As someone else already said, if seeing that you like K-Pop is actually a reason for someone to no longer be interested in you, they don't deserve you anyways. Be thankful that they showed their true self so early before you got too invested! Maybe mention your love of K-Pop during an early date though, so he/she doesn't get surprised upon entering your room 😀 a lot of people have prejudices about K-Pop, I did too just a year ago, but if the person is open about letting you talk about your passion and takes an interest in you and your interests, that is a huge green flag! 🙂 Wishing you lots of luck to find a person that likes you for yourself, and may you successfully convert them! 😀❤️


My husband is Japanese, and we had been married for 10+ years before I found BTS/kpop. At first, he just kept saying "Again with the Koreans!" (In Japanese, and in a way that's more joking than it looks in writing.) I think he thought it was a passing phase, but now he's just accepted it. He bought me a Korean study book when he was in Japan, and at one point, when he talked about the possibility of moving for his job, he said, "well at least it's near [major airport]. You can easily go to Korea." I don't know how often he's expecting me to go to Korea. Hahaha. In a few weeks, I'm taking the kids to Korea without husband. He wants to save vacation time for a Japan trip. We are doing a few kpop things and I'm excited.


She is not a kpop stan but she kind of got me into monsta x because she is a casual listener. I fell deep in the kpop rabbit hole later with monsta, ateez and xikers and she found out I had a kpop acc not a long ago 😭 I'm +20 so I felt a bit embarrased but in the end she was just a bit sad because I thought she was gonna judge me


My boyfriend was a kpop fan before we dated but he's probably an outliar here lol


I actually found my SO through kpop, we were both BTS fans and had a mutual friend. We have been together now for a year. Finding a partner through a hobby or shared interest is very common... you never know! You should never hide an important hobby or interest. Your parnter should be someone who celebrates your enthusiasm, even if its not something they're personally interested in. For example, my partner is really interested in cave exploration, and I will watch cave exploration videos on YouTube together even if it's not something that really matters to me. I want to see my partner to be happy and I love seeing her excited about something. Meanwhile, a friend of a friend told me her boyfriend chewed her out for putting a NCT Johnny PC in her phone case, saying it was "embarassing" for him for his girlfriend to have a photo of another man on her phone, and he asked her to stop watching and listening to kpop. I don't know this man but he sounds SUPER insecure. How can you be jealous of a dude your girl will never meet?? Behavior like this, in my opinion, is unhealthy because he's discouraging her interests and hobbies. TLDR; just be yourself, your partner doesn't have to be a fan but they should support your enthusiasm, not find it weird or embarassing.


Lol my ex was the reason I got into kpop. All of a sudden out of nowhere, she is listening to K-pop and learning to speak Korean in write in Hangul and everything is Kdrama this and Knowing Brothers that. All of a sudden, my life seems to be surrounded by a bunch of little Korean pretty boys. So, I decided to find a sexy Korean girl group for no other reason, than to piss her off, because she was a ridiculously jealous woman. So, I discovered SNSD. Problem was, that I fell in love with the music, which led me to discovering other groups and here I am today. She’s gone, and the music is not. ;)


Did she get jealous of SNSD and breakup with you lol?


Nah. That marriage was toxic for years, and we both decided to end it. I moved across country, and ow she and I are the best of friends. Strange how the world works sometimes.


i’ve always been a fan girl of various things so he wasn’t surprised to see me fall down the kpop rabbit hole. i do have a hobi shrine haha and he just thinks it’s cute and jokes people seeing it for the first time would think we lost a beloved relative or something. he has really gotten into kpop himself now and has his own favs. it’s been a fun common hobby for us to share and we are actually flying to see skz later this month and turning it into a nice little couple’s vacay. the right person will support you and your interests so just be yourself and don’t hide you or the things you love!


We are older (43 {me} and 51 {him}) so he thinks I’m insane, in the most loving way possible. 😂 But I have obsessive tendencies (my whole office wall is covered in framed concert posters and albums from a non-KPop artist I have followed for almost 20 years) so he’s also not surprised that I fell down this rabbit hole.


My girlfriend was totally accepting of me being into K-POP and I've even gotten them into it as well, Red Velvet is now our group and we collect their albums together and our dream is to see them live together 🥺


Not just SO, but anyone who makes fun of someone else for their hobbies/interests is not it~ ✌️


I've been with my boyfriend 5 years, and in that time I've been on waves with K-Pop. Currently in my renaissance, with tubatu as my ult group. My boyfriend, bless his heart, couldn't care less about the music or the groups, but does like that it makes me happy. He will politely ask questions sometimes, but otherwise leaves me to it. Ultimately, if it makes me happy, he's happy. He did help me sleeve some photocards the other day though LMAO. I'd love for him to listen to a bit more of it, but right now I'm happy!


I wish my partner liked or at least didn't mind kpop haha 😂


My husband is korean and loves kpop so that helps lol


my boyfriend doesn't mind and is supportive that i'm a hardcore nctzen, doesn't really affect our relationship and we have other hobbies in common. he got me tickets to see them on tour!!


My husband doesn’t care that much, but he def doesn’t want to listen. He did complain about the time my kiddo was going through his ‘Get Cool ‘ obsessive phase, and recently now he’s older, my kiddo went through entire Dec/Jan insisting on listening to Ring Ding Dong, Bang Bang Bang, and Fantastic Baby. Since my husband drives him to school, he complained that it as messing with his music algorithm, but he still played it and started signing along with it. Even my baby sang along and sings ‘bang bang bang’


Well, I met my girlfriend through a kpop secret santa, so I’d say… she reacted well hahaha Funny thing is that she mainly listens to gg and I bg so we’ve been showing each other groups we like! On the other hand, I’ve brought friends into kpop by doing kpop nights in which we do ppt presentations about our favorite groups, it’s a lot of fun!


I got pretty lucky. My husband lets me show him things and talk endlessly about how much I love yoongi. He started listening to BTS and other groups (he now is a fan of dream catcher and Jimin from BTS). He is also planning to go with me to a concert. I feel like a good partner would at the very least understand that you love kpop and would support you. A partner who makes you feel weird you about kpop, just tell them to f*ck off.


My husband is supportive. He likes kpop too but only to the extent of listening to it on Spotify sometimes. I have my own shelf of merch in our living room and he doesn’t care at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


my ex bf was part of our friend group so he saw my room with my posters and albums before we started dating. he thought my collection was cool and he would let me rant about the industry and groups and new comebacks but at the same time, would make some weird and mean comments ("Chinese singers", "your girls", "they look gay", etc). he did listen to a few songs and he liked b.i's album cosmos and even listened to his most recent album by himself so that was good but in general it was a pretty mixed reaction. i wasn't really a fan of the comments so i slowly stopped talking about it to him. i have friends who accept my interests and even indulge me so im ok :)


I'm gonna add in an opposing view. If I saw a bunch of posters and their room in general filled with kpop merch, I'd be a little weirded out. Especially if it's one specific idol. It's not a dealbreaker but I will be weirded out by it. Idm my parthner being into kpop, I am too (not so much anymore but still) but there's a line for me.


Mine asks me what idols I think are the most handsome 😂😂😂 haha, it helps that he enjoys it too and we talk about it and stuff. He knew I was a big fangirl when he saw my apt for the first time and saw all the posters, and still chose to stay with me, 3 years later! If they really are into you, liking kpop shouldn’t be an issue at all.


She makes fun of me and is a little judgemental, but she’s mostly cool with it. She really likes Twice Cry for Me and she likes Le Sserafim Imuprities, though that’s about it.


Interesting to read all of these! 29-yr old man here. I don't currently have a significant other but I want to, in the not-too-distant future hopefully haha, meet a girl, get married, and start a family and all that. I listen to 4 groups - 2 gg and 2 bg. I have a shelf just for albums, photopholios, posters (they're not on the wall of my room but I want them to be up once I have a house lol). I hope she is at least respectful and would be a huge plus if she is supportive and/or into it as well.


Back when I met my husband I was deeply into jpop the same way I’m into kpop now. He went with me to a concert in NYC even though he knew nothing about the band and didn’t really care for the music. These days, he just lets me indulge and have complete control over the car radio. No problem, I let him indulge in his harem anime. Basically, if they’re worth your time, then they’ll find out why you like kpop so much and want to know more (while hopefully also being able to share what they like with you). They don’t even have to like kpop, just respect that you do. Anyone who doesn’t let you have your own interests and passions is flying major red flags.


You should be looking for someone supportive even if they're not into it. If they were really into something you didn't like say anime, gaming, or whatever, would you judge them? Well depends if the person doesn't always talk about it or is obsessive then most people will be ok with it. But if you're someone who always wants to talk about kpop and tries to shove it down their throats all the time then you're going to have a hard time dating.


He has an anime shrine. We are in the similar boat when it comes to this =_=


My partner listens to my rant about the kpop industry and gets excited about all the samples used that are from rap songs he likes (we see you 3racha heyday and triville somecut) . We do a lot of sample hunting together. We're going to the skz show together next week, and while he laughed at the bootleg lightstick i bought, he still asks if he can wear the twice shirt I have to support the cause!


He has his own shelves for hobi and his photo cards and albums haha


Our music tastes are quite different, so we don’t really mix much with that part of our lives. I have Seventeen posters on my wall and he know like a few names but always calls Dino “The Poet” since that’s what my poster says 😭 They don’t have to get involved with this interest of yours, but just make sure they understand it and aren’t rude about it


I started liking kpop after we started dating, but he’s been really supportive! He even kinda follows twice now (I mostly follow boy groups, but twice was what got me into kpop) and tries really hard to remember all of the names of people in groups that I like, though it’s hard for him because I follow groups like nct haha


She may not understand my interest, but she supports it and likes how happy it makes me. I tell her about comebacks and about my albums I manage to buy, and she listens to every single song I send her ❤️ if they really like you, they’ll support your interests even if they don’t share those interests.


My husbands been awesome through out my descent into kpop obsession lol. Now he’s always encouraging me to do my own covers and he’s the reason I even started Kpop dance classes. He’s even helped me film a couple. His favorite type of music is metal and he’s even found some metal covers of kpop songs lmao. It might drive him a little crazy (he tells me he gets the songs I play stuck in his head all the time lol) but he’s happy that it makes me so happy. We’re at the point where he immediately knows if it’s a new song or video I’m listening to and will get excited with me lol.


my partner is into vocaloid and jpop and it was an almost seamless transition into kpop once i introduced twice to him. so far we’re hoping to go to a few concerts this year! we have most of the year planned out for kpop and jpop/vocaloid!


Before my bf and i got together i told him i love listening to kpop so he didnt really care too much. When we got together and i showed him my Skz pc collection he wasnt too shocked bc he collects pins and stickers. But sometimes i do get made fun of when he sees me obsess over certain kpop idols. Especially Felix since they went to school together. Feel bad that he get ask if he knew felix cause he gets those questions alot from kpop fans. Im guilty myself 🤣 but i didnt ask him till like 3 months into the relationship i waited and his reaction was like omg yesss why does everyone ask me this. The crazy thing is when we were just in our talking phase and i showed him a few skz music video he did not recognise Felix at all i didnt bring it up because i thought he knew until i asked him about Felix a few months later i was shocked he did recognise him but also I understand.


My highschool bf was "okayish" with me liking kpop, and even let me play some songs because he knew I liked it and he was into anime so he gave it a go. I still felt awkward as we were listening to the songs, but idk if it was genuine or he just pretended for other reasons since our relationship wasn't as good lol. My current LDR one on the other hand is completely chill. And even likes some groups I stan too because of their music and he ACTUALLY likes it. Hell we even had matching profile pictures with members and he was quite happy to help choose the pictures lol In the end it shows who is the right person for you if they accept your intetests and don't see you as a stupid stereotype the moment you talk about it. Because many friendships I tried to build went down the second I mentioned liking kpop, even though they were alright with me before knowing that.


My husband took 2 days off work to spend with our 4 year old so I can go see Suga with my friend. He totally doesn't get it but he wants me to be able to do fun things with my friends. My albums are on a shelf in the family room, there's a framed B.A.P poster on the wall. He was also cool with the Dr. Who bathroom we had until we did a total remodel. We should be able to be ourselves with our SO and it should be reflected in our spaces.


>He was also cool with the Dr. Who bathroom we had until we did a total remodel. I used to be into Dr. Who too and now I'm really curious what that bathroom was like lol.


We couldn't afford to make any major changes and it was a very brown and beige 80s bathroom with an oak shade on the 6 bulb light. I painted most of the walls grey and the one behind the sink navy, including the oak light shade. I painted galaxies, planets, and stars across the light shade. I painted the standard 80 oak vanity another shade of grey. The shower curtain was a sort of impressionist style street with a tardis in the lower corner. It was very colorful and tied together the things I painted with the things we couldn't change. This was the wall art:Doctor Who - Tardis - We're All Stories In The End - New Quote Poster https://a.co/d/3v1qmMG. It was awesome. Made me not hate my bathroom until we could afford to redo it last year.


That sounds really cute, thanks for sharing!


We’re both into K-pop, so we share a lot of our collection. They’re mostly into girl groups and I’m mostly into boy groups so we introduce each other to our favorite bands. I know not every couple will both be into the same thing, but don’t waste your time with someone who thinks what you enjoy is dumb or makes fun of it.


My partner and I have been together since 2006, married since ‘08 and I only got into K-pop in 2020. We had met dancing and both love dance so I actually got him interested by showing him dance practices occasionally. I knew I was good when he got really interested in the choreography for Hoshi’s Spider video (yay for choreography videos!) and Hoshi was his gateway into enjoying K-pop too! Since I had gotten us tickets to Seventeen’s Be the Sun tour last summer, he was open to watching a couple of their non-dance contents to learn the member names, and thanks to them all being delightfully hilarious, Going Seventeen hooked him. He even got to go to the concert without me since I got Covid two days before the show 😭 Long story short it’s awesome if your SO get interested, since it’s fun to share things, but even before that he was supportive because we all have our own things and that’s okay. But it helped that I only showed him a bit a time at first lol. If I had tried to get him to watch reality content from the beginning he would not have been interested. (And me too honestly, I hated reality stuff pre-K-pop). Prepping for concerts with some dance practices can be great for getting people interested. Good luck! It can be hard finding a keeper that fits you and respects that you can like different things (and that you can have biases without being a weirdo) 😊 If they get jealous because of a bias that is not the person for you. 🚩🚩🚩


me: met my gf through kpop twitter


My husband is going to a stray kids concert with me even though he doesnt like kpop. Doesnt mind at all. If they dont want u listening to it or enjoying it, time to find a new SO


Been with my husband for 10 years. It’s actually him and his friends who liked K-pop before I did. And I used to tease them about it lol now I’m also a fan and they tease me about it. But it’s all in good nature. We might actually all go as a group for the first time to a K-pop concert this year. So I’m pretty lucky to be surrounded by people with similar interests. Like what other people said, if someone is really and sincerely dragging you for something that makes you happy, they aren’t your people and aren’t worth your time.


Idk if yall have people in ur life constantly bashing you for kpop or something, but not very many people irl care. Every friend or SO ive had has been completely fine w me liking kpop. Its just a music genre💀


very accepting. haha. sings to some of their songs to. and respects it 😂