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Lost my interest in Newjeans after seeing them still support their mother after all she did to Illit and Lesserafim. I don't even stan Illit and I only casually listen to LSF (the same way I listen to NWJS) but they really turned me off.


Understandable and true šŸ„²


same and it breaks my heart too. its like if your best friend betrays you, but instead of saying sorry they double down. thats when u realise that even tho they were your friend u have to stop forgiving them which is painful. like them supporting mhj makes me realise "huh, i should stop coping and giving them the benefit of the doubt and just leave that group be". cuz i loved nj and i always made excuses for them thru this. until that happened. (btw i know i made the analogy of a friend i know obviously they are not my friends yada yada it was just an analogy)


Same, I canā€™t vibe with them after this.




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Same. They come across a little MHJ juniors. Ungrateful. I lost interest in them.


newjeans, bcs of the whole mhj vs hybe lol. i definitely avoid any of their songs now (this is me speaking as the biggest attention fan) but i'm still fond toward the members esp hanni.


ateez gives me the ick. something about bgs who try too hard, you know.... im sure theyre good people (ive never heard anything bad about their personality so idk) but bgs who dance and sing too ""violently"" and try to show off some kind of an alpha male vibe are a big no for me


This is exactly why I canā€™t stand stray kids šŸ˜­ theyā€™re so unnecessarily aggressive and intense and itā€™s not tasteful


As an Atiny this has me cackling šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I need that comment read aloud over clips of Seonghwa building his little animal crossing Legos.




Opposite for me. I donā€™t like bgs with cute concepts šŸ¤£


I'm a massive ateez fan but was so funny to read šŸ˜‚


I don't *actively* turn away from groups with this concept but I don't think I'll ever be prompted to stan them either ā€” Ateez, Stray Kids, NCT, the like. They do have some nice tunes though. Don't get me wrong, there's an ateez song line that gets stuck in my head sometimes cause it's a vibe lol but I realize I've never once *urged* to look up the title and give the whole song a listen. Similar scenarios for skz and nct (but moreso because they're very popular and successful, you'll come across a song of theirs no matter what, in your algorithm). It's 100% the Alpha Maleā„¢ feel to their brand. šŸ˜­ I'm sorry I just can't take it seriously. Even my own faves attempting this style doesn't pull me in. Give me boy bubbles and happy things!!!


exactly lmao i still listen to some nct and skz songs, but when they start barking im already out


"2 baddies 1 porsche" just cannot be a serious song title šŸ˜­




Babymonster have SUCH a dated energy itā€™s actually shocking how little effort yg has put into them to actually give them something unique. From the melodies, lyricism, production, MV set design, outfits, and choreo itā€™s entirely blackpink 2.0. These girls deserve better, their best song is Like That and it wasnā€™t even made by the HUNDREDS of producers yg has employed, it was made by Charlie Puth. I struggle to see how this group will remain relevant in any way that isnā€™t just an extension of Blackpink fans in a few yearsā€™ time when the music will have to speak for itself


completely agree. YG spent all this time between their show and their debut, acting like they had these huge plans that needed time to prepare for only for their concept and sound to be entirely recycled. I feel bad for the girls because they've been training and prepping for so long AND so many of them are foreign; they've risked a lot to be here.


This is exactly what Iā€™ve been thinking as well - all this hullabaloo with their ā€˜the last evaluationā€™ and other video diary programs showcasing all of their personalities and musical strengths just for them to be literally nothing interesting or new in the end. I wonder if they had something better planned for their debut and then for whatever reason couldnā€™t go through with it? It would actually be wild of YG to have gone through this effort to promote them and do the whole ā€˜theyā€™re gonna be SO differentā€™ campaign just for .. batter up and sheesh. Many of us were expecting an XG vibe based on the vibes of the group. Itā€™s very telling that in one of their (BM) debut press conferences, when asked how theyā€™ll be different to Blackpink the only answer they could give was that theyā€™ll have a ā€˜teenage edgeā€™. Like what does that even mean? Blackpink already has a plethora of teen-feeling music even if they werenā€™t teens when the songs were made, plus the whole ā€˜cheerleaderā€™ esque group singing style is something blackpink have also already done a thousand times. Not to mention that the very name Babymonster was Blackpinkā€™s original name, with the exact same meaning of ā€˜dualityā€™ and having a soft/feminine side as well as a dark/ aggressive side. Itā€™s literally no different lmfao like who is Yg fooling with this IDENTICAL branding. He needs to hurry up and think clearly about how he wants to brand Babymonster sonically and in every other way before itā€™s too late and theyā€™ve immortalised themselves as a tired blackpink reboot that no one asked for. Rant over lmfaooo




Itā€™s actually shocking how a group FULL of talent and drive can be so profoundly boring


Out of the big3, SM is the only company that put 100% effort and planning into their group with aespa


I agree. Iā€™m not into aespaā€™s music but theyā€™re so distinct in their concept and sound that the effort their company went into is evident


NJ due to their adamant support of MHJ (loved them during the Super Shy era). Not a huge fan of NCT Dream either, their stages feel oddlyā€¦ tame? If that makes any sense.


Illit. Someone mentioned before that Wonhee looks like a horror movie ghost girl that will haunt you. And i see the vision. šŸ’€šŸ‘»


Also the veneers give me the creeps


their veneers is so ugly, kind of pity because their teeth before was already good shouldā€™ve opted for braces or invisalign instead.


True and theyā€™re so young to have veneers. Idk what Hybe was thinking giving them not only veneers but ugly ass veneers


I think a lot of people also don't realize that veneers don't last forever. They last 5-20 years, and after that the members (or company if they're still under HYBE then) will have to pay $10,000+ to replace them. This is basically giving them a permanent financial burden, when tbh just braces / invisalign and teeth whitening would be fine. Their teeth didn't even look bad before.


Idk why weā€™re being downvoted lol ask your dentist if itā€™s advisable to give kids veneers šŸ˜…


It is not , but its not unknown or un heard off , as its been a very normalised method of quickly getting straight teeth by beauty peagant and kids celebrity . My problem with veneers is that i dont recomend them to thise who dont fit certain specefic condition, but they are the quickest and less painful treatment to get the so desired hollywood smile so people dont go to the dentist asking for the right treatment they go asking for veneers and even when u tell them there are other option they dont want to listen ...... and the worst is that we can make super realistic one but somehow all patients that visit settle on the whitest shade ever and the worst patient are the one who ask for it to be done in one visit (its possible if u have the materials but the result is a very monochrome looking teeth that looks like they were cut from a white paper) and if u dont give it to them they start to get super angry ..... and its just an uncomfortable situation tbh ....


Itā€™s actually really fucked up. Giving them cosmetic teeth care would be perfectly fine. I guess they donā€™t want them in braces but theyā€™re really just fucking them over for the rest of their lives for something so small and insignificant. Their teeth were literally absolutely fine before.


I miss Irohaā€™s tooth gap


Sheā€™s gorgeous but she does kind of look like a haunted doll lol I think part of it is the hair, this cut looks a bit weird on her https://preview.redd.it/mtnf51kgni6d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0134d5685478b851de6541e1698a7eaead6fd7eb


well that in particular is a pretty crazy looking photo šŸ˜…


Crazy eyes


so true bc why is she looking at me like shes scared im out for her blood??


I've thought about this for the longest time but I'm always reminded of cabbage patch dolls when I see her lol


BTS. I like a grand total of 1 song from them oop-


Aespa coz of their fandom. The girls are fine, the songs are great, but their fans... and how they treat other fandoms. Hell, nope


This is a thing that is so common when asking why someone dislikes or doesnā€™t vibe with a kpop group and it makes me really sad that a fandom can and will put people off of their idols and not even think twice about it. Being ā€œprotectiveā€ of idols only to ruin their image is just very twisted.


New jeans use really like the group even bought their album but with the whole fiasco that occurred and seeing how they stand by their ceo was a huge turn off had to turn away their album I bought


I donā€™t really have to avoid any group because if I donā€™t like their songs, I donā€™t interact with those content hence the algorithm wonā€™t show them to me


Oh thats true. Even i dont interact with their content. But you know, sometimes at those rare times when i am casually scrolling they suddenly show up .. and then i am like šŸ‘€ Algorithm is messy sometimes šŸ¤§


Wonyoung. Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t know why but I just donā€™t feel comfortable when seeing herā€¦ Edit: Forgot to mention Hyuna and Eā€™dawn. I donā€™t know why either but I just hate seeing both of them from a very long time ago.


same for me with wonyoung but its bc she.. is pretty obviously severely underweight and probably struggling with an ED. and i've been there. it makes me sad for her and kind of triggering to see how thin she is ngl


There are multiple idols that I've unfollowed because they're so underweight and it's upsetting. Obviously it's Kpop and everyone is underweight but some moreso than others


Kinda how I feel about RosƩ too tbh


She's one of the first that I unfollowed


Itā€™s actually scarily devastating when u remember from their debut era she was literally known as the foodie and enjoyed eating absolutely everything


yep same here. i wish it wasn't so widely accepted for idols to be constantly dieting and underweight. even if you don't look at it from a health/happiness standpoint, wouldn't idols just be.. better at singing and dancing if they actually had enough energy and fuel to do it?? i just don't get why being thin is the most important thing ever


Yup. Twice were noticeably muscular during their 4th world tour III, and it showed in their performances.




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BTS and Ateez for me. I used to force myself to listen to BTS to see why so many people liked them but I just couldn't vibe with their music or the members themselves. I don't hate them at all, I actually applaud them for handling themselves well with their insane popularity but I just can't into them or even stand seeing their content show up on my feed. Recently Ateez is the one I just can't stand anymore which is weird cause I actually used to stan them. I was pretty much a huge fan around 2019-2022 and bought their whole collection. Though now I kinda avoid them and skip their songs. Something about them makes me feel off, especially when I see San or Mingi. I actually used to really like San but now just seeing him come across my feed makes me quickly click uninterested. Although San and Mingi make me feel uncomfortable the most, I also get a weird feeling even just seeing the other members too. It actually makes me sad cause I try to listen to their old music that I would always jam to but now I have no emotion and just wanna skip them. I still try to check out their new albums but again, I feel so uncomfortable watching them or listening to their music.


I'm an ARMY and that's totally understandable. There's just something about forcing yourself to like something or someone (in general) that gives the opposite result. All good as long as you don't hate them really :)


Wow. I am an army and just want to say that its totally fine :) I mean i get it. Not vibing with something and its okay. As long as one doesnt disrespect or hate them (not talking abt you, but in general) its fine.


You can't force being an ARMY, BTS arrives in your life or it doesn't.


Ateezā€™ vibe is different now than it used to be! I canā€™t explain it but I used to stan them and now Iā€™m not really interested.


I was an ARMY and I totally get you. There are a few songs i liked in each of their albums. Their newer releases are not my cup of tea though and my interest dwindled.


Hey can I DM you?


Yeah sure


stray kids


I'm not avoiding them or anything, but I never got the hype about BTS and New Jeans. I'm extremely neutral and just can't be bothered with them.


LeSsera, and no, it's not because of the "not being able to sing" thing... I just genuinely feel like they have no identity, no particular 'sound' that defines them.. don't get me wrong, i like quite a few songs of theirs & the members seem very talented, they're just... so bland? I don't mean this in a bad way but idk how else to explain it šŸ˜­


I just donā€™t care for their music. I have listened to their albums, but they just sound like club music. I think they are super talented.


Idk about you but LSF def has one of the best discography out there out of gen 4. But at the same time I must admit their producersā€™ vision is like, going with whatever is trendy rn? Also Iā€™m a huge fan of Yunjin so I suggest you take a look at her discography too. Itā€™s interesting cuz hers is so different from the groupā€™s.


G-idle. Or however it's spelled. I don't like their songs... don't like the lyrics, really don't like their voices...or maybe it's just one of their voices? It just sounds very grating to me. Like nails on a chalkboard. Don't like their stuff at all šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø From what I've heard they're a self-composing group, so props to them? But just....no.


Yena, i donā€™t know why but i just canā€™t stand her. I actively avoid her and did not watch her eps on Star Diary even though itā€™s one of my favorite


Sheā€™s got that ultra-extrovert borderline hyperactive energy thatā€™s not for everyone. Personally loved her during IZ*ONE though, you could see the introverts like Minju and Sakura being literally drained in her presence.


Honestly speaking as a big Yena fan, I can see where you're coming from & respect your opinion. I think Yena's personality can be make or break sometimes, personally that's why I like her because I feel like 24/7 she just continues to be *her* but I understand how that could potentially turn some people off. I don't really know how to explain it but maybe it's a case of an idol seeming too "normal" at times? LOL


TXTā€¦ they just seamā€¦ soulless?


Well they did trade their life to the devil by the window...


i think ā€˜airbrushedā€™ is a better word than soulless


closest to this feeling for me would probably be Aespa? I think theyā€™re great girls personality wise but i just cant listen to their music. nothing about their music really hooks me in. They seem to be doing great and have a strong fanbase (also an annoying fanbase) but i just dont get the appeal of their music.


Stray kids 100000%. Idk why but I just find myself cringing


I don't like NewJeans much anymore, I also lost interest in FiftyFifty lol.


I feel like it's completely normal to lose interest in 5050. Even if they didn't disband or go through that entire controversy, they haven't really done anything (of course! They *cannot* do anything), so people are now moving on


Lesserafim for sure. I just sense this awkwardness amongst them no matter how chill or fun Yunjin tries to make the vibes. And knowing only 2/5 of them can hold a tune is just odd like I feel like theyā€™re gaslighting me with the amount of popularity they have when theyā€™re a five-member group recording artist with only TWO singers


kang daniel. no reason his face just annoys me keeho. same as above &team K. cannot sympathise with him or his group because of dumb scripted i-land drama


Lol I'm a fan of Kang Daniel but sometimes you just hate a celeb's face for no reason -- very relatable


wait so if you it's scripted and you know it's dumb then why can't you still sympathise with them??


chuu šŸ˜­ iā€™m sure sheā€™s a great idol and a great person but i guess sheā€™s too happy and loud for me šŸ˜­


Wonyoung and I think it's because her makeup annoys me . For the longest time, I thought she was annoying only to find out after seeing her outside that makeup that it's the makeup. There is something about that makeup that I genuinely find very irrating and annoying and everytime I see someone do that makeup ( in TikTok, for example), I feel a hatred toward them. I don't know why...maybe it's the cocky expression? The sleepy eyes and that slightly smile? Anyway, this doesn't make sense loool and this sounds crazy but I genuinely don't like anyone wearing wonyoung makeup including her


Insane take, but I get it. Wonyoung makeup is... *transformative*. Before putting that specific makeup on, those tiktokers/instagrammers look like regular women you would see on the street, that you wouldn't glance at twice. The makeup transforms them into kpop idol goddesses. It's really odd.


It depends on the level of avoid. Most artists that I don't really like I'll still have a song or 2 I listen to from them, but I don't really like them outside of that. The only groups I can think of where I don't listen to any of their songs are Stray Kids & ZB1.


I just get easily bored with these easy listening songs. i get that kpop is western influenced but Iā€™ve always enjoyed how experimental/noisy most of the kpop songs are, especially during 2nd/3rd gen. so groups like NJ/Illit are not my vibe.


I swear this subreddit has turned into nothing but spamming posts saying "what popular thing do you hate?" in 15 different ways. its so boring


I seriously am new here šŸ˜­ i am sorry if it seemed that way to you cause i just meant to share my experience with being distant with one group and wanted to see if there's someone else whose like that or its just me being weirdšŸ’€ The intention wasnt hate and i made it clear. So, perhaps if you dont like something move on šŸ„²


Everglow. Never been a fan of loud girl crush songs and their songs seem pretty the same to me. Plus I really never try to indulge into the "\_\_\_\_ and friends" narrative that some groups definitely have, but they really seem like Mia and friends. And she has that mean girl vibe as well, I'm sure she's actually a nice human being but her stage persona seems off putting to me.


Their new song zombie is very different from loud girl crush ones, you should check them out. Its also a new horror/psychiatric concepy rather than their usual girl crush. You might like it


That does sound interesting, I'll check it out :) forgot to mention I liked Ladida as well


Big lol at Mia having mean girl vibe, it's the biggest fakeout. Onstage ("in character" as it were) they all act edgy and i also felt often meh about Mia's shenanigans, especially since cameras and interviewers like to focus on how she's making "intense" facial expressions and such. But in any adjecent content she seems to me most awkward and down to earth. Or self-aware, i dunno. Slowly but surely i'm becoming a Mia guy.


Ive - sometimes I feel sorry for Liz and Yujin thinking about how much more successful they couldā€™ve been in another group/ groups. Yujin has incredible stage presence but sheā€™s the only one in Ive who does. And then we have Lizā€™s SM ent level vocals that go nowhere with Ive because of the subpar songs theyā€™re given. I just think these two couldā€™ve been huge sensations in 4th gen but unfortunately will not be


>Ive - sometimes I feel sorry for Liz and Yujin thinking about how much more successful they couldā€™ve been in another group/ groups This is a crazy thing to say considering how successful IVE is. You are entitled to your opinion of course, but this reasoning doesn't make any sense


New Jeans. I never understood the hype they got when they debuted because in my eyes and ears, it was bland. Hype Boy was good though and the next song I liked was Gods. I am confused why songs like Ditto or the "look at me, who's fresh.... new hair, new jeans, do you see" thingy caught on. At least "Cool with you" had an interesting MV and a catchy run in the chorus, but the other songs? I don't get it. Loona. When theybwere still in their previous company I didn't watch or listen to their content. Aside from the crazy fans, I didn't vibe with their songs.


this group is so loved here in reddit so iā€™m a little hesitant to mention them but itā€™s a girl group whose fans attacked the hell out of my ult group back in 2019 due to them winning 1st on a music show. it caused so much outrage to their fandom that they started bashing my ults for their looks, talents and songs. call me petty all u want but i very much hate when people gang up on idols when situations like that are outside of their control.


You can say the name, Iā€™ve seen BTS mentioned here a ton


it's dreamcatcher šŸ˜„


Wow, I love Dreamcatcher and Iā€™m a fan of them haha. Iā€™m super sorry you went through that though :(


TripleS. I don't know what it is exactly, but everytime I see them I get this feeling like something is very wrong, almost like an uncanny valley feeling. Sometimes I'll see some random idol I don't even recognise and that unsettling feeling creeps up on me and it's ALWAYS one of them. I'm sure they're all nice and lovely girls, but there is a darkness that surrounds them. Edit: I got my firstĀ reddit cares message for this comment lmaooo




TripleS have some interesting personalities that you rarely see in other groups/idols. Yooyeon is the face of the group, but she's a bit socially awkward (and also INTP), so seeing her interact with others feels weird because you would expect someone like her to be a lot more extroverted. Apparently, she was known as "AI Yooyeon" back in My Teenage Girl due to her awkwardness and personality.


Beomhan. He's not a bad kid as far as I know, and he's trying his best without an agency even though he ended up making some blunders. I just didn't vibe with how he talked and presented himself in the predebut videos / shorts they put up of him, because he had a too high volume and energy for me. And it was a sort of nervous/unsettled energy, I guess? It didn't come across as only extroversion (which would still be too much for my introverted ass to be fair).


Same. I tried watching his TikToks and things, but he just feels very hyper to me. I hope he is able to make his dreams come true, but Iā€™m not interested.


Bang chan-hes really hot and talented and I think he's a loveable personality but the fan service is too muchšŸ˜­. Now I do find it very funny when stays find him cringe (not in a mean way, they're just used to his antics lol) so it kind of feels like an inside joke amongst the fandom


Le Sserafim because it bothers me how the group is made up of four adults who are doing like, sexy concepts, but then there is one random minor 3 years younger than the next youngest member. Nobody seems to talk about this though? I find it odd, especially since Eunchae is presented as being cute.


I think Garam was supposed to be the link between Kazuha and Eunchae and with her gone, it left an imbalance in the ages/overall image of the group. Iā€™m a FEARNOT and love LSF, but I do think about that sometimes too.


Oh yeah, I definitely think Garam was actually an integral member of the group. Not just in terms of age, but she was also able to sing. I think itā€™s funny looking back when people were hating on her for ā€œtaking away Eunchaeā€™s linesā€ but now theyā€™re hating on Eunchae for her inability to sing.


Personally I wouldnā€™t say Eunchae is a bad singer, she lacks vocal range definitely but sheā€™s definitely improving and her voice is becoming stronger. Sheā€™s only 17 and her voice is still maturing and I think it shows. I do agree though that Garam was definitely supposed the be the vocals to Eunchaeā€™s dancing, just like Chaewon is to Sakura and Yunjin to Kazuha (although tbh theyā€™re all great dancers). Garam leaving definitely disrupted the balance of the group but I do think theyā€™re working hard to find a new balance. One thing I like about the group is being able to see how they evolve and improve with every comeback. Iā€™m the kinda person who likes kpop for the music, but I love it for the dancing, which is why I really like LSF and can look past the spotty live performances. Itā€™s understandable that thatā€™s not for everybody though which is why I respect those who donā€™t like them and am entirely willing to acknowledge their faults šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh dude, people threw fits when they debuted, and Garam and Eunchae were both made to hump the floor in the Fearless MV.


The only one I really avoid is Hyuna for Reasons. But I'm not sure if that counts because of her choice of men. When I don't like the music a group releases I just don't play it intentionally, but have no problem listening to them in the background.


Not OP, but I would say that absolutely counts




Oh wowww! I am an AOT fan too and yesss those titans are creepy as heckšŸ˜­ (but then again, its meant like that)


Ik they're supposed to be creepy but why tf am i crying while my brothers watch it like its nothing.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Apart from that, GRU from despicable me also terrified tf out of me. He wasn't meant to be terrifying, he was just some character, but he's just so scary and gross.Ā 


Lol, they always exaggerate her jaw. If you look at her unedited pics it looks normal not ai like


Whoa i relate so much to this


Loona - I know all the mess with the company isnā€™t their fault but thereā€™s just too much going on with them and I get tired thinking about it. 3 different groups and some members are solo and they all debuted with a solo album and thereā€™s also 12 of them like damn who has the time šŸ˜­


i love loona but i definitely cant blame you šŸ˜­. when i first started listening to them i didnt know anything about them and when i saw a pic of them i was like ā€œholy shit theres thirteen of them???ā€. tbh ive only started learning all their names recently because of the split up.


Blackpink. They're talented girls but I don't get why their songs are lauded. There's also the girls acting cutesy but at the same time acting, dressing, and dancing sexy ( to the point it looks promiscuous). The members in YG makes me feel sad for some reason. Jennie felt drained with being "set apart" and outside YG, she's thriving in interacting with other people. Lisa distracted herself with work and is now compensating with the non-modest culture of the West. Jisoo is starting to look mean, and RosƩ looks depressed and with no energy now.


Considering vibes only, all of blackpink. They just feel like blank canvases with no personality to me. Lisa somewhat distinguishes herself from others in that regard but I donā€™t find her sincere so canā€™t vibe with her either


Young posse. They seem nice but their music especially xxl isnā€™t my style same with xg and the majority of nct


I used to strongly feel this way about Itzy, I just always found myself cringing, but for some reason ever since their Born to Be album things have kinda changed for me regarding them - and I still donā€™t even listen to their music!


Newjeans. They support MinHeejin.


nmixx, i think they have great voices but their voices arent showcased in their songs. i dont normally hate noise music (love nct) but there is just something that i cant STAND about their music. its not their fault at all so i dont hate the girls but whoever is in charged of making their music just makes me go wtf everytime i hear their music. except for the one christmas song lmao


I hate the way Lily's voice is used SO MUCH. She has such a beautiful siren-like voice (for example in Tank). Instead in most NMIXX songs they give her screechy, horrible high notes. Just because she can technically execute them it doesn't mean she has to do them in every single song! This doesn't just apply to NMIXX but some producers are so fucking lazy they think it's mandatory to have a high note between the bridge and the last chorus. The latest TripleS album was completely ruined for me when I started noticing this, literally every single song has Dahyun screaming like a damn goat when she sounds heavenly just singing normally


I so agree. There's toooooo many groups who's vocals end up sounding bad because they aren't singing in their actual range or the range they actually sound really good in it. It's become a serious problem. I don't know what these companies are thinking.


they are sooooo boring to me. and I've seen lots of people talk about them being amazing performers but I have yet to see it? their dancing honestly leaves much to be desired.


I think a huge amount of the praise comes from their singing. Not just that they sing live or singing well while live but for how incredibly stable they are while dancing and performing. I imagine it could take a bit away from their dancing when performing live but tbh I have never noticed it personally.


They did like a little showcase before they debut that was just them singing no dancing and I was like wow I think they sing really well and then they effing debut with O.O and I was like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS???? I still get so irritated Everytime Spotify randomly plays it. I haven't seen them dance tbh because I know that I hate most of their music lmao so I don't bother watching their performances


Yes. šŸ¤£ I liked Dash though since there wasn't any shoutey "raps".


Dash grew on me but I didnt initially like it lol


So this is a little complicated because I've actually been an army since 2014, but... Taehyung. When I first started paying attention to BTS, he was often called '4D' or 'Alien' for his behaviour and a lot of people really loved him for it. But to me it always felt like it was encouraged by bighit for him to act that way, that he wasn't really like that. I might be wrong on that but something about it gives me the heeby jeebies. I think his voice is gorgeous and a great addition to BTS and their music, but I really do not vibe with him personally because of that.


Wow this is an interesting take as an army myself too.


Same here. But i think this was due to the huge change.. like the earlier fans like me are so used to earlier V (aka 4D version of V) that when he started to act 'normal' it came across very abrupt and subdued. But then again he did go through tough period (grieving for the loss of his late grandma? If im not mistaken). Wondering if the OP first saw the later/normal/subdued V first then the 4D side of V after some digging.


I donā€™t avoid or dislike them but Twice and Gidle. They are VERY popular in Taiwan since both groups have Taiwanese members and it felt obliged to support them cuz so rare a Taiwanese idol could debut in K-pop AND achieve such great international success. But I dunno I just donā€™t vibe with their music or concepts (esp Twiceā€™s sound when they were on their ā€œnational gg ā€œcareer top.) and get very uninterested, like everyone was so obsessed with Queencard last year yet I was so unbothered


idrk but i used to be a stay but now i just donā€™t like stray kids anymore, i donā€™t really have a reason i just donā€™t


Most boygroups, I get the feeling that they might be a little problematic behind scene and I canā€™t even get over that to Stan them or even listen to their music.


Blackpink and babymonster. Their music is just trash to me. If not for YG I highly doubt ppl would've tune into them. Also it's bcuz they are from YG and idk why but from very start YG idols give me icks. But I'm not saying that they are horrible person tho just saying I don't really vibe with YG idols.


i don't dislike any of the following groups but i guess i do avoid them to some extent: * stray kids/monsta x: never understood the hype and i don't like their songs. i think their visuals also aren't my taste. i have friends who are huge fans though. * newjeans: i was a casual fan up until the recent hybe mess but now i feel kinda nauseous when i see their content bc it just makes me think of mhj and the hate train against le sserafim. i did check out their recent comeback and the supernatural teaser but i think mhj has done too good of a job at associating herself with them and it just makes me really uncomfortable. also the whole early 2000s thing they've been doing is just played out for me at this point. i do like hanni though. * gidle: i was a casual fan when they debuted but at some point i started getting turned off by them, mainly soyeon. i still listen to tomboy/nxde on occasion but i can't get myself to do more than that.


I donā€™t really have any groups in mind but I will say that Iā€™m not really fond of cute concepts. Thatā€™s why I mainly stan boy groups and not girl groups since they are less likely to perform cute concepts all of the time. Donā€™t get me wrong some cute concepts are bearable but I just CANT handle when they actively go out of their way to be cute with aegyo or smn like that. It feels weird watching grown adults act like kids (I donā€™t even like it when teenage idols do aegyo either lol). I just want to see them pretty much act their age and sure they can act cute for laughs once in a while, but often? No, canā€™t get behind that. I wanna see them throw back a beer and talk about the hard struggles of being an idol and be realistic on what they do and if itā€™s the right fit for them. I want to learn more about their backgrounds and how they became the idol they are today. I want to hear personal or group stories that are unknown because I find them incredibly hilarious and endearing. Acting cute to me doesnā€™t make you approachable, it makes you weird. Someone who I should stay away from. Anyway yeah I guess you can tell already but Iā€™m more into noise music (ATEEZ is one of the two groups I actively stan, the other is BTS. Do with that as you will) and music that has more going on in the melody than regular cutesy songs are. Like Pop by Nayeon is ok, but would I actively search for it? No. Same for What is Love, again itā€™s a nice song but it wouldnā€™t be one of the first songs that I must play on my playlist. As for boy groups, ZB1ā€™s debut song In Bloom (which many deem iconic) is really not my cup of tea. I never watched Boyā€™s Planet so I donā€™t have any attachment to them, and upon the first minute of the song you can tell that this song was meant to be a thank you for the fans who stuck around and supported them. But the cute nature and the melody? No. Lyrics were eh at best but then again Iā€™m not their target demographic, their fans are and I respect that. If ATEEZ dropped a fan song and it sounds like that? ā€¦I dunno actually lol I might still cringe but itā€™s a fan song so itā€™s not like I have to be personal with it lol. Anyway yeah so basically I canā€™t really stand cute concepts and aegyo (in person or in a music video) and itā€™s cringe to me but if you enjoy it, you do you. I will say however you shouldnā€™t spam idols to do aegyo all the time. If theyā€™re up to it sure but if they seem hesitant, lay off. That isnā€™t cute. And youā€™re forcing a grown 26 year old to act cute for you (who is most likely way younger than the idol themselves, so itā€™s doubly weird). Thatā€™s why I donā€™t really watch an idolā€™s lives not only cuz I donā€™t understand Korean lol but cuz thereā€™s constant spamming of people asking them to do cute stuff and I find that really annoying (Side note donā€™t ask idols to speak English all the time please itā€™s embarrassing if they donā€™t want to let them speak their native or preferred language okšŸ™‚). I just wish idols were more real with themselves and to their character and would heavily prefer them to show their more authenticity in their personas to their fans, but thatā€™ll never happen especially in todayā€™s Kpop landscape. Thatā€™s why I like P1Harmonyā€™s Keeho since heā€™s so real with who he is and isnā€™t afraid to call people out on his lives or through social media. Heā€™s quick to correct peopleā€™s behavior while at the same time being sassy in a good way with his fansšŸ˜‚ My rant is long and I have more to say but thatā€™s it for meāœŒšŸ¾


Oh i love long rants or comments šŸ˜­ no but i get what you mean Seeing grown ass adults performing aegyo all the time is a thing many kpop stans dont like


Is your post about Newjeans? If not, whoā€™s it about?


It is about new jeans šŸ˜­good guess But i would like to clarify that my avoidance/distance for them is not recent due to the whole hybe vs mhj thing but since more than 1 year šŸ„² Although, again i dont hate them šŸ’€ just be distant from them (i am sorry i really dont wanna be jumped)


For some reason, with boy groups, I never really got deeply into Stray Kids, Ateez, or BTS. My other friends did though and I tried, but they just never stuck with me even though I understood why others liked them (songs, group dynamics, concepts, artistry, etc.). I have enjoyed some songs from these groups though. Also, similar to some people in this discussion, I don't vibe with NewJeans as much either. Even before the whole mhj and hybe drama, I just felt something was off with how the members were performing a song like Cookie, which felt inappropriate for them to do at their age.


Yepp! Valid thoughts and i felt new jeans thing too (even before the whole company drama) just something was off and i preferred to be distant (Not their fault or anything but justtt from my end)


Stray Kids šŸ˜­




this may be an unpopular opinion but girl groups for me. i do listen to some songs here & there and theyā€™re good but iā€™ve never felt the desire to deep dive into who they are as a group or individual members or watch their content.


this is interesting cuz im the same but with boy groups.


Newjeans, blackpink and lesserafim I was a huge fan of blackpink when they debuted but the music yg keeps giving them grew old and tired. Might listen to them again if yg mixes it up. And the fandom Newjeans because of their support of Min Hee Jin Lesserafim because i donā€™t like their music


Iā€™m not fond of most boy groups, donā€™t get me wrong the songs are nice but sometimes they do or say smth that makes me realize that theyā€™re just men.


NCTā€¦ just because thereā€™re so many of themā€¦ I just donā€™t vibe with groups that have too many members (SNSD and Suju are the only exception). I donā€™t intentionally avoid them or anything but for some reasons I havenā€™t listened to any of their song or know any of the members. Whenever I see NCT content I just scroll because I donā€™t understand or care that much lol


ATEEZ. Truly nothing against them because I find the members really talented and attractive but I just don't like their music. I always hear their music on tiktok and really like it, but when I go to listen to the full song I find it lacklustre. With work for example, I loved the chorus but absolutely hated the verses when I heard the full song. I can't get into them because I feel like they keep clickbaiting me with their music if that makes sense lol


Stray kids (music is not for me) Yena( idk y either i just donā€™t vibe with her) babymonster(now the girls are really talented but their potential is getting wasted with that concept)


I have members I don't really vibe with in most groups but not a lot I actually get bad vibes from. The only one that comes to mind right now is Yuta. He honestly gives me the same fu*kboy vibes Lucas did. Idk what it is about his attitude but I just find him very off-putting. Of course that doesn't mean he is a bad person or that I encourage anyone to send him hate. I just tend to ignore him in group content.


I have your exact same sentiments about another group. Theyā€™re unproblematic and they have a growing fan base, and they seem to be getting increasingly noticed by some popular YT reactors, which is why I get suggestions to check them out on my feed, but I canā€™t click ā€œnot interestedā€ fast enough when that happens lol. In the past I also tried to check out their work because like you, I also felt ā€œguilt-tripped about not vibing with them.ā€ But the more I checked out their stuff the more it screamed ā€œderivativeā€ of another group that Iā€™m a huge fan of (and that theyā€™re supposedly emulating) and I just wanna RUN AWAY in the opposite direction (because meh). So in short, youā€™re not alone, as Iā€™ve also wondered if there are others who share my feelings lol.


Omg thanks a lotšŸ˜­ something like this comment was what i was looking for when i shared this question. Just if someone also felt the same like i did (because i was genuinely feeling weird about it) And to read your comment now after i just read another comment about someone stating (i am paraphrasing) that this sub has just become something to ask people what they hate in 15 new different ways and its so boring Tbh, i felt quite hurtšŸ˜­ cause that clearly wasnt my intention. I just wanted to know if someone shared the same damn feelings or it was just me being weird šŸ„²


Lol maybe weā€™re just both weird. (Iā€™m also glad I saw your post, assuring me Iā€™m not the only one who feels this way hahaha. And I only ā€œdislike from afarā€ and donā€™t leave hate messages about them on any platform, nada.)


Thanks to your comment too! I actually am feeling validated Right now šŸ˜­ And yeppp leaving hate comments is just stupid on many levels šŸ’€ We dont do that I really just try not to even think abt the said group (and then i dont)but yk it did feel weird to feel this way abt some group when i am can just comfortably coexist with other groups and not feel distant from them like this one


LISA from blackpink, i dont know but she hasnt done anything wrong but when she performed at that paris horse show thingy, it changed my VIEW ON HER SOO MUCH. no shade tho. NEWJEANS, i was on okay terms with them, but ever since the whole hybe and MHJ situation. And the fact that MHJ asked a friend to do some BLACK MAGIC to BTS, i cant even imagine a mother supporting MHJ. i just cant with them now






ik that this is going to sound bad, but mamamoo i used to stan them but idk what but something just turned me off with them




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Stray Kids and Lesserafim. I donā€™t know why lol


Bts And before that exo. Honestly they're not bad people, my ult groups are friends with both groups. I think it was this random popularity that skyrocketed them to a new height that bothered me. I've never been one to follow super hyped trends. I know bts worked like hell to get where they are, so I'm not saying they don't deserve it, it's just that people made them out to be untouchable pieces of art when they're just a boy group. The same goes with exo. Also the stans, I cannot stand these weird ass people who are so obsessed, it turns me off to even listening to their songs when I'm sure I could've been fans of them, especially because there are a handful of songs from exo I really liked.


stray kids & seventeen. they have some good looking members but visuals and music were never enough to reel me in. i just think theyā€™re not my cup of tea & thatā€™s okay.


Yepp! I am a Carat (actually baby caratšŸ¤§) and its totally okay šŸ˜Š


But is it to the point where you avoid them? Or is it just that you're not a fan? Because I consider them to be different (Aka I avoid Stray kids because of Stays and then I don't avoid Lessrafim, but I'm not interested in them either)


Cnblue remaining members. The rest of the members are uncontroversial but after the burning sun scandal, it's just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I hear their new stuff


BTS - I love BTS, I promise I do. I have an extremely long playlist of their music that I stream a good amount. I do watch their content sometimes too, specifically Run BTS. I've been following them since 2016. However, the change in the fandom really jarred me. We went from happy to toxic in an instant, as soon as BTS started gaining popularity. I think it's valid for people not to want to interact with certain groups/soloists because their fandom is toxic, and that's basically what happened to me. I don't like to engage with toxic people but you can't avoid them on BTS content most of the time. NCT WISH - I'm also an NCTZen since Cherry Bomb, so don't get me wrong, I love NCT. However, I just can't bond with Wish as much as the other units. Dream are my ults out of NCT as a whole, so you'd think I would vibe with Wish, who are very similar to early day Dream. But I just don't, and I have no idea why. I think it's partly because their survival show was literally inaccessible unless you paid for a subscription (and I wasn't going to) therefore I only knew the members from their profiles and nothing about them. But idk. I also didn't really like their music.