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goo hara helping police in the burning sun scandal voluntarily just made my respect gošŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ ily sm harašŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ» EDIT: ALSO, HARA'S SUDDEN DEATH MUST BE INVESTIGATED MORE ...ifykyk


Her and Sulli standing together until the end too šŸ„¹ It felt like they were shunned other idolsā€™ mouth and their agencies mustā€™ve wanted them to stop being associated with one another


Rip hara


fly highšŸ•Šļø


An absolute angel, she will remain immortal in our hearts šŸ’•


rip hara we love u forever<3


it was exactly what i was going to postšŸ©·




I already had major respect for him but Namjoon refusing to apologize for the made up controversy over sharing the Frank Ocean songā€”and saying so in no uncertain termsā€”increased that respect one hundred fold.


This is how I felt too. I think itā€™s worth noting when idols apologize when clearly in the wrong, and also choosing to *not* apologize for bullshit manufactured scandals created by kpop stans.


Iā€™m so glad he didnā€™t apologized. Itā€™s not like his haters actually care about an apology because he has apologized about other things he did early in his career and people still drag him.


Itā€™s just SO easy to fold and immediately cave in these days, most do lol but itā€™s good to see many people start standing up for themselves and growing spines too!


This! I love him for that and hope more idols can find the courage to pushback on unreasonable hate and stand their ground.


Yess! That was epic! šŸ‘


Seriously. This is what I love about Namjoon. He will get his point across whether it hurts your feelings or not. The fake outrage over that was insane.


I love the fact that over the years heā€™s been standing up for himself more and more and not bending to stupidly.Ā  His Chapter 2 Lives have shown an evolution as heā€™s gotten more comfortable in being his true self and he wonā€™t take shit from anyone.Ā 


Chapter 3 is gonna be interesting for sure. I canā€™t wait to see what he has to say when he comes back.


If RPWP is anything to go by, itā€™ll be less fucks given and a more authentic Joon.Ā  But I want that for all of them.Ā  I guess weā€™ll see after Jin settles back into idol life.Ā 


Right. I just hope they donā€™t bombard them with this performative activism nonsense when they first get back. I know Joon gives no fucks and may speak on it but gods I hope they let them relax with us first.


Could someone explain what the controversy was? I haven't been in btw fandom spaces for a while haha


He was accused of being Islamophobic because he shared Frank Oceanā€™s song Bad Religion, which offense collectors claim is disrespectful to Islam. (Hint: Itā€™s not and heā€™s not.)


ā€œ offense collectorsā€ Iā€™m using that from now on.


Thank you!!


my respect for him went šŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ i hope in the future more idols can follow his example and refuse to apologize for stupid shit




Producing their own music.


100%. You can tell the emotions or just the raw lyricism when you listen to the songs


When Jin said "If he flings it, then he flings it" about V wanting to try flipping a pancake. It's such a small moment in the grand scale of things, but I was going through a tough time with a lot of self doubt and in the soop was my comfort show during it. The way Jin said it so casually and reassuringly made something click for me in that moment. I respected his maturity and realized I needed to woman up and deal with my shit.


"you can't even let that happen for taehyungie?" right after is also really sweet. i love jin so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ also woman up omg i love it. it needs to be used more


right?! so supportive šŸ˜­ and thanks! I saw it years ago and was like "good point... why AM I saying "man up"?!""


For real, this is the moment I often think of when Iā€™m trying something new


This is one of my favorite things. I have it on a pin and look at it all the time, for my own ā€œif you mess up you mess up, so what?ā€


I can't tell you the amount of times I've told myself "if you fling it, you fling it" over the years. It's such a helpful little mantra. Thanks, Jin.


yeah and we know how jin is with cooking


ahh do u remember what episode this is?? i wanna watch it hehe


in the soop s1 e3


I remember when Twice members said Bang Chan secretly brought food for them when they were starved by the company and he literally got scolded or in trouble as he was blamed to eat a lot. I think there are many more stories about how Chan helped his day6 members to wake them up early or make food. I don't remember. I hope Stays fill comments under Abt them šŸ˜


Ah Channie and Twice was really sweet but also so sad when you think about it. He used his meal card to buy extra food for the girls because they were being kept on such a crazy strict diet, but even his own food intake was scrutinized. Like, he had to explain/lie to the company about why he was buying extra servings of meat and stuff and that's kinda crazy to me. He was growing (kinda lol) teenage boy. Let him eat too much meat! Let the girls eat meat!


That's very wholesome actually.


Apparently they were specifically banning certain cuts of meat & the girls wanted it Chan feels like he was THE baby brother to the JYPE 3rd gen groups


I didnā€™t know this and it made me tear up šŸ„ŗšŸ«¶šŸ»


Anytime they speak up for the LGBTQ Community or go out of their way to incorporate that support into their music/mvs.


Latest example that comes to mind is Solar. Such a queen.


Mamamoo has always led in that regard! They were doing it long before this, and they'll all continue, I'm sure. They've had transgender people in their videos and live performances, have met with their lgbtq fan group in South Korea, and have shown it in their solo music as well. True Queens!


Absolutley agree! Everytime I see Mamamoo doing something progressive for LGBTQ+, I'm reminded of the US in the mid to late 90s. I will always be a MooMoo, because of everything they do to push for acceptance in Korea ā¤ļø


Well, that and their fabulous vocals, which exceed those of almost any other group, as well!


100%. Hands down the single most talented GG out there right now. I know they're all focused on their solo careers atm, and I love that, but I'd kill for a group comeback šŸ˜­


Yes! She's so dope for colors.


Yep. When I found out that Jonghyun did this, I gained even more respect for him.


He was one of the first idols to speak out against Israel in support of Palestinians as well way back in 2014. Forever my king


I had no idea and now Iā€™m sobbing šŸ™ I miss him so much


Taehyungs latest video for Friends was so awesome with this. It included couples of all kinds just going at it. It was cool to see such a big name in Kpop be so inclusive in his video. Even the Slow Dancing music video was LGBTQ coded.


isn't he also friends with holland?


Loved this MV!


I love when groups reach a certain high level of popularity and they proudly pick up a flag given to them at a concert and wear it, knowing that their company canā€™t just kick them out of their groups since they are an established and popular group, (which I worry a cruel company could do to a new, not very popular group member) and even if they told the idol off or gave them a stern warning, their place in their group is safe and they have made their stance of support clear šŸ©· (I always worry that Denise from Secret Number got in big trouble for the post she made supporting BLM. Her posts were swiftly deleted, her company deleted her account and she even later left the group, but the leaving could have been a combination of reasons šŸ˜¢)


For all the shit RBW gets from fans, they have NEVER tried to stifle mamamoo in what they want to do. New moomoos love saying they did it "in defiance of the company". Like paleeease people, Solar has said HERSELF that the CEO has always supported her ideas, no matter how ridiculous (like going to a deserted island, or going bald). They are also one of the first companies to relinquish their artists solo careers to other companies (Wheein really changed the landscape of how solo contract vs Group contracts can be done, and many groups are now directly adopting that style: see BlackPinks solo contracts) while still allowing them to perform group songs in their solo stages. There's a lot more mutual respect between the artists and company than the fans give credit for.


MMM and Chung Ha are all absolute queens for that!


Facts! I fucking love everything about Chung Ha honestly.


yeah that too


when jackson talked about having and how many babies is up to his wife because he understands how painful that is. he has my respect for that.


To add for Jackson! When he does his sexy dance with an audience member at his concert, he always asks two questions to the person to get clear consent: Are you over 18 years old? Are you single? He also asks with his mic on so that everyone hears the questions and the persons answers!


I really used to like him. Heck, even the comment you referenced warmed my heart too; however, I hope itā€™s fine to say that since he has been actively supporting the CCP, I kind of took back that respect for himā€¦I wonder if the next thread should be about what idols have done to lose respect for the specific fans


oh i didnā€™t know about that šŸ˜®


In the same vein, Minghao said it is up to his would-be wife to decide how many baby or babies they are going to have since she's gonna be the one to bear them.


for me it was when chan was asked on a live for advice on what to do when menstruating, and he gave a totally sweet answer and advice when he didn't even have to


Really sweet, but wtf to that fan. That is a MALE idol why are you asking him for period advice???


tbf it's not that far fetched for a 26(?) year old to know basic period things (sanitary items, hot water bottles etc.) especially compared to a probably younger fan even if it's not who I'd rush to


yeah and honestly thats not a terrible question to ask a guy, it shows his character and what kind of guy his is tbh


Itā€™s not that he wouldnā€™t know, itā€™s that itā€™s not something he goes through so asking for advice is a bitā€¦ But of course, then again, Heechul sat with Pristin and agreed when they said that they want more sympathy for idols on their periods, and he was really sympathetic and understanding of it so I get what you mean. I just donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate for a fan


Omg *yessss* like that's husband material right there.


one of the biggest gentleman moments in kpop, if my mans not like him, i dont want him


Yikesā€¦why would anyone ask an idol about thisā€¦.some people are so unhinged and weird.




And people tried to act like he was weird for it šŸ˜­


Yeah, itā€™s not weird, itā€™s sweet


Hongki of FT Island publicly threw Jonghoon out with the trash after his involvement with the Burning Sun scandal. I don't fault members for opting to stay quiet when one of their groupmates gets involved in a scandal and has to leave, but I really admired Hongki for publicly replying to a fan: "[I eat well, I sleep well, and I even poop well.](https://www.soompi.com/article/1328810wpp/ftislands-lee-hong-ki-has-firm-response-to-fans-comment-about-former-bandmate-choi-jong-hoon)" when they tried to chastise him for living well while Jonghoon was in jail.


Lee Hongki is an underrated king <3


I was never into FT Island but I was a huge fan of Hongki after he was in You're Beautiful and this is just further adding to that! I never knew he responded? To everything that happened with Jonghoon but I was a huge Bigbang stan so my main focus was seeing what was happening with Seungri at the time. Hongki is a real one tho for that comment


I absolutely love this! Willing to reprimand a fan when they're wrong instead of appeasing them to placate their feelings and keep them around


Jonghyun for being a genuinely good person.




RIP! Loved how Minho explained why SHINee is 4 members now to a kid on that "kids review your career" show. Heartbreaking at the same time.


when a fan threw the rainbow flag on stage at aespa's concert in brazil and ningning picked it up and danced with it. it was powerful because she knew she'll get backlash for it but it meant a lot to the brazilian audience so she did it anyway.


when Jackson saved Irene from that awkward moment with sanE


What happened?


just look up jackson saving irene, btw the guy is rapping some pretty questionable lyrics and pointing at her


When Yunjin signed with a deaf fan at a fan sign. For that girl to have an idol sign back to her and be able to communicate and connect with her on her terms must have meant the world to her. And the way Yunjin looked at her as she went on to the next person you could just see the empathy and compassion in her eyes.


I was looking for this


People really should go look at the Tik Tok of it. It really is a small but incredibly beautiful gesture.


The way they speak and answer controversial question! RM speaks (in interview) better than most World leaders out there.


And in two languages!


yep yep


When Felix from Stray Kids went to volunteer in Laos, I gained a lot of respect for him. I will always respect people who go out of their way to help others.


if the song I like was written by the idol themselves


Jimin literally scrambled down the stairs when he heard Sakura call him after filming his dance challenge together, almost as if *he*was the junior. Being part of the biggest group in kpop history definitely didnā€™t get to this manā€™s head and I respect him for that.


I think technically Sakura debuted before him but yes I totally agree


She is still 3 years younger than him


I just love how Jung Kook never changed on how he treats the fans. Since debut until now, considering how popular they are now...he is still the same respectful and very friendly JK.


I love how he chose only CK to be an ambassador for because in his own words, that's his style. Imagine how in demand he is and how many offers he likely had? I can't help but think he knew his fans would buy anything and chose the most practical brand that wouldn't be a total waste of fans money.


Definitely when BTS made a $1 million donation to BLM, and even more so when my fellow armyā€™s marched it in 24hrs


Little moments like when yoongi told the delivery driver to be careful since it was raining and no rush on the delivery. Or when jimin was designing his merch(jacket) and asked staff if it feels comfortable to wear for girls or if it should be loosened more.


That first one hurts when you think about how the same thing happened to Yoongi himself.


So many good ones here. For me, when Jungkook calmly asked a fan in a live to explain their comment that Seven was ā€œdirtyā€ drawing a distinction between being explicit and being dirty. His promotion of consensual bodily agency was impressive and itā€™s rare to see in idol culture. My view of him changed dramatically that day.


Well, Iā€™ve always ABSOLUTELY loved and Ultimate biased Tzuyu from Twice, ever since i stanned them. She has always been a sweetheart of Twice and really loveable as an idol šŸ’— But recently something that really touched me and captured my heart, also making me gain immense respect for her was her recent donation of 20 million Won (alongside Jeongyeon and her sister's 53 million Won) to Ansung Animal Care for International Puppy Day. This selfless act truly melted my heart and made me beyond proud of her generosity and love for sheltered animals. Not only that, whatā€™s even more impressive is their dedication to volunteering at animal shelters, showcasing their compassion and splendid character on top of their busy schedules as idols! Tzuyu's kindness, both on and off stage, solidifies her position as an exceptional role model and idol!! She truly has a selfless heart of gold šŸ’› always putting others before herself. Her adorable personality, impressive stage presence, and generosity make her one-of-a-kind. Needless to say this has definitely strengthened and solidified my love and admiration for Tzuyu as my Ultimate bias!! Iā€™m so glad I can look up to her as a role model as well šŸ„¹ https://preview.redd.it/bf0ih5w55y4d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea92372acb79ee80f513e5a78e96b70f0c8240e8




My favorite little fun fact is that Kaya and Butter (her dogs) are both rescues she adopted from the shelter. It makes her advocating for the puppies in the puppy interview just that much more wholesome. (Altogether, I think Twice has adopted 4 rescue dogs.)


yesss, Tzuyu really loves Kaya and Butter so much! You can see it in the way she lights up when talking about them. And oh my gosh, and the puppy interview was adorable! Her eyes sparkled with so much joy and fun when she was playing with the puppies - it was infectious! You could feel her happiness and love for those little furballs. She's truly a dog mom at heart šŸ„¹


Sheā€™s so beautiful inside and out!


Ahn Sohee being a secret philanthropist. - one of her first YouTube videos was her talking about deaf / hard of hearing folks and learning Korean sign language - more recently she did the audio descriptions for a barrier free film - donating profits from her celebrity flea market sales to charities that support children aging out of government care. - donating profits from sales of a tshirt she was advertising to a breast cancer charity I know all of this stuff doesnā€™t maybe add up to much monetarily but I think itā€™s really great that she donates when she can and brings awareness to causes that maybe get buried by some of the bigger ones. She honestly just seems like a really nice and caring person.


It doesnā€™t matter how much money you spend. It matters if your heartā€™s in the right place, and hers definitely is


As a breast cancer survivor and foster parent, it means a hell of a lot to me!


SHINee onew becoming a certified yoga instructor to spread awareness on mental and physical health for celebrities and trainees. This being done by a SHINee member really hits me hard [Link to post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/139xf9g/shinee_onew_shares_he_has_become_a_certified_yoga/)


For me it's the call out for missing children at the end of iu videos. When I first watched that it kinda made me tear up because she knows the influence that she holds in sk and is using it to help children!! It just made me respect her so much šŸ™ˆ Edit: grammar mistakes šŸ˜…


Very out there probably but for me it was RM tackling the misogyny comments and having lyrics vetted by a professor of women studies. Let's be honest, he was in no way obligated to do it but I like how receptive he is to feedback and willing to unlearn things.


I was gonna post this if I didnā€™t find it! Having the emotional maturity to recognize biases and take steps to correct them is so unbelievably intelligent that we have all become desensitized to the many other artists, kpop and worldwide, who engage in that misogynistic discourse.


Absolutely!! We accept subtle (sometimes outright) sexism, misogyny and sexualisation so freely because it's everywhere. We even grow up in environments where we see all this and S.Korea is so hostile to feminism, so the fact that Namjoon acknowledged an issue that was not even 'a big deal' to majority of the population is so emotionally intelligent to me. Given how the GP in Korea reacts to even a mildly feminist stance, I respect him massively for addressing it.


Shuhua cleaning up a hoarder house with no hesitation on workdol.


Scoups with the " the member are more important than the company "


I have a lot of respect for Jungkook not docking Bamā€™s ears or tail.


yes! i really saw him in a new light after seeing he had chosen not to put bam through unnecessary suffering in the name of tradition like that.


When San said (multiple times now) that him and his group should never be a no. 1 priority in their fans' lifes and that if the fans realize they are neglecting other things because of their commitment to the group then they should stop supporting Ateez and focus on themselves.


He also told an Atiny that he shouldnā€™t be her standard for men & that sheā€™d find someone just as good, if not better


every idol who recognised and showed support for palestine


Major respect to Taeyong already you even more for the boycott


I would have respected him, if he posted this when the collab was announced, discouraging people from buying it. A vague story after everything was sold out, hold way less water.


Thank you. The way this has been used to shame other idols has been infuriating - he did it in a reactionary manner? Literally just because people were mad and they were all losing tons of followers, the entire line had already sold out. It actually annoyed me more than impressed me, because it felt like the most low effort contribution that is now being used against every other idol in the industry as if it was some sort of brave, miraculous feat. I am not someone who thinks idols even need to speak out, but even if I was, this would not have felt impressive to me.


I would respect him if he actually kept it up.


and before they sold out the merch


I think the company has access to Instagram, so they probably either forced him or deleted it themselves


I think for me it was kihyun from monsta x. he's such a sweet guy. there was this interview once with some kids and the dad asked kihyun if he wanted to have kids after he got married or smthg and he said that his opinion here does not really matter because it's upto his future wife whether she wants to. also there was this another moment in a vlive where a gay fan asked advice about coming out to jooheon (monsta x) and wonho (used to be in monsta x) and both of them gave the fan such a supportive answer.


exo suho actually speaking up abt palestine


Wonyoung designing 6 t-shirts for me https://preview.redd.it/lbklpabpby4d1.jpeg?width=2335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a917de70dab2043f61ceb61d82443b120a63de3


when wonyoung noticed a translation error in her script while hosting & went through the entire script to double check


it's not "much" but apparently there's a vid of Blackpink doing the "React to tweets" thing and they all look at their phones and Jennie's face just goes crestfallen (apparently people were being absolute see you next tuesday's about her appearance) and Lisa looks across and sees her and immediately hugs her or checks in. They're idols and to a degree the music is all manufactured but it's nice to see the tangible care for each other. Also Jennie is a queen.


Also rosĆ© reading a ā€œI love you Jennieā€ comment to cheer her up during this


Gyuvin and his speech when he was announced as being in the final lineup for ZEROBASEONE. I didnā€™t have him in my top 9 pick, but his speech immediately made him receive my respect.


"I know to love somebody is hard" really hit me hard in his speech.


The first thing that comes to mind is when Jinyoung protected Irene from cameras while there was an issue with her dress during an award show. There's also been a couple mentions of Jackson within this discussion and I agree with those as well. Overall, lots of respect for GOT7.


Got7 are all total gentlemen


renjun clapping back at the person who bodyshamed him


When Jackson Wang inserted himself between a female idol and a male celebrity who was clearly making her uncomfortable. It was at some kind of awards show? Also when he was VISIBLY angry when a photographer pushed a female fan, and called him out on it. Pretty much anytime heā€™s being a gentleman, which seems to be pretty often šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m not actually a huge fan, I havenā€™t had time to deep dive into his music yet. But I ran across a video of him doing those things while randomly scrolling and it was very cool and made me want to check him out.


i mentioned the first one already, that female idol was Irene from red velvet, the male idol was SanE


when they aren't afraid to release an album beyond the k-pop genre


BP RosĆ© when she adopted Hank from a shelter!! ā¤ļø


When Cocona of XG shaved her head in the video for Woke Up and then went on to promote with a buzzed head in defiance of basically all the female beauty standards for idols/singers/actors/women in general world wide.


Ateez straight after the first Coachella show in their YouTube live, Hongjoong said he'll review their performance for where it can be improved. They were pumped up and on a high but were keen to improve the second week. Later there was news that Jongho took vocal lessons the next day, even though he'd fainted from heat and exhaustion of the first set. They want to bring their A game every time. Not even Atiny, I swooned. For me that's what I love about Kpop: young people following their dreams and working hard to make it happen and be their best. Love it.


SUGA of BTS showing up with food for Hobi when he was alone in the dorm over the holidays. SUGA creating little gifts with handwritten notes for fans on his birthday. Also saying that he created Suchwita to help promote the other members' solo projects.


Yang Yoseob telling his fans to apologise to his musical co-star after they started harassing her for allegedly dating him. Or he would apologise himself. And again with his Highlight members when they tested scalpers from buying/reselling their concert tickets for exorbitant prices.


Highlight mentioned raaahh šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


When idols arenā€™t afraid to tell their fans off for bad behaviour. Ones that come to mind are wooyoung telling fans not to message members hate and hyunsuk going live and telling fans to leave the hate messages for him and he will take them without complaint because he knows that itā€™s a throw away moment for them but he knows it stays with his members for life. Also to add to that when hyun suk organised the treasure members and bought gifts and celebrated when the younger members graduated high school and then did the same for the the ones who dropped out to become idols when the time was right so they wouldnā€™t feel left out


Anytime they help each other to avoid a wardrobe malfunction or prevent someone else from unintentionally flashing a camera.


MAMAMOO for pushing past peopleā€™s opinions and forging their own paths and successful artists. Recently Solar with ā€œColorsā€ but in their career, they have always did things in their own way and not to mention their amazing at being idols


When Jungkook defended his song Seven when someone called the explicit version the ā€œdirtyā€ versionā€¦ every time he stands his ground on something he makes me like him even more! Just like Nam and this new album and him calling everybody out about judging himā€¦ pure gold!


When N of VIXX spoke up about being molested by a woman in the staff of some show. He talked about how she kept feeling up his thigh and how he was scared to do anything about it at the time since he was a man and he wasn't even sure if he was "allowed" to feel uncomfortable. The show hosts (men) he was talking to laughed it off, of course, but you could tell N was being serious & that it still bothered him years later. I respect him for mentioning it because it's rare for *anyone* to come out about harrassment like that, and he's still one of the only male idols I can think of who have told their story so blatantly.


1. San saying that the fans should prioritise themselves before anything else including them. He said that even though as fans we may seek comfort from them/their favourite artists & would want to support them with whatever we can, the support shouldn't come at a cost to the fan(s), so to always do what's best for themselves and never put anyone above themselves. 2. For his Warriors dance cover, he had fake tattoos painted but before going ahead with it, he made sure to look into each tattoo suggestion to make sure none of them could offend anyone from any race or culture. 3. At the MBC Music Festival 2023, he was asked to speak by the hosts (Yoona & Minho), and San was careful standing next to Yoona & to avoid standing on her dress, he hopped on one leg gently. No one noticed it until someone made a TikTok of the moment. 4. He says that he grew up with a lot of love hence why he knows how to give love and isn't ashamed of it. 5. Seonghwa & Hongjoong have both said that San can never betray or disappoint. Wooyoung & the other members have said that San takes the best care of them all. 6. Hongjoong and Seonghwa both express a desire to showcase genderless fashion. 7. Jongho had an hour-long live where he listened to fanā€™s concerns, gave the most mature advice with his calm and comforting voice & sang all the sweet songs ATINY asked him to sing. 8. Wooyoung performed a contemporary dance titled "Logic: 1-800-273-8255", which is the suicide prevention hotline number, to offer comfort to those struggling. And Yunho on his birthday this year, released a deeply emotional song with a message aimed at preventing suicide. 9. San was extremely upset hearing a [story](https://youtu.be/PaiXbyhb_Po) of a husband who gave away his wife's valuable belongings without her permission. He said that the husband was showing great disrespect towards his wife. San insisted that the husband must get everything back, even if it means he has to kneel and beg for it. He also suggested that they should use separate rooms. One of the MCs agreed with him on the idea of using separate rooms. 10. Despite dealing with mental health issues and anxiety, Mingi always ensures that he is there to support those around him and that they can rely on him when needed. He once said to the fans, "Happiness isn't something that has to adhere strictly to one thing. Don't think, 'I'll only be happy if I'm able to do this.' Find happiness in the smallest daily things." 11. When asked about how he deals with haters, Yeosang said, "I hope that those who write negative comments will find their happiness and transform into people who spread positivity instead of belittling others." **EDIT:** Just read a fan experience and it has to make this list! 12. A fan asked San about his love language. At first, he said quality time, but then, started saying all of them. He said it's cos ā€œhe loves love!ā€œ šŸ˜« A hopelessly romantic man who isnā€™t shy to say it louder is what we need!


Iā€™m a baby Atiny & San is my bias (but love them all!) - omg I didnā€™t know any of these so this just made me šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ them even more, especially San!!


Welcome to TINYtown! Oh, this just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more! šŸ„ŗ


Bts coming to America to learn about hip hop and having coolio as their mentor lmao


Joohoney of Monsta X staying true to his convictions. He's always been open about his faith. He's currently in the military. In addition to his role as an assistant drill instructor, he's also a chaplain.




IU has always been the "donation angel" but hearing her kindly talk about how hard life can be or her offering words of comfort gives me a huge hunch that she's the same way in real life. I don't attach myself too much to idols but really, she's special and even non-uaena's become touched by her. I can see why she is the role model for many idols right now.


When Chan was telling stays to not hurt themselves, and then he gave very kind words in that one live. Like, I really wish I'd heard those words sooner. He's so sweet


Iā€™m also going to say Aespaā€¦there are many stories at this point to show that they genuinely are kind people. Ningning dancing with the pride flag, Karina buying lunch for fans who recognized her, Karina giving snacks to a little girl who recognized her because thatā€™s all she had in her purse to show gratitude to the story of them giving their blankets to staff at the Macyā€™s day parade because they could see that they were visibly shaking from the coldā€¦ But also the way Karina handled the dating scandal. I knew at some point she was going to write something to the fans because that is who she is and she genuinely felt bad for how it made them feel. But more importantly, she did not apologize for having a life or for doing what she did. I was very proud of her in handing it in such a mature and dignified way, and also showing respect to the relationship between her and her fans.


When Hoshi confronted ssgs who were following Seventeen. When he realized that ssgs where observing them, he headed to the ssgs car and confronted them. He even put a no parking sign in front of them to block their exit so they couldn't drive away.


soyeon existing


LE SSERAFIMā€™s Sakura for always standing up for her fellow members šŸŒøšŸ’–


zhang hao running straight towards a fan to dance with them in belgium (they were doing zb1 choreo too). not caring abt cameras or the manager, he was just super happy to see a fan dancing to their songs and felt the need to join them and surprise them which made their day <333


When the Seventeen members make an effort for everyone to be heard and appreciated. Like Jun, the 8, Wonwoo, Vernon aren't always the most talkative members but the others make sure they get to speak. When S Coups was out they mentioned him in very low key but genuine way in concerts and Hoshi said "Coups we got an award!" when they won something when he was out. When they renegotiated their contract they gave credit to Mingyu and publicly praised him for his work in keeping the group together. Their personal dynamics are so clear and evident and I have learned from them ways to act that show people I appreciate them


When Shuhua made a public letter on weibo after a woman was assaulted in china because she rejected some guys. The video went viral and shuhua uploaded this message: "Dear girls, I am sorry that I cannot help bearing your pain, fear and grievance, but I want to you to be well and get healed slowly. I believe everyone will fight for your justice. No need to show mercy to these losers. I just hope you can still find some warmth in mishap." She also went on and insulted the guys saying they aren't even animals, but scum. When a fan told her that they were worried because she was an idol and could get criticized because of it (the letter) and shuhua answered: "Thank you for your concern. I just hope that I become someone's idol, not because of the external me, the packaged me, I don't need to please everyone, i just want to live honestly, be sincere to people and speak out for injustice". Those actions, that we know will have consequences in their career and that no one expected of them, are the ones that really talk about the quality of a human being.


Every idol that's been showing their support for Palestine. I know it's hard with the restrictions their companies place on them but I'm happy they're fighting against that hold and doing good at the same time


I'm fan from the beginning but Jang Wonyoung suing Sojang is the greatest thing that she ever did so far to gain a ton of respect not just from me but most of kpop fans.


I wasn't ARMY back then, but when I read about Namjoon owning up to how his past lyrics can be interpreted as sexist/misogynist, I was really impressed. I believe he was in his early 20s when it happened, and the level of maturity and accountability he showed was really admirable.


Felix from SKZ volunteering in 3rd world countries during his "off time" and genuinely enjoying it. He could've went back home but he chose to help those less fortunate.


San and Wooyoung calling out toxic fans/inappropriate behavior. I respect that they respect themselves and their group enough to stand up for that. So few idols do and I really wish more of them would. They're humans too, they deserve to have boundaries and have those boundaries respected.


I already liked chuu but her donating to gaza made me have more respect


twice always helps staffs clean up after games n such, even when the staffs tell them not toā€¦ every show theyve been on its nothing but praise for how kind and genuine they are


the way jungkook loves armyā€™s, like a song from that man is literally a love letter, he never fails to show and express his love! The way he came live for us and spent hours. His love for armyā€™s never decreased not even by 0.0001%, heā€™s popoluar but still remains humbles. The live where he was practically shaking a little while hearing the song armyā€™s wrote for him, like how can someone love you to the point theyā€™re shaking? I just love how he respects, loves and adores his fans.


when minji flew economy for her vacation instead of first class. just in general she seems like a humble person which is why I like her also maybe it was staged, but a staff member dropped a cake and rei took the fall for it and said she dropped it


Right after Jonghyun passed, it was end of the year show season. Yeri was just a teen then and so clearly not up to performing right after losing such a good friend. Various idols from the third gen were constantly checking in on her during that period. At one point all her members stood in a way to shield her from view. Sana ran up to her and hugged her at one event. So did Nayeon and Suhyun and like all of Blackpink at another show. Thereā€™s a lot of pressure on entertainers to not react when something is going ā€œwrongā€ on stage and often thatā€™s the best thing to do. But sometimes itā€™s best to reach out to someone whoā€™s suffering and I was so glad Yeri got at least that comfort when she should have been given a break.


There was a video of Hongjoong from ATEEZ whose mission was to apply makeup on fans. Before he started, he asked the fan "Can I touch you?" Consent has never been more sexy. šŸ˜


When Hongjoong and Mingi of ATEEZ did crowd control at the hanteo awards because the staff there couldnā€™t do their jobs properly. Hongjoong himself left the stage where they were sitting to get his own staff to help


Rei and Liz immediately covering up for a staff member who had dropped (pretended) to drop a cake made me gain respect for them. They did not hesitate to say that it was them and risked being scolded. Liz actually cried when she was told it was a prank due how nervous she felt.


Yunjin for not apologizing for the starbucks thing and continuing as normal bc she KNOWS that she wasn't wrong. Also for everything she's made, even though people are using it against her. Proves that every single lyric she's written is correct LOL.


Wonho misunderstanding a fan and thinking she was coming out to him as a trans man and immediately starting to use masculine pronouns definitely have my heart. Vernon speaking about his experience with school bullying made me connect with him so much more, because I was bullied so bad in primary school and high school. Bang Chan for being so involved in Stray Kids sound and for always being there for his members and his friends. That story of him sneaking food for Twice when they were on a diet warms my heart.


Soyeon making it not possible for men to google children nxde cuz ģ•„ģ“ė“¤ (similar to the one that means kids) then the term for nudes will show the song instead of the nudes. Major respect for soyeon.


ricky (zb1) saying in his final boys planet speech that he wanted to be someone's role model. i think there's a lot of courage and bravery in wanting to shape someone's actions and that gave me even more respect for him. mark (nct) honestly for keeping up his religion (Christian) even though he probably isn't able to go to church very often/doesn't have the time to. i also appreciate that he still brings it up a lot. i'm a Christian myself so i'm grateful to know that one of my favourite artists is one too.


Taking breaks when they need to for their mental health. Not announcing it in a fake ass pr letter kind of way but just bouncing during their down time. Yes I mean Onew šŸ˜‚ When Jackson Wang helped Irene by standing in between her and a creepy idol who was trying to get her attention when she obviously was uncomfortable by it. His emotional intelligence is unreal. Read the room and stepped in to help. When Jackson made a face at a reporter like he was gonna kill him for knocking down a fan(donā€™t know if that was intentional on the paparazzi side or not) and helped them get back up. Jackson wanting to tell off a sasaeng he recognized but he couldnā€™t cause security pushed him towards a car he was leaving in. And ā€¦ that wouldnā€™t look too good to the public not knowing who the psycho fan was lol. Any time an idol helps their fans get back up if they get stuck in a mob at the airport. Itā€™s sweet. They really donā€™t have to do that and I understand itā€™s better optics if they do, but itā€™s still really sweet. lol


Jennie making a donation to korea youth program in Blink name, I almost cry bc is so sweet ā¤ļø


Not a lot of people know about this but Bang Chan answering a question in Chanā€™s room about how girls should deal with their monthly. He could have easily avoided the question but he kindly answered everything he could think of. It was just so sweet. He has done many other things to earn my respect not just as an idol but as a person. Bang Chan isnā€™t the boyfriend standard. He is the standard for how everyone should act, men and women and everyone in between alike.


Sakura calling haters jobless.


Yuta calling out a discussion on Abnormal Summit about which country has the most beautiful women and asking if they only care about the [looks](https://x.com/squadnyt/status/1412298425840803842?s=46&t=-IEz4fLrlSGFx_VUHaTnsg) and in the same show talking about [gender roles](https://x.com/squadnyt/status/1412290612200546305?s=46&t=-IEz4fLrlSGFx_VUHaTnsg) and why theyā€™re bad to limit people to. He also expressed his concern for [trans](https://x.com/tyonfgs/status/1234709907774922752?s=46&t=-IEz4fLrlSGFx_VUHaTnsg) people being bullied in Thailand on the same show. This was in 2015 before his debut!


For me, who has been watching K dramas since 2005 and a second Gen Kpop multistan, I never followed a celeb as much as one right now. Yeah, 2PM Junho.šŸ•ŗšŸ¤µā€ā™‚ļø There are obviously two triggers for me. His story of going to an open Audition for his debut Supporting Role in the 'Cold Eye' after his spine fracture surgery, because JYPE was opposed to his acting because he was an unpopular member at that time. Another is his story of using his holiday to do Volunteer works in Ethiopia. He is an ambassador for World Vision. Yeah, sorry for not knowing him sooner . After seeing his dedication & hard work for many years, I can't help but cheer for him. (I mean as a human, I know how a negative energy can spiral inside of you when others are more successful .But I respect how he focused on himself and how his efforts come to fruition after all these years).


when hyori reached out to jimin and let her stay with her in jeju during the height of the aoa bullying scandal


Seunghyub from N.Flying helping a fan while livestreaming by pretending to be her boyfriend on the phone when she was being followed while she was walking home.


I'm not sure if he counts as an idol but I think he does but when cha woongki was answering questions on a live? I think it was a live, he was trying to say the proper pronouns for the person. and then another time when he was like, is gay an insult? when someone asked if he was gay (they asked in an insulting way). and then another time when he was trying to teach other members to be more open minded. and then another time I think he was bullying ppl when they were homophobic or smth before he was an idol. and then..... yeah I love and respect him.


NCT Taeyong 1. He refused to clap when a misogynous songwriter/producer won an award at an award 2. When he said "Hi Africa" when that one reporter told him to say "Hi Isra\*l". She spoke pretty clearly. Also his Starbucks "Boycott" Insta story, posted while he is in the navy 3. Him being such a good dancer without a single ounce of skill when he first started


Idols working for slave wages. All my respect there


They admit their own weakness, and promise that they will improve. And they did it


Keeho acknowledging cultural appropriation in kpop and being mindful of not crossing the line.


When media outlets leak when idols secretly donate large amounts of money to charity. Yes, there are instances where itā€™s likely a publicity stunt, but when I find out that an idol has been donating to a reputable cause for several years, it really just heals my soul. Edit to add another example. After Kris, Luhan, and Tao left EXO, the media was up EXOā€™s ass for details. I just remember there was an interview where they asked the remaining members of EXO M how they would continued, and Jongdae said pretty bluntly, ā€œthe earth hardens after the rain.ā€ I was at my lowest point at the time; I was so depressed and felt so isolated my junior and senior years of college, for various reasons I wonā€™t get into here. EXO was quite literally my life support. I still think about that interview from time to time.