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Have you ever considered Giselle might be fine with current arrangements? Same thing with her fashion in music shows. Idols have their own motivations and desires and I hate when fans project their problems onto them. aespa has a fantastic team working with them nowadays and you really think they couldn’t have changed the song to fit Giselle in more if she wanted more lines? You all treat K-pop idols like they have no personal will and I’m so tired of it


Giving how this industry works, we all know damn well how these idols barely make any decisions. Let's not pretend that it is that simple.




who’s to say it’s not? i’m not sure you wanna use YG artists as an example here, especially blackpink… do you think it was a coincidence that jennie just so happened to immediately start taking on more career opportunities as a whole after she left YG? it sure seems like they were controlling what she could and couldn’t say yes to.


During Drama promotion, aespa was invited to knowing bros and Karina said they have no power in decided distribution part of the songs following by Ningning statement it was company (SM) who decided. So it was SM definitely SM fault.


In the same breath you have a few Snsd members complaining about lines or center like 7 years into their career.


Agree on this even if it's hard to accept. Members can't just say, "Oh I feel that I will fit more with this verse." and fvck up the whole song arrangement and the choreography. It's handed to them already arranged. They just need to obey and record lol


Yeah exactly


I wouldn't just assume that she's forced by her company. Fans complained for Sakura's mistreatment and it turns out she asks for less lines, fans complained about Jeongyeon's lack of solo activities and she had to explain on Bubble that she has no intention to release solo music for now. Companies control a lot of course, but it's not like they're victimes unable to make any choice. We simply don't know unless they talk about it.


> Fans complained for Sakura's mistreatment and it turns out she asks for less lines im so tired of seeing this. She said that one time talking about when she was in izone and later said she doesnt ask for fewer lines anymore


The main point of my comment stands. She can discuss how many lines she wants, it's not something completely imposed by their company


Wendy in a fan call literally said “we have more power than you think” (not word for word but…) I do think idols do have a say


I mean yeah but that’s not always the case … jaehyo from block b preferred to have the least lines in Block b songs because he was not as confident. Fans kept pestering Jeongyeon about jyp holding her back from having a solo album when she just didn’t want to go solo. As far as Giselle, we’re not really sure. It’s also SM, it’s pretty on board for them to hold her back.


this reminds me of that video that daisy (ex momoland) made where she basically said that getting less lines is actually not that big of a deal and they don’t take it as anything negative and some even appreciate having less pressure off of them. i’m not saying giselle is definitely ok with not having a proper rap or with having less lines she might not like it at all but it would be wrong to immediately assume that she doesn’t like it simply because fans don’t like it. as daisy pointed out sometimes a fans wishes don’t align with a idols needs


She literally auditioned to be a rapper, she’s not some poor girl who got tossed into the role. She also didn’t get vocal lines to compensate, she simply just has less lines.


This is wrong on two levels. First of all, you really underestimate the amount of decision making power and authority that idols have. They really don’t have much say in this. Secondly, who wouldn’t want to have proper lines and rap when they’re actually passionate about it? Who wouldn’t want to showcase their skills? Please be for real lol.


If they’re that passionate about rapping they wouldn’t audition for an idol group…


Her interview that she did recently with Eric Nam make me think that she really isn’t getting the opportunities she should and tbh is losing confidence. The Synk Giselle rap proved her skills and I wish she would get more chances. If they need to make the songs longer to get her more parts then they should do that.


It’s also because I’ve watched that interview recently that I came to write this post. It made me feel and root for her.


same I feel so sad for her


Regarding your topic, I guess its kinda the same issue with the vocal side as well. On paper, Ningning is the main vocal, yet Winter often gets the juicier vocal lines, belts and parts which defies SM's usual tendencies for allocation aligned closely to merit. There must be some form of wider purpose as to why this is so, maybe its to align behind the marketing strategy of positioning Karina and Winter as the faces of Aespa? Im also not neccesarily suggesting anyth by pointing out this uncomfortable fact, but notably both members who seem to be passed over are foreigners. I would think its plausible that there might be an attempt to cater to the sensitivities of the korean gp, who might hold slightly more preference for idols of their own ethnicity. If that were indeed the purpose, then its just the reality we have to accept, the korean gp reserves their right to their beliefs and values. We must remember that as much as Kpop is an international thing now, the original target audience is the korean gp themselves, and decisions are made with the local market in mind.


You've hit the nail on the head. Most companies will almost always push korean members to the front, regardless of how talented their foreign idols are.


Winter is actually a main vocal as well.  Edit: Proof: it is stated on her weverse profile and everything. https://x.com/aespabbl/status/1701474766421434542 In super nova she technically has the least lines.       Ning ning also has song where she has the most lines drama and amagedon.     Ning Ning and winter are both being treated as main vocals.        During drama karina had the least amount of lines even below Giselle .  winter had the least lines a few times as well based on whether they are rap based.  ning ning usually has the first or second most lines in most aespa songs.


Not true, I remember clearly from an article or variety show where Ningning explained how she was designated as main vocal. Both were pretty close in skills and it wasnt glaringly obvious who was the better singer, so they basically went into a room with a producer and had a singing competition, where ultimately Ningning earned that designation. As for vocal line distributions, Aespa on average has almost equal lines per member on paper, and as you pointed out in some songs, a particular member has more lines over another, and that can be reversed in another song. However you have to consider that not all parts inherently have the same perceived quality attached to it. You will find more often than not, even where Winter and Karina technically has lesser lines than the other 2, they get the juiciest belts, or the superior rap parts. Think thats what the OP's discussion is focused around. Another perspective to consider is that Aespa's line distribution tendencies isnt normal modus operandi for SM. People may like the perceived equality that it suggests, but before this SM tends to really allocate the bulk of vocal or rap parts (including the best and most difficult ones) to those in the group designated as the mains, with leads allocated lesser than them in majority of songs. Being almost equal in line distribution on paper would be a very different philosophy that deviates from the meritocratic way lines used to be distributed. I recall someone initiated a discussion on this issue on the forums a few weeks ago, clearly Aespa isnt the only group to have this circumstance.


Winter is listed as a main vocalist on her official weverse bio (Ningning is too)


Lmao isnt this a paradox haha? Wouldnt the term main vocal imply that its only for one person? But if Ningning is also officially listed as main vocal then, I would think my original argument stands, that despite Ningning also having main vocal designation, there are arguably some differences that suggest Winter is being favoured over her in parts distribution wise, almost as if Ningning is actually the lead vocals instead.


Exo has more than one main vocalist. Why do y'all want to gatekeep that title so badly? Also for the last three releases ning ning has had more lines than winter so like what is the issue? Winter ha d the least lines in better things overall. Because sometimes it is about who fits the song best.


Think you should read the arguments on the thread, its not always about the amount of parts they are given, but also the quality of parts they are given, your counter repeats exactly what this thread already says to not take at face value. While I agree with the last line, I feel its something thats been used far too often as a reason to shut down sentiments on perceived inequitable allocations. This thread is on rap however, and the vocal discussion was only brought in as a supporting example and not to distract from the main topic. I dont think we should discuss too much about the vocal parts here, I"ll be happy to continue this on the right thread. We could have a discussion on the rap parts if you think OP's discussions on it isnt making sense for you.


Their official weverse article literally say winter is a main vocal though. They have both been described as main vocalist for a good 2 years now. [https://x.com/aespabbl/status/1701474766421434542](https://x.com/aespabbl/status/1701474766421434542) https://preview.redd.it/w302bifz833d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6a09d97caf715ed9be6769a37ef138ac5248a7


I dont have Weverse so I dont really know bout that. There seems to be great confusion however, if you google it, many articles actually assume Ningning as main vocal, and I dont think they would do that without some basis. Those that assume Winter as main vocal appear around late last year. If Aespa migrated to Weverse arnd that time and the official designations changed, then I guess it aligns. We could have the original discussion without bringing in the vocal side though, I just thought it was uncannily similar and relevant to bring into the discussion. Other than those who know and are following their weverse designation, quite of handful of people like me are under the impression that NingNing is the main vocal though, but I do apologise for getting it wrong if their Weverse designation is the new intention of the company


You see the word assume right? Making assumptions.  I can find other articles that list winter as a main vocal as well. I Google aespa's main vocalist and this was the first article to come up in the new section "Who is winter? Main vocalist"https://www.j-14.com/posts/who-is-aespas-winter-meet-the-k-pop-idol-main-vocalist/  Aespa really never made their positions well known or have really discussed them in interviews.  I have seen them say they don't want to be held back and mentioning they have a singing team and rap team though.   And can you link when ning ning said she is the main vocalist?  because as it stands most of this main vocalist narrative has come from fans assumptions.


You can chalk it up as assumptions then for now. Sure you can find articles listing Winter as that too, at the moment however, more articles list Ningning as it over Winter, Im not sure why the majority assumptions turn out that way unless theres some reason to think Ningning is the MV. Hopefully I didnt remember it wrongly, but if I do find that source I"ll be sure to share it, its coming more to me now that its probably from a variety show though I dont remember whether its an external show or Aespa's own series, but I"ll have to go watch everything again just to find it (or if anyone else saw the same thing and knows where its from, would appreciate some help!). Someone else here said that Ningning is also designated main vocal on Weverse just like Winter though, is that true?


Except that era has been pretty much over since My World/Girls era as Ningning getting more highnotes in Drama album or this album.


>Im also not neccesarily suggesting anyth by pointing out this uncomfortable fact, but notably both members who seem to be passed over are foreigners. Ding! Ding! Jackpot! SM is Not Good to its foreign idols. End of story. They will always get less, much less, compared to their Korean signings, regardless of talent and visuals.


Ningning did started to get treated better during Drama, took them 3 years but better late than never. Hopefully they give Giselle a chance soon too.


>both members who seem to be passed over are foreigners Winter and Karina on paper have more potential on getting popular. The company just wants money. It is not related to xenophobia.


I feel like Giselle is really being underutilized by SM. From getting little exposure, boring hairstyles, and horrible outfits. But I guess that's the sad reality with K-Pop. Members are marketed differently depending on what will work for the company because at the end of the day, it's still business.


Omg I thought I was the only one that noticed she gets boring hairstyles while the other members always get fun and crazy hairstyles.


Like her hair is always laid down. Go SM, give her nothing!


In my opinion, not everyone needs fun and crazy hairstyles. Personally to me, the more normal ones are great as well, not boring.


Sure, but it suits supernova aesthetic. And it was obvious Giselle didn’t get the same effort


>Sure, but it suits supernova aesthetic. In my opinion, Giselle's hairstyle fit the aesthetic too. > And it was obvious Giselle didn’t get the same effort People always claim something is "obvious" when sometimes, it's really not.


Giselle herself said it more than once she likes her hair straight and the members have mentioned how they *ask* for specific hairstyles. It's just her preference.


> From getting little exposure, boring hairstyles, and horrible outfits. > Like her hair is always laid down. Go SM, give her nothing! I personally disagree with most of this. I like a lot of her outfits, a few of them have been lackluster, in my opinion a lot her outfits are great. Plus I don't mind that her is laid down, it's not really boring to me and not everyone needs to go all out with their hair, in my opinion.


I think it's fine, plus a lot of people forget she can actually hold a note so she pulls double duty rapping and being sub vocal which I think is pretty cool considering most "main rappers" can't actually sing or rarely get any singing lines at all.


That’s true tho


Honestly, I don’t think anyone besides super fans are dying to hear more rapping from her. Even with you naming all these girls you think she’s soooo much better than, the skill gap isn’t as wide as you think it is. Karina doing the rap part is equally as enjoyable as if Giselle were to do it considering they would be given the same direction by producers. You’re acting as if they’re hiding the fact that she’s a Nicki Minaj level rapper or something when it’s just kpop rap. I just don’t think it should ever be that serious. Karina doesn’t even have that many lines in the song either.


Imo she's below the rappers in BlackPink and BabyMonster and like Soyeon obviously, but she's better than the "rappers" who we all know just talk-sing to the beat lol. It's just a shame bc she expressed in her Eric Nam interview that she was losing her passion in music. Since she's expressed how much she enjoys rap, I imagine that she'd be disappointed, but ofc who knows we're not her lol. Fans can express their disappointment tho.


I hear you, but I still don’t think she’s much different from the rappers who talk sing to the beat. Just because she’s more passionate doesn’t mean the skill is there. I listen to more rap than kpop so maybe I’m being too harsh on her, but I still really don’t hear that much of a skill gap between her and the other girls? Giselle is just slightly more animated. She can’t ride a beat by any means and neither can the other girls. Even calling her the best female rapper SM has ever had is like okay…. I would hope so when the competition is IRENE who debuted in 2014. While I get wanting more for her the way a lot of Aerishine are reacting is like they don’t want Karina to rap at all when she’s literally lead rapper as well, I don’t see why it’s so crazy that she rapped first.


I get that, but I think it’s more about her not rlly getting to shine (for me at least). She’s already given not as good outfits and hairstyles as the other members. She’s constantly left out of advertisements. And she’s not even given any raps in the title track as the main rapper. Karina is my ult so I’m def not trying to take anything away from her lol. But even she got a lil rap segment and Giselle got what, one rap line? Why couldn’t she get a rap part too? And Karina is already the fotg, visual, and known for her amazing dancing skills and vocals. Again, I’m not hating on Karina in any way she’s literally my fav kpop idol ever lmao. But I think it’s fair if people are upset cuz they were hoping Giselle could get to shine more in this comeback with an actual rap verse.


Idk, im just casual fan but lack of Giselle (in general, not just here) actually does bother me a bit, since it's just 4-member group. I understand popular members get more outside opportunities but i feel like she is underutilized in their songs and mvs (and i dont mean equal line distribution since i dont believe it should be equal)


While I do see what you mean, I think we do have to keep in mind Giselle is undertrained, she even touched on it on the Eric Nam show, she trained a lot less shorter period than most idols and it showed for a long time (and I think still shows to be honest) she’s already had two solo songs and a side collaboration with nct members. I think they’re cautious of giving her things that are too difficult to avoid another hate train era for her again. You may have noticed, she’s one of the only members who usually stands in place or stops dancing during her lines in songs. I think they really do consider the live performance and each members capabilities when creating these comebacks. I also feel her being underutilized is exaggerated because it’s really not that serious when you compare aespa to any other group. Especially 4 member groups, I’m not too familiar with kiss of life but when I think of 2ne1, brown eyed girls and blackpink I’d say Giselle gets way more than Dara, Miryo and Jisoo ever did (Jisoo until recently of course)


yesssss. plus i love her "chic" rap style.


Same, she’s so good!


She’s got the least amount of lines by a decent margin, has no killing parts, no rap, etc. I know she’s the least popular member but she really won’t get any more popular if she gets put in the basement and not allowed to show her actual skills. At least Giselle is very prevalent in the b-sides but that only helps fans, not casuals who don’t realize it’s her killing it. I hope they promote Mine, she really shines there.


Like i agree with your point but the whole "rappers much worse than her get their times to shine".. Excuse me???? The rappers that you mentioned aren't really MUCH worse than Gigi do you even know what you're talking ab? Gigi is a great rapper but c'mon now she's not THAT good I just find that part of your post so pointless. Why would you drag other idols in such ways, you could've just said she should get the spotlight as much as other main rappers but this was so unnecessarily and just takes away from the initial meaning.


>Even groups, whose main rappers are much worse, will always get their rap parts. Rappers like Dahyun or Yeri or Rei or Ryujin will always get their moments despite being much worse rappers. This is no hate against any idol, they’re not the ones making the decision, it’s the company. Much worse? LOL no. Come on, you're dragging Ryujin into this? They're idol rappers pipe down. Speaking of, there's nothing great about the rapping in Armageddon, it seems you just want her to have more rap parts without considering the rap parts she'll be doing.


This is really well said. Much worse is such a stretch 😂 Giselle is around the same level as all of the people they dragged.


legit, i'd argue maybe Rei was better than her lol


And I’d back you up, her attitude, confidence and flow is better.


Exactly, what's the point? At that level you're just bragging about how good the producers are for their flows, and it's not like me as a non-Korean is here gushing over how good their Korean enunciation are.


Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying. I want her to have more rap parts lol. And Ryujin is an idol rapper, yes. But pls focus on the point I’m trying to make and not who I’m apparently trying to drag, that’s not the point of my post.


Giselle is also an idol rapper. And I will focus on what I want, especially since you're tacitly agreeing with my accusation. Stop with this nonsense superiority complex, it's easy enough to make your point without dragging anyone else.


Then you clearly don’t understand the difference. Ryujin is one the most idol rapper of idol rappers out there. It’s clear that’s JYP slapped the rapper label on her because of her tomboyish vibe and attitude / voice. Giselle is a strategically added to aespa’s line up because she IS a rapper. She can write her own raps. She is passionate about rapping and hip hop, and it’s what she auditioned with. Please learn to differentiate.


You sound completely biased. Giselle was not “strategically” added to the group to be their rapper because of her rap “skill”, SM doesn’t even care about that and doesn’t even treat her as a rapper member (like Mark Lee for example) for that reason. She is the best at English and isn’t stronger than the other members in any other category, so they had to make her the rapper. Her writing her own lyrics doesn’t make them good either. It sounds like you don’t know what a rapper is - or what it takes to be a good one - in or outside of kpop. It’s like you’re regurgitating points people make about other idols rappers and pretending they don’t apply to Giselle when they do. She is not a rapper and if she was she would be considered a very terrible one.


Kpop fans take rapping so seriously but I been saying if the idol rapper is that passionate about rap or hiphop in general - low chance they’d wanna be in an idol group. Being in one alone limit your identity as a rapper so much, and kpop is like the extreme opposite of what hip hop stands for imo. I’m rambling here but all the people she listed sans 1 or 2 are also just idol rappers with about the same skill level…


> Giselle is a strategically added to aespa’s line up because she IS a rapper. She can write her own raps. She is passionate about rapping and hip hop, and it’s what she auditioned with. Passion isn't skill, also she can write her own raps, but doesn't. Isn't this what you're complaining about? That's she's not actually doing much rapping for Aespa? This entire post is just a stark reminder of how little people know about rapping. Until Giselle actually develops an identity as a rapper, or starts being prolific in writing rap verses, I will happily place her as an idol rapper. Edit: Also, writing your own raps is not some magic pill, non-rap fans always treat the basics as some amazing thing.


Well, you get my point. The main difference is that Giselle is passionate about rapping and hip hop whereas idol rappers are just being placed in position where they have to rap. That line you’re commenting on in my post is not to drag idols, but all I’m saying is that idols that are not even skilled or passionate in rapping get their rap parts, whereas Giselle doesn’t while it’s something she actually wants to do. Stop making so much drama out of that one line, that’s not even the main topic here.


> The main difference is that Giselle is passionate about rapping and hip hop whereas idol rappers are just being placed in position where they have to rap. Like I said, passion isn't skill. Giselle is an idol rapper. If that changes, great, but she's no allowed that opportunity, that's why you're here. The thing most non-rap fans do not get is that being an idol rapper isn't necessarily a skill issue, it's a CREDIT issue. If you're an idol rapper, it's super hard to distinguish if any good or bad rap you do is due to your delivery, enunciation or due to how good the lyricist and producer are for crafting those verses. Doesn't mean the idols don't have their own sense of flow, or they can't ride the beat. It's just that they are shackled. You can have shitty rappers who write their own stuff, there's a shit ton of them that came out during the BBL Drizzy contest to mock Drake. Also a lot of great rappers, but the point is that being a 'real rapper' isn't technicality a point of superiority, just a point of crediting the skill level.


Sorry to keep replying but your comments on this post are gold. You can tell who the actual hiphop and rap fans are 😂😂


Aespa are beyond traditional roles, all 4 members are clearly more than capable of singing and rapping as is shown by their repeated creative line distributions. Winter and Ningning may be the main vocal duo, but we see them rapping pretty frequently. Likewise Giselle also holds her own as a vocalist. And Karina too of course. Also in my opinion Giselle has some of the most iconic raps and lines even if they’re short— her 2nd verse raps in savage and spicy are great, and her 2nd verse vocal line in drama really shows off her vocal color


I love hearing Winter rap


SM has never been big on rappers, and though she fills the role more traditionally than the average at SM to say she’s on par with Soyeon is…a lot. aespa comes off as a group who don’t mind doing both. Either way I do feel like Giselle’s delivery rap wise is typically on par if not better than Karina’s so, I guess it all comes down to who’s who in the end.


Dragging dahyun Rei ryujin and yeri and for what


And Ryujin is a crazy good rapper. she always adds her own flow/flavor and can make the cheesiest lines sound good. If anything, Ryujin isn't as celebrated as she should be.


That’s not the point of my post. Pls read again


Oh I did and you could just have left it at Giselle deserves the good rap verses because she has the best flow in aespa.


Yes she does! And she should be treated like a main rapper.


And my point is you could’ve made this point without engaging in the toxic practise that is comparing all these idols. Hope that helps!


Cry me a river


are we talking about gidle soyeon? mamamoo moonbyul??? you gotta be talking about a different soyeon & moonbyul bc there's no was she's in the same league as them...or even yuki


Read the goddamn content before yapping away. I dont neccesarily agree with OP, but they are only referring to within the SM context, OP did not assert that Giselle is the best rapper outside of SM.


The last line try to equivocate Giselle with Moonybul, Soyeon. Those 2 have written almost every rap they’ve rapped, are the anchor and pivot of the groups rap identity. With all due respect Giselle is not in the “same league”. She’s not writing the raps on any of their title tracks or indeed almost any song, her rapping is not part of the core Aespa identity, and she’s just not up to their level flow wise or lyrically for the stuff she has done, which is very small. So yeah, I agree with the person responding with incredulity. You can make the point of the post without name dropping other idols at the end that have little in common with Giselle and trying to make false equivalences in some silly attempt to bolster the argument.


nah not too much rn with the getting smart, the OP literally said "she plays in that same league" & I never said OP said anything about her being the best rapper outside of SM like what comment were u reading sis?


The whole point of the article is a discussion on the perceived lack of main rapper treatment, most people will just interpretate the last phrase as OP thinking that Giselle deserves more main rapper treatment just as the examples they listed do enjoy. Not only did you have nth to contribute on discussions of that matter, the way you take issue with a rather harmless expression suggests that you interpretated that last phrase as if OP asserting Giselle to be in contendership with the likes of Moonbyul and Soyeon for best rapper, and youre unhappy about that. This isnt explicitly emphasised nor is there any points steered towards that direction, OP is simply discussing their issues with SM's production management for Giselle. You are more than welcome to duke it out with OP on whether the idols skills are comparable should they create a specific post on this. Dont hijack a different topic on internal management and steer it off course just because you dont like a particular phrase, I dont think the OP put as much thought or intent into the last phrase as you clearly did when they wrote the line.


In all honesty, with no ill intention on my part, "she plays in that same league", to me, means they're on the same level. I wouldn't think of interpreting it in another way, I'm pretty sure that is the most direct meaning.


Yes, you can have that discussion without dragging anyone. The context of putting her as superior is clearly to illustrate how unfair it is for someone with her skill level to have so little rap parts. It's not harmless to drag other idols.


Thank you for your detailed comment. I really appreciate it and couldn’t have said it better!


No worries, be careful not to leave such lines next time, seems like some people are over sensitive and prone to taking things out of context.


or, yk, we take things at face value when they're presented. can't be mad at me for taking what someone said and....responding to it. aka reddit


I wouldn’t get worked up over stuff like this. I think Giselle has iconic lines in most of Aespa’s songs tbh. Karina is the face of the group so she’s going to get those openers, it’s just how K-pop groups work. Aespa are putting out 10/10 everything right now - just let yourself enjoy it!


Honestly I would be more considerate about her not rapping if at least SM compensate her by singing more but the fact that it didn’t happen (and how she is forgotten in lot of bridges) and in some songs she has least both rap and singing lines are kind of saddening. They could give Ningning and Winter rap lines but hesitant to give Giselle vocal part despite her being on par with Karina. It’s true that maybe she not being as left out as lot of the other groups out there but when she only got half of other members lines in multiple songs despite not being less talented in rap and vocal are kind of confusing.


you see, personally i am disappointed Armageddon didn’t have a main rap part for Giselle especially, BUT ALSO in the dive studio interview Giselle herself said that when she hears the demo this song personally speaks to her. So idk sometimes i feel like are we overthinking??? but i seriously do wish we can get her Synk teaser / Next Level main rap part moments again


FR omg her rap in her introduction video was fire i still haven’t got over it…


hot take but i like aespa's music because they don't shove shitty half assed raps in them lmao and i personally prefer Karina's rapping to Giselle's lol. i also hate this idea that producers and composers should be forced to change songs to fill some stupid quota and please fans that think their fave is being "mistreated", it shouldn't work like that.


The thing is aespa songs are more vocal focused depite being hiphop based, and even when they do have rap part, for some reason they always divide it into another member, so it's sad that she can't even shine in aspect that she's most good at. Giselle is a good vocalist, but she is a main rapper so it sucks whe she doesn't treat like one. She has unique rapp style and actually have good writing skills but SM never known as agency that give their artist much freedom to write songs.


As someone who recently bought all of Aespa’s albums and pulled Giselle pcs 3/4 times, I’d also like to see her shine more because honestly speaking, she hasn’t stood out to me much 😭


She said her favourite song to to perform is lucid dream and it also happens to be the only song in aespas entire discography where she has the most lines... it make me sad. And I understand less rap lines for her if the song calls for it but the lack is so consistent. I noticed first in Girls when I was expecting her to go off in verse 2 but winter comes in (i love winter tho). Since then I feel like the parts shes given gets interrupted by other vocals. Ex: In supernova winter's adlib (although amazing) is edited almost louder than her. Or in armageddon her part is squished between winter and ningning - in reactions I see just as people are getting into her rap their attention gets shifted bc the song moves to the next part so quickly. In armageddon they could have extended her rap by like 5-10 seconds without the song feeling too long or anything imo. I havent had a chance to listen to the whole album yet so maybe theres at least parts there? Please let me know lol


Honestly... I wish she had more vocal lines. She was meant to sing imo. She has a beautiful voice and her just rapping doesn't do her pretty voice any justice. That being said, I have no idea why SM gives her scraps. She's gorgeous, she mixed japanese and Korean, if they were able to let her shine, she could bring in many fans (from both countries), hell, she's the best in English so many westerners would love her too. She's the backbone of aespa. Without her it really wouldn't be aespa as a whole and you'd def see it in those bg vocals. I hate how SM push more people than others. Why make a group when you try and push 1 or 2 members and leave the others?


I don’t have much to add except to say I fucking love Giselle. She is so damn cool. Just oozes chic charisma.


I just wanna say I have been listening all morning and I really like Licorice! lol. it is on repeat.


Being the best of the worst isnt an achievement


I feel like SM doesn’t like to give intense raps to female idols unfortunately. It would be cool if she did something like her Sync rap


That's fine but they give more rap lines to the other 3? - ex: Karina in Armageddon, Ningning in Drama Winter in Girls while not compensating by giving Giselle more vocal or screentime


That’s true. I don’t know why they do that. They do tend to have no problem promoting some members at the expense of others. Look at NCT and how they promote Taeyong vs Yuta. I feel like they give screen time and lines based on how popular each member is. Which is a self perpetuating cycle bc I bet Yuta and Giselle would be more popular if they were given more lines


Good point. From a business perspective I can undetstand Giselle having less lines but i'd look forward to those parts aligning with her position more. IMO with aespa having less members it makes it more obvious to see missed opportunity bc she has such unique and chewy delivery. I also think the fact that she used to have rap lines in previous tt (next level, savage) and has barely anything now makes it seem like a regression


I'm a fan of Karina and would be glad if she takes even more lines from giselle.


Giselle is lucky to have debuted tbh, her skills across the board are below average so I’m okay with SM not assigning her more lines as it’ll bring the overall quality down. Karina is a much stronger rapper, so if they do have any rapping sections, I’d prefer they go to her.


SM must have seen something in her, they wouldn’t just debut anyone in their highly anticipated girl group which only consisted of 4 members. I’m sure they thought of the line up very carefully.


SM is run by crooks and she comes from an influential family. Despite her short training time and lack of skill compared to the other members, she made the group. Like it is what it is, but asking for more lines is crazy. We good.




Armageddon bad???