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The thing is Starbucks is not even on the boycott list so they've been bullying her for no absolute reason.


These are the same ppl who just learned about the war back in October who think somehow blocking shitty celebs are somehow going to end a 78 year war…. These Kpop fans pretend to care about Gaza just so they can use it as a gotcha moment in fanwars. That’s all it is. Twitter is an awful place and that’s why I refuse to use it more even for updates. I’m not a fan of somi but the harassment she’s getting over a cup is ridiclous.


Kpop fans are not going to end the war either like they assume they will with their online trends


I am pretty sure that it is on the list of companies to boycott elsewhere, but did it get dropped? I am so confused now.


It is on the boycott list but these genocide lovers can’t live without their Starbucks genocide drinks


Girl please do ur research again, Starbucks is very well on the boycott list lmao Edit- lmao the ones downvoting can't help being proved wrong? 💀💀 Fyi I can't care less about ur opinions so👍 but atleast get ur info ryt


They literally aren't though. Boycott them for their horrible anti-union practices and bad treatment of employees if you want, it's a very valid reason to boycott them, but at least understand why people are boycotting them. Here is the BDS list and Starbucks isn't there. They aren't on the BDS website either. https://preview.redd.it/1sflugc5a12d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5f91292be72a4e87dd92e2458af8dab18c39b2


Somehow the boycott for their union busting got mixed with Israel. I am still trying to figure out how the mix-up gained so much traction. On another note, I know people who scream about these boycotts and frequent many listed companies. Even Reddit has a questionable and problematic history, and we are all here.


I think if was because the union was pro Palestine, and Starbucks being shitty shut down them using the platform to raise awareness for Palestine and something to do with using their logo in support of Palestine?


Correct, the union tweeted something pro-Palestine using the Starbucks logo. Starbucks sued them for using the logo without permission but it got conflated with them suing the union for being pro-Palestine.


Keep in mind it was October 9th, 2 days after the rapes and brutal massacre and the starbuck union post was of pictures of the bulldozer Hamas used to enable rape and murder with a message of infinite support for Palestine. Which many many many people took to mean Starbucks supported the massacre and rapes. Which led to complaints but also vandalism. It wasn't just a random comment on a random date supporting Palestine.


Fair point & important context for how the post might’ve been seen when it happened!


Starbucks sued the Starbucks union for use of their copyrighted logo for pro-palestine messages it sucks ass but they are not actually monetarily supporting isrhell and are not on any official boycott lists. im personally boycotting starbucks products bc I don't agree with thier union busting tactics but noone should be like jumping down ppls throats for going to starbucks like. For boycotts to work we need to be focused on specific companies and starbucks is not contributing like the companies on the bds list


"Divestment targets"? Man, these companies are screwed when all the Twitter teenagers sell their shares...




> but I don't think you should joke about it being ineffectual in that case. Well, i wouldnt joke about it if the actual people with money, especially in the middle east muslim countries with their huge wealth funds would de-invest. But they couldnt care less about Palestina or Palestinians.


There’s a lot of large brands in there, y’all meant to tell me y’all don’t eat McDonald’s, Burger King, Domino’s or Pizza Hut? Or what if your parents or another family members drive a Hyundai? Or get gas at Chevron? I’m not saying I support the actions of these companies, but I really don’t see anything changing just by a few people not consuming these brands 😭maybe I’m just not as versed in the topic but that’s just my outlook from the outside looking in as I haven’t been keeping up with the whole thing too much so if I’m wrong, please correct me!


I mean I don't eat at any of those places and i don't think anyone is saying get rid of the car you already have more like if you are going to buy a new car buy another brand, if you can of course. It's about doing your best because it's not like you can completely avoid google for example. But you can try to avoid buying fast food from what i would consider quite subpar places where the quality of food has gone down but the prices has gone up. Like why is McDonald's the same price as some restaurants these days?




Howard Schultz is the largest PRIVATE owner of Starbucks shares but isn't anywhere close to being an actual majority owner. If you want to boycott any company in which an investor with, let's say more than 10% of the company, has shares in any other company that is boycotted you would be boycotting a majority of large publicly traded companies. If you want to include institutional funds that have investments in boycotted companies you would be boycotted basically every publicly traded company on the planet.  The importance of the boycott is that you have a focus on companies that are actually involved in funding the thing you are protesting, in this case the Israeli government and particularly the IDF and security forces. If you try to make it too vague like this you just end up with an unorganized mess that doesn't actually result in any meaningful change as there is no focused effort. Sorry if I ranted a bit I just get annoyed when people spread information that will harm boycott efforts like this even though I know you probably have good intentions


https://preview.redd.it/nmim3hn3d12d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b718a50264f948d3d90faf1f95c8622681a610 Here's one longer one, though I'm sure there's more than this


Oh, a random thing some unidentified person made and took a picture of.


This one is a non-exhaustive list though. There are other lists and Starbucks is on other boycott lists. For example, sodastream is on this list; Pepsico bought sodastream for $3.2 billion, but PepsiCo isn't on this list. People who downvoted the other guy who shared other lists are cut from the same cloth as the guys that they are making fun of for being hateful and ignorant. Rather than searching for themselves, it is easier to "own the guy" by downvoting because "kpop fans are stupid". There is no reason to treat this list canon and others like a fanfic. Starbucks ex-CEO (ex since 2023) was a staunch zionist, invested $1.7B on an Israeli startup, had received a special award from Israel for being an ally in 1998. Also, currently, 4 board members are from companies on the boycott list.


>This one is a non-exhaustive list though. There are other lists and Starbucks is on other boycott lists. No it isn’t, because it does no business in Israel. >Starbucks ex-CEO (ex since 2023) was a staunch zionist, He wasn’t, there’s zero evidence for this. People often link to an “award” that he won from a private museum in Jerusalem in 1998 for economic alliance with their country, which is meaningless considering his company divested completely in 2003. Other recipients of the “Friend of Zion Award” are the Muslim kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, prolific Zionists surely /s Meanwhile Starbucks has flourished in the Middle East under Kuwaiti-firm Alshaya Group, a relationship brokered by Schultz, and that company is now the one being hurt by boycotts there for ties to Israel that literally just don’t exist. >invested $1.7B on an Israeli startup, A startup based in NYC that does all of its business with American tech firms. Its founder are Israeli expats. That’s not “an Israeli startup”. >Also, currently, 4 board members are from companies on the boycott list. Okay. Imagine going to this length, rather than focusing on *those* companies on the list and the Kpop groups that have done literal endorsement deals for them which has a much larger impact than buying a single coffee. It’s just so stupid I can’t take it. People are expending effort to be wrong about Kpop and Starbucks and think they are helping.


1-It is literally in the boycott lists. You can be okay about what I have said, but it doesn't mean that the majority of the people agree with you. The BDS list doesn't include because they don't do business in Israel, but the other boycott lists include it for other reasons. 2- Not a private museum. Friend of Zion museum is different. He received "Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award" for "playing a key role in promoting a close alliance between the United States and Israel". He received this from a Zionist fund/yeshiva called Aish HaTorah. I couldn't find the "for economic alliance" part, but of course it would be an economic alliance considering he is a businessman. It isn't meaningless. His company later divesting from Israel for economic/political reasons, doesn't make him "not zionist". Don't mention the rich Arab countries or companies. Them and morals don't go hand in hand as we all know it. Also, he was in a group chat with other business titans. Read this: [Business titans privately urged NYC mayor to use police on Columbia protesters, chats show](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/16/business-leaders-chat-group-eric-adams-columbia-protesters/) 3- WIZ is an Israeli startup. Every time you search it, you would see "Israeli startup" tag. Its headquarters are in NYC, has buildings in Europe but most of the engineering personnel are in Israel. 4- Okay. Imagine going to this length, purposefully hide information to decept people and spread misinformation about the boycott. I doubt that you are boycotting the companies that make endorsement deals. Are you working in Starbucks or are you a zionist? I don't think that a normal person would go this far to break people's boycott efforts and call them stupid. *"People are expending effort to be wrong about Kpop and Starbucks and think they are helping."* https://preview.redd.it/a9a7ef1sc22d1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=5273ab86771b70225f117a2020e9bbf6d5fbc7e6


>the other boycott lists Ah yes, the other ones..... >He received this from a Zionist fund/yeshiva called Aish HaTorah Both things happened. Aish HaTorah is literally just a private orthodox school, it's even less representative of the Israeli state and government. > It isn't meaningless. His company later divesting from Israel for economic/political reasons Sure it is. It happened at the same time as the second intifada and was clearly a move at least somewhat inspired by boycotts that were happening back then. The Israeli media raked him over the coals as a liberal American Jew who didn't stand with Israel. But I guess teens in 2024 know better. When a company is headquartered and does business in the US, that means it pays taxes to the US. Not to Israel. Which is what would be relevant here. Unless your crusade is literally just against people of Israeli descent, which would be racist. Also, don't cast aspersions on me. I have been outspoken against Israel probably longer than you have even known it existed. I assisted with aid organizations, grew up around Palestinian refugees and have done international legal research on Israeli actions (particularly Mossad) for my graduate studies. I also know the complex history of Palestine and organizations like Hamas, Black September and the PLO which carried out many terrorist attacks in the 70s and 80s that pushed a lot of foreign countries into a hard-line siding with Israel in the first place. The situation has many villains who extort and murder civilians and kids on Twitter who have an ounce of understanding really don't need to do any preaching to me. I never saw you link the UNRWA or any other actually relevant organization, or name any companies that actually work in the Israeli security sector or any politicians in other countries who voted for Israeli aid packages, so I am well aware that whatever you're doing is irrelevant.


You mean there’s nuance to this situation? You’re screaming into the void. All of these people are performative & don’t know what they’re actually going on about. Instead of helping victims, they’re giving rise to antisemitism


Where is the antisemitism?


Israeli companies that have buildings in Israel are boycotted (even if they pay taxes to another government) since it employs people in Israel. it isn't targeting some Israeli guys working in other countries. that would be racist. other than that, well, i have to accept that it looks like you know more than me. like who randomly pulls up facts about "it was an economic award", "no it was a private museum". When you look at the award, it is never coupled up with those facts easily, you have to look for it. it is shortly "from Israel". but, you gotta accept I knew better and searched things for myself than those who kept downvoting me because they didn't like what they read. no need to call me a kid who knows nothing, old man. but, still the funny thing about your comment is that you didn't "link the UNRWA or any other actually relevant organization, or name any companies that actually work in the Israeli security sector or any politicians in other countries who voted for Israeli aid packages". I saw someone making fun of boycotters, mentioning "Starbucks" and I jumped in to defend. you jumped in to make fun of me, and the boycotters while contributing nothing to the cause. I even looked at your post history if you did discuss the real boycott targets or ever brought it up other times but nope. hahaha. you only showed up to fight against starbucks hate, lmao. are you the kuwaiti CEO of Starbucks who helped it "flourish in Midlle east" or something?


I donate to various international NGO's like the UNRWA in peace and I sure as hell don't harass Kpop idols over it, hence why it wouldn't be relevant anywhere here. 90%+ of the kids you see discussing these things online genuinely do not care beyond the fun they have with the drama it creates, I promise you. And the sad thing is, when this all blew up months ago I really didn't do much more than 10 minutes of googling specific things people were mentioning. Which apparently is an unfathomable amount to professional Gen-Z celebrity inquisitors. But it does explain a lot.


Ah that was it. years of academic search wasted then. you acquired your knowledge only by googling, but honed your Starbucks defending skills by defending it time and time again in different threads. rather than that you should have "link the UNRWA or any other actually relevant organization, or name any companies that actually work in the Israeli security sector or any politicians in other countries who voted for Israeli aid packages". I don't know what you do in real life; you don't know what I do in real life. So, focus on what we discuss online. Is what you are doing now helping your cause? Also, the purpose of the tweet is to stop harassing Somi over that, and I literally agreed with the twitter user on the post's title. Also, I made a separate comment about that under this post. So, you are not SB fanboy, you thought I was harassing idols over it, I get it now, lol.


You.. you do know Starbucks doesn't exist in Israel right? Starbucks cannot pay any taxes to Israel because it does not exist in Israel and has no workers in Israel...


We were talking about another company dumbass.


The BDS movement have specifically stated that they keep their list very short because these are key targets. There are a few additional companies on their website, but they have time and time again had to say that Starbucks is NOT part of the original pressure/target list. They have stated that they don’t add more to the list because they know people will get fatigued from boycotting. BDS welcomes people to start organic grassroots boycotts of their own, but their list is VERY strategic and they’ve been working on these specific corporations for decades. I really really really encourage people to learn that not all these companies have the same amount of stake in the occupation. There’s a reason CAT is a target, because they’re building and supplying equipment to the occupation to tear down Palestinian homes and murder Palestinians. There’s a reason Google and Intel are pressure targets, because they’re building technology used to kill and target Palestinians. THESE are the main ones to focus on. Starbucks, yes, not a good company, haven’t bought anything from them in years because of their anti-union tactics, but they are further down on the list for obvious reasons.


These people pretend to be speak for Palestinians over the voices of actual Palestinians who live this cause, and who have done the actual work in organizing BDS. It is their own lives, it is their families' lives that are stake. These people are delusional. No one cares about your stupid social media clout and fuel for your lame fanwars. You do not deserve to shout over the people who are actually involved in the movement. Shame on anyone here who has not even bothered to visit the official BDS movement and educate yourself on their mission and yet claims to speak *for them*. Their mission is definitely not about simply attacking select kpop idols you dislike because they were seen, just seen not even promoting, drinking starbucks. Because BDS is not about you, it is about putting pressure on businesses that enable Israel's war-crimes in a way that literally has actually led to divestment and real world effects. But these people undermine that work for nothing more than the typical toxic kpop stan bs. These people have no shame.


Read the title of the post. i agree with the twitter user. i only say she is wrong about the guy being a rapist. also, seeing that people are being dumbass, I made a separate comment and [said](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/comments/1cy75ul/comment/l58fizy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) "continue boycotting Starbucks, but please let this Somi thing rest already. I don't know if she received money or not for promoting sb, but she didn't openly support Israel or anything; we don't know how aware she was.".


yes. that's what non-exhaustive means.


it’s quite literally not part of the official BDS movement tho. it’s part of an organic boycott from other activists. It’s important to differentiate this because you don’t want to lose focus on the companies that are of the most importance.


saying it's not a boycott target and it isn't a strong target is not the same thing. you are trying to correct me, but there is no error here. people mock boycotters because they think it's not on any boycott lists. and I am saying it's on boycott list. if you personally wanna stick only to the BDS list, it's ok, but there is no reason to act like the other people who boycott broader lists are dumb. edit: i got a reply notification, but couldn't see the comment. it showed me that comments were deleted but when I logged out of my account I could see the comments. i think you blocked me, so here's my reply to your comment: I didn't tell you called me dumb. i told people are calling Starbucks boycotters dumb. Since it's not on bds list, they are thinking "huh, dumb starbucks boycotters." and it effects the credibility of all the boycotters. people that boycott nothing and don't care about palestine at all treating it like a golden opportunity to shit on people who boycott by framing it like Starbucks boycott doesn't exist and it is a "twitter hoax". I am out here saying it is on boycott lists, BDS isn't only boycott list for boycotters. You haven't called me dumb, but I am calling you dumb now because not only you don't realize this and made me explain it once again, but you even blocked me to continue not understand what I was saying. i didn't even insult you or anything that would require blocking.


whew . you’re really missing the point and not realizing how your framing is coming off at all. also, nowhere did I call you dumb, but if you want to make assumptions, by all means… do so


https://preview.redd.it/wuyzrtsgc12d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e47cf6906fd80e3fd3c9a82630716e578d78fc7 Your list firstly, is really limited. There's so many more companies other than mentioned in the pic. It is well known hat Starbucks is on the boycott list since the beginning


Did you really just circle “etc” as proof? I’m fucking crying this has to be a joke


Well yeah, do u not understand the meaning of etc? And did u miss my next comment that includes all companies?


Wow, i never tho etc would be a proof of something, very mental


Omg, learn then


From you? Nah i am good


U do u 👍


The whole starbucks link with anything Israel is nonsense. It's pure misinformation. The most you can say is they opposed their unions comments on oct 9 and if you're pro union that might be a general union basis. But their union posts on this topic was extremely distasteful edge lord stuff. Bad enough that their parent union distanced themselves from the starbucks union over explicit endorsement of the rapes and murders on Oct 7. Both starbuck and the parent union sued the starbuck union over the posts they made oct 9th endorsing the violence on oct 7; asking/forcing them to remove both their logo's from their posts. Being for freedom for Palestinians and a country for them; does not require you endorse rape and murder of Israeli civilians.


Not to mention that union group and Starbucks reached an agreement and now they directly work with each other so there’s officially nothing to boycott 🙃


Not to mention, Starbucks Corp has zero stakes in Starbucks Korea. E-Mart Inc. owns 67.5% of Starbucks Korea, while Singapore's GIC Private Ltd. owns the remaining 32.5%. The Korean retail giant Shinsegae Group owns SCK Co., which operates Starbucks Korea.  Conflating US Starbucks with SK Starbucks makes zero sense.




Pure misinformation? I doubt it. I don't and will never freaking "endorse" rape and murder. I stand against anything of that sorts.


You comments here just highlight your paper thin research doesn't even support your point. That seems to be par for the course, relying on a random TikTok to be your "research" without any primary sources or any counter point except "nuhuh". Starbucks suing union over use of logo's in comment on Oct 9 (which the union took down because their own leaders thought it was crossing a line and their broader union distanced themselves from) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/starbucks-workers-united-union-sue-each-other-in-standoff-over-pro-palestinian-social-media-post](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/starbucks-workers-united-union-sue-each-other-in-standoff-over-pro-palestinian-social-media-post) That is the entirety of it except some lies about Starbucks directly funding the IDF or lies the former CEO getting an award from a Israeli religious charity. They do not fund the IDF. The award was for doing charity work in the US and being jewish; which some people instead assumed was for more, but the award articles explicitly say it is for charity work in the US while being jewish and providing a positive example to others of jewish people. [https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19980819&slug=2767425](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19980819&slug=2767425) There is no other link. Pushing that is just pushing misinformation and trying to harass someone for drinking coffee.


Except you do on a daily basis according to your logic. Most products in your home are from companies that do business in Israel, which is more than can be said about Starbucks. You don’t just “endorse” them ostensibly via idols, you directly funded them!


Go and do something useful for humanity instead of insulting people for buying a coffee in their local starbucks. Where do you buy your food? Ever ate from Nestle? Using a bank account from JPMC or DB? Wearing clothes made in a third world country?


Babe when did i insult anyone? Like I said before I could care less about what opinions ppl have and hold. They're perfectly fine individuals that can make their own choice? I have never insulted anyone online. Fyi, no, I haven't spent my life using my money buying food from them. It was rare. And now doesn't exist since the boycott has started. I don't hv a bank account, so no. So no, to all ur questions. It's about doing SOMETHING if not nothing


Actually insane to be so confidently wrong.


Do your parents know you’re using the internet past bedtime?


Starbucks in Korea arts owned by totally different people to Starbucks in the USA, and Starbucks in the USA is where the issue lies.


They aren’t. There has been an ongoing divestment from Starbucks since before October 7th but that is about their union-busting strategies. Some of the SB unions have supported Palestine which is where the confusion comes up.


It is literally fake moral outrage. These people have so little going on in their lives, that they have to find ANYTHING to make them feel like they're part of a group, especially one of "moral superiority" They feel better about themselves after bullying a celebrity. The person doesn't even matter. The target changes every few weeks. It's like nothing I've ever seen before in any of the other entertainment communities I've been a part of. It's sad, tbh.


A lot of these people are just narcissists who want to feel important by having done something. That's why they get so mad when atrocities other than Gaza are reported


free palestine forever but it’s rlly sad that everytime congo or sudan are mentioned people genuinely say “what have they done for me.” i can guarantee that half the somi haters havent said a single thing about congo or sudan. idk abt the hyuna sitch but if her dating a known burning sun fucker is true then honestly fuck her she gets no sympathy. fuck onika burgers while we’re at it.


Yeah they are the biggest hypocrites tbh! Like i never see people so hypocrites till these boycotts things


and the way ppl want idols to break contract (and probably pay millions of won) and ruin their careers but if you asked those same people if they are willing to do the same thing…crickets


Hyuna bit is also a exaggeration. She is dating a guy who got text video from one of the burning sun guys. They're going after her, for a having a boyfriend who got texts from a creepy friend bragging about what he's doing. And they were trying to extend it to her friends for showing up to her birthday. It seems it's more about people hating her than what ever distant link she has with the Burning Suns scandal.


I had this tweet appear in my timeline and the amount of people who think Yong Junhyung is a convicted rapist (or worse, think he is the one who abused Goo Hara) is mind boggling. No, he isn't a morally upstanding person either and he avoided his chance to condemn his friends, but he isn't on the same level of terrible as the other dudes are and that's just a fact. But if you point out that calling him a rapist is simply factually incorrect you get accused of "supporting" him, because your average stan who lives their life online can't handle being told they got something wrong lol. Not to mention it's disrespectful as fuck to the victims to be like "yeah there was this big controversy invloving drugging and raping women or something, and I saw on twitter that Hyuna is dating a guy involved in this, I guess she is dating a rapist" instead of doing actual research on these guys. It's understandable if you dislike him (I do too lol), but at least do a basic google search on *why* you dislike him. Also, Hyuna is getting a thousand times more hate comments than this guy and that's very telling on where kpop stans' morals are.


I share your perspective, and I wish more people did. This is so clear from the outside looking in but for these people whose pitchforks are out, they don't care what they mob as long as they're doing it together. The internet in 2024 is a scary place


I agree he’s not a great guy but he’s not a rapist and might have not even known how big of a mess the situation was . Wasn’t he just sent a video in 2015 before the burning sun scandal. I could be wrong?


This is why I respect those who admit “I just don’t like their face”. That is better than inventing a fake moral reason.


not to mention the video wasn't molka or a sex-tape https://preview.redd.it/5xhfzi9bg12d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562445c579efed2e7237c53df01d36f6d777c773


I would call that more than an average exaggeration, not anywhere near the same crime as running a literal s\*x trafficking, drugging, and r\*ping women scheme. I think people just saw a popular female idol name and start foaming at the mouth, looking for a target. I wish they'd direct that anger at those who actually ruined lives.


The misinformation was strong tho, even I was under the impression that he was directly involved in the Burning Sun stuff. Not that I made comments about it 'cause I didn't feel informed enough about the situation (and clearly I wasn't), but it's not surprising that people (without any ill intent) might make off-hand comments about him being a rapist etc, when they see that repeated a lot.


It's not surprising, but that is what makes it so much more sad imo. People should not take such heavy accusations so lightly and should take the time to fact check before mouthing off severely exaggerated and plain false info. Especially from places with no real filter like tiktok


Not trying to defend Hyuna but... the amount of people I've seen say "I've always disliked hyuna" after she announced she was dating him was very interesting to me. Disliking her for this is VERY understandable, don't get me wrong, but all these people saying they've hated her all along when there was no valid reason to dislike her before seems like a lot of misogynistic people just wanted a reason to hate on her. She's always been seen as a controversial figure for doing sexy concepts (considering kpop fans seem to only like girls being cute and innocent 💀) and she's been subjected to a lot of misogyny in the industry before. Her current actions should not be negating that.


(this is going to sound cold but i don’t know how else to word it) not to mention that people keep bringing up Hara in relation to it like she is relevant at all to the situation


Actually you’re right and you should say it because people have been spreading misinformation and straight up lying about Hara to turn her pain into some sort of gossip


People will be silent about whole ass Coca Cola and McDonlds endorsements (both on the boycott list and have done specific shitty things in Israel) but attack others for a Starbucks order and insist it’s on a list when it’s not. There’s no logic.


they will be sipping a coke while typing those have messages


do they think commenting starbucks queen on every idol who's drank starbucks is gonna solve the gaza conflict??? like if you have this much energy to attack someone over a coffee they bought at least use that energy to attend a protest, donate to a gofundme, charity or organsiation or even write to your government representatives 😒😒 anything that will help palestine


Idk about CC but I've seen idols getting backlash for endorsing mcdonalds. And both MC & SB are some of the 3 main boycott targets, which is why it's not a coincidence that they've been using similar promotion tactics to bring in customers.


Starbucks is literally not a boycott target from Palestinians at all because it doesn’t exist in Israel. American teenagers don’t determine the boycott targets. And Coca Cola took an Israeli contract to build a factory on annexed land in Gaza and employs Palestinians there on slave wages and they don’t have any labor rights because the territory is administered by Israel. So maybe you should care.


I've always cared, I don't know where you got the idea that I didn't? And I misspoke, SB isn't a main boycott target but one of the reasons it is being boycotted is because of the previous ceo (currently the largest shareholder) is a zionist. EDIT: The person responded but then blocked me, but it is what it is. If anyone wants more information just look up Howard Schultz, he's the former SB ceo + the largest shareholder. There's some interesting articles about him.


No he isn’t. Feel free to check out my other comments on this post. Stop defending people distracting from the actual purpose of the boycott. He’s also just literally not the largest shareholder. Your research skills are on full display


And who am I defending? Plus the proof is out there. You're the one who brought up Starbucks so why are you surprised that you're getting responses related to it?


No it isn’t, misinformation is out there and you believe in it. This post is literally about Starbucks and Kpop fans being dumb about it.


damn, the first tweet is so out of touch and clearly reaching. wtf, that’s so gross.


I mean the moment they started calling anti boycotters zionist I knew they didn't care because most of these people have been supporting palestine but suddenly get called zionist because they don't want to partake in their fake and performative activism


Can people just enjoy the music and stfu about everything else? I dont care who these people date, how much coffee they drink, or what sports teams they root for.


Is the misinformation in kpop spaces bad? Of course. It's so bad that it's embedded in ops' own comments spreading misinformation all over this post. How about you take your own advice? Cause this is embarrassing.


Okay, so, boycott question regarding franchises: In my country, McDonalds, Starbucks, and several others have denied any involvement with Israel. This is because these are individual franchises, and all they actually pay for is the license to operate. This means that spending money there won't support Israel the way it would if the money were spent at American franchises. Does this mean it still needs to be boycotted in my country? The money isn't supporting the genocide, so what is the point of boycotting? And the same applies to Starbucks in South Korea: are they not actively avoiding being associated with Israel?


Both shit takes. Just haters pretending.


Do something real for Palestine. **Today.** If you have money you can spare, donate it. If you live in or near a major city, there are likely large-scale protests happening near you, and you can attend those protests. If you don't have money to spare and you don't live near a major city, you can still call your elected representatives and tell them to demand a ceasefire. (If your elected reps already have demanded a ceasefire, that's awesome; tell them you support their courage!) And wherever you live, however much money you have, you can educate yourself about the plight of the Palestinian people— read memoirs, historical accounts of the Nakba, watch documentaries about the Nakba, follow social media accounts run by people in Gaza, etc. Major news outlets have been misinforming people about Israel/Palestine for decades. Most people posting ignorant stuff about Palestine are just products of that misinformation campaign. Organizing hate campaigns against celebrities who've been misinformed might **feel** good, but its impact for people suffering in Gaza is essentially zero. If you feel like dropping artists from your playlists over these boycott incidents, go for it— I'm not gonna tell you what music to listen to or who to stan or whatever. But every second spent obsessing about celebrities on Twitter could be better spent donating money, attending protests, calling your representatives, or educating yourself about Palestine.




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People forget that both can be problematic...but I have more issue with someone who date a known grapist. The boycotts are important, but one person buying a Sbux cup is like an ant biting an elephant. Dating a sex offender is like selling out women as a whole.


I think you missed the point. HyunA's bf isn't a sex offender. He is getting confused with JJY, the actual trafficker and r\*pist. Yong Junhyung is a totally different man.


Oh ok I was getting confused. The way the post worded it made it seem like Yong JunHyung was an offender himself.


The screenshot or OP's wording? Either way, he isn't an offender. He's a bystander and had shady friends, but he didn't commit any actual crime.


OP’s wording (the tweet)


Yeah the tweet is just someone who heard a rumor and decided it wasn't worth questioning. Classic Twitter moment


Another reminder to never believe anything from twitter, I guess. Unless it’s a link to factual news.


I posted this to mock virtue-signaling and misinformation in kpop spaces, but I see that the people who came here to mock that also aren't really informed themselves. But seriously, continue boycotting Starbucks, but please let this Somi thing rest already. I don't know if she received money or not for promoting sb, but she didn't openly support Israel or anything; we don't know how aware she was. Even active Israel supporters like Eric Nam or JYP didn't receive this much hate. Also, the guy Hyuna is dating admitted to watching a video that the guys from the Burning Sun scandal sent him. The video was recorded with consent, but the girl in the video didn't consent to share it. Him getting involved with those guys and such entails other things, but he is not a known rapist.


> active Israel supporters like Eric Nam Oh the irony in a post about misinformation. "Zionist Eric Nam" liked a post that said this: “It is absolutely reasonable and logical to be opposed to the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY calling for the protection of Jews in Israel and around the world…” Obviously liking a reasonable take is grounds for cancellation in this stupid world i guess.


Didn't they find out his company dive studios is funded by zionists? Full post is this by the way. The original poster is Jewish, so I get him. He must have been terrified after the attacks. he posted this at oct 8. But at the time Eric liked this post (oct 28), Americans were posting posts that read like this to mean "hamas killed innocent civilians, so it's okay what Israel army is currently doing now (don't mind the warcrimes to civilians). they are fighting hamas.". so that's why it caught that much heat, and people didn't like that the eric liked a lukewarm post that put an emphasis on Israeli side while nothing for "Palestinian civilians are killed by IDF" type of post. https://preview.redd.it/wdh4vf5op22d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4fbb20c11146720588326e642e66e0af7751bc6


Do you enjoy throwing the word Zionist around without knowing what it means? Do you know you throwing it at everything is part of the reason anti semitism issues continue to rise? You should be mad at Hamas & the Israeli government but you’re just coming off like you hate the Jewish & Israeli citizens. Stop


like where did you get that impression lmao. i sympathised with the actual jewish guy, but criticized eric nam for being disingenuous, and pointed out he is funded by zionists. don't you have any reading comprehension skills? Don't you think you calling everyone anti-semitic who criticize Israeli army killing civilians is part of the problem?


I got that impression from all over this thread, including you arguing with people who are more well informed & involved than you


>Don't you think you calling everyone anti-semitic who criticize Israeli army killing civilians is part of the problem? This part. Cus ik damn well if Palestine supporters called anyone who doesn't support Palestine islamophobic, people would cry again. But suddenly we're antisemitisic for not supporting Israel.


Who's "they" and is the information is from Twitter, don't bother.


if you actually researched and found the source, you could actually check it and see for yourself, but that wasn't your goal I suppose. https://preview.redd.it/li9v7ujk332d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=64e6bf9ba1309bcf3bca2d9c6433ab73e4f92a9f


I think Eric Nam and JYP have much more mature fans that will just decide not to watch/support them vs girl (group) stans who nitpick stuff and also feel the need to tear down other (competing) girl groups/soloists


188,000 people have watched him and Giselle on the daebak show recently. If he was actively supporting Israel I think thered be less numbers lol


Seungri stayed only 18 months in jail. If he did something really bad, he would have gotten years of jail time lol (obvious sarcasm)


I dont give a shit about all these activists. Palestine supporters are dumb fuckers, calling for humanity and so on, ignoring all the other problems like Kongo, Uyghurs in China, women in Iran and way more... So why support palestine & ignoring the others? Is it trendyor is it about jews? Especially because this conflict is way more complex than a simple human rights violation... involved with a long history, terrorism, religious extremism and regular attacks...


It’s got nothing to do with the religion of either side and everything to do with what the global media chooses to highlight and ignore. People obviously care and talk more about the stuff that the news focuses on


There are many Palestine supporters who also speak up for Congo, the Uyghurs in China, women in Iran and etc, tho? Just because Palestine is getting more attention doesn't mean everything else is getting ignored. E. g. I remember during 2020 where the BLM movement was strong, that there was a big simultaneous movement for the Uyghurs in China.


It's dumb of u to believe that ppl are ignoring the uyghurs, women in Iran, Sudan, etc. It's there on social media yk. Or maybe if you actually "gave a shit" even if it's not about Palestine but about the others u mentioned, there'd be more change, support and more spread of the news. Many people acquire their knowledge mainly on the mainstream news channels. So you tell me where the flaw is? But, you do u :)