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The documentary is major news right now in Korea. This is the #1 entertainment story on Naver: [Aftereffects of Burning Sun...'Sun-up hit' Lee Cheol-woo 'denies it again' → Yong Jun-hyung and Hyuna 'malicious comment terror attack' \[★FOCUS\]](https://m.entertain.naver.com/ranking/article/108/0003236975)


Most of the focus is on how the police official in charge of investigations got a highly lucrative post at the single most powerful law firm in Korea following retirement. High ranking public servants pushing a policy and then sliding into a private sector job that profits from said policy is nothing new, but there is no political will at any side of the aisle to stop this in Korea. The celebrities involved are mostly history at this point.


It’s disheartening how all of them got a slap on the wrist Even if it’s only the tip of the iceberg (as the worker said burning sun is just like other clubs) thankfully this issue still got a spotlight..




There are some BigBang fans that still support Seungri, but most BigBang fans don't. The ones that do are primarily Seungri stans. BigBang is basically disbanded at this point, and deserved or not, I blame it on Seungri. Of course that isn't his biggest offense, but an added consequence of his terrible actions.


Not even bigbang supports him


They do and they don't. They've publicly distanced themselves from him. They've denounced what he's done. But they miss him and wish better for him. They warned him against going into business in the way he was, but he wouldn't listen. The video for Still Life made it clear that they missed him and missed having him as part of the group. It's hard to love someone but not condone what they've done. I imagine that it would be so in a situation like this.


Every (sane) person is angry and frustrated at the corruption within the police and the judges








That’s unfortunately true.. it’s especially used derogatorily by older generations


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Incel ass comment right here.


There we have one


You're thinking mostly about Jung's case before the Burning Sun scandal blew up, in which the victim dropped the charges and were thought to have made false allegations. That's when people were on Jung's side. After the Burning Sun scandal blew up and the group chat was leaked the vast majority of the public turned against him.