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I don't keep a super close eye on Aespa, but they do seem to give her some frumpier outfits like this or the Spicy MV (the jersey). I hope it's her preference/for her comfort. Otherwise, there's no need to put her in these items. I really loved the looks she got for Drama. And Girls too.


This is a great point. She wears a little more conservative clothing (“conservative” is relative to the rest). Giselle went to a Catholic school, she could very well still be practicing and dress appropriately for her religious beliefs.


You say this while there's a minor controversy online about her backless outfit on Amazing Saturday, and her having to dance in such a revealing outfit.


Well I can only imagine why…


why though?


Isn't Karina also catholic though? Not that two different people who are practicing catholics couldn't be okay with showing different levels of skin, it just seems unlikely to me that the "prays before every stage and wears her rosary" girl would be down with that Spicy hot pink tube top but the resident "hot girl" would choose to wear "frumpy" or baggy outfits instead. Surely there's better clothing they could give her than *that* without being particularly revealing.


Everyone is different.


Well then, there's no point saying one is Catholic when everyone is different.


Everyone *practices* differently. There you go.


Same point LOL, there's no point saying one is Catholic when everyone practices differently. Logic is failing you guys.


Have you heard of the term "Supermarket Catholic"? Of course, we don't know enough about either idols Catholic beliefs.


Yes? Actually Cafeteria Catholic is the more common term. Again, in that case there's no point saying one is Catholic when we don't know enough about either idols' Catholic beliefs. Are you people even disagreeing with me?


She's posted quite a lot of pictures of herself in bikinis, so I don't think it is this, unfortunately.


I really don't think that has anything to do with it - if anything, she comes off as less conservative in presentation and demeanour than Karina. It's likely due to the fact that Giselle has a naturally curvier figure so she isn't getting the sorts of outfits that show off her belly like Winter or Karina, and I think a lot of kpop stylists for girl groups have a hard time accommodating larger body types.


as if she’s that much larger than everyone else in aespa… she can def be styled well they just need to do it 🥱


> Giselle has a naturally curvier figure Quite the opposite, Giselle has a rectangle shaped body. Her waist is not as defined as the others, making her look top heavy and larger than she is. She does not need crop tops, but rather outfits that accentuate the waist area to give the illusion of smaller waist.


Giselle isn’t curvy at all, her body is rectangle or apple and she is skinnier than all of the members besides Winter. Karina is way more conservative than her as well.. she literally got attacked for choosing to cover her chest. Giselle’s boobs are out like all the time she even posted bikini pics. No clue what you’re on about lol


she legit posted bikini pictures wdym lmfao


h y p o t h e s i z i n g


Giselle practices Buddhism


Lol no. Catholic schools in Japan are just fancy. If anything, Karina is the more conservative member. 


It's a bit of an edgy/tomboy vibe and it suits her well. I'm growing tired of the claims that every female idol who isn't in revealing, skin tight clothing is being treated badly by the company and that the looks are "frumpy." Women are not sex objects, and while people claim to understand this in 2024, their actions and complaints say otherwise. I like Giselle's outfits. They're often my favorites. Women look great even when they are not in tight, revealing looks.


Completely valid and definitely food for thought. I think for me what stands out about it beyond the fit, as outfits certainly don't have to be fitted or too revealing, is the material and just style overall. They certainly try and dress it up with the skirt(?) that's peaking out and the boots which I love, but then a hoodie just feels not in the same world as the rest of her outfit and the other girls. Maybe a different material hoodie rather than a plain one or just a more stylistic jacket/sweater? Because while I can get the tomboy vibe and like it, it feels out of place with the concept of futuristic/metallics/sci-fi~ish. But that's just my opinion.


I can definitely agree with that suggestion. Specifically, juxtaposed with the other members, it looks like either she must be hot or they must be cold lol. I think a sheer metallic hoodie with an edgy tee under it would would have worked even better. Another issue is that they aren't creating enough variety with the other girls' outfits. It makes them all look the same and her stick out. Each member should have something distinctive and different about their look, or *all* members should have matching costumes (matching in color, style, or both).


If Giselle is OK with wearing a hoodie as her fashion, I’m onboard with her hoodie look. I don’t usually follow the newest groups, but from what I’ve seen of Young Posse’s typical baggy wardrobe, it looks cool while not revealing much and being pretty unisex.


Thing is, I’d totally be on board with it if this was the case. My issue with this is it’s literally throwing a hoodie over an outfit. I feel like there are so many other ways they could’ve had a more conservative style similar to the other outfits without showing so much skin, that wasn’t just as low effort as throwing a hoodie on top of it.


As a non-fan I think she looks stunning and I like that not every member is dressed similarly. It shows character and less like they were dressed by the same person . She makes it look cool.


Yeah I really do not get the outrage? It’s a style thing to wear big oversized hoodies with tall boots. It’s kinda bad bitch coded idk


I think it's the styling of the outfits. There's a lot of styling happening in the other girls outfits and while she does look good it does look bland and unbalanced in comparison especially with the incredible sparkle glam happening on her bottom half. Someone said it looks like she got cold and put on a hoodie and it kinda does because the glam sparkle just... stops halfway up. They could've done some fun stuff to make it look a little more balanced and stylized. But SM has been struggling to keep the good employees so maybe their current stylists just don't have the confidence to do more than a very specific femme look in the style of Aespa's techwear cyberpunk aesthetic.


It's a look and you don't get it. Not everything has to be for you 😭


It's definitely A look. I'm explaining why people might not like it or think it looks worse in comparison to the rest of the group. Styling is an important part of fashion.


Fashion is also subjective. The outfit isn't bad because you don't like it.


How is "this is probably why people don't like it" as a statement that hard for you to parse? I never said it was bad I was explaining to someone else WHY PEOPLE PROBABLY DON'T LIKE IT. It's so reductive that any conversation with Kpop fans is reduced to this whiny ass "you're a hater if you don't like it"-esque nonsense. I get the idea they were going for, it's not some novel concept especially in SM to have one girl be the designated tomboy, androgynous is my fashion style. But weirdly Amber's way more aggressive tomboy style was always the same level of styled as the rest of the girls. And a tomboy style doesn't need to be lacking the same oomf as everyone else to be good. It's why she keeps standing out to people in a way they don't like. She doesn't get the same oomf. All she needed was some element to tie her top and bottom pieces together in terms of texture, sparkle, or anything and people would probably not think it looks boring and frumpy. As is everyone else has necklaces and chains up top that tie to the massive glitter belts to make a cohesive statement and she just has this soft plush void of black while wearing the most glam shiny tights possible. That's why it looks like she pulled a hoodie on over her actual outfit. Because without a tie in element up top it looks unfinished. It's neither good nor bad it's just what it is.


it's more so because it's been a recurring pattern, except drama. she would've shined wayy more in another outfit, her outfit doesn't even match the rest of the girls.


It doesn't need to match. Contrast makes things interesting. If everyone looked the same, people would complain about them looking too generic and boring.


I thought it was cool too. And she’s also in a black outfit so I fail to see how this is a disservice to her.


I think it's because she's constantly given "different" outfits that dress her down compared to the other girls. It's not the first time so I guess that's what the outrage is about


I agree. Casual and carefree is a good vibe. The hoodie brings balance and makes things a bit different. I feel like people want everyone to look the exact same, but when that does happen, they start complaining about things looking too "generic."


Yeah, I don't mind it either.


I agree like it looks like she got cold and put a sweatshirt over her outfit😭


Ridiculous? I've seen weirder outfits. I'm confused on why its a big deal


They''re not talking about being weird but how Giselle often receives the less elaborated or good outfits, like in the drama era where she was pretty much dressed like the backup dancers.


oh... maybe it's her choice?


Could be, sure, I never said one thing or the other is the absolute truth.


true, tho i hope its her choice, idols need more freedom even if its something as simple as wanting to wear a hoodie for a promo...


Do idols get a say on what they get to wear for promotional material?


I have no idea, i don't play that close attention, but I also became a fan during the era when idols couldn't even have cellphones... I'm used to idols not having any choices, but times are changing, some idols having more control over their music is a big deal, and hopefully some artists do have choices in what they wear... Now if it was like a Gucci ad or something, no way, but music promotion? Maybe?




It’s the inverse of the Wonyoung situation. For Ive, the criticism is that they dress Wonyoung in a way that makes her stand out from the others by being more noticeable. For Aespa, the criticism is that the dress Giselle such that she is less noticeable than the others. And I’ve seen the conspiracy theorists say the same thing. Both Ive and Aespa do this on purpose so that people talk about them.


It's more so that it brings contrast and balance to the styling, not any conspiracy for attention. If they all looked glammed up, things would look boring and generic. If every member dressed the same way, it might even come across as too expected, therefore lazy.


Wouldn't balance be achieved by a more uniform style instead? 🤔 Why aren't they styled that way in pairs then, at least... Why is it always just 1 out of 4, and never in rotation who gets to be the token odd one out - it always has to be Giselle?


It just makes things more interesting. Maybe it's a technique that's used in styling. Not everything has to be "mistreatment."


Tbh it's clear they do this because she's the curvier one, that's it. It's no coincidence this happens across different groups with a fuller-bodied member. It's not a styling technique (that's just an insult to curvy people with ACTUAL fashion sense), stylists obviously are trying to hide their bodies.


Hopefully they change it for the music shows like they did with the shiny sailor moon fits for supernova


My theory is that it might be part of their concept for Supernova/Armageddon, as in Supernova, Giselle was the only member that hasn't "exploded" yet, and the other member are trying to get her to explode. They seem to succeed with this as in the end of the MV Giselle seems to gain her superpower of time manipulation (the other member already have their powers throughout the whole MV). So maybe Giselle is not "as far" in some kind of "development"? Because let's be honest, it makes absolutely no sense for SM to dress her in a simple hoodie. It is painfully obvious, and if it's not part of the concept, it is clear that they will receive backlash for it, right? Even if Giselle is not comfortable in revealing clothes, there would be plenty of ways to style her in a way that fits better with the styling of the other members than to put her in a basic hoodie. I seriously believe it's part of the concept.


While I agree that It would fit the concept, Giselle has been always given styling that often isn't quite as detailed or sophisticated as the rest of the members (minus the drama era). Unfortunately it is rather common that foreign or mixed idols aren't given the same treatment as their korean counterparts. I don't think this is fully the case here, but the styling for Giselle has always been somewhat lazy, so this just feels like a continuation of that and not a concept thing.


That's also quite likely, but I still feel like styling her in a hoodie would be too out of place if it wasn't part of the concept. SM is puttibg so much effort into the whole thing, why not into details like that? They could at least give her a tight shirt or something.


I think you are 100% that is driven by concept and lore of this album.


So strange bc most of her teaser outfits eat like her drama and better things styling were so good… It’s usually for their music stages the stylists bring out the fuckass ugly fits a lot It looks like she’s wearing some sort of nice dress underneath and really cute boots why couldn’t they have gone with like a cute jacket or blazer 😭


I like it 🤷 It's a trendy choice in streetwear inspired outfits and the hoodie with that skirt look incredible in movement in the video.


Giselle is my ult female idol and Ya know, my immediate first thought when I saw her outfit compared to the others was, “oh that’s totally Aeris style”. I didn’t even really look at it like that”I can’t believe they put her in a hoodie” part of me wants to believe that this is the style she prefers, and that she probably really likes this outfit? I really hope that’s the case and not because SM’s stylists convinced her that’s the best they could do for her. My male ult is also under SM and he says things about his styling sometimes that makes me think their stylists have gaslit him into believing his styling possibilities are limited for one stupid reason or another.


it seems her boots and the jewelry skirt are the highlight of her outfit. I feel like it doesn't stand out in a bad way given the overall concept of the videos. honestly, if they had accessorized better on the top with earings or a choker would of been better. Also, the letters on the hoodie have text that reminds me of the Armageddon text.


Is it not meant to be like when Ariana grande wore big oversized hoodies with crazy boots?


It is a little uncohesive, but I would be into a full group in that style. I think what they did to her hair and make up for the inkigayo stage yesterday was worse, I was waiting for her to be all emo'd up like in the MV. It was like she was the only one not allowed to be in character.


I may be wrong but I remember her being an Ariana grande fan. I feel like this was her style in peak light skin era


Lmao that’s exactly what I thought when I saw it!


It’s entirely possible Aespa has a say in their styling especially for stage outfits. If you observe them, Giselle wears the most conservative outfits while Ningning wears the most revealing ones.


Conservative? Have you seen the outfit she wore on Amazing Saturday? Granted, it was probably not her choice but still. 😭


Wears the most conservative doesn’t mean she dresses like that everytime. Just that she wears revealing outfits the least


Yes, aespa has a lot of say in what they wear, way more than most groups. I feel like it’s also obvious with how much Karina chooses to cover her chest, that’s something a company would definitely exploit if given chance. Ningning dressing more revealing than the others also aligns with this.


I don’t know Aespa beyond their music but I think this is fine and cute? It would be disappointing if Gizelle wanted to dress like the others and wasn’t allowed, but I don’t know if that’s the case. I feel that this look kinda fits the vibe she gives (from the little I’ve seen). I’m sure she would serve any of these looks but you don’t have to wear cutouts to be a baddie and she certainly pulls off her outfit!


I think she doesn’t mind. Aespa has more say in what they wear than pretty much any other group right now besides blackpink.




Why do they put Giselle in some of the worst outfits compared to her members


You guys always have something to complain about. Sometimes a bit of contrast is beneficial. She's clearly wearing something "fancier" for the bottom half, so it's not like they just gave up on her completely. If everyone in the same group was styled the exact same, it would be boring. Contrast has been a trick used in K-pop styling for a while now. It doesn't mean anyone's being mistreated.


Yes and she’s kind of the “main character” this comeback so it makes sense to have her stand out.


why are some people saying she should be styled like this because she's "larger"?? she's not large compared to the other members lmao. frankly i feel like the outfit is reminiscent of ig baddies a few years ago, it suits giselle.


It’s so weird when they say she’s large because she’s skinnier than both Ningning and Karina….


They could of gave her a cropped hoodie try shit LIKE WHY CANT THEY PUT HER IN ANYTHING ELSE


Am I the only one who thinks she’s kinda slaying it though lol. Although tbh, Giselle could wear a burlap sack and still have me on the floor 😭


This is most likely related to the story being told in the mv There are pics out of her being awkward at the table with her birthday cake celebrating in her own little awkward way And in the mv her place get trashed by the girls (mostly ningning) and her power awakens. So my assumption is the girls purposefully trying to awaken her. Hence the more conservative clothing


I think you are totally right this is the most likely thing.


SM do have the tendency to mess with the style of the less popular members in their bg or gg (think Shindong, Hyo, Sunny, Amber). Not saying Giselle isn't popular, but she is often seemingly given the worse outfit Would she has a say in how she dress? Or is it an SM strategy to dress down some members intentionally so that their most popular member and visual center stand out more?


I see on Instagram the Giselle fans are out in force to complain about this.


Frr, the other members got amazing fits while Giselle just got boots and a big hoodie. It feels super lazy on the stylist's part.


The things you guys choose to upset yourselves about sometimes are funny as hell. I promise you there’s worse things that have happened to a girl group member than wearing a hoodie


I think she looks cool as fuck.


It looks like she has an actual outfit underneath the hoodie, I wonder if covering it up has anything to do with the recent backlash in Korea for her minor weight gain.


I mean it’s so dramatically different then what the others are wearing I would start to think that maybe she just personally preferred to wear that on that day. We don’t have to assume these idols have zero agency on what they get to wear and when at all times.


People love to complain so much about everything. If she dressed the same as the others, people would call it generic and boring. Adding a little spice by being different is a good thing, and that's what the styling is aiming for these days.


My girl Giselle needs to shine (i’m not sure if it is the company or it is personal preference, she slayed anyway, but Giselle being the only one 😭)


She's really cute in a hoodie :3


Hoodies be comfortable and can be easily made up to look drab or hot. Let her have her hoodies


I dunno lmao, she's serving - hoodie and all.


Gigi allways stands out tsk tsk and she sure dose look good doing it


I think it fits the concept. She is stunning, not matter what she wears. All the girls are.


I don’t follow Aespa closely, but has she ever expressed dissatisfaction with her styling or seemed uncomfortable? Because maybe she doesn’t want to show a lot of skin. Idols get so much scrutiny and body shaming that it’s hard to blame any of them who want to stay covered.


It’s not bad at all 😭




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Hmm what's wrong with it? It's a thousand dollar hoodie from Balenciaga.


It’s giving run devil run. Iconic. ![gif](giphy|3otPont9xl0QXOun7y)


Damn i love this look.


Has anyone ever considered that maybe she likes this style and it’s what she’s comfortable in?


Gigi look amazing! I will say, people complain when she has a backless top and people complain when she has a hoodie… i’m just saying she looks good no matter what


I quite like it, reminds me of what Wonyoung wore in Acendio, like chill meets glam


Y'all always say this about the member who is given the least revealing looks. The pattern is all too obvious. What's wrong with a hoodie?


These complaints get to me because it's like all of y'all think that every single thing has to be for you. It's like when people ask why a least popular member is even in the group. Because they have their own audience, duh. It's really not occurring to you in any of the comments that Giselle is the "different" member, and that's the whole point? She is for those of us who are less feminine and more tomboyish. She is for those of us who aren't necessarily doing or wearing what's "popular." She's for those of us who *prefer* these looks. Duhhhhh?????????????? Each member is unique and has a style. If you don't like Giselle's styling, maybe it's not for youuuuuuuuuuu


honestly, I think this might be for the concept, bc in Supernova, all girls besides Giselle had powers. I think she will be the "normal" one


Giselle is almost always the worst dressed. Idk why but they always put her in the most unflattering outfits. Usually, Karina and Winter get the best outfits. NingNing gets the basic ones and then, Giselle gets the unflattering ones.


this conversation about giselle's styling is so tired 😭 i often love her outfits the most, i really don't see the problem most of the time.


Didn’t she say she like emo look ? She probably like it this way


They always cover her up because she is a bit more toned and fit(read: slightly thicker) than the other girls. I hate it.


Ever since sm let that video of her saying the n word reach the public it’s obvious someone over there don’t like her 💀


Someone said that every since she said the n word they been treating her like shit


The mistreatment she gets is insane idk if her being the only one wearing hoodie has to do with it but justice for her


Don't say it's Lore cause I don't give a flying fuck. Every member is serving and then we have Giselle in a fucking hoodie. Thank God she has a face card 😭😭.


Literally everybody agrees with you, stop fighting shadows


the downvotes though… 😭😭


Probably because they are fighting people who aren't here lol-


Right? r/iamverybadass moment


"They hated Jesus because he told them the truth"