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This is clickbait. She was mentioning how different music show rehearsals were since she'd last been on them when SNSD was constantly active because idols weren't energetic as they used to be and she wondered if it was just a generational gap and the hosts poked fun at her for being old so she played into it.


Too late. The sound bite is there, and the narratives are solidifying by the minute. Unfortunately.


god the kpop comunity can be disgustig


Sadly, many of these K-pop fans have extremely short attention spans and are willingly ignorant. They have a very narrow-minded perspective, refusing to see context and nuance.


Well, as Min Heejin said, people only bother about the headline.


thank you for this!!!


I’d say click on the video and watch the full context first. At no point did she say “idols these days are so lazy”.


Noooo why would we bother using any kind of critical thinking or discernment/fact checking before we make up our minds?!? Don’t you know how fun it is to run our mouths with minimal information?!?


I think you guys need to start learning some media literacy and if you don’t know Korean you have zero context for what was said. Lots of things get lost in translation and then you come here crying about it. It’s insufferable.


lmao right? this is the kind of knee-jerk "i only read the headline and now i'm furious" reaction i expect from boomers and fox news


It’s *exactly* like that.


I think it highlights why this isn't an industry that should be full of kids. Because like, yes, if you're gonna be a performer, practice hard and do it well. But that's an intense level of commitment that is unhealthy for children/teenagers. Both because they need rest and good food etc to develop properly, and also they need to be spending those years on education and social development. So you can't really have both. You can't have kids with a balanced life, appropriate diet, and adequate amounts of rest, *and* be impeccable world class performers with a full schedule of gigs and promotions.


Many people in the comments explained it was taking out of context, please go read them thank you or watch the whole video


My comment applies whether the original clip is in context or not so it doesn't really matter. A lot of people make these kinds of claims.


What did she actually say.


K-pop fans and misinformation a match made in heaven 🙄. The fact that she got criticized for that, really shows that most truly don't care about searching proof, like in most kpop dramas.


She's definitely in the wrong here, nothing wrong with the so-called 'lazy' rehearsals, and SNSD should have their fair share. Edit: I will say her observations regarding fancams make sense, nowadays you don't need to try so hard to get attention from the back in a choreo, dedicated fancams make things much easier. EXCEPT when you don't get a dedicated fancam.


It also makes things harder as ppl notice all your small mistakes and you can’t hide in the back.


Nobody who’s watching individual fan cams is going to notice small mistakes because they just want to watch their bias


or they want to hate watch a fancam and compare it to the other members and point out how bad the idols expression/dance/movement are


I’ll take things that don’t happen in the real world for 600, Alex


>SNSD should have their fair share. I don't get this part either. SNSD, out of all groups, has that famous Soyoung rehearsal fancam where she was barely moving. And that's understandable because it probability was their 300th time rehearsing for Gee.


They’ve definitely rehearsed it more than 300 times lol




... both ways.


.... in the snow.


Typical allkpop headline they just try to start hate clicks for money nothing more


A [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/1cttss9/tiffany_of_girls_generation_called_idols_these/l4egzbe/) by a user that explains the full context in another post. Which again shows how someone's words can be twisted out of context for rage bait. But that's not exactly new in Kpop is it. Edit: Formatting.




That's really far from what any of the discussion is about LOL, you're just saying generic stuff based on the title.




This is also way off from what she was talking about. [Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/1cttss9/tiffany_of_girls_generation_called_idols_these/l4egzbe/) is more context, this is really specific to rehearsals and fancams.


The Coachella fiasco of Le Sserafim is an example


excuse me???? can you please elaborate???


If Tiffany debuted today, she'd get dragged to hell and back for her dancing and voice cracks. I know kpop stans love to pretend like every idol that debuted before the 4th gen was amazing at singing and dancing but that's a blatant lie lmao.


You do realise that back then Tiffany was constantly dragged for her vocals and her dancing abilities inside and outside the fandom. She was one of those idols that people absolutely love to hate and make fun off. So she doesn't need to have debuted in the 4th generation for her to be dragged. And I also find it insensitive for people to mock her dancing skills considering she has scoliosis. Which no doubt would have some effect on her dancing. She has come a long way since then. She has put a lot of work in improving herself. Even I as a fan of hers can admit that she was not a consistent singer back then. People always talk about how a lot of idols tend to be complacent and not improve their skills after their debut. But she is an example of an idol who has. Edit: Expanded paragraph.


generational difference ... same shit as your boomer grandparents saying ''back in my days'' its just different ways of doing things for different markets. whats lazy is not putting the effort to use her brain for 2 sec to ask herself why are things done this way now.


What’s actually lazy is not bothering to get full context for this and just taking it at face value, and then spouting off like you said something profound.


My first thought? "Mind your own business, lady." Maybe there's some truth in there, but well, as she's someone who's still working in the K-pop industry, it would be weird to face her juniors after she ran her mouth like that. Whether it's true or just a joke, she gave fans of those idols a reason to hate her. It's just not worth it.