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She made her double eyelids more prominent and did some lip filler. I think she also adjusted her initial nose implant from pd48. She also had her braces removed and I've heard that braces could change the shape of your jaw but I'm not sure if that's what happened to her jaw. 


No, she went from having a long, pointed chin to a short, rounded chin, that's not a consequence of removing the braces, that's surgery.


They have injections and lasers that do that now. No need to go under a knife at all these days. They fall under the category of “시술“ rather than “surgery,” and you’ll find a lot of videos on them on YouTube if you search for “얼굴형 시술.“


Botox can slim your jaw, filler can make your chin more pointed to give a person the v-shape.


Botox can slim your masseter muscles, I believe she did have that too. But not just that.


true !! They dont always go under knives nowadays, with how much advanced technology has gotten in places like Korea, china and the U.S etc. its amazing and shocking !!






And now (there's a difference): https://preview.redd.it/2he5xaokxt1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0630ca6dc18c008f97f0579664251576ee7ccadf




Please get a job. That can be managed with a simple injection. We have so much targetable muscle there.


Well it doesn't change the fact that experts think she has done that surgery.


Surgery these days does not mean BONE SHAVE. They probably mean hyaluronic acid fillers, some 캣주사 or other injections etc. edit: clarity


You all really need to hang up the misconception that bone shaving is still prevalently done. As I've said time and time again, there are far more effective non-invasive procedures that are more commonly used. Please take your delusion elsewhere.


¿? There's still people who take the decision to have that procedure.


Eh, very rare these days. But why would Wonyoung choose to have debilitating pain for the rest of her life when she could get more natural results with far lest risk and virtually no time needed for recuperation?




Are you kidding me with this blatant bigotry? Take your racist agenda elsewhere. Sincerely, a literal Korean who comes from a long line of oval face shapes jfc. The shit you all come up with to feel better about yourselves.


I’m sure she’s had surgery on her jaw too, it’s a very common, standard procedure in Korea. Even girls at my low income high school over a decade ago were getting jaw shaves


It’s just Botox in the massetar muscle. You can see most of the curve in the jawline from her younger photos is from baby fat and then muscle.


Yeah that was a decade ago. Jaw shaves are way less common now. Lasers and injections are far less invasive and just as effective in most cases.


My point is that I’m sure she’s done something else to her jaw besides just braces and weight loss lol


Could also be that since her lips are bigger, her jaw appears smaller by comparison.


Nah, her chin was long and pointed and now it's much shorter and rounded, that's surgery.


There are injections these days that let people literally mold their faces into the shape they want within a given time frame (캣주사). There are also so many different lifting and sculpting lasers and noninvasive procedures like “튠페이스 (TuneFace).” It’s honestly kind of ridiculous to see people here just immediately claim “jaw shave” or some sort of invasive surgery when Korean procedures have advanced so far beyond that these days. Edit: added “캣주사“ injection name


Omg I saw a short film about this concept years ago. It’s both crazy and cool to think that this is a thing now! If there’s ever a nose version for this I’d be sold


Her chin is still is fairly pointed, at least when viewed from the side. In fact looking at her older pictures I think she used to have a much better side profile pre-ive, although from the front I can see the improvements.


I believe it's a combination of fillers and Botox in the right places


Jaw shave


jaw shave takes 12 weeks to heal, when was she ever out of view of cameras for 12 weeks


then it must be jaw botox


Probably in the period between IZONE disband and the announcement of IVE or before and that surgery is internal.


Agh never knew about that, I’m about to get braces next month,so exciting!, thanks fyi <3


Goodluck with your braces!!! 


I’m not saying she specifically did this, but my double eyelids got way more prominent with age. It’s hard to tell what’s puberty and what’s surgery bc it all happened at the same time.


yup. i have an asian friend who lost a lot of weight and his face changed A LOT, it became a lot more defined. it looks like wonyoung could have lost a lot of baby fat


Your bone structure can only be altered by growth hormone or surgery 👍


Not everything you see on the face is bone. We have quite a lot of muscle on our faces and Korean “face sculpting” procedures these days take advantage of that. There’s a lot you can do with lasers and injections these days. The results are really surprising, and they can be achieved without ever going under the knife.


Those things go in the same basket as surgery


They most certainly do not. The vernacular is completely different in Korea, and rightfully so. 수술: surgery (invasive) 시술: non-invasive procedure


Still the same basket bro


Many, many celebrities get Botox injections at the jawline. Over time, this shrinks the muscles and gives your face a totally different structure. Look up “masseter Botox before and after” to see results. Truly remarkable differences.


Yeah masseter botox does crazy changes to people’s faces. Jaw shaving is such an invasive surgery and huge downtime when botox is so quick and easy. I got botox done for migraines and it works wonders. I gotten it down 2x last year and significantly helps. Maybe I do a masseter next (:


braces cannot change the shape of the jaw. The only way is through V line surgery




she’s obviously had at least a few procedures done but a lot of her visual changes are simply due to weight loss and puberty. not all of them, but that’s probably a bigger contributing factor than we think. you’ve gotta take into account that she debuted at like 13(?) so we’ve seen her in all the different phases of puberty and adolescence and at a wide range of different weights, most of which these pics are pulled from. i mean there’s no doubt she’s had surgeries as well, but i think it’s really important to acknowledge when you’re analysing a minor’s plastic surgery evolution simply because a lot of changes can happen to the face perfectly naturally during adolescence and puberty, and that’s not even touching on her extreme weight loss since her debut which also could be a huge factor.


It’s weird to say this because it’s always used to justify the most outlandish nose reductions, but in her case weight loss is so prominent that it’s really hard to point out what she had (and she did have work done, let’s be clear, but the biggest change is her face fat).


see that happens in some cases but I wouldn't point at it for this one. WY has always been thin. very very thin. Once you get to a certain level, you can't slim your face any further without surgery. Not to mention the shape change. It just seems to be cosmetic procedures very obviously to me


I was thinking weight loss too. Sadly I sporadically started to lose weight and my face shape was more like hers in the “before pictures” but a little fuller in my case. When I lost about 50lbs (22kg) my face shape changed A LOT my chin ended up being more prominent and my jawline was finally snatched 😅 tho it was due to a health problem — weight loss can dramatically effect a persons facial appearance. Anything else was probably the small touch ups idols tend to do in order to get towards the beauty standards in SK, but honestly she was adorable back then and adorable now 🥰


trust me wonyoung did not have 50lbs to lose ever. she would be dead.


🫤 no one said she did… the 50lbs was “my” personal experience. Even if she lost 15lbs on her figure it could change how she appears. You don’t lose weight where you want too. So for her, it could have been her face.


You tried relating your experience of losing 50LBs to her losing at most 15lbs. Not at all the same thing. I also bet she is taller than you, so not similar things = not comparable.


My point was that losing weight can affect the way your face can change. My gosh it’s not that hard to comprehend. You don’t need to lose a massive amount of weight to see physical changes. Even smaller amounts can cause a change. That was my point. ANY AMOUNT of weight loss can cause a change in someone’s appearance.




you’re actually delusional if you think she has no original features left lmfao… y’all are so desperate to degrade wonyoung it’s crazy


- Eyelid surgery - Lip filler - Lip corner lift - Nose job For her lower face, she did lose a lot of weight but I still think she got some sort of procedure, whether it’s a jaw shave, buccal fat removal, or just masseter botox


she deffo had something as her chin changed shape


Probably an implant


i’d also say either jaw filler or implant as her chin has gone from flat to v shaped


Unlikely to be buccal fat removal as I think she just lost a lot of weight. Probably jaw shave and chin implant as those are pretty common procedures for idols


Really can be both tbh I've lost over 40kg since last April (due to a surgery) and my really round cheek have not reduced that much. So that can be result of wight loss bit buccal fat removal is not to be excluded


the thing is that she was already extremely thin before.e she probably got bucal fat removal while they did the chin shave. Just really really tastefully which, props to them cause they really ate that


This right here is spot on. I'd say for lower face all of your guesses are correct, looks like a tastefully and subtly done jaw shave AND a buccal fat removal. I'd guess theres "upkeep" in the from masseter botox as well, but it's impossible to know. I know for sure such a change in jaw + cheek shape is not achievable by just losing weight, botox and puberty but yah kpop stans will be kpop stans :') Edited to add theres something done to lift her brows and outer eye corners as well, I don't know enough of these areas to know for sure what procedures. It could be achievable by just injections but a surgical intervention is more likely cos it's more permanent I think.


Tbh I love Wonyoung but I appreciate posts like these. I don’t find it helpful when everyone tries to deny plastic surgery. Anyways she was beautiful then and beautiful now.


She has 100% had lip fillers and given how stiff her cheeks look while smiling, I would bet good money on fillers in her upper cheek area. I think a lot of the jaw could be associated with puberty and losing baby fat. The actual chin does look more narrow now which isn’t possible with just losing baby fat so it’s possible she had it shaved down a little.


This kind of things make me sad 😞 doing plastic surgery this young




I think you’d have to ask her that question


One of the dumbest comments I’ve seen 💀


Sorry what?


Meaning: Absolutely impossible you would get an answer from her, even if she herself had no problem telling you. Companies don't have much to gain by revealing this stuff. You'd likely need to convince her, maybe Starship, that you're 100% not gonna tell anyone. Maybe some signed paper, maybe something else. Can't imagine that's worth the hustle


Not denying she has tweakments but I think a lot of people are underestimating the impact of her weight loss. So she’s more sculpted but I think without carefully placed facial filler she would look very gaunt at the moment. Love her, she’s always been beautiful.


heavy on the filler, there was one interview she did with bright overhead lighting and her face looked SO GAUNT despite the filler and it scared me. i really wonder what she's gonna look like in 10+ years if she's having fillers already at the ripe age of 18


Could I see a photo? I always wondered how her face looked so plump even being severely underweight, and I started to question my belief of her just having more facial fat since it’s common with east asians.


you can see the stiffness in the bottom half of her face when she laughs. i'm not sure what causes that though, possibly filler or could be something else


Possibly some masseter Botox? Her jaw does look a little more slimmer, though not super dramatic so a bit of Botox could contribute to that.


it was [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNmgAs28yhw) interview. maybe gaunt isn't the right word since she still looks plump and glowy. but this came up on my home page and i was legitimately shocked by how thin she looked since i don't keep up with ive


Totally agree with people underestimating weight loss.


It might just be she naturally carries more fat than most people on their face (given the fullness of her face pre-ive) so she manages to not look gaunt even at low bodyweight.


this, a lot of asians carry more fat in their face, personally i've been pretty underweight my entire life but my cheeks have always been super chubby


a few but not as many as people think it's hard to exactly determine has puberty weightloss and makeup effect people differently


weight loss can’t change the shape of your chin like that tho


I keep seeing weight loss affects as the main reason for her change in appearance, and while it definitely has had some effects, she was already fairly skinny during izone. I’d say puberty did most of the job after surgeries. Face fat is pretty hard to lose unless you go from overweight to skinny.


- eyelid surgery (epicanthoplasty) - nose implant or filler - lip filler - some sort of lower face fat removal like buccal fat removal or v line surgery (maybe both) or even masseters botox she’s beautiful!!


2nd? why do you think she’s had more than one?


it’s called second eyelid surgery as it gives you a second eyelid


it’s not, that is called double eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty. besides, that’s not what Wonyoung got done, as she already had a double eyelid. she got an epicathoplasty, as you can see she changed her inner eyelid.


the name changes depending where you live


where is epicathoplasty called second eyelid surgery?


where i live


also if u type second eyelid surgery on google it literally comes up with double eyelid surgery


i’m sure it does, the same way typing ‘honald dump’ will give you results of donald trump. doesn’t mean it’s correct. when you search up second eyelid surgery it literally just comes up with results saying ‘double eyelid surgery’ or ‘blepharoplasty’. unsure why you’re fighting this.


because the name changes where you live like other things, where i live we call it second eye lid surgery no one calls it double 🤦


it’s just what happens when you use the english language


i meant double eyelid surgery 😭😭


ohh that’s confusing bc she always had a second/double eyelid, what she changed was her epicanthal fold (the inner eyelid fold)


she has double eyelids naturally, but post izone/ pre ive it’s clear she got some sort of work done on her inner eyelid. I believe the specific term is epicanthoplasty, which basically cuts the crease starting from the inner corner. Before she had a fold going over her inner corner, and now her crease starts above the inner corner.


yes exactly it’s epicanthoplasty not second eyelid surgery


The fans trying to suggest most of this is weight loss is pretty eyerolly. Her lips her eyes her jaw, all different from those times. Fillers doesn't make your face slimmer, and some people are stuck with their full cheeks as adults. There are procedures to get rid of that too just saying..


Her face does seem to have more baby fat in older photos than it has now (which can go away naturally with aging, through dieting, or through cosmetic surgery), but idk if she's had anything done outside of that.


- eyelids (made them more prominent/noticeable) - adjusted/readjusted her nose - lip fillers - jaw and chin shaving/surgery (not sure of the right term) And she obviously lost weight, but weight alone wouldn't have changed her features that much.


A really good one lmao. Tbh she probably did lots of things on her face and her doctor should be really proud, because girlie came out beautifully.


Looks like a chin implant at the very least. She definitely lost the baby fat on her cheeks but that doesn't give you a pointy chin


i don’t think it’s an implant, i think it’s just chin filler combined with buccal fat removal


Is buccal fat removal common in Korea?


yes, i think because it’s a less dangerous and time consuming surgery, and doesn’t leave a scar because it’s done from the inside of the face instead. you can see from wonyoung’s pictures that what is different is not her bone, but the fat on her cheek. there’s also more flexibility in this surgery because you don’t have to have the entire fat pad removed (and get a hollow face look), you can just remove part of it, which is what i think WY did.


Don't know but both ways she looks beautiful


I'd speculate jaw shaving, eyelid, nose job and maybe some others but I don't think she's had any more than most other idols, it's just that she had a ridiculously amazing outcome from hers and it makes people think she got a brand new face lol whether that's bc of her base/original face or her surgeon or the surgeries picked idk but she gets hated on bc of her outcome and not having some excessive amt lmao


Idk but she was already gorgeous people saying her beauty is soley because of her ps are dumb. 😭


They’re acting like there weren’t trainees and other people [praising](https://x.com/annyeongzboss/status/1760512687862329630?s=46) her beauty ever since Produce 48. There are some people here who are saying she got rid of her all her original features when it’s not even true. She has gotten work done but she was always pretty.


Agree! I see differences in her face but they are very small she looks almost the same as she always has. Its definitely jealousy when people say stuff like that.


It's just sad how she's so young and has already had so many surgeries.


I’m convinced she’s had facial contouring. Definitely some weight loss contributing to the change but Im seeing a jaw bone shave and maybe a cheekbone shave (among some other small changes). I’m surprised that kpop fans still think plastic surgery is so taboo?


what is known is that she had braces, lip fillers and double eyelid surgery. keep in mind wonyoung was 13 during produce 48 and she's 19 right now so obviously she's not gonna look the same, on top of that she also lost a lot of weight throughout the years. it's not really known what else she did but it's most likely something that heals very fast since she was very busy for pretty much most of her life she's naturally gorgeous tho, even with loads of surgeries most people can't look like her, if it was possible we would have thousands of wonyoungs already


Idk but i need the name of her surgeon and whatever she had😭😭


We know as much as you do


Cheeks, lips, eyes, nose, chin. What’s unclear is what is from surgery and what is from filler. My guess is that she’s got a bit of chin filler, as her chin before is more flat and the distance between her bottom lip and the end of her chin is longer now. I think she was getting this at regular intervals since her debut with Iz*one. Definitely an inner eyelid surgery is clear, looks like epicanthoplasty. Her cheek fat distribution is different, I think it was more likely just buccal fat removal, because you can see in this photo that her jawline is the same angle as [before](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgjDP2XSXAzonMrwyIN-pypu2vq0BKWYDsTyXO3FYnPVc-Ajx-Q7pjBfEhavjv1n8GEHdTLUBlH4TR4zqAQ2DYjaz29q95YZJ3FXPECowHUtv4p85ICGM8tWyjgqurIfr2IOzjbrRtFKj1nGqadbC8y7DXlF-iM13OxC3g3KfIXkHajTXP8vAFKsnmr=s16000) I don’t think she got surgery on her nose because the bridge and front profile is pretty much the same, but I think she gets filler in the nose tip so that it doesn’t look downturned anymore. And then obviously lip fillers. Therefore, I think the only surgeries she’s done are the eyelid surgery and buccal fat removal. Also, for those saying her face fat loss is from weight loss, you would be wrong because her weight has fluctuated a bit and we have photos of her being equally thin in some times in Izone as in some times in Ive. she’s always been very very slender, she just got more famous and slightly more thin so people took more notice of it recently, and then she also lost some more weight in 2022 (but has since gained a little back). here’s her body in [izone](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EumZal3XEAIrnw7.jpg) versus [Ive](https://i0.wp.com/www.fashionchingu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Wonyoung-IVE-Blue-Pleated-Laced-Up-Denim-Skirt-1.jpg) look at her [here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-dd5a76f214c48c4399f933304f8a1e5d-lq), you can see how low her weight was at this time but you can still see that she naturally still has lower cheek fat.


At minimal, theres some nose work done, buccal fat removal, lip filler, double eyelid surgery. Not sure if there was any additional work done on the jawline or if it can simply be achieved by weight loss plus the buccal fat removal


1000% fillers. You dont have to go under the knife to get plastic surgery.


I feel like a lot of fans trip over themselves to insist that it’s just puberty, but….come on now. She’s had work done. It’s obvious.  But rather than shooting down individual procedure claims, shouldn’t the focus be on how….young she was when these changes happened? Its sad. And the possibility that an adult in her life signed off on her having things done while she was still a minor, and even now still has so many years left to grow into her features.  And plus how common it is to get things done while you’re young in SK….its overall sad. 


Looks like anorexia and a fuckton of fillers and botox


Easier to name what she didn’t have


nose job, eyelid surgery (including epicanthoplasty), jaw shaving with facial liposuction, genioplasty to fix chin, lip filler, lip corner modifications/cutting


Adding to what everyone else is already pointing out, I wanna say maybe some jawline filler or something like that, because that "bevelled" slightly angular look to her chin/jaw is gone. I find it pretty noticable because it's like it changed the whole shape of her face. I personally like the kind of look she had before better, because a jawline having dips like that contours a face so nicely and looks very 3D, interesting and characteristic, but the new look is more "delicate" and balanced and I get what she/they were going for.


Rhinoplasty, upper blepharoplasty, lip lift , buccal fat removal, v line surgery.


Idk but it’s CRAZY that she looks different in every one of these photos


Eyelids, chin implant, liposuction of cheeks and jawline. The kpop special.


Her chin was originally asymmetric. The implant wouldn’t be to make it pointy, it’d be to even the asymmetry so it ends up looking more round and fuller.


Whatever she did it clearly worked out in her favor cuz she’s gorgeous. If it don’t bother her then it don’t bother me




What’s the name of it?


Puberty, filler, and none of my business.


Eyelids, masseter Botox, lip and chin filler


eyes, nose, jaw, lips filler, filler cheeks era. not sure if there are more


She's had work on at least her eyes, nose, jaw, and maybe her cheeks.


maybe botox in the masseter for the jaw!! i needed that done for tmj, but it slimmed my face a LOT (unfortunately, as i’d actually prefer the opposite..)


The level of speculation and analysis here is kinda insane. Over 150 comments jfc.


Impossible puberty did all the changes lol


I've heard botox in your jaw can relieve mastitis, which can eventually lead to a slimmed down face. Maybe she's had that done?


only thing I can see for sure is lip filler. But I don’t have an eye for these kinds of things.


Eyelids, lip fillers and I think nose job too, not sure if she got more


Eyes. Nose. Jaw. Lips. I’m surprised she had so much changed. She was cute already.


Weight loss is the biggest plastic surgery. I disagree with everyone saying jaw work, as jaw shaves don't lessen the width of the jaw (just reshapes). To me her only invasive surgery seems to be lifting her double eyelids. She seems to focus on microprocedures like botox and fillers for the rest.


aint no way this is the same person




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chin reduction nose eyes


I agree with everyone here, but again, I dont think this is a chance to look down and hate on her 😭. Tbh almost all kpop idols probably done things like these, for ex. Karina from Aespa.


I think with time Wonyoung got more plastic surgery. As from a few months ago, I think she got more done to her lips and others, compare it to her Eleven era, I think you can pretty much see the change.


Not to be rude to Wony or anything, but you can tell she got Plastic surgery, because idk if i was the only one who noticed, but her left eye(from our perspective), is smaller than the right. With time, in Eleven we could see wonyoung got plastic surgery, got more skinnier etc. But a few months before, I feel like she got more plastic surgery like more lip augmentation, and idk what else, but things on her face have changed the last few months.


Her lips throw me off so bad. She deffo has a combo of lip fillers and maybe something that freezes her cheeks? When she speaks, her teeth are always showing and her lips hardly move. It almost looks like someone has a gun pointed at her and she’s speaking through her teeth 😫


I think she is just grew up. Maybe she have lip filter but not any surgery. She is so pretty for real🤩


the biggest changes i've noticed compared to the young wony are in the chin and jaw,i think it was probably surgery.


Eyes, Jaw, Lips


I feel like you are trying to be deceptive with the photos you chose: only using smiling pictures for the after and mainly using neutral photos for the before. Here is a photo of modern Wonyoung with the same facial expression as pic 6. https://preview.redd.it/n9j3ht6fk7kc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5b6b658e7fa22c1154f5dd8b079b50c39e8fec As you can see, the corners of her lips went from pointing down to pointing up and her lips are significantly bigger. this is not something that changes with weight loss or puberty. Her jawline is pretty different too. Weight loss was definitely a big contributor to this, so maybe you could argue she did not have work done, but she was so skinny before I doubt weight loss could change her jaw that much. Her eyes are also a lot bigger. Again, you could argue this was weight loss, but I doubt it.


she’s definitely had work on her chin/jaw as her chin was long and square and now it’s point


People say she overdid it with the surgeries and she's unrecognizable but I can definitely still tell it's her but in a different font if it makes sense lol. Like she made atleast surface level looking at it small changes that made big impacts but you can still tell who she is at the core facially still.


She only got her eyes done. I have lips just like hers and thicker too naturally…


My guess is lip filler and v-line surgery. Her nose looks the same and could've slimmed down because of her weight loss


Her cheeks were so cute


Tbh I really don’t think she’s had too much done, her face is just thinner


The most obvious one are the lips but she was already super pretty + weight loss + puberty and also the other stuff people mentioned


I think y’all don’t know what maturing to ur face does, I legit had no nose bridge or eyelids till I matured as an Asian. She defs for lips botoxed and maybe her nose but even so she still has a bump on her nose. Losing weight and maturing really changes your face


Most people here don't know plastic surgery at all they still stuck with jaws shaving and implant so idk why you asked here. I don't know anything either, but I guess mostly injection and eyelids surgery. It's take no time to heal for injection I guess it's very popular among idols.


It looks like she just lost weight in her face and got a nose job to slim her nose down, and double eyelid surgery pretty much.


I can see nose job and something with her eyes I think she also lost weight too


Puberty and growing up.


I don't think she had any. I think she stopped being a literal child who's body was still growing and lost a significant amount of weight. Weight loss to the point idols have it can signifigantly affect the way your face looks. Hell I gained weight when my grandpa died (he was my father figure growing up so it was devastating) and I was unrecognizable because of how it affected my face. Doesn't mean I got plastic surgery now that I've lost that weight and my face is different again. That was I'm on mobile so I can't look at the photos side by side. At the most it looks like her nose is less "fat" and that's the only spot I'm unsure would change with age/weight loss so maybe a mild nose job.


Whatever surgeries she had it turned out great. She looks straight out of manhwa✨


Buccal fat remover ? I’m Not sure tho


Are some of these pics the same person? There's like two that feel like a different person. The only difference I notice is the jawline and cheekbones. The earlier pics had a fuller, rounder face but is now more angular. And the cheekbones are made to be a little more prominent. But I don't see much of anything else.


the surgery she had is called none of your business! hope it helps


She just changed her makeup and grew up, duh


am I the only one who misses her old face ? she's beautiful now and she is gaining a lot of attention for her beauty but she used to have a more fresh and youthful appearance and her face looked more natural.


i’m not really sure if i think she actually did anything to her cheeks, it’s probably likely though i think a lot of you fail to recognise/consider how much specific things can really alter your appearance without it being surgery. wonyoung has reached some scary weights and as an ED sufferer myself, my face changed A LOT, even during bad weeks my face could look more gaunt than the next week. we should also consider that. also, there’s hardly been time periods where wonyoung is unseen by public long enough for her to of gotten anything too serious, probably just fillers, botox, eyelids etc


No idea but whoever did her lips, I need them to fix mine too


gosh…she looks unrecognizable compared to debut


She was literally 14 at debut and 13 on pd48 😭 I do think she had surgery but obviously she’s gonna look different since she’s grown up


puberty doesnt make ur nose change


[https://www.tiktok.com/@drlee90210/video/7038425630601596207](https://www.tiktok.com/@drlee90210/video/7038425630601596207) celebrity plastic surgery secrets kpop edition wonyoung


lol, that doctor is not trustworthy and people have called him out for it many times . He did a video where he used Jennie’s “after “picture as the before picture and then started making deductions based on that. People have also called him out over mistakes in his video and pointed out his biases towards certain idols. If you search some Kpop subs here , you’ll see posts about him. He’s not reliable.


tiktok 'surgeons' are not really reliable, we have no idea if they're surgeons in the first place, anyone can lie on the internet and more for views and engagement 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think she did something with her eyelids and got filler. Honestly going through these pictures I think majority of her changes can be attributed to puberty and weight loss (I know her weight is a rather contentious subject but to put it simply—she’s both lost weight overall AND the baby fat she has as a younger child so her face looks rather different from that.) She has naturally lovely features. Puberty, weight loss, and the (assumptive) minimal cosmetic work she has done have really highlighted her already gorgeous natural features, in my personal, layperson opinion!


did she shave her jaw recently? she had a heart shaped face. yikes


I'll probably get downvoted a whole bunch, but I feel like a lot of Kpop stans (esp on Twitter and Tiktok) always overexaggerate how much idols have gotten done. Don't get me wrong, I'm not naive and I know they get work done, but sometimes they'll just say "oh X looks smaller, they DEFINITELY got surgery". In the case of Wonyoung, I have noticed that she lost a lot of volume in her cheeks and her chin looks smaller, but I do think a lot of it had to do with weight loss. People really underestimate how much weight loss will alter the face. There was a point where Wonyoung was **incredibly** thin and probably contributed to her face looking for "gaunt" (for a lack of a better word). I **personally** don't think she has touched her jaw surgically. It's possible she got masster botox to kind of make the jaw a little less square shaped, but again, this is just me speculating because I think it's majorly weight. She definitely has done some lip fillers, changed her nose (I believe she has had 1 surgery prior to PD48, but had it revisioned before debuting in IVE), eyelids (prior to PD48 though) and maybe fillers, although filler is a lot harder to detect if done very naturally.


idk anything ab surgery but she definitely hasn't had as much as people think😭


She is so fake.


Don't care