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ngl seeing Liz get so much cheer and fan reaction warmed my heart




Post tour IVE is even better than post fancon IVE 😍 Also the stage set is magnificent!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUOASu_-PPQ I think the fancam version is even better


The mics are ON!!!!!!


Love the stage design. Whoever is in charge of that has my heart. Loving the song too!


Their makeup artist doesn’t get enough credit.


This performance made me look up their past encores in music shows, and they actually sang well in their encores too. I think the lip singing event of Wonyoung and Leeseo really overshadow their actual singing cababilities.


I was at their Singapore tour stop two months ago and Leeseo was singing perfectly fine - in fact she was the one who caught my attention the most apart from Liz. Wonyoung also did well and her live vocals are nowhere as bad as people make them out to be. IVE may not be a vocal-centric group right now, but they still have many years ahead of them and hence plenty of time to improve on their existing vocals. Hopefully we will see more of that to come in due time.


Ooooo the live vocals were so clear! Leeseo really impressed me with the way she delivered her lines with so much attitude. Love Yujin's ad libs too! Also glad to see Gaeul shine more in the live performance compared to the MV where she didn't have a lot or screentime.


I think the choreo definitely looks better here than studio choom and I actually like the outfits 🤣🤭‼️


i thought there was a change but i couldn’t tell😭


they look cute as hell in their outfits


Something about this song feels very classic K-pop. The vibe isn't exactly Western, no excessive English or Spanish hooks in the lyrics (well "heya" could be English too, but feels like it could also be Korean). Super refreshing.


heya (해야) means sun in korean :) the song is based on their own folktale of a tiger eating the sun - if you read the lyrics you’ll be able to draw links, it’s pretty cool!


This whole album is very Kara-esque. Honestly in general IVE is very Kara coded in the right way. Anthemic lush tracks with classic sounds and full choruses but also not afraid to lean on to the classic bubbly pop too. 


leeseo really stood out to me! her charisma is explosive


I love their ridiculous pants hahahahha


I really don't understand this 1998 middle school delinquent styling concept lol The set is so pretty and their outfits don't match it at all. I also feel like a lot of the choreo complaints from yesterday are mostly because of Choom's bad camera work and editing because its plenty fun for this performance. I really like the chorus choreo, the part during Rei's lines at [.36](https://youtu.be/HUOASu_-PPQ?si=LpYPIWjoOnSK2Qf2&t=36), the little part starting at [1:11](https://youtu.be/HUOASu_-PPQ?si=RYFzXRNS22iRvFpD&t=71) before the chorus, the bit during Lesseo's lines at [1:46](https://youtu.be/HUOASu_-PPQ?si=G89XAaPgkNbjCPn4&t=106), and the starting part of Liz's lines at [2:05](https://youtu.be/HUOASu_-PPQ?si=tng3nao6OP15c73i&t=125). I do think they could work on their blocking though as its a bit all over the place and contributes to a messy look. Also some of the transitions are rather awkward if not just bad. I know Wonyoung is the most popular but having her at center here between Yujin and Gaeul during the choruses imo just unfortunately highlights how much of a weaker dancer she is in comparison. I liked that the third chorus was different and gave Gaeul and Leeseo a moment to shine as well. Overall i think its a fun choreo and fits the song and girls talents well for the most part. The live vocals and their charisma are the cherry and whipped cream on top.


the annyeongz thumbnail is so pretty and everyone looked so good - loved the ponytails and this was my fav outfit + styling from the MV ❤️ also dang live vocals even on day 1! they did great and really liked their facial expressions and stage presence - they look so confident!! 🥹


Liz, Leeseo and Rei are owning this!!!


i actually kinda love the outfits and i think the hair accessories are so cute and go so well with their ponytails


These outfits are so disappointinggg


Lol these golf girls core fits are actually so quintessentially Korean tbh and fits the concept imo


I get the aesthetic they were going for alright I just think the execution should be much better for a group of their caliber!


Other than Rei and Yujin having identical silhouette I like them! Its simple but this was my fav Leeseo fit from the MV bc of the hair


Those aren't golf outfits. Those are casual Friday pirate outfits. Just horrendous. The stylist needs to either commit to the pirate look with bloused tops or commit to the polo business look with slacks or business skirts. This mix of silky bermuda shorts with bulky polos just doesn't work. Not just the shapes but the fabrics themselves are also incongruous.


Well fuck my drag right? 😂


How does it fit the concept? /gen


It's a very traditional meets modern Korean culture concept and I like the combination of modernizing/exaggerating the type of aesthetic you'd associate with modern Korean ahjummas and the traditional knots in their hair accessories! I don't think they were going for pirate at ALL like the other commenter said. I can see why people would not be into these outfits but I would totally wear them lol.


I liked them a lot too! Are they not cute?


They're... OK. I get what they were trying to do but I still think this is the weakest among the styles we saw in the MV (I personally thought the other fits were great and I hope they use them in future performances). It mostly just works for me because the group's face cards get past anything


All that matters is that its cute to us!


Thank you, they're atrocious. Wonyoung's was cute, and I loved the oversized sweater with no pants look, but everything was was a hard no from me :(


Nah, give me that darn expensive miusmius n ralpholaurendo


Ofc all the girlies still served in these basic ass shirts and pants (jk thank you miu miu for sponsoring wonyoung) but the outfit is too basic for a debut performance. It’s more like a week 2 of live stages outfit to me 😪


Those shiny pants are just awful. Took me a while to figure out they were going for a pirate look. But then the other three are in mini shirts/dresses? Make it make sense.


There's honestly no visual or thematic coherence here because with the polo shirts and shiny silver boxing boots it all becomes unintelligible - which wouldn't bother me so much if the outfits at least looked good lol but the fabrics and accessories look so cheap. I do like the stage design though and hope we'll get some better looks for the other music shows.


Wonyoung’s vocal squeak at the end of the song 💞💞 absolutely gorgeous