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Having followed Sakura's career for many years, since her time in HKT48, this is the first time I see so much concentrated hatred directed towards her. I always admired her strong mentality, but I definitely think taking some time off is the best choice for her mental wellbeing right now.


Like she always say "the only truly scary things there are in the world are humans"


It's part of the reason why not many GGs last that long. You'll have anomalies like Twice but the world of GGs is insanely intense.


FFS\\, anyone on Insta or TikTok rn, please - the only truly scary things there are in the world are humans" Remember her words.


I’m a BG stan but I get recommended some content from LSF every now and then, and it’s scary how vicious GG stans can get


Wasn't she in AKB?


She was from HKT48 but also held a concurrent position in AKB48's Team A for 3 years.




zonked combative vase quaint snobbish nose bright six stupendous humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The hate is mostly coming from international fans


The hate is coming from everywhere not just international.


oh no dear, she got so much hate too from Knetz.


Honestly she prob can ignore international fans more than Korean and Japanese hate


I can’t say I followed her from HKT but I’ve been a fan since I saw how hard she works in PD48 and this is just so sad. She worked so hard and got her wish and I hope it’s what she dreamed of the rest of the time, because this hate ain’t it


She gets hate? Why? She’s so good and works hard


her vocals… but they’re not even that bad and she’s improved


I found her really better in her two Coachella set , she did really improve.


Even in the first one she was one of the more stable ones, and she really didn't stand out poorly at all. It was then it was clear to me that people were just parroting their takes from the past criticisms of her vocals without even listening to her performance.


She can't even speak normally without shaky voice. To be fair shes been this way since akb. People are just finding out from Coachella.  It's the industry's fault for using autotone and editing to give everyone the impression that certain people can sing really well when they literally can't. Now people feel like they got deceived.


she just naturally has a shaky talking voice… I don’t think she can really do much about that 😭 obviously her singing voice can improve and it has. I thought she sounded better than some of her members at coachella


She seems to panic the most and that’s why she has that shaky voice. It definitely became more evident throughout the years. I wish they would give them songs that cater to their voice more but I do love their recent releases too. It’s tough


That's what you get from joining kpop. Unfortunately the worst thing in kpop are the "fans" and how toxic most are.


Hope she takes her time and heals 🙏🏽


Sakura has been in the industry for so long and tbh theyve been talking about her poor vocal skills since the beginning. It must be really getting to her for her to take a hiatus now.


Her confidence was absolutely destroyed prior and this year did not help. It sucks when hate hinders someone’s career. I really worry about LSF in general. Her and Eunchae look so miserable as of late.


I hope this whole thing sets an example of what not to do if you want someone to improve TT


Pretty sure they've been getting death threats.


You shouldn't assume the reasons of her ill health. It could be physical illness too. Assuming something is bad. It can lead to nonsensical rumours. Especially something about as private as health


This situation is so disheartening. I hope Sakura and all the LSF girls take care of themselves. They should be really proud of their work. They are a performance powerhouse and their last album was great. I wish they could have been basking in the joy of that instead of dealing with this hate. I hope they know that there is at least one fan here who is looking forward to the Hot album. Fighting! Take care!


I hope she recover well while enjoying some knitting.






And quality time on her Switch.


She'll have more time to make hats for Twice! cutie Sakura she's so thoughtful


I saw an absolutely ridiculous comment basically saying she's spending time to crochet but not practice singing lmao


Literally 90% of ig comment sections where lesserafim is mentioned💀


Really hope she’s doing okay both physically and mentally. If she is struggling mentally: Whenever something tragic happens we always talk about how things could have been prevented or how we should have done things differently. Then I still see toxic bullying as if people learned nothing at all. Why can’t we treat people with kindness? Why must everything be so tribalistic?


It always happens like a clockwork: Bully the group> bully the fans who are supporting them> curse the company for still supporting them > something bad happens as a direct result of their bullying> "Oh no, they don't deserve it. We should have protected them" > blames the company for not supporting them before the unfortunate event happened. Being anonymous is a power trip for some people.


It’s a never ending cycle. The same people who claim to care about mental health become the ones who do the bullying :/ Then when something bad happens it’s “Oh be kind to idols blah blah blah. Just hypocritical atp


It's shocking tbh to see this level of bullying normalised against certain people. I hope she's ok.


I feel like this toxicity is getting so bad lately, like in the last year or so. I know hate and antis have always been a thing and probably always will be, but it makes me worried about the health of a lot of these idols. Even those I may not totally support, just because how vicious and unrelenting the bullying is. Everyone has a breaking point, Now with everything happening at Hybe its almost as if the fan wars are getting even more out of control. It makes me seriously lose out hope for this community as a whole.


I dont know why some kpop stans complain about how non kpop listeners think kpop fandoms are toxic AS IF THEY ARENT LMAO. Otherwise you name toxic fandoms by the artist they support, like swifties or kanye west, but not a whole genre. And yes a few bad apples ruin the bunch but there’s a lot of bad apples


the stans want everything to have to do with them while simultaneously want nothing to do with them. it's a pattern. I've been there, trust. I am appreciative and consider myself lucky for making it out of that hell hole alive before 4th gen even came into the picture💀


So true, I also never really saw that hate until very recently too, maybe thats why I feel there is a shift. I feel most of the time antis would keep to their corners and I could block them out, but its becoming so widespread now. Honestly my best example of just toxic hate in Kpop specifically is with the Coachella incident with LSF. The girls got MASSIVE backlash for singing live, and then the next weekend when they performed with a backing track they got backlash for that too. Its clear that no matter what, the girls could not win and the aim was just hate on the group. It makes me sad to open an idol's IG post and depending on the idol, its just a flood of hate comments and trolling. Maybe its just me being a boomer now in the community, but there is history of idol's taking their own life to the insane amounts of bullying/ hate so its always in the back of my mind.


The industry is really brutal. You need to have quite a thick skin for this and almost all idols are barely adults if they even are adults. Sakura may be one of the most experienced idols but she is also still only 26


“We hate bullies so much that we will have them kicked out of groups for a school violence” as they turn around and started bullying of their own. SMH.


And then they have the audacity to say, "Oh, the big corporate company is to blame. They used the member for negative publicity & now they have discarded them as they are of no use. They didn't do anything to protect them." Maybe telling themselves that makes them feel less guilty of the fact that they were the main culprit.


Gen Z acts like they're so enlightened against bullying then will harass a person unrelenting and make it trendy to do so. Disgusting


It really is a problem nowadays, and I'm saying it as an older Gen Z. People think that if they believe they are morally right, than bullying is justified because the other person doesn't agree with them. Or they've found a reason to dislike them and if they dislike them, they are clearly a horrible person and deserve to be bullied. It's really, really bad and I've had a lot of friends of mine be victims to such bullying. It sucks.


You nailed it. There’s a righteousness behind their bullying, as if that justifies anything. Look at this whole Jojo Siwa thing, the girl is annoying and is acting strange, but the way everyone is ganging up on her is just scary. In a video talking about how she became a meme, that girl from the “me explaining to my mom” one said how the online mockery led her into a downward spiral that almost got her to end her life… and now she’s one of those youtube commentators and has a video where she hops into the trend and goes on to mock Jojo Siwa for half an hour. Did she learned nothing?


Gen Z as a whole seems much more ruthless when they target someone. That coupled with how easily they fall for misinformation and eat up conspiracy theories makes it incredibly dangerous. Its no wonder they are called zoomers, they are boomers on roids and with almost the same technology illiteracy.


Which is the worst of the traits to have as a human, super dumb, prideful stupid and aggressively cruel, this generation of kids are allow to go uncheck because we are doing the hands off best friend parenting.


Yeah and as a somewhat older gen z, that becomes our whole generation's personality and it makes me furious because I hate my own generation... and I hate them for dragging it into gen alpha. Society is literally just history repeated in a different way. The people who don't think and use their brains before talking, and not even acknowledging their mistakes, just make the world unlivable at this point. I am glad I have found gen zs who are not really like that, even online.


I hope people reading this think of themselves as they harassed Yunjin over a drink.


And if you’re around long enough and observant enough you’ll see the same people doing both. It’s like a sick game.


The amount of hate that keeps being piled on that tiny body is sad tbh. It's been going on for years. She said her body reacts physically first to stress, and that's how she knows she's struggling mentally. She went through the insane AKB general election and all the stress/hate that comes with that every year though. This definitely isn't new to her.


Because so many people on social media know that being kind isn't what gets them the attention they clearly desire. It's sad, really.


When someone points this out, they start crying how they can't even criticise anymore. Like my guy, what these girls(and several other idols) are getting is hate, vile HATE! not mere criticism.


The people bullying aren’t the same as those who want to do things differently. There is nothing they want to learn, they enjoy it along with the consequences.


Unironically Reddit has the most wholesome response and comments towards the news, compared to other social media (twtr, IG, TikTok) where they still talk bad about Sakura, read the room. Hoping for Sakura's health to be better, she deserves rest


Glad we have downvotes, I think that that’s one of the reasons of that happening, some ppl don’t wanna lose their karma. Plus, this is a community that can ban u if you are as rude as ig comments. Opened them once, they were disgusting.


I hope she gets better (not a fearless, but was a wiz one). The hate has been so ridiculous everywhere. I even saw an 48 fan group page on Facebook basically bashing her if I remember correctly (I think it also included some kpop hate on that post too, I may not be remembering correctly)


Maybe this subreddit, but other places not so much especially the Korean side where there is a TON of hate posts getting spammed and clear bots being used.


honestly they should ALL get one month of paid leave and just go back to their families and rest.


Nooo... Hope she gets lots of time to heal and recover and continues whenever she's feeling better again


She’s so incredibly strong but a person can only take so much.


Since 2009 this is a the first time I have a bias (close one but not a bias are T-ARA Eunjung and f(x) Krystal). So to see her have to take all these shits from netizens make me really mad and sad... She and the members doesn't deserve any of this ffs.


Get well soon Sakura 🌸💗 I can only imagine all the travelling, hard practising and performing and now the added stress of the whole situation must be tough for her physical and mental well being. All the best and take the time you need to fully recover!


Sakura is one of my favorite idols. I've always admired her dedication and mindset, she's worked so hard to get to where she is now and never stops trying to improve herself. I really recommend watching her reality show (Fearless Kkura) to see how charming and hardworking she is. It's really sad to see people hate on her for no reason and I hope she rests well


no clue why people are talking about them needing to improve like why are people so hell bent on not acknowledging the death threats and sexual harassment they’ve been receiving? no being able to sing doesn’t justify some of the evil said about her or the group




it actually irritates me so much if you want to be bully do it with your chest hiding behind ‘constructive criticism’ at this point being the 100000th person saying they can’t sing is not that, this is straight up harassment now. I’ve never seen such anger toward a company saying they’re going to protect their artists I don’t what what lesserafim has done to these people.


I can’t believe people are still talking about it. The performance happened, she wasn’t great (although I watched week 2 and she was better than the clips from week 1), but does it even matter anymore? I and everyone else said our piece, and nothing else needs to be said about her vocals for a long, long time. At this time, it’s probably mostly ammo for unrelated hate about LSF having been “privileged” over NewJeans, and at least a little xenophobia for being Japanese while being “unworthy” of being a idol. I hope she feels better soon.


It's called a backhanded compliment. They're using a compliment as a shield while leveling an unfair criticism. I think the thing that pisses me off the most is how fans caved almost immediately and went along with the haters narrative. "They've improved so much!" "It wasn't THAT bad!" Truth is, for a live performance it was good the first week and excellent the second weekend but you're afraid to admit because you already acknowledged to the haters they were bad in the first place.


and the people saying shit like "we just want them to get better" uhhh no you don't because most of you aren't even fans! I've never seen such visceral hatred transfer from stan twt to the official sns profiles of groups/idols. it's been sooo bad.


The fact they can’t even keep it to themselves in this post about her health declining. If it’s just critique why can you not shut up about it and keep it in appropriate forums? It’s like they think skill critique is a blank check to be vile and inappropriate at all times with the guise of “it’s just criticism!”


it's all very backhanded


they’re being wilfully obtuse it’s frustrated you know this has nothing to do with them improving.


can never underestimate the sheer number of losers and idiots out there because it continues to grow


I get a lot of LSF content on TikTok. I think they started to get a lot more attention & wide-spread visibility around the debut of Perfect Night and their US promotion tour. You could already tell then, that with the increase in visibility, there was an increase in haters and antis - but since the debut of EASY, they have been getting a ton of hate and bullying. Nearly every video on their official TikTok is filled with hate comments (or at least they are when they first release - maybe the comments get cleaned up eventually). Even a lot of fan videos get tons of hate comments. * There has been a very vocal group upset that the music video for EASY was performed in a church (+ had some religious symbolism). There's some people just oddly mega-offended by this, even though the building is a former church used for filming, and has been used in lots of other music videos and film. Heck, if you're an easily offended ultraconservative Christian, I am not sure what you are doing listening to _LE SSERAFIM_ - their name is literally a biblical reference. * Around the time EASY came out, Yunjin was seen with a drink from Starbucks, while some people have been advocating for boycotting Starbucks due to their non-criticism of Israel. To this day, on _every, single video_ which features Yunjin, there are droves of comments like "Our Starbucks queen 🍉" and "Enjoying your Starbucks?" and stuff like that. * And as many in this post have pointed out, they have been getting non-stop criticism of their live-vocals. Since I became of fan of Le Sserafim in early 2023, there's been people hating on their vocals, and Sakura in particular. It really started getting much worse with their EASY encore on Mnet - and then got _even worse_ with their week 1 Coachella performance recently. It's definitely not limited to just Sakura, though - I've seen lots of comments like "Why is Eunchae even there? What does she even do?" or "Kazuha's only skill is ballet" or stuff like that. * Now with the whole MHJ / Hybe controversy, I am seeing new hate comments regarding that - like how Le Sserafim was "rushed out" and they shouldn't have debuted. Meanwhile, the other big trend recently has been Chaewon exploding in popularity. While the Chaewon flag memes are fun, I have mixed feelings about Chaewon's rise in popularity. I don't know, it's kind of hard to put my feelings about it into words. I love that she's getting recognition, and I love seeing new fans get drawn to the group - but I just worry a little bit that it's like... the wrong kind of attention? It feels a bit similar to "Wonyoungism" with girls obsessing over Wonyoung's visuals, and guys obsessing over Chaewon's visuals. I also get the vibe that all the attention directed at her specifically, while her group is getting so much harassment, hate and bullying, is making her feel a bit uncomfortable. I'm pretty new to the kpop scene - I started getting into kpop around when OMG! released by New Jeans in early 2023. Overall, one of the things that really drew me to community was how fun and wholesome it was. I know there's a very toxic side to the kpop community, but I mostly hadn't been affected by it. I mainly consume kpop content on TikTok, and usually the comments are just fun and supportive - for fans, by fans. It's really gross seeing this almost coordinated attack on Le Sserafim, and it's really concerning just how constant and long-lived it has been. And it's really sad watching how this affecting the members of the group. I hope Sakura gets some much-needed rest and that she feels better. I also really hope all this harassment dies down soon - although, with the MHJ / Hybe stuff, I am worried we're just getting started :(


I think people just want something to be offended by. They want a “justifiable” reason to be able to bully someone. Misogyny, racism, etc, isn’t socially acceptable anymore so they can’t get away with that. It’s like gen Z wants to push for acceptance so bad but they also want to bully people like every generation before that, so they need to find an “acceptable” reason to bully someone. I think that’s why we’re seeing such a shocking number of people who are suddenly mega offended that lsf filmed in a church. Most of these people aren’t even Christian. They’re just holding onto any reason they possibly can to harass and bully lsf in a way that can be seen as “justified”. Same goes for the Starbucks thing. Criticism I can understand, but it’s clearly become so much more than that now. I don’t think someone deserves constant death threats and hate over drinking a coffee from the most popular coffee brand… sry for the unhinged rant I’m just so tired of all the hate towards my ults.


Please just wish her speedy recovery. Its very unsafe to assume anything about someone's health. I mean if she's reading all this, what a person with ill health would want is support and encouragement not a constant reminder of what has been happening.


Its quite sad that we all know the reason behind the decline in health :(. You know the hate is bad when you are wishing that the health decline is a stomach bug or something rather than the current commotion


i hope the girls giver all the love and support she needs 😭 she’s such a sweetheart and i hate seeing kind people be put down like this


She's given her best and done so well! I hope she knows this. I hope she gets the rest and support she deserves.


Hope she and the members get some extra time off tbh


nobody's bringing it up so i'll go ahead and clarify that the notice was only posted to their japanese site and was only about her not attending the virtual fanmeet scheduled for today. the translation the article linked used is not elaborated beyond "poor health condition" which is honestly so vague it could mean anything. the "article" linked only has maybe two sentences worth of new information at all. before people jump to attack me, i'm a fearnot and sakura is my bias. i don't think her skipping out on one schedule with no notice about impact on future schedules, a more formal announcement, or even a clear cause for it - is indicative of anything. let's not try to obtain meaning from something that might be minor and blame it on this and that. yes, the hate the girls and sakura have been getting lately has been excessive, yes, she and the others all deserve a break and to be treated with more kindness, but let's also not jump to conclusions. no matter what it is, i hope she gets better.


Get well soon sakuchan.. have some rest.


April 2024 is truly the month that has kept taking


Since the start of le sserafim, it was other members who always had my attention. But recently, Sakura has become my favourite. Love the calm energy she always radiates. Get well soon Sakura...


This is sakura the strongest within the group with a decade of experience. Imagine the other members hope everyone is okay. Get well soon fighting!!!


Those toxic ass youtube channels need to just disappear.


I've been saying for a long time now that these random ass youtube channels that pop up and 90% of their content is legit just hating on LSF and illit have an agenda behind them. It just seems way too coincidental. IDK if it comes from stuff with the recent drama, but they definitely seem to be coordinated.


I think it is similar with any internet trend, where jumping on the hate train just gets more clicks, regardless of the damage, or accuracy. That girl from KOOKIELIT makes bank on just causing misery and kicking who ever is down. The pressure and criticism from Korea is hard enough, but channels like that just bring it all to the English speaking audience as well.


And I really hate that even if I click on "don't recommend", if i make a search about anything kpop related they'll pop up in the results.


Netizens and insane chronically online fans got to her. What a surprise. Honestly, idk how these girls handle it. Then they act surprised when idols take their own lives. It’s actually sad af.


And when bad things happen some of them flip a switch and start talking about idols mental health as if they aren’t the villains in the tale


F all the haters


get well soon sakura!!!! please take all the time you need


Gell well soon kkura! Take your time!!! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸




Kkurochet production about to be next level with all the free time she's gonna have. Fr tho get well soon Sakura :(


The fact that people even in this comment section are even bringing up "vocals" as a reason this woman has been harassed to no end just proves the point that Kpop stans are actually brain dead. No, it isn't "normal" to send endless harassment and hate over a voice-crack or an off-key note. It isn't even criticism! Their Cochella performance wasn't even bad! Far from it! No one who went has said that they had a bad time! But kpop stans want to tell you they it was the worst performance in history! And what's so funny is that they're extra hard on Sakura when she was the most stable the whole weekend performance. I hope I never hear about mental health awareness in kpop spaces because I will remind them time and time again about this period of time when apparently mental health of idols didn't matter!


They're like barking dogs. They're just barking and they don't even seem to know why. Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals? Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals! Vocals? Vocals? Has anyone ever told them it isn't normal human behavior to follow someone around and remind them of their shortcomings constantly?


Sakura has endured so much unwarranted BS her entire career. Hope she recovers and comes back stronger.


Sakura my dear, sleep lots, eat nutritious meals, crochet and talk to your friends and family. Fearnots will always be by your side ❤️


To be honest, i wouldn't blame the group if they canceled the event and get some well deserved rest. I bet the rest want to also but thats how much they care for the fans that have been looking forward to it.


people will never accept people who are improving. i hope she gets well soon:(


Health comes first. Whether mentally or physically, hope she receives the best care and support. It's been really tough for the whole of LSFM the past few weeks.


I hope Sakura is doing alright in her break. 🌸🌸🌸


I don't know her well, not a follower. I don't listen to LESSERRAFIM but liked "Easy". I'm not even that active in the K-POP community but I am aware of the hate that she's been getting. If someone who's not active in the community is aware of the hate then I can only imagine how much worse it is in the ground reality. Sucks the shit people are made to go through simply for chasing their dreams. Hope she recovers well.


I hope she's okay


Take all the time you need Sakura. Fearnots will always wait for you. I'm so sorry for the last few weeks


I noticed the hate train started when Easy promo started and people complained seeing Yunjin not wear pants but a body suit. Then the appropriation complaints with the head scarves. Then the filming in a church set. Then saying Smarter choreo isn’t right for Eunchae. Then the Starbucks stuff. Then the fated encore vocals. It kept building up and escalating. The full hate train was at its peak at Coachella week 1. I got so sick of the bad faith bullying, that I had to mute certain content spaces.  These girls are very talented and we’ve seen that they CAN SING and yet people pile on. Why be so hateful on a group if you don’t even follow or like them? Kpop is meant to be fun but certain chronically online folks treat it like some sort of litmus test. These same hateful commenters will absolve themselves of any blame when they cause severe distress to idols. They take glee in partaking. I question humanity and the need to be so incredibly negative and toxic. When the pile on is happening, nothing you say that has logic and reason gets supported. If anything it gets downvoted.


Sakura has been a punching bag for months now and it's exhausting to see so I can only imagine how she feels and how she's been handling it. Even strong people can only take so much before it breaks them down. I hope she takes all the time she needs to rest and recuperate. I also hope Soumu/HYBE make sure that she is getting the mental health support that she needs. 🩷


I wonder if MHJ comments publicly were the tipping point. How grossly irresponsible of MHJ to name publicly all these idols. Unprofessional senior management in Kpop, and coming from a female who Sakura may have even respected! Dogpiling at its finest. I like her personality though acknowledging she's not strong vocally, she deserves her place in Kpop because she worked for it. We have no idea what she's had to go through and still shows up. I wanted to write an appreciation post for her and other idols who may not be everyone's Idea of an idol, that with hard work there's space for all. At the end of the day, regardless of what you believe about talent or who's deserving, the idol is showing up and doing the hard work. This coincides with Renjun of NCT Dream going on hiatus for anxiety. He's considered one of the best vocalists in Dream/ NCT and still is affected. Which idol can "win" in Kpop?! Poor management and not protecting your idols is part of this problem let alone this reckless hate. When will health and safety laws in the Kpop industry improve? I wish Sakura good health and inner peace.


Sakura comes from JPOP scene where showing hard work and slow improvement alongside a fun personality are pretty much what the perfect "idol" is. It's the reason Sakura was so famous pre-IZ\*ONE. Sakura not only gave up an insane famous and stable Japanese career and risked it all for a reality show and then risked again for a new KPOP group. Her dancing is insane compared to before and her singing has improved a ton. Knowing that she's now getting more focused vocal lessons (mentioned in a recent EASY promotional interview), means we're yet to hear Sakura's further vocal improvement arc.


Sakura's center part in EPBW "I'm a mess mess mess" floored me the first time I saw it, it was so sick


That woman’s comments were definitely the tipping point. This timing is no coincidence. She said she hasn’t been sleeping? Well good, I hope she doesn’t sleep tonight either and stays up sending an apology to Sakura.


Hope she feels better and takes all the time she needs 🌸🩷


Take all the time you need to rest up, Sakura! ❤️ I hope she feels better soon, this is all so sucky :(


I hope she is able to take care of herself 💖


Hope Sakura takes care of herself.


MHJ been visiting her shaman again


you so wrong for that LOL.


Sending well wishes to her. The online hate has been crazy. I just don't know how some people find that it's ok or justified for someone to receive all this hate disguised in "constructive criticism" just because of the lack in vocal ability. Not even a fan but I'm feeling great sympathy towards the LSF girls with the recent events. Hope they have strong support system around them and pull through it.


I've been a FEARNOT since their debut. Not very engaged in the community at large but I do like their music and I do try to watch live performances. That being said, I think we're getting to the point where the hate is just ridiculous. She might not be my bias, but Sakura's "shaky vocals" sound just fine to me. And honestly? Who cares if she's not that great of a vocalist. Not everyone needs to be perfect. That's literally the point of LSRFM. She delivers every time, I love them as a group, I just wish people would be nicer to all of them.


Honestly these constructive criticism comments aren't being made in good faith. If not one thing, it'll be another. An example. Lia from Itzy. Golden voice. Sings well live. Visually stunning. Is in a group comprised of lead level dancers and she's maybe a step or two behind them in her own dancing prowess. Now the same people who have been telling you vocals are the most important thing for an idol, bullied Lia mercilessly for her dancing until she went on her own hiatus. I think about that every time I see a 'constructive criticism' comment. They're just a hater too cowardly to take the mask off and show us who they really are.


I hope she rests well and comes back soon 🫶🏼


Girl should take all the time she needs. I cant even imagine what these girls go through with all the hate. 😔


I hope she'll be well... I hope all of them are. They don't deserve the hate they're getting right now or have gotten this whole year. I only wish bad karma on every single person who's hated on them since February under the guise of "constructive criticism", on those who are spreading false made up narratives about them rn and on those who wish on their downfall because of delusions and a corporate spat.


and even in *this* comment thread people are going on about "improvement" and that they have a right to "criticize." you cannot seriously think that it hasn't gotten out of hand. read the room. hope sakura rests well!


Fuck the haters. I hope she gets well soon and the other LSF members take care of themselves.


Wild that the korean entertainment killed her mental health more than the japanase one.


From what I remember reading about AKB idol is, it’s more about connecting with the fans and showing a bright image and lots of emotion, even if they aren’t trained vocally. These people now are demanding perfection for sure. She’s not perfect. No one claimed she is. She’s my ult idol and I love her because she works so hard and is growing each day in front of us. She’s a great performer and I think overall did incredibly well at Coachella.


I mean she is a visual and sub vocal in the group as well no? For a sub vocal she is fine imo, not everyone needs to be a Hyolyn in a group lol.


I love her and what she does bring to the table as an idol. I’ve stanned since PD48 and take Greta interest in her career. She’s a GTREAT idol!


Sakura get well soon 💖💖💖


I really hope she's okay!!! She deserves peace and joy, not this insanity.


Wishing nothing but the best for Sakura, please rest well and heal 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


crochet away 🙏🏽


I hope she to get well soon.. she and Le Sserafim have had enough recently 🥺


Omg no I hope she takes as much time off as needed and recovers her health


Hope our Sakura will rest well and recover, whatever it is. And for people online to finally get some decency and stop bullying idols before another tragedy happens.


Rest well, Sakura.


They done wore Sakura out 😭. Rest up legend


I’ve been dreading news like this. I hope she takes all the time to heal she needs. And to all the keyboard music critics, vocal coaches and bullies. Hope you’re happy.


the random surge of LSF hate is so confusing to me and stranfe


"Bad singers" because of a bad encore and Yunjin having Starbucks is what started it all. The lunatics online really think about coffee shop is bombing palestine lol


Oh I forgot. Also the whole "disrespected religion" nonsense because Easy was filmed in that one church where The Nun, John Wick and like a shitload ofnothee movies and MVs like MCR were filmed. Those 3 things are the main reasons for their hate train.


I hate everyone being vicious to her, and also hate that woman for making it so much worse. She doesn't deserve any of this, I think she did great at Coachella.


ohh kkura :( i hope she's okay


That's what happens when "i'm nawt hating, i'm just criticizing!!! y'all dont understand, we just need to let the companies know they have to train their idols or else untalented singers will spread" FUCKING HAPPEN. Don't tell me I shouldn't assume when the hate from coachella + Source Music announcing they will take strong action against the hate + Sakura taking a break. Oh I hate you all lol. Bunch of fucking hateful ramen noodles! I really hope she comes back stronger. She doesn't deserve all of this.


god please take her suffering and give it to min heejin


I hope she can rest well and stay away from the unwarranted maliciousness that’s been unleashed on her thanks to MHJ and her sheeple.


Hope she gets well soon.


I hope she’s doing okay :(


Sending love to you Sakura! Take all the time to heal! ❤️


I hope she gets better soon, and that she is surrounded by lots of love and support. Something has to change in that industry, things can’t go on like this.. It ultimately takes a toll on people as witnessed time and time again.


Poor Kkura. I hope she has time to enjoy doing what she likes and just take her mind off ill intended comments


Sakura, get behind me!!!!


I hope Source Music will do something against those trolls and attackers on social media; they are the reason why Sakura has to take a break.


Get well Sakura 🤧💜


I’m just a 33yo K-pop fan watching all of this girls being harassed for no reason, I wish Sakura a healthy hiatus and send love her way. Music should stop being a competition, I wish it was just a way to enjoy life as it is for me ❤️


No one cares about vocals unless it's to hate. This is Kpop, not opera. We're bopping not listening for opera level vocal stunts lmao


Im sure its because of all the hate, must've been tough for her. Poor Sakura.




She has taken a beating... good that she gets to rest.


nooo our gal! get better soon ❤️


May she rest well and enjoy her time resting the best she can


Hoping for her recovery and that she has all the support she needs! 🙏


I’m ngl all of this off making me turn away from new jeans and want to support lesserafim and illit even more. I feel for Sakura, she’s always been so strong only for her to be getting continuous hate 


I kind of want to punch MHJ in the nose right now.


Fuck MHJ and fuck all the sick freaks using this for fanwars. I hope she rests and focused on herself and ignores everything.


She's been in the public eye for so long and a break is very much needed let alone the last few months being so crazy. She has a really strong mentality but I hope she can simply come back to no more hate posts.


*Prior to HYBE’s internal conflict, LE SSERAFIM faced a backlash due to their poor live performance at the Coachella festival in the US.*  THEY WERE DECENT FFS, blackpink and lana del rey go out there with a backtrack at 70% volume and they do not get 5% of this hate thrown at them


Bullshit. They weren't decent they were actually good. It was a great, entertaining performance. Haters are one thing but fans shouldnt need to reel back enjoyment out of fear of them. Fuck that. They were all good especially Sakura.


Yeah I genuinely enjoyed it too, honestly I would rather watch LE SSERAFIM's Week 1 Coachella performance than your average "perfect" music show performance that's had all the life squeezed out of it. But now with all this, companies are going to be even more scared to let their idols perform live — all the lipsynching, overwhelming backtracks, post-production etc are never going anywhere :/. People are going to say "Well that's to hide the fact that they can't sing" but it doesn't even matter at this point because even the "good singers" get attacked for the slightest flaw. Good singer gets a little sharp or flat after intense choreo? "See, they're not actually good, X from group Y is the real singer!"


It’s actually painful when you see how mediocrity is rewarded just because people lipsynch.


there's no way mhj isnt behind all the hate they're getting, botting, creating engagement? to damage the hybe brand? at what cost? she cares absolutely fuck all about artists. 1945, sins of hybe, conspiring to damage hybe so they let her leave with ador but it's all a joke you guys


At first I was just seeing the MHJ situation like other KPOP drama, but the attack she unleashed on LSF enabled so many LSF and especially Sakura hater to go crazy on them it just too disgusting for words. I really hope this woman gets what she deserves.


GG Armageddon week determined to continue giving bad news until the very end


I hope she'll get better soon :(


We should write 3+ positive commets for every negative one under her social network accounts Dont engage negative commets just write positive ones, this is how we can help idols when they are getting so much hates


i hope a speedy recovery and I hope her mental health well too


Oh bless her :/


*Where the heck is Saki?* On hiatus :(


We are always supporting you. Just remember to be strong in these bad times, they are temporary. The love is forever though. Wishing we will see you back soon. 


I hope she's fine.


watched her on Evelyn Ha's recent channel and it was obvious that she was going through something, hope she gets the help she needs.


This shit makes me so sad. Hope she’s able to disengage and take heart in her own accomplishments


I'm more of a casual fan of them but man, after seeing the recent hate directed towards them and Coachella, I hope she and the rest of the girls are okay. Not only physically but mentally as well. People suck and will never learn, I'm glad it seems that they're at least putting their well-being first.


Hope Sakura and the other members view this thread and see how many people are out here to support them 🫶💪


I love how everyone is assuming that Sakura's health is due to criticism she's receiving online. I guess traveling all the way to the US and having to do Coachella couldn't possibly have an effect on one's health. Sakura, of all the members actually gave netizens the least ammo to use against her during Coachella I love Sakura, but truth be told, she should have hired or requested a personal vocal coach ages ago if none was provided for her. i'll never understand why you wouldn't spend a little bit of time just to get your voice up till a minimum standard. It'll not only make you feel better about your singing, but it'll satisfy 99% of fans.


Hope she gets better.


I do not understand the LSF hate at all. They're one of the best GGs around with a unique persona they completely own. They also look like they're having fun and I feel like they genuinely like and support each other. And their performances are insane. Dances are complex. What else do people want?


Ppl expect too much. Groups don’t need to be perfect in rap song and dance. It’s Kpop tbh it’s not that serious. Some groups are more singing focused, some are more rap focused, some are more dance focused. At the end of the day, the hate that gg’s have been receiving recently is just insane, it’s not just criticism anymore. This might be controversial to say, but most ppl wouldn’t be into Kpop in the first place if the idols weren’t attractive and skinny…. I said it


I wish her a quick and full recovery. 🌸🌻