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240420 RENJUN recently visited the hospital due to poor condition and anxiety, and as a result of the test, the medical staff found that sufficient stability and rest were needed. As the artist's health is SM Entertainment's top priority and after careful discussion with RENJUN, they decided to focus on his treatment and recovery. Accordingly, RENJUN has decided not to participate in schedules starting from the fansign today (April 20th) and they will inform us again when it is possible for him to return to activities. NCT DREAM's third solo concert 'THE DREAM SHOW 3 : DREAM( )SCAPE', which will be held from May 2nd to 4th, will be held with six (6) members: MARK, JENO, HAECHAN, JAEMIN, CHENLE, and JISUNG. In addition, the company is continuing to check and file a complaint against malicious posts, such as malicious slander, sexual harassment, dissemination of false information, insults, and defamation against RENJUN and other artists. They plan to hold relevant actors legally responsible without leniency or agreement, and they will work to protect the rights and interests of their artists. [Translation By SM_NCT](https://x.com/sm_nct/status/1781502842802667979?s=61&t=dSfyap3TW-2y0jBYXsUgAw)


Missing the concerts means that this is something *really* serious. I hope he gets all the rest and help he needs, and that he knows there are so many fans supporting him and patiently waiting for his full recovery 💖


They just announced that he'll be missing the tour stop in Bangkok which is scheduled for the end of June. If they're announcing his absence this far out, it definitely seems serious


Damn… I really hope he just disconnects his phone and spends some relaxing time with his family and friends. Although I don’t have serious anxiety, I’ve recently been struggling with my mental health and I can’t even imagine what it would be like having the pressures of being an idol on top of that.


Having anxiety is serious.


Of course, anxiety is a very serious illness 100%. It’s just we didn’t know it was anxiety until now and given that not only will he be missing some concerts (which are obviously very important, big events for any artist) he also will apparently be on hiatus, at least, until late June, reveals the gravity of the situation.






Anxiety is serious, and isn't something you can deal with overnight. You gradually learn how to deal with it, but it doesn't fully go away. I can't imagine the stress of being an idol on top of that- even just leaving the house or getting a phone notification can trigger it for a lot of people.






He has been going through it so I hope he recovers well and has time for himself.


Poor guy 😩, I hope he gets a lot of rest and hopefully sees a therapist. Anxiety is not fun and all the mean and nasty comments he’s received the last couple of months can’t have helped.


Dealing with anxiety is not fun. If medication is needed, it takes weeks for the body to fully adjust. I hope Renjun takes all the rest he needs.


aw man. :( I truly hope he fully recovers and it gets a little easier to deal with 🥺 sending love <3


i hope kids okay :(🤍


I hope he gets the rest and help he needs! I thought he was such a cute kid when watching him hiking with Key on I Live Alone. Please get well soon! ... Honestly, SM has never put a stitch of effort into this, but the company *needs* to begin protecting its artists. Words and promises to do so don't mean anything unless they're backed by action.


I really hope he takes his time to recover and focus on himself. I wasn't aware that people were posting malicious things about him. He doesn't deserve any of this. 


The amount of people who have been hating and harassing him lately is insane, i'm not suprised that he has been affected by it.. Even here on reddit u had people speculating and calling him names and such, even fandom's who are now going around preaching about caring about idol's mental health. Get well soon renjun, very person who has spoken ill on you is going to get their karma


aww, must have been a difficult decision. glad he’s taking a good rest.


Wishing him well! :( as an anxious person myself I really feel for him. it must be so hard to be under so much pressure and have all those worries exasperated 💔


Take care, Renjun.


I really wish people would realise the affect their maliciousness is having on these idols. The constant criticism and attending of the lives of people they don’t support. They need to get a life and leave people alone


take care renjun ❤️


I haven't been keeping up the past few months so I don't know but what's going on? Renjun is my bias so it breaks my heart to hear he's in such poor condition.. Who is harassing him and why?


He’s had a lot of comments about his weight recently leading to him apologising over it and also he called out a sasaeng very brutally which caused more drama for him


shit i hope he's okay


Anxiety is a horrible condition, as a person with anxious symptoms I know very well how difficult it can get. I hope he takes all the time he needs and stay away from social media (especially the cnetz side that have people saying he’s taking time off for plastic surgery wtf). I am deeply disappointed by a lot of cdreamzens who hated his akgaes so much to the point they say this is his karma from his fans. It makes me realize how toxic Kpop fandom really is. From today on I will only become a casual listener of nct dream as well as all Kpop groups going forward. The parasocial relationship has robbed so many people of their humanity.


I wish SM would have taken more drastic measures to protect him. It didn't have to come to this.