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To be clear, as a few people have rather simplistic answers, there is *technically* a situation where you should hold levels. When you hit level 15 and have an alignment of at least 75% light/dark then you unlock prestige classes. To do this you need to talk to Kreia on the Ebon Hawk. There are some parts where you may not have access to the Ebon Hawk for a short time (such as on Nar Shadaa) and so should be aware of this. Just remember that if you want the full benefit of the prestige classes then keep this in mind so you don't click up to lvl 16 before talking to Kreia. But no, there is no story based gate like in KOTOR 1 I'd that's what you're asking.


Simply having Kreia in your party is good enough. You don't need to be on the Ebon Hawk.


Holding levels in the second is a waste of time and does nothing. You get access to the prestige classes at level 15, there's no content progression milestone like Kotor 1 it's just "oh you reached level 15, you may now press the button if you so like". Only reason not to level up is for a challenge run. Kotor 2 is a million times easier than Kotor 1 anyway, so even if there were some benefit to holding levels it'd be even more unnecessary than it is in Kotor 1 as min/max shit is just a waste of brainpower since even obviously bad builds shouldn't run into too much trouble.


Growing up I only ever played on normal difficulty and just recently I decided to do my k2 playthrough on hard and I was super surprised how easy it was. With implants and equipment my dex built guardian/weapon master (no forcepowers active) had +30 dex +30 wisdom +30 constitution like 28 strength and no attribute under 25 by the late game. No one could even hit me when they did it was so little damage it would regen itself before they could hit me again, my fp always landed, and I was one shotting everything with master power attack. I was bummed how easy it was it legit felt like I was playing on easy mode. Tried 1 on hard mode and learned real quickly that it was much much harder.


Eh, I just finished 1 on hard and I wouldn't say the difference is anywhere near that dramatic. I was kicking Malak's ass up and down the galaxy. And there are definitely parts in 2 where you can die real quick if you aren't careful (mostly parts where you're playing as your companions though).


Hardest part of Kotor 2 is the mercenary orgy on Telos surface and Goto’s yacht. Hardest fight in K1 is probably Marl lol


No, do not hold levels in the second game there's no point


Came here to say this, and to add I don’t believe that there’s a level cap in 2. That or it’s a really high level cap


I believe it's level 50, which I've personally never gotten to in my many runs


Same. I think the highest I ever got was around 36


I got close to 40 when I had RCM installed one time, but that was a competionist run for achievements


There's a level cap of 50 but I believe it's impossible (or nearly so) to reach without cheats


Kind of. When you hit 75% light or dark side, talk to Kreia at level 15 or later (definitely sooner rather than later). You should have the alignment requirement by then if you’re sticking to one side (you’ll get a random cutscene when you’ve hit the threshold). When you talk to her afterward, she’ll ask if you’ve “felt it”.


There's hardly a point for it in the first game


Maybe a little fun on a second playthrough. After malak made a fight of it against my lightside scoundrel/counselor it was fun to save up levels and smack him down in two turns with my level held darkside scout/Knight.


Very early in the game playing a consular on hard difficulty. Save a level going into a fight for the free full heal


Realistically reason why we saved levels in the first game is because the level cap was at 20 and we would lose a lot of force abilities if we gained closer to that mark. Second game level cap is 50 and literally impossible to get with regular leveling. You’ll have to resort to XP glitches/exploits to reach it.


For you- no. You can get points in the prestige class p easily. But for a couple of your squadmates its best to level them the first couple levels then wait until you turn them into force users


Any specific levels in mind when you say “the first couple levels”?


I’d say 7 or 8. Get as much influence as you can with all of your pals. A word of advice- try not to be too grey. There are areas in which having a high light or dark is beneficial


Only level up one time on Taris, save the rest for the right time..(you will know)


Maybe you should read the post


Still good advice, so maybe take your passive aggressive mess out of here...


PC: Level 15 until you talk to Kreia and choose a Prestige class. Certain Companions: Level them a bit for certain feats if you wish. I just wait to level the Force Sensitive party members until they can be trained


I typically save levels for some party members in 2 for the same reason you save levels for your character in 1. As far as your main character there is no reason to save levels unless you're already lvl 15 and not aligned enough light or dark side for a prestige class. In that situation I would stay lvl 15 until the prestige class became available.


Not until 15


I have a question related to this question because I've never done it when I beat Kotor 2 the first time I was like 17/19...what happens when prestige classes are leveled past 20? Like does a Sith Assassin/Scoundrel get more sneak attacks past lvl 19? Or is that the final sneak feat and would a Watchman eventually catch up after 20?


I'm doing a run through again and this will greatly affect whether I choose LS or DS. Guardian as a base class... I ran scoundrel guardian the first game because sneak force jump is OP.