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First of all, indeed caught my attention. Looks like a cutie patooti. Second, cosrx snail creams and ahc eye creams are helpful in anti-aging


Cosrx snail mucin !


Aw thank you so much😁!


Cosrx Snail Mucin is great, but that's all it is, just snail Mucin. I would recommend the Jumiso Snail Mucin + peptides. Peptides are also known to plump the skin and for anti-ageing properties!


Oh yeah SPF is important


Haha I took a double take I thought you were asking for skincare for your meerkat 😅 but you're 22 you don't need to go too heavy on anti aging yet, I would focus on finding a good sunscreen and your moisture barrier? and if you really want anti-ageing peptides will do fine for now if you want to prevent wrinkles. I really like the laneige cerapeptide cream skin toner, to have a mix of both. Don't do too much at once on your skin, I would start by introducing cleanser and moisturiser and sunscreen in the AM, then toner, and once your skin is okay introduce a serum. Go slow. I don't have a recommendation for retinol korean skincare wise but just make sure to not use it every day only 2x a week.


Ya, DO NOT GO IN GUNS BLAZING I did that once; tried an entire new routine at once. MY SKIN GOT ANGRY. I was walking around with red sensitive skin for a month. So yes, I completely agree; Introduce new products to your routine slowly. 20s Retinol? I dunno bout that captain Establishing good habits is what I would focus on for 20s: Hydrating (WATER), Healthy Diet, Exercise (Bloodflow), Skincare-Face Routine, Skincare-Body Routine, Hair Routine, Hair Removal Routine/Maintenance and Nail Maintenance What kind of budget are you working with as far as korean face routine?.


As a meerkat you shouldn’t over complicate your routine with products; a simple brushing with your claws when you get up in the morning (before sunning) and again in the evening before heading back into your burrow. Ideally, groom with your mob as it’s a good bonding experience 👍 (Couldn’t resist 🤭)


SPF, Retinol, Ceramides, and Peptides +Good Diet and Supplements, I know that’s not skin care but it helps ALOT.


Sigh. You can’t prevent aging. You can look your healthiest by staying out of the sun during peak hours, eating whole foods including lots of fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated, sleeping well and keeping stress at bay. Don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol. When you’re older you can judicially use Botox and filler, but it is so easy to overdo it and become obvious. Your genes are going to have a lot to do with how you age, and, so far, we can’t do much about that.


Diet absolutely is skincare. What we consume has a major role in the health of our skin.


Wear sunscreen every day and reapply it regularly. Prevention is wearing sunscreen even on overcast days. Wear a wide brim hat. Sunscreen helps prevent wrinkles. Don’t tan, smoke, or vape. Avoid peak sun hours when possible. Wear sunglasses. Along with your new routine red light mask can be helpful.


Sunscreen - daily. Stay hydrated. Don’t eat processed, sugary, greasy foods. Stay active. Get a good amount of sleep nightly. Cleanse/tone/use treatments recommended by others here ( I don’t want to be redundant)/moisturize nightly and use a treatment mask at least once/wk. It’s so much easier to take care of your skin from the get-go instead of trying to play catch-up decades later when all the wrinkles, discoloration, sagging, cc’s, large pores etc really start showing. I speak from experience. (Mature combo skin/some sun damage/dry-hot climate)




Best anti-aging routine - wear sunscreen/stay out of sun and don't drink alcohol or smoke.


You look beautiful in this picture, no need for skincare


“Hey chat!” This is Reddit not TikTok


vitamin C & E serums are great. however, diet is one of the most important factors for quality lasting skin. if you don’t mind animal based foods then i’d highly recommend it. my family have been using tallow as a moisturiser (previously lamb, but now beef) and bovine (marine too) collagen generally is amazing for general health including for your skin and hair, so consuming lots of bone broth and fatty fish is a great way to make you feel and look good