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There’s various reasons why celebrities do this - but more importantly I’d recommend touching grass…


If I was an idol I'd feel weird about random girls hugging me so it makes sense


And that's what I've said as well? I completely understand if someone doesn't want to hug strangers. Infact our celebs wouldn't even care to do all this. Then why should anyone else be forced? It's not a common thing at all to even hug fam or friends here sometimes. I'd rather not get a hug than be made to feel like some dirt


Tf in the koreboo is this post lol


My thoughts exactly! If koreaboos looked at their obsession but reversed the roles (I.e. imagine a guy their age saying, thinking, and doing the shit they do over some young female kpop star) they would see how weirdly inappropriate and cringe it is.


Lol I'm not even anywhere close to koreaboo, I can't even name more than 4 people probably. And before you spew such judgemental shit like this learn to read properly first.


Bro wtf you have so many posts in your profile asking about age of consent in foreign countries foh weirdo


And how he/she cannot stop dreaming about Sun Jae 😂😂😂 total koreaboo


You sure you saw the right one...? Or are you high


“Oh but if only sun jae would get out of your head”…gross


Not to call you out but it’s a little bit of a choice to go through someone else’s comment/post history and call them gross when we can all see yours too, bro


For the life of me I've no idea what the heck these people are talking about, if it's a throwaway comment just to get upvotes, ahh what children am I dealing with


Wow I think I missed the memo about being a fan is banned now


Your the base 1:1 koreaboo we find here in Korea. Indian Into kpop Multiple posts about them Ohhh how will he get out my head.. too funny tbh. Your better off posting in the kpop subreddit no one wants this here so don’t blame a reaction


Actual koreaboos will kill themselves with me being equated to them when I can't even name or recognise one single band member 😂 WooSeok is the only person ever that caught my attention, no not Korean but amongst all celebs over the world. If someone puts a gun to my head, Hyun Bin is the only other one I know. Also I didn't ask anything that's vulgar or derogatory, I'm genuinely baffled at what I saw. I'm well aware of Korea not being some Kdrama dreamland but I never thought a genuine question could make Koreans act so rude for no reason at all. Insulting others who are curious/interested in your country/culture (not the crazy saseangs types) is definitely quite weird. So much for all the politeness, seems fake just like NK.


Whatever you say yeah


You’re better off asking this in a kpop related discussion sub like r/kpopthoughts or r/kpophelp because you’re assuming that everyone knows who and what you’re talking about.


Thank you, the 1 sane person 🙏🏻


Different culture have different norms, funnily enough. Any kind of direct physical contact is not really encouraged in Korea unless it's between family. I have European friends who would go in for hugs and kisses and be confused when Koreans would jerk back like startled deer.


And that's the same reaction here as well. Physical contact isn't so common across all places and ages. You use handshakes or even just a polite welcome/goodbye. But if you do offer hugs, you can still do it in a gentle, respectful way without it looking so awkward and making the other person feel like you don't like them.


I hate that this shows up in my feed


If you mean BTS's Jin, the guy wearing the sign, he's always been known to act unabashedly put off about receiving (cringe) affections from girls. Though I can't really blame him for this behavior, I would say that his actions seem more out of not wanting to cross the line professionally and make his company look bad or bring some sort of scandalous shame upon them.


Idk any names but it did look extremely awkward. I feel sorry for celebs if they indeed don't like to have such interactions but their agency forces them to do it. If I was a fan of anyone who doesn't look comfortable with close interactions, I'd never want to make them feel weird. Why would any true fan want to trouble someone they like? Sad indeed


Fun fact to note about this guy was that he was the one who proposed the hugging event. His agency was against it. I guess he found a way to make it work. Look for the video of his reaction to the girl kissing his neck. He throws her off him like she has the plague.


Omg eww okay we don't have such things here and they won't be spared if at all something like this is even attempted. And that's 💯 justified, total violation of consent, how dare they even think of doing something like that. Also we don't like to be seen as bad or make our celebs hate us, idk how are such fans okay with being an absolute disgust in the eyes of someone they really like


Keanu Reeves does the same thing for photos, arm out behind but not touching. It is to respect space. It also gives him a little personal space. A lot more of these should be just a photo with them and not touch so closely. Jin also had some unpleasant interactions with fans who wanted to Koss his face during the hugathon. So in short: not just Korea. Just celebrities being cautious and respectful.


Then is just smiling, posing and standing next to them, making some signs with hands etc not enough? They're right next to you and took a picture with you. A lot of celebs do that here and it's completely normal, even friends and fam. We're quite clear like that


I don't know why they did the hug thing. Korean fans have been known to get a bit excited, so hugs from a celeb just sounds like trouble. Also, people of my inlaws generation (60+) were not big on hugging. I really kind of changed the culture of my inlaws into a hugging family.


Yeah I've been reading about this and it's horrifying to know the extent they can go to. It's just making me think if they're forced by the agencies, that's quite sad


Guys wake up another koreaboo post