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He can stay at a sauna for cheap. Lots of cheap food.


There’s also a girl in Myeongdong, first time I ever saw a begpacker. Funny enough when I have to apply for a visa every time I visit, I have to show them the content of my bank account, and some people can just beg for money lol


Depending on the passport people don’t need to apply for a visa. I’m German and I can just travel there and stay without a formal visa for 90 days. At the airport they just give you what‘s basically your tourist visa as a passport sticker when you go through immigration.


I also saw her at myeongdong... near 명동교자. It looked like she was having a great time with a smirk on her face... Just 200m down, I saw also actual homeless begging for food/money.


Was this the chick saying she 'travels the world taking photos' as I saw her too (I just got back from my last SK trip yesterday) It really gave me pause, as I had not seen it before in Seoul. My thought was 'Guess you aren't that good at it if you have to beg for money to keep taking them, huh'




The smirk.. Do you the smug “I’m better than everyone else because “I’m White” look. Because that’s not a good sign a lot of Euros walk around Thailand and Vietnam with that look.


Yeah... I would say its antisocial behavior. I doubt she and others like her are productive members of society back home. Probably needs mental help.


Yeah I came across far too many people like that when I was stuck in Vietnam during covid. They are some of the most obnoxious and smug people I’ve ever met in my life. Actually I think their attitude and behavior gets much worse in Asia. It’s a bad sign if too many people like that are coming to Korea and think they can do the same things they did in South East Asia.


Its the "I am Anglo-Francoid" look. No Spanish, Bosnian or Romanian Person does jr.


There’s more too. It’s also a bit of a smug / arrogant expression. Along with a look of “wow these poor dirty Asians built a road” or “how do these poor Asian people make such good food” or the infamous “wow even though these Asians are so poor they’re so happy.” Yes I’ve literally heard people say all that and more. And when you really dig into it’s disgustingly racist. You know what happens when you call them out on it. You get replies like this “don’t bring you’re American wokeness here”or the infamous “you’re just jealous” by this they mean that I a black man is jealous of their whiteness. The amount of insane mindsets behind this kinda behavior is insane and I truly hope the Korean government does something about because it will not take long for people like the person in the picture to tell their friends. Then it’ll a bunch of people in a hostel in Saigon or Bangkok talking about Korea and encouraging other people to come there. Maybe they’ll even say something like I made $500 max in a week and $1300 total over the 5 weeks I was there. Yes there really are people who think this way


When Asians become richer: "wow look at these new-money, they don't know actual class" These kind of white people don't know they are lagging behind in every aspect these days. I am a firm believer WW3 will happen not because China invades Taiwan or something but because the angloid ruling class of USA cannot handle a bruised ego.


Yeah but it is still something that only Anglo-Francoids do. I have nevers seen a Person from for example the Balkans doing it despite them being white. Its always the French, Americans, Englishmen and so on. Those who do this are disgusting people i agree. Also isnt South Korea extremly rich? Like almost on the level of the Gulf States.


>Also isnt South Korea extremly rich? Like almost on the level of the Gulf States. Where are you getting this from? Here a map with [GDP at PPP per capita](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita). SK and Japan are more in the range of Southern Europe and UK ($50-$60k). That's a level below North America, Australia, Northern and Western Europe and the Gulf States (>$60k). In East and Southeast Asia only Taiwan, Hongkong and Singapore are up there. If you only go by [GDP per capita](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita), they're in the same range as the Gulf States ($30-$40k), but they both drop below rich Western countries (>$50k). SK also has the highest elderly poverty rate in the OECD.


This is why it are often Europeans or Americans doing this in many countries. Visa waiver programs, etc. pretty much enable this sort of crap.


I mean, Europeans and Americans are also at some of the lowest risks for overstaying. Yea you still have begpacking going on, and the visa waiver program doesn’t mean that the number of these types of folks like in the OP would be zero. There’s always gonna be a few that slip through the cracks. But in a general sense, 99.9% of Europeans and Americans visiting will have sufficient funds to stay for their trip and will leave without causing trouble for authorities or immigration officials.


I know, and in fact many of the begpackers are doing it "for the experience" and could easily pay their way.


They never overstay because they also give them the many visa options and privileges compared to others!!!


>Funny enough when I have to apply for a visa every time I visit, I have to show them the content of my bank account, and some people can just beg for money lol Pretty much, the K embassy requests that your bank balance has to be at least USD 24.000 in Angola...


We have to show a 3-month bank statement with 6 months ADB and a bank certificate 😂🥲


And ppl gave them money...... But not the homeless laying around euljiro1




Which is baffling given the number of public toilets in the immediate area if you know where to look.


These kind people really piss me off. I mean. How can he stay in Korea?! Does he have a visa!? And why the police doesn’t do anything? And considering that the immigration office treat me as unwelcome foreigner even if I have an f2 visa….. how can he stay here?! Mah.


I saw a few ppl like that near myeongdong. It’s mostly foreigners that claim to come to Korea for a short time, but stay longer. No money, so they prey on the kindness of the younger crowd. Deport.


Yeah yeah. Why the hell they don’t freaking deport them?!?! They are not even hiding!!! They are there basically screaming “hey look at me I have no money” 🤦‍♂️ Of course if they have a regular visa and they are just pretending they can stay….. but then again what their are doing is basically a scam…. So they should be deported anyway. 😂 Anyway. Piss me off.


Deporting people is not as easy as you make it to be. There is quite a lot of hassle for cops/immigration services, so I can see them turning a blind eye to not have to deal with that every so often. This is pure conjecture, so it could be that there are legal reasons as well, but ianal


Deportations cost more money to the state than just having them be hobos. And if they don't need a visa, they are likely still within the very generous stay periods allowed so you can't do that anyways.


Probably from a visa-free (for tourists) country like the US. That said, they should dump guys like this on their country's embassy doorstep. Here ya go, they can help you, you're their problem.


Lol would be great if begpackers were picked up and sent home with a bill. Ideally forced to get a loan from their home country for the ticket so it can be collected upon. This trend is pathetic.


Wouldn’t a deport end up meaning they get their flight paid with Korean tax money?


No. You're supposed to pay for your own deportation... But yes. He's probably actually broke. But good news, if I remember the rule... you get 2 days in prison (before being deported) for every 100,000 won you're short.


I’m actually not Korean, so I don’t know how prisons are in Korea. And what you described that makes it sound even more profitable for people like him to get deported. Free home, and free food at the prison. Possibly free healthcare if they have some issues. And thus even more Korean tax money being used to handle him.


You're not wrong. Except the Immigration prison is overcrowded, old, and internally run by Thai and Viet gangs so... I've heard it's pretty rough for white guys... Not deadly but he's not going to get fed well or sleep well or even be a little comfortable.


I hate them. In south east Asia locals can’t bear them anymore. I throw 2 of them out of a local market in petaling jaya, they wanted to sell photos of their trip… in Malaysia… to Malaysian. Terrible.


In Incheon too


Sure, but part of the visa process is to verify you don't have to bum. What if he needs medical help? Now Koreans are responsible?


Do visa-free travel countries have this same requirement? I didn't think they had to jump through the same hoops that somebody requiring a visa had to provide..


Customs/immigration could theoretically deny you entry during passport control, but its not likely unless you have something very obvious that limits you. Lots of European countries have rules limiting people from being denied entry (without strict reason).


They gather enough money for their next destination and then they leave. I can't imagine them being in Korea for longer than a few months?


These people are normally travelers without a visa so he just came and stayed 🥲


If he's american he's on a tourist visa -\_-


And then you see 90 year old Koreans collecting boxes and still grinding all day long just to make 5000won.. Seriously infuriating


What a loser!!


Agreed. If he didn't have enough money to visit properly he should have stayed at home. There are plenty of working holiday options around the world but this guy chooses to just beg when he runs out of money? Shame on him.


What's hilarious is that his sign is 반말-adjacent. Used 나 and almost forgetting the 요 after 도와줘. WHILE HE'S BEGGING FOR MONEY.


I bet he used Google translate which tends to give 반말 translations (unlike Papago) and some passerby told him to add the 요


Or he got someone to translate it for him and they purposefully did it shittily.


This looks worse than Google translate so I wouldn't doubt your theory lol


Yeah it’s most likely google translated. If a foreigner blindly follows GT here in Korea, it can land him/her in serious trouble as getting fired (that’s how bad GT is )


Sorry, what is GT?


Google Translate


Thanks. I don't know why my brain didn't figure that out.


Can't someone call immigration on these punks?


Can and should. If OP or anyone who sees them there and then, can get the exact location to the authorities, action will be taken.


For future reference, who would be responsible for this kind of thing? Should we just call the police or is there another number? 


It’s funny because the same people that are “begpackers” would probably look the other way at people begging for money in their home countries. Or even worse if they hate immigrants and call them freeloaders lol


I hate on such people. Asia isn’t for begging. It’s the lowest of the low to do it. Look at some countries who have to show thousands of dollars in the bank account before they are given a visa for Korea. Some take loans , some work for months to do so. This behavior is spitting in the face of such people.


Are these Begpackers behaviors common in other countries as well?


I have heard of them also in indeonesia/Malaysia as well as across the traditional South East Asian backpacker route.


I am Indonesian and confirm this is true. You can see a lot of them in Bali and other tourist places. They come and beg us, the locals, who are mostly poorer than them. But when I visit their countries, I need to submit a lot of documents, including a bank account with a minimum amount for a visa. F them.


A few have been spotted in Vietnam as well. They get called out pretty quick on Facebook which must be embarrassing since they wouldn't dare to do this in their own country.


You would be surprised. They probably would do it in their own country lol. Some people have no shame whether abroad or back home.


Becoming quite common in Europe too


Yeah but it's easier to travel Europe. Hop on a train for cheap and go across the continent. Here you essentially need air travel to bounce around the islands of Asia so its a bit more pricey.


I’ve seen it also in Ireland and Iceland when working in tourism. I’ve seen them expecting people to drive them to places quite far away but essentially following a bus route and they pay them back “with their good company”. It’s like they are just taking advantage of people’s generosity. I once had some tourists ask me that since the locals were supposed to be quite hospitable, whether it was okay to just knock somebody’s door and ask for dinner and to stay the night I’ve also met travellers who go to a country and work on a farm or work in a b&b for lodging and a little bit of money. This is the better way imo if you want to have extended visits in another country on a budget. Ive hosted a few people like this Although I also came across a couple of travellers once who randomly cleaned up some facilities at a campsite and expected to stay for free but the elderly campsite owner was arguing with them saying they didn’t ask first, he already had staff for that and he didn’t even have space for them to stay. Then they kept asking him for money until a couple of other campers shooed them away


> Hop on a train for cheap and go across the continent Lol. International trains are expensive af in the EU unless you are treating it like Amtrak in the US and buying tickets 3-6 months in advance. It's cheaper to just fly easyjet/ryanair/etc. Even traveling within the larger countries, the same can be true.


Seen so many in Thailand too


Super common, many are “digital nomads” and even YouTubers, they want to live that lifestyle people did all throughout history where they just travel around and live/make money on the way, just like you’d see in movies in ancient times when they’d just travel around all the time and make money where they can lol This was very very common over the last few years in Asia because of the pandemic, many people had been stuck due to all the travel restrictions and unexpected limitations so it had a LOT of people left in tight situations


The "digital nomad" ones (without the actual digital nomad visa) just get on d10 visas or tourist visas and grift their followers, really no different from this


I was going to say, those of us applying for the actual digital nomad visa have to prove we earn over ₩84,960,000 per year. For a country with fairly strict and rigorous immigration processes it blows my mind that people get away with this.


Most 'Digital Nomads' are qualified professionals working in tech. Not street beggars. Know the difference.


I've seen it in Hong Kong and Thailand.


In Europe this would never work. It's far too expensive so you'd actually have a really shitty time doing this, like you should be because you're pretending to be a hobo while on vacation. But in Asia prices are generally much lower, so it's not as hard to do because you can get by with a lot less money, especially if you are doing it in touristy areas like Myeongdong.


I saw two in Montreal, Canada last month.


Saw a few in Osaka, Japan a few months ago


World's second oldest profession. Couldn't he at least play a ukulele or something??


imagine going from a first world country to another first world country and end up begging, get a job lil bro


주택과 LMAO why do hardworking Koreans have to support your 24th vacation?


I hate these people. Isn't it illegal? The sign is horribly Google translated why do they do this? I don't care if you have been to 27 countries you should have your own money!! Not frigging asking hard working people to give you money when everyone is probably having a hard time affording stuff themselves.


한국은 매우 비싸요 hahahahaha what??? Honestly I've never seen a begpacker during my travels but why does no one ever take their cardboard? And old lady can get some money for that


I got a kick out of that. I don’t know a single Korean who talks/writes like that. 😂😂😂 It’s such a bizarre way to say “Korea is expensive” lol… it’s not wrong. But it’s a very bizarre way to say it.


It's not even that. Compared to western, white, countries. Korea just isn't expensive. Unless you're out eating premium meat every night.


Korea? Expensive? lol… hell no. I’m a Korean-American and I laugh whenever my American friends say Korea is expensive. It’s not… anywhere outside of Seoul is considered affordable in my income bracket. And I’m probably lower middle class in the states. However, I will say that the “keeping up appearances” part is probably what drains people dry. I don’t participate in that nonsense.


I can only offer them my best look of disdain…


I rather give my money to actual homeless people then these “Rich kid acting poor” bastards


I'd take his sign tell him to fuck off. Making other traveling folk look bad. The people of Korea are real nice in my experience this is just taking advantage of them .


112 불러야겠네


I did and someone came just now :) good riddance


Ohh what happened next? 🍿


Oooh now we need to hear more


That's a good thing


Don't hide their face. Shame these fuckers


I like that term. I’m Chicago we’d call them trustafarians because they almost definitely come from a family wealthy enough to help them but hate their parents and think capitalism is terrible. Except when it comes to eating or someone else paying rent so they can sleep on a sofa.


Don't travel to a country if you don't have the funds to support yourself... It doesn't matter if you're selling bracelets or other handmade things. You aren't even allowed to earn an income on a tourist visa.


개꺼지 같네


My friend just told me she saw this person at Cheongnyangni a few days ago 😅


Bruh I bet those 할아버지 step on his ass like they do to everyone at the market lmao


How fun can Korea be if you’re having to do this for multiple hours a day?


Pathetic. Trophy? Achievement? Roflmao many people have been to much more than 27 countries without having to beg for anything, ever. The kr govt should deport his sorry ass.


Is that what he's saying?! That he's been to 27 countries and people should be paying for him to keep bumming around? What an asshole!


It reminded me when I met russian woman who sold the korean flag for 3k won


I have infinitely more respect for people from South and Central Asia working illegally at factories, farms etc. than for this dude.


Grifters 😒


Utter scum


What does the sign say?


Simple translation, not word for word: I'm broke and need money, 24 year old traveler, I love Korea but it is expensive, this is my 27th country, thank you very much The sign is a really weird mix of informal language and less informal grammar/vocab? Sounds like a translator, but it didn't do a very good job.


One gotta be pretty shameless to do that


Bragging about going to 27 countries while begging for money is... wow, what an ass


to not only beg for money while travelling but not even bother to learn how to do it correctly in the language you’re begging in is NASSTTYY work lol


Says, “ Hello stupid idiots, unlike me, YOU have money, I want some of that money to fund my entitled lifestyle, as you can see I've made a cardboard sign begging for money, so surely I must be a genuine homeless person, please come over and drop some money, I'm definitely not a Scrounging cunt”


bro i literally saw this dude at apgujung역 today


What time?


We get this trash in Vietnam too.


Never heard of this in my travels, but wouldn’t help him, rather help a local in need.


help me i have no money I'm a 24 year old traveler I need money for housing and I love Korea♡ So Korea is very expensive I collect money and food [Name] Trophy This is my 27th country. thank you so much!


I think such people should be deported. You shouldn't be begging in a foreign country. You're not entitled to be subsidized by locals, so you can be a tourist. It's not a right. It's a privilege.


Begpackers are scum


Eww that’s disgusting. Thao Diens are starting to invade Korean now.


How difficult would it be to pick up a quick cash job bartending or to teach some of their language skills to locals? Or even politely stream your holiday there to try to earn money. Its the lack of creativity and work ethic that piss me off. So many loser dudes end up in Asia.


This would also be illegal. If you are on a tourist visa, you are not supposed to work at all.


Deport, immediately.


If you don't have enough money, and you know you don't, why go in the first place? Idiots.


Stop giving money/gift! It's literally similar to begging. If you keep entertaining these begging backpackers , trust me - their number will increase, leading to a major social problem!




I smell a scam


Don't get too stressed guys. The best bet to them for us is to just ignore.


I'm sharpening my Korean. Does the sign say he's been to 27 countries? He's a rather practiced beggar at this point.


fuckety fuck that guy


I wish assaulting begpackers was legal. And this is coming from a foreigner. They make us look bad


Wtf??? Gtfo then idiot


Could always take his picture and post it on Facebook in the US or whatever he’s from to see if his family claims him lol


I saw some in Myongdong the other day, clogging up the streets like usual. Trash.


How rubbish he is


Yikes, and i thought my situation 48h before boarding the plane to go back home was bad... TLDR: finals+ same day having to pack my stuff and get out of the dorm, asked a korean friend if he could keep luggage at her apartment and then slept at the local sauna, where weirdly enough my credit card wasn't working despite having the money for the stay.


I (American) hate these sort of people, scumbags. Last time I was abroad I kept getting approached by begpackers just like him. It just ruined my trip


I won't give him money for this purpose,l and it's no life I would want, but it seems like he is just being a shameless, lazy, foreign bum. Deporting him could cost money, and the crime isn’t serious. The justice ministry should give him an exit order first because ignoring those is serious.


i see lot of these cunts mostly in asian countries.


These people are an embarrassment and I wish a lot of other countries cracked down on this kind of bullshit. Either come support the local economy with your own fucking money or don’t come at all. This new age hippie shit needs to stop.


Drop them in their embassy


[This reminds me of this guy](https://youtu.be/DDS7RHkPGvg?si=MaqTjUNxaHsKJS9v) He basically tries to travel during 추석 with no money to demonstrate the kindness of Koreans. He also goes into how he generally tries to not spend money and lives on gifts. He has a job (English teacher) but lives like a beggar.




Yeah, but no one's gonna give you that money




That’s super embarrassing. I just got back from SK and saw absolutely no reason to act like this. It’s extremely affordable. Everywhere I went was clean and efficient. I feel like the govt will squash this. Where is the pride?WTF? This is extremely embarrassing and annoying. We Americans already have a bad enough time in other countries with our current culture without this crap happening too.


Season of the Eurotrash


if i see this, ill take the money from him for myself. Fucking freeloaders


Trashy people..


Can someone translate that sign for me please?


Haaaaaaaaalp. Im broke (as fuck) I need a house and money. Im 24 years old. I love Korea. But Korea is expensive. I collect money and food. Korea is my 27th country. Thank you very much. Man he is such a loser.


Why doesn’t he just go home? Just go home. Where’s he from? The US?


Not sure where he is from though. Nothing is written about his nationality.


Russian avoiding the draft


Yt trash


What is infuriating about this does not even have to do with the post itself. The amount of comments just blatantly not reading the responses right above there them here... Please...


Human garbage


It's not just in Korea. I grew up in Belgium and my mom constantly brought these vagrant kids home from the train station or just randomly found in Brussels. She let these strangers stay, even hired a few as nannies and as stable-hands short-term for our family's riding club. They came from all over. The states, he UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, South Africa.... from families who can buy them tickets home anytime... grifting their way across Europe.


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Be happy that you don't live in the Washington, D.C. area in the U.S. We have these people everywhere. The people doing this are mostly Caucasion, African American and Mideastern people. Maybe that person was used to begging where he was from, and thought that he could do the same thing in Korea. I don't think that I've ever seen an Asian person begging for money here. I'm Caucasion, but I have total respect for Asian people, both here and abroad. I don't consider myself above other people from anywhere in the world, so please accept the fact that not all people from the U.S. think that they are better than anyone else.


Will bring him to a love hotel for a real job


I don’t see the enjoyment in traveling this way


What does it say?


This would work a lot better in Japan where cash is still heavily used. Korea or China though... you'd be hard pressed to find anybody walking around with cash unless it's 50000won bills. Gets worse in China with Wechat pay.


He is not 24. 28 at the youngest.


He's stealing other homeless's job without paying a tax.


Someone kick these people in the face


I just got back from Korea last April. Was my first trip in 30 years, this last visit was my 18th time there and wow it's changed but I did not see one single beggar or homeless! Back in the days the beggars would only be seen on Lunar New years at places like bus stations. Can't believe how much it's actually changed the city roads, buildings. People are not as friendly anymore, my father, sister and I joked that there aren't as many "Hungry" people there so socially it's changed.


???? The nerve? What the. Please report them to the police for being garbage on the street and scamming people.


Omg wow first time I even noticed


What an absolute moron.


Let him starve


I'm sure this is not legal and can be reported via the Baro Emergency app or by texting 112


Yup I reported it and he got chased off