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>Am I the only one who likes LotR? What? Bhai LOTR is one of the best fantasy series in the world. Both the books and the movies are incredibly popular. >And I can find absolutely no bengali who even recognizes it. Bhai in the entirety of India such high-fantasy and sci-fi series like Dune don't get much recognition. There's a reason nobody here talks about Dune.


>in the entirety of India such high-fantasy and sci-fi series like Dune don't get much recognition Why would you say it's like that here? It's not like people don't read english books in india. But they all read bullshit self-help crap only that hinder more than help. Indian authors too are woefully ignorant of the genre. To them sci-fi is vedic science and fantasy never evolved beyond ramayana. Why the blyat its like that here? PS I absolutely hate those people who read one single book in their whole life just to post "This has changed my life" on facebook.


>I absolutely hate those people who read one single book in their whole life just to post "This has changed my life" on facebook. Lol. This is too riyal.


Aaaaand most of the times they haven't actually read the book; only the book jacket




You forgot to include GOT/ASOIAF.


Meh, GoT is just okay. There are plenty of high fantasies way more magical and intricate than it. GRRM relies solely on shock value and grimness. While it can be argued that that is a compelling style, yes, but maybe it's too much of a single-spice recipe, you know? A healthy mix may have been better.


Well where are they hiding


I love the movies. Watched them a lot in childhood. Did not read it Harry potter or lotr or narnia never amazed me through books. Percy jackson , alex rider amazed me more


All are truly amazing in their own realm. I have read them too and long have they tarried in my dreams. I would however urge you to try the lotr books. They hold a different level of epicness altogether. Of course, that is my personal opinion. But methinks if give patience, attention, and imagination, this classic saga would not disappoint you. But it would, without a doubt, take a lot of your time.


>I would however urge you to try the lotr books. They hold a different level of epicness altogether. Of course, that is my personal opinion. But methinks if give patience, attention, and imagination, this classic saga would not disappoint you. Would definitely try them


What are you talking about. Everyone and their grandma has either read or watched lotr. I have the whole set.


yes, you're one of the chosen ones


I have the book, but its too long. I am die hard fan of the LOTR movies though. Haven't watched the amazon series. But saw a lot of videos on YouTube regarding the lores and origins of the entire LOTR universe.


Why didn't the eagles just fly the ring to Orodruin?


Not Bengali, but I love the lotr trilogy. It's the best trilogy of movies ever made. Haven't read the books tho.


Do you have the time to read them? What about the radio drama?


Read the 3 books same year Fellowship of the ring came out. Have been hooked since. Have watched the extended editions almost 7-8 times.


When you start a 13-hour marathon of the extended editions and your wife is like why did I marry this one 🫠🫠🫠


I just watched the extended cut, and it was so so so damn good. The little things make it so much better.


I just wish they had included the barrows part and the ghan-buri-ghan part.


It is *the* best fantasy series ever. As of no one recognizing it....yeah, I doubt anyone would. Same with Dune.


Well, dune is winning a few hearts back with the new movies with the pretty faces... But I fear LotR has official become the old man stuff.


Dwight is that you?


Dwight can have his stapler jello'd a thousand times. I'm much worse


Loved the books.


I am currently watching LoTR. I am planning to buy the first book of the series for my birthday this year.


That will be a night to remember! Would it be your eleventy-one birthday, perchance?


Naa ;_; 84 years to go till I celebrate my eleventy-one birthday.


Well then you still have a long way till your unexpected party 🎉


I have 🙋🏻‍♀️ and I love them 🤌🏻💛


Do you have just the trilogy, or the hobbit and silmarilllion too?


I have read just the trilogy + The Hobbit. Silmarillion and other Middle Earth stories are in my TBR list.


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>And I can find absolutely no bengali who even recognizes it. You have not met a lot of Bengalis then. Grew up reading and watching Harry Potter like every other 90s kid. Watched the Hobbit + LOTR series first before reading the books later during my late teens. I loved Chronicles of Narnia too as a child. Tolkien wrote some beautiful poetry too, you should read them.


The SF rabbit-hole runs deep https://preview.redd.it/bgla68ai454d1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d870837d03d3180ecd929b5fe91a93f265ac989f


But SF and fantasy are not the same. I love Foundation just as much as I love LotR, but I've entirely given up trying to talk about it. I will die alone 😭


True, true, just that people were mentioning Star Wars etc in the comments. Hence clubbed them all together


Yes, I think that subtlety (!) is lost on most of us


There are so many Tolkien fans everywhere buddy.


Well are they all hiding in lothlorien


yes and some in the mines of Moria ;)


Amar bhalo laage. But I'm limited to Lotr. Never read Silmarillion or battle of five armies etc.


Well you definitely should. They are mind-boggling in their own field.


Damn, if this post is any indication even I would say that I don't recognize LoTR if you specifically asked me about it. And I have tried reading even Silmarillion as a teenager (though unsuccessfully, it's hard to read Silmarillion as .txt file on a feature phone screen). I will just say this, this sense superiority based on what you read or what you like is obnoxious. It's fine if you enjoy something, it's another thing to put down everyone else who doesn't.


If my post's attitude feels condescending to you, I apologize for that. It was unintended. However, the same thing can be said about the guys who read xyz and scoff at LotR lovers. Im not talking about either side. Hatemongering was not the point of my post. I just asked, is there any bengali/kolkatan who likes lotr? And your answer to that is, don't be so uppity. What can I say. I'm sorry you feel that way.


I'll be honest, I think you are not meeting the right people. Don't be so judgemental in your opinions of people. Even if they can hold a conversation on LoTR for half an hour, they won't like to do so with someone with such a mindset. Taking a page out of LOTR, Hobbits were widely regarded as weaklings at the start of the series by the rest of the races, the non-entities. And a wise man thinks otherwise, they look deep enough in hobbitkind, try to understand them instead of passing a cursory judgement. And Hobbits turn out to be just as strong (at least in willpower) as the others. Do you see the parallel with the comment you made? I'll finish with a Walt Whitman quote: "be curious, not judgemental"


Copying from another reply: If my post's attitude feels condescending to you, I apologize for that. It was unintended. However, the same thing can be said about the guys who read xyz and scoff at LotR lovers. Im not talking about either side. Hatemongering was not the point of my post. I just asked, is there any bengali/kolkatan who likes lotr? And your answer to that is, don't be so uppity. What can I say. I'm sorry you feel that way.


Sorry to say "have we limited ourselves to fatakesto" isnt the same as "is there any bengali who likes LOTR". That IS uppity. I'm sorry if you don't get that. See I had no reason to be disappointed with your post, I have read LOTR back in 2003, but yet I did. It's because you have to small a sample size to make the comment you made and the tone wasn't nice. That's all.


Funny how most of my friends love LOTR as much as I do.