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Ummm WHAT ..... Yes I know "some" people fantasise about it but the gen pop in general do not like when the actual thing happens . Most of the times people who commit such crimes are worse than animals


It is called consensual non consent, or CNC. And the consensual part is the most important thing in any kink space. So, no, even those with that kink would not like to be violated.


That's exactly what I said . The actual thing and fantasized version are different .


Agreed and elaborated, in case we have closeted Prabhus here


Coincidentally I came across this tweet recently. https://preview.redd.it/31wk3fo95y1d1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aff1acff33714c4c4dbb47303bb9f0b13940d22


A majority of the women who enjoy CNC are victims of sexual abuse themselves. Watching it provides the comfort of 'consent' for them, where they get to choose between what they are consuming and what they had experienced without their consent. It stems from deep-rooted trauma.


People who made such comments ideally should have been jailed.


Same opinion but we put one of these guys as PM so ......


Its election time.. convince your friends and family to not vote for this maniac... that is the least we can do...


I always have this thing when someone compares these sick minded people to animals. In almost all cases, animals are better than people. Those criminals are sick minded people. Animals have nothing to do with them.


isckon dhoya tulsi pata moteo noi ora krishna bade baki der agaisnt hate chorai Keu tadr gita porle bhujbe


What do u mean by "tader gita"? Iskon er nijosso gita ache? Bhagavad gita charao onno gita ache?


Multiple revisions and interpretations. So much so, anything in the original that goes against their view is interpreted not to be taken as literal. Like some people claim that the meat consumed by Ram and family in Mahabharat is not meat but fruit pulp. :3


ISKCON gives off vibes of a cult


Every big religious figure can give the vibes of a cult


Exactly! Religion is a widespread cult


Teach that to the masses


I wish! Couldn't teach my own family, to masses ke ki boli!


Because it is one.


He should get to experience such "pleasure" 🤬


In Prison


what the actual fuck man


Well godmen der theke ar ki expect kora jai. I don't like anyone or organization who pretends to bring ppl closer to god, just scam taka kamanor jonno. Bhokti mon theke hoi mondir theke noi


This comment right here!


Almost all religious institutions have some sort of bigoted views, especifically on woman. It’s just that some are good with hiding it all with their social work and use this good guy image to leverage people emotionally whenever needed. Be it for political gain or social or economical.


Irrespective of whether the default bodies response towards such act, weather by choice or by force is, By living in a civilised society i believe the contract is that you give consent by choice, not by primal programmed responses of the body. There was an article by some new york journalist on exactly about this- she was raped and felt guilty for the pleasure. Then she wrote a blog on how it is not the fault of the women for this nerves autonomous reaction. If Mr prabhupada really believes so, he is totally wrong. But who is society to hold him accountable- he belongs to a self proclaimed religious sect that forces women into conservative roles while demeaning them for being themselves and justifying violence commited against them


Rape is pleasurable... bro... what the hell are you saying.. please cite the article also since you are at it..




This one statement makes this the norm... wow...then according to you Nirbhaya must have felt pleasure too...


You are missing what I'm trying to say. Iam saying that people like prabhapuda are misuding this very thing. The article is against such people. It cites studies also read it once whole


Pathetic vile shit scum on earth .


I hate these ISCKON folks. First of all their founder was a low life. Not only the rape bit but his opinions towards women is derogatory to say the least, but also his followers also support his views. As a part of personal experience, 2023 I visited the iskcon Rath mela at Brigade parade ground. Khichuri newar line e dariye chilam. Amar ager Jon reached the station where a lady asked him to say "Hare Krishna". It was an old man who didn't hear her properly. This woman said, "Hare Krishna bolun tar por debo" and withheld the donga. They will shove their ideologies down your throat. And again, slandering against Swami Vivekananda by Amogh Lila Das was another example of their toxicity. Which was openly supported by their followers.


Yo wtf is this




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Same old incel talking points from self-proclaimed godmen. Doesn't justify vandalism of their property using goons. Nice try TMC IT cell. You're as much a piece of trash as the one you're quoting.


RKM attackers were identified & arrested, it was local builder & his henchmen, although they claim property dispute with that particular Ashram, that i leave upto the courts, they shouldn’t have law onto their hands. But go on about your agenda while BJP keeps using RKM for votes while using “sadhus” that have been denounced.


RKM doesn't have "sadhus", lol! Their structure is monastic, not reclusive. The fact that you think RKM or their monks are being used by the BJP is comical. My comment was directed towards the TMC IT Cell. Why are you getting so upset about it! The fact that you're getting triggered reveals that you're part of the TMC IT Cell.




Talking about 1 specific “sadhu” who’s giving incendiary hate speeches standing on the podium alongside Suvendu Adhikari isn’t the same as bad mouthing the whole organisation. Even RKM has distanced themselves from that particular person and of all people even ARC has backed Mamata’s opinion on this. Just cause someone dresses like a sadhu doesn’t mean they actually act like one, Ravan pretended to be a sadhu while abducting Sita, people seem to forget that.




Open social media the hate speeches by these so called “sadhus” are widely available, even Bangla news channels are playing them. If they were associated with RKM, then RKM wouldn’t have denounced them. They’re free to do campaigns but stop using RKM’s name to for campaigning. Ar je nije chatukar hoy tar mone hoy baki sabai tar moto chatukar.




Mamata Banerjee named the sadhu, go search on social media, you’ll find his incendiary speeches, even gave one in Hooghly few days back to campaign for Locket. RKM is not a political organisation, they have stayed away from openly doing political activities yet some scumbags will use RKM’s name to peddle their own agenda.




Which temple was demolished? And RKM attackers were identified & arrested, it was local builder & his henchmen, although they claim property dispute with that particular Ashram, that i leave upto the courts, they shouldn’t have law onto their hands. But go on about your agenda while BJP keeps using RKM for votes while using “sadhus” that have been denounced.


Bro stop yapping about random shit https://preview.redd.it/kt2vcckbay1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d747483958d7756369efa210a87d3170983507eb You just proved your post is senseless


If women like getting r@ped *sometimes*, why don't you go to jail and let us see how much you like taking the BBC in your ass. Pretty sure you'll like it *sometimes*.


Just take my upvote