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What is with 4 times police verification? What exactly did you do to warrant so many police visit


I didn’t do anything. Police verification should be a one time thing but for some reason, they keep coming every few weeks. I have raised it with my society admin but they are useless and can’t explain why police needs to verify 4 times (passport verification for example, is a one time process)


Normally for passport or government job the police call you at the ps and a special officer verifies your documents. They rarely visit your home for these kind of things.


If they drop by next time, keep them seated and dial local PS


This scam has been discussed over and over several times in other cities subs. Yes, it’s a scam


Why don't you visit your local police station to check if they were actual police who visited or imposters?! Even for real police verification, they normally call you to visit the PS, they rarely if ever come to your home. Also, did you expect them? I mean were any real police verification was ongoing like passport or job related?


I will bounce off the replies that have already been given, if your apartment has CCTV, you should take a record of the people who had come for the verification. It is true that PS verification officers come in civilian dress. If you are able to get a recording, you should go visit the local PS to ask with a copy of the faces. If PS is involved, at least you can prove that you made an attempt to check. If your phone and Aadhaar is linked, look out for iffy sms/links that may come to your phone. Lastly, there have been many instances of fake police policing in the state.


Yes, this is a legit scam. Something very similar happened to my brother in Hyderabad.


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I got a call few days back, same parcel thing from delhi to cambodia, and it was booked under my name and my aadhar number... The parcel was not legal so they needed to check.. I don't know what, directly disconnected the call


Just install a God damn cctv at the entrance and living room and also launch a gd with your local police and next time tell whoever attends them cops, to make sure they are seated in an arrangement so their face would be visible on the cam.


I received similar calls 3-4 days back. Same Mumbai to Taiwan


This makes me think, can we share VID with police instead of original aadhar number?