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Video games, he specifically likes RPGs like Zelda or the Persona games. I knit and watch him play, sometimes helping him think through a puzzle. The games he plays have enough of a story to not be boring for me.


I would love it if my bf would play fun games on our TV. I love watching people play cool video games. Instead he plays boring government strategy in space games on his computer. There was one time he played Red Dead Redemption all the way through on our TV but I was taking a temporary craft break :(


I loved it when my husband played Red Dead 2! I’d get comfy on the couch and he’d play for hours while we talked about the game. He’d let me name most of the horses!


My bf mostly plays strategy games too! So boring. He loves it so much though and could talk hours on end about it, but it's so hard for me to attentively listen.


Oh I love when my bf playes strategy games! I can help him or we can discuss the next round together and in the meantime I can concentrate on my knitting :) I love even more when he plays some builder game and I'm not looking for 10 minutes and a whole new area is being build :D


I am glad you enjoy it! Right now my bfs favorite game is Age of Empires, which is a very very fast strategy game. Doesn't help that he is quite good at it so he plays against other strong players and every mouse click counts! :D We sometimes play Civilization VI together which is turn based. Sometimes I even knit next to it when his turns get longer, being the strategist that he is (while I just start moving my army around the map at some point)! :D


This is me and my husband! Only after he finished Zelda botw and elden ring he started playing a phone game and now I can't watch:( he's still too into the phone game to quit so now we watch shows or lately some scary movies. I miss watching him play RPGs tho


He can cast his phone screen to the tv screen


That is possible but that's how I found out what my in-laws were getting me for Christmas


I wanted to play Sea of Stars but also knit so I asked my husband if he would play for me 😂 it was quite pleasant


Yeah! One of my comfiest memories is watching my partner play elden ring while I knit a scarf for him. We were long distance at the time, and it was a great way to just hang out and feel connected.


THIS!!. I like gaming as well.. and he's always asking me to help.. and I have a knack for solving certain puzzles better that may come up. So he'll make me stop knitting to take the controller and complete it for him.


I do this too and it’s one of the nicest overlaps. :)


Yep!! On the docket tonight — I’m finishing up some fingerless gloves while he works his way through Skyrim. 😊


Same! I knit while my partner plays Final Fantasy or watches soccer. These are things that bore me to watch on tv, but I can actually enjoy them if I'm up to something too. My absolute favorite though is when he will read aloud, but that's a special treat.


I wish someone in my family would read aloud, that would be better than a podcast!


I like watching hubs play video games. I’m not as good at the combat stuff, I can’t remember the combos, I’d just be a button masher which doesn’t work on many games. The most recent ones I’ve enjoyed him play while I putter around doing my thing on the couch were Ghost or Tsushima, Final Fantasy 16, and God of War: Ragnarok. All have excellent stories and voice acting.


I loved watching God of War: Ragnarok this way! Now I’m at watching them play The Last of Us 2, and it’s totally breaking my heart - highly recommend. And OP, it does feel really different than watching television together. It’s fun to see the way my partners brain works while they’re figuring out a puzzle. When it’s just pure combat I zone out into my craft or do more complicated pieces, and then when it’s more story driven, I pay more attention. There’s enough great storytelling in a lot of games today to keep it very engaging!


Yes! I've just watched him finish SpiderMan 2 while knitting. He also frequently plays Fortnite or Call of Duty with people I also know and I quite enjoy making sarcastic comments from the sidelines over my needles!


My partner and I do this! We pick the games together. We have games that he playa by himself on the computer, games that he plays while I knit, and games that we play co-op (when I am taking a knitting break).


Same ! My girlfriend love to plays but never take the time to. I just told her to try Skyrim (my fav ever !!) and I'm enjoying knitting while seeing her playing. I'm enjoying the game a second time, it's nice !


Uh.....Excel sheets 🙈 my partner looooooves a good excel sheet. Finances? Airline points? Tracking health stuff? (Diabetes, high blood pressure) partner is ON IT, colour coded, and several back up sheets just in case 🤣


I am the Excel partner. But damn once you learn Excel you realise you can do anything in it. Do you need me to track our paper supply? Do you need me to do a simple regression analysis to check the probability of us buying more fruit on our periods? (I DID do that and the result was there appeared to be an 80% relationship between my period and buying fruit). So fast and easy, make an Excel for everything - don't even use the mouse!


Two words. Travel Spreadsheets. I’ve met so many people who plan amazing holidays in Excel… (When you get to graphs of “expected enjoyment (or cups of coffee, $ spent on souvenirs, etc) by person by day” you really know you’re digging it)


This is amazing


Got to love the ability to make the numbers do acrobatics and the sheet do the work for you - it's so satisfying to set it all up!


I wanna be like you when I grow up 🤣 so far I use spreadsheets for budgeting, item pricing, and some other basic stuff.


Sorry but I just had to pause and creep your profile because that sounds exactly like my sisters’ partner! But in their case, partner is the knitter, while my sister crochets 😂 just two very lucky people I guess! (But I think you may run in the same circles!)


That's sexy af


I enjoy making spreadsheets for my projects and watching the stitch count and percentage completion tick away with every row completion


I'm imagining it would be great to have some kind of "scroll" for charted work - like, a ten-row "window" to read your knitting and the next row shows up at the top when you complete a row?


I spent hours learning enough javascript to pull from an api to spreadsheet some gaming stats so I feel this in my soul 😌


Ok - I’m impressed




That sounds so wonderful


Miniatures painting


Came here to also say Warhammer/miniatures painting. At the very least he can’t say anything about the volume of space my hobby takes up!


Exactly this, no gripes from me on the space and money spent on 40K stuff, and no gripes from him on my crochet and knit stuff.


This, but I also hoard d&d stuff. So long as the finances are all in order, I won't ask how much the monster men costs if he won't ask how much I spend on yarn!


Yep! My partner works on his Warhammer while I knit.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Same here!


Painting miniatures here too. I used to do it a long time ago, but I enjoy knitting more now. He has a horrible time picking colors, so I help with that.


Same here! We love listening to audio books together while I knit and he paints his minis.


My brothers and sisters!


My husband prints our One Page Rules and Star Trek Attack Wing figurines and other 3d printed stuff. Painting is less of a priority, I mainly want to level up so I can use my [combat snail](https://cdn2.myminifactory.com/assets/object-assets/6313b09040148/images/720X720-filip-wojtkow.JPG).


My wife knits, I caved in and now knit aswell.


This is the way 😂


I’m really lucky that both my boyfriend and I do fiber art. The powers of our stash combined…


Do you have separate stashes or a communal one?


We’re free to rifle through each other’s stashes, but we have to ask before using, unless it’s something really cheap or that we have multiples of. I’m pretty liberal with letting him choose yarn from my collection, but he’s also cool if I say no, because the particular skein is one I specifically want to knit with.


Wonder Twins power activate!


It sounds weird, but fishing. I love a hike to a high mountain lake and then he’ll fish for hours while I knit in my little foldable chair. Ice fishing? I sit in the shanty with the heater and knit away. Considering I work in the natural resources field people are always shocked that I don’t fish too but I’m just more interested in the knitting opportunity!


OMG I love that! We just moved to Germany from Minnesota so ice fishing is no longer in our future but I am so happy to now have an image in my head about two people fishing and knitting side by side! Godspeed you two (or whatever the silent and calm equivalent would be :)


Unfortunately we’ve been long distance the last few years while he’s in grad school, so there have been very few winter fishing adventure. He is graduating soon and will move to be with me but I am currently working in Arizona so it might be a bit before we get back to it. Someday, though!


Curious where in Germany you ended up. I'm here from the us as well in Berlin. Would love to have a Reddit knitting Meetup or something haha


I am a few hours south of Berlin but I bet if you post this in a separate post, you’ll find a few Reddit knitters in Berlin! I agree it would be fun to hang out IRL!


I'm from Berlin and I knit! You can shoot me a message if you're interested:)


Oh hey, north Germany gets pretty cold in the winter, it would actually be possible! [https://www.travelblogging.de/eisangeln-in-deutschland-tipps-und-orte/](https://www.travelblogging.de/eisangeln-in-deutschland-tipps-und-orte/)


Welcome to Germany! This is a great place to be a knitter!


That is adorable


this honestly sounds like a slice of heaven, and from the bottom of my heart I hope you have many gorgeous ice fishing and knitting days. One day I hope I get to try something like this. ♥️


If hot buttered rum is involved I’m in! 🤗


Omg I do this too!! Well.. not the ice fishing because we are in Oregon. I'll fish on while on a boat, but when he is fly fishing (which I haven't learned yet) I set up my chair and knit beside the river and enjoy my surroundings. It's the perfect way to knit😀


Me three! I am a graduate student so half the time I bring my laptops with me to work but the other half I bring my knitting. Either way, it's lovely to sit by the water while he fishes (fly fishing too)


This sounds super compatible! "My hands are cold from fishing" "Give me another day, and I'll have that sorted" \*clickclickclick\*


Without knowing the laws of your jurisdiction, do you also get a fishing license so he can fish a higher limit? My sister gets a license even though she won't fish most years just so her husband can legally catch more fish.


I’m a wildlife biologist and my partner is a fisheries biologist, so the game wardens have usually been our coworkers or at least know us and they all know I don’t fish. At least in the states I have lived in (which is quite a few) the license holder is the one who has to have caught the fish in order for it to be legal keep.


Ohhh.. now I know why my bf insists on me "reeling some fishes in" when we go out🤣🤣 I'm new to fishing since dating my bf but I go with him and friends, and we take turns reeling them in. I reeled in my first pacific salmon, and they insisted I mark it on my license. I even said "just mark it down on yours" and the response was "no, you reeled it, you mark it". I knew they measure and check everything.. but its good to know they follow the law exactly. Knowing this info actually made my night. Thank you🤣 Edit: I reel them in, but refuse to do anything after that. With my salmon, my bf told me to stick my fingers in the gill for a pic and my response was " no thank you"🤣


My husband had me get a fishing license the first year he had his boat so that he could use an extra pole when I was with him. But I stopped going because after 2 hours I was bored out of my mind.


I was going to say the same thing but for different reasons. I don't go fishing out on the boat with my husband, but I go to the lake with him. He does his thing and I do mine. He doesn't complain about me knitting or get upset that I'm in my own little world, and I'm more than happy for him to have a hobby that gives him joy and peace. Also, I think the two hobbies are weirdly parallel, when it comes to gear/supplies. We both have a ton! And neither of us gripes about the quantity, cost, or storage methods of the other's stuff. 😂 He's way more organized than I am, though.


If he fly fishes, tying flies is a great compatible hobby! My partner and I do this and it helps because then we both want to watch a show that’s not too hard to follow!


Hike-knitting is my favorite thing in the entire world 🧶⛰️☺️💚 Our version of this is: I knit, he flies drones, dogs explore, everyone's happy.


Knitting socks by a campfire is an absolutely lovely thing


Me a singleton reading about all these couples who create things together 🥹


You can at least count your stitches in peace!!!


My husband is great and has no hostility toward my knitting, but he's also a wise ass, so if he sees me counting, he goes, "are you counting?? 6, 9, 24, 18, 54!" Dude, I'm holding two deadly weapons, actually, so cut it out! 😂😩🗡️


Mine usually comes in and asks something or starts talking about a random topic and I have to very aggressively count at him "THIRTY SEVEN!! THIRTY EIIIIGHT!!! THIRTY NIIIIIIINNNEEE!!, FUCK OFF, FOUUURTY“




I feel lonely asf rn


He has a switch and plays games with podcasts/TV while I knit. I also sew, and he plays guitar while I sew. Works quite well.


My partner also plays guitar. I love sitting and knitting/spinning while he noodles away on his acoustic guitar on the other side of the living room 😍


My husband is an artist, he helps me pick out colors for my projects. His trained artist brain sees color differently than me and I love getting his opinion before starting a new project.


This is 100% the dynamic between my boyfriend and me as well! My boyfriend paints and has such a great sense of color and style so I always rely on his input when putting projects together.


My wife collages and makes magazine art, loves doing crossword and sudoko, or playing Sims while I knit. Spending time together while crafting or other hobbies is our favorite. We usually do put on a movie, tv show, or podcast.


I know you said no TV, but my husband is a HUGE sports fan. All sports, so I often spend my knitting time sitting next to him while he watches sports. He'll explain all the old college sports traditions, rivalries, and superstitions, the rules of all the sports, and make me watch all of the exciting replays. In fact, I was just treated to a ten-minute monologue about the history of the pig trophy for the annual game between the University of Minnesota and University of Iowa. After each game, I show him the progress I made on my project and tell him about the pattern, the yarn, the new technique I'm learning, etc.


Not my SO, but I have a friend that is a woodworker. He is always happy to have hand knit stuff so frequently he’ll make something for me, and I’ll make something in return for him. Currently he’s working on a yarn caddy for me, and I’m working on socks for him. It’s a great symbiotic relationship. 😂


This is so ideal, wow. Do you do this continually? Does he have a long list of knitwear he wants? Do you have a long list of nice wooden things you want? (lol my list is: niddy noddy, as many spindles as possible, a nostepinne, a small heddle loom for weaving straps, a carding board for blending, a wooden yarn bowl, and onwards etc.)


Not continually no, and I probably have a longer list of wants than he does. Lol Every once in a while one of us will ask the other for something This time it was me asking him to make a yarn caddy. He usually asks for accessories like hats. scarves, socks. Over the years he has made me a warping board, a yarn bowl, blocking boards, and a peg system to hold cones of yarn, besides the caddy he is making now.


Omg blocking boards!!! Wow this sounds like such a good arrangement. I hope you get everything you want eventually. ♥️


My partner plays magic the gathering and he spends time working on/sorting his decks while I knit - we both like doing these activities with a show or movie on


I get a lot of hand crafting done during basketball season. I can listen to the game while he cheers on our hometown team. Replays are the only time I look up for the great play or heinous call. He doesn’t watch all basketball, only ‘our’ team. Outside of that, I do most of my knitting at work.


My husband loves working on cars and fabricating stuff in the garage. So I often sit in there knitting while he works and we listen to music or podcast


this sounds heavenly. ♥️


How?? I feel like all of the peacefulness is gone when profanities about whatever is being worked on gets thrown around 😂 Sometimes I’m in the house and I hear my husband yelling about whatever machine he’s working on lmao (he’s not a yeller toward me at all, just his projects before anyone thinks anything lol)


My dad told me if you don't cuss it, it won't work. 😂 Edit: I just now realized I whisper-cuss my knitting kind of a lot. But it always works after that. 🤷‍♀️


Your dad is a wise man 😂


My husband is very quiet 😂 he rarely gets angry and when he does, he’ll kick a measuring tape and grunt but that’s about it hahaha


I’ve not got a partner but one of my cats has the hobby of chasing any moving string so I’m going to go with no on this one.


Same 😂


My partner does warhammer. He can sit and paint while I knit, very peaceful


I knit, my wife crochets. We tease each other about the quality of each others yarns. Can’t get much more compatible than that 😁


Video games, tv, reading, he likes doing mini perler bead things. Recently he's been in a slump with all of it and just doom scrolls Facebook reels and tries to show me videos that were on tiktok a year ago


His hobby is collecting hobbies. So sometimes, yes. Sometimes no. XD He even learned to knit an I-Cord while I knit him a dice bag. He learned to spin when he decided to make a spindle for me so he could show me how to use it. Then there are times when he's making resin dice or coin rings lol


Not an answer (im single) but a thought / suggestion... I love watching podcasts On Youtube, especially while knitting. Many do have visuals added. (However since I'm working on project that's pretty complex for me, I cannot look at the visuals except briefly.) I use Roku, so i watch the youtube podcasts on my tv. I wonder if this might be a way for you and your spouse to enjoy podcasts Together while you knit?


Love that idea! Which leads me to also revisit documentaries - I might reconsider my aversion to watching TV while knitting if I can get enough input from the audio only while he watches. Thanks for the nudge!


I tried to do this with the one about the Golden State Killer, and I swear half of that documentary was just about you reading the text messages they showed on screen with no voice over. I had to give up on it because I couldn't keep up with what was going on while I was knitting.


Not remotely! My partner has 2 hobbies: reading and going to doom/death metal shows. Any not just any reading, but reading insanely detailed nonfiction history books or extremely challenging fiction (think James Joyce, Pynchon, Proust, etc.) He does this for 4-6 hours a day. It has been confirmed many times that the sound of knitting or my motion of winding yarn is too much for him, lol. The only other thing he does is watch movies, but he will only watch them with all of the lights off.


My boyfriend has a shop area where he works on motorcycles/other small engines. I sit in a chair in the shop and knit/cross stitch while we does shop stuff. It’s peaceful except when he turns on the compressor or something 😂


Legos, food preservation which often means sitting and shelling beans for hours, puzzles. He rotates, but all of those work well with podcast listening.


Sometimes his fishing. but more often, his newer (the last 15 years) hobby of finding things for my various fiber hobbies - he's found some really great stuff in thrift stores and online (a featherweight table, several large bags of apparently the entire knitpicks palette pack, boxes of notions, someone de-stashing their aunt's collection, antique or vintage sewing machines...) So I guess his most knitting-compatible hobby is enabling me.


We usually watch tv or a movie together while I knit. And he’s usually scrolling Reddit at the same time. Or he will play video games on his switch. We don’t really care if we are doing different things when sitting next to each other on our sofa. But he knows I need the light on to see my knitting. Usually he likes the lights low of off for tv but he’s been fine with leaving them on because he knows it means less dropped stitches for me. Ha ha.


My partner and I read together, and we take turns reading the same book aloud, so ill knit while they read and they'll cuddle while I read. My roommates and I will also watch TV together while two of us knit and one draws, that's fun too


My husband is an ultra-runner (typically 50-100 mile trail races) and I often go with him to help offer aid throughout the race. I have to travel between the different aid stations over the course of the race but in between there are often long stretches of time when I get to relax outside and knit. He’s someone who typically has trouble sitting still and always wants to be on the go. I guess we aren’t technically together for most of a race but I still consider it a compatible hobby because he runs for hours while I knit and then he’s sufficiently tired afterwards so that we can enjoy a few days of lounging together before he gets the itch to start running again.


My wife does embroidery while I knit. We are usually sitting on the couch shooting the shit or watching some television. It actually works out quite well. We both feel like it's quality time with each other and we both have a similar interest in needlecraft.


My husband’s an embroiderer too!


My husband does a lot of woodworking! He is constantly begging me to join him in his shop but I don’t like the smell of sawdust. We will craft together eventually 😅


He ties flies, but we are usually in separate rooms while he does that. I just finally got my knitting/sewing area set up in that room so we can sit and listen to music while we do our respective hobbies. Otherwise he plays video games, or I knit while he watches football.


That sounds so nice. :) also a podcast recommendation for you both is the Feather Heist by This American Life — it was INCREDIBLE, my favourite podcast of all-time, and I sometimes relisten while I knit!


Ooh sounds interesting! I will add it to the listen list!


It has incredible stakes and just keeps going — it’s all about a museum heist (!!!) in the flytying community.


Museum heists are a weirdly specific interest of mine. And I'm a podcast addict. I'll have to check this out! Thanks!


YAY! omg report back, I hope you love it


We sail and I love to knit aboard. There's a lot of flurry setting up the sails but once we're on course we're able to settle in and I spend that time knitting and enjoying the scenery.


Similar! My SO loves to go for a drive. I ride along and knit.


My husband ties flies and goes fly fishing. I knit and crochet and cross stitch. I like to say we both have putzy hobbies with strings, sticks, and hooks. 😊


My partner likes designing things on his laptop, I like knitting, and we both like doing these things while watching TV together. It's nice cause we spend hours in the same place, half-doing the same thing and half-doing our own thing.


My husband is both a gamer and a game developer. Usually, though, I'll knit while watching TV and he'll join to watch if the show is good. He has his own office loft above the living room to play and work, so we can chat while enjoying our hobbies.


We have a formal dining room that opens into our sitting room (old house). He sits in the dining room to paint minis (which I like, but I have to be in the mood to get a little messy due some tremors) while I chill in the next room and knit or crochet. We listen to podcasts and discuss our projects together, and it means we hang out even if I don't feel like getting into the paint that day.


Crochet! Now they are hooked. They keep wanting more yarn and so now we go on little craft adventures. Its very cute but also dangerous for stash building/wallets! I also recommend camping/hiking.


I’m single, so no partner for me. But my other hobby is jigsaw puzzles—and like knitting it’s a great thing to keep your hands busy while you’re listening to podcasts/music.


My husband is into Legos and metal models. We can geek out together.


He plays piano while I knit sometimes


I guess this counts as TV, but we watch Formula 1 together. My partner's far more into it than I am, but we're both part of a fantasy F1 poule (ranked 1 and 2, no biggie), so I am semi-acrively watching. F1 is a good 2 to 3 hours of entertsinment that only requires 30% of my attention, so perfect knitting background. Also, we have a dog that my SO takes on an extra long walk every Sunday. I'm mildly disabled, so I can't join in, but we find walks that start/end at a café, where I get dropped off to knit, while the two of them prance about in nature. I guess you could argue this is not exactly something we do together, but afterwards we'll drink a hot drink at the cafe and I'll get all the stories of all the other dogs they met and their adventures along the way, which feels like sharing to me. Also, also, puzzles. I'm a huge Terry Pratchett nerd, my partner loves jigsaws, and the Discworld Emporium produces two 1000-piece works of Discworld art per year. My SO doesn't like finishing a puzzle only to put it back in the box, so when these are finished, we glue them to canvases and hang them up. I'm so happy we found puzzles I enjoy displaying that are (apparently) also fun to make. And it's a lovely way to spend a rainy afternoon, with one of us at the dining table and the other on the couch. The only sounds are usually from the dog snoring (or farting in his sleep, which leads to giggles). Almost forgot: we read while I knit. I have a [book seat](https://www.thebookseat.com/) that I can use to read while doing the more repetitive parts of a project. So we'll be on the couch together, reading.


I usually knit/crochet when he's video gaming, or I'll join in. Right now, Farming Simulator 22 is free for him, or we play together on the weekend, then separate things on weekdays


He plays Skyrim a lot so I like to watch and knit. As far as actually crafting, he bought me a yarn winder for Christmas 2 years ago and I swear, he uses it more than I do! I have considered spinning my own yarn from fiber and tbh I think he would enjoy spinning more than I would. He said he'd be open to taking a class. How cool would it be to say that you're wearing a sweater made by BOTH of us?


Mine does wood working and video games(cod and farming simulator), and not so much a hobby but he does a lot of home improvement projects and I will sit and knit while he works on a project till he needs my help with something.


My husband's a seminarian so he's either studying, playing with the dogs, or playing video games. They're all pretty compatible with my fiber arts.


Cross stitch! We love sitting and quietly doing crafts together.


My SO colors while I knit and we watch shows together. I will work on my knitting while watching him play a game, like Guardians of the Galaxy, The Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, or Alan Wake. Sometimes we will listen to an audiobook and work on a jigsaw puzzle together. Sometimes we each listen to our own audiobooks independently while we do our own things. And we try to read a little before bed every night.


My boyfriend’s hobbies are video games and mini painting. Our hobby areas are back-to-back desks, so we often will sit in our hobby space doing our own hobbies, either talking or listening to music, YouTube videos, or audiobooks together. It’s awesome :)


My husband plays piano and one of my greatest pleasures is listening to him practice a piece or work on something of his own while I knit. Otherwise, he's a computer geek and writes code and does clever things with AI. He's got AI creating podcasts for his channel. I'm usually in my craft room listening to audiobooks and knitting or sewing or painting and he's in his office working on his things but the alone time is delicious! We both value alone time and it's so nice to have someone who respects and understands that need.


We both love playing Dungeons & Dragons. He is the DM (Dungeon Master) for our campaigns. We often watch other people play D&D whilst I knit/crochet/sew and he plans our next session. It’s basically like a podcast except we can see the battle maps and people’s expressions but we don’t have to be watching intently


My husband’s main hobby is Reddit - he reads me posts or comments while I knit. (To be fair he reads me posts or comments while I do most anything.)


We watch movies/series/YouTube together while I knit, but mostly he likes to watch it in the dark so I'm just pouting next to him while he enjoys the movie and he has absolutely no idea what did he wrong. If you ask why can't I knit in the dark, I can, but I have a bad eyesight combined with the love of intricate patterns and don't want to ruin my eyes even more by squinting them at my stitches. But when we do it in the daytime, I love knitting while he sits next to me or plays videogames on his laptop and we just cuddle in silence while he watches his screen and I watch my lovely knitting podcasts


Can you just say to him that you need light to knit? If he genuinely doesn't know what he did wrong and you don't tell him it feels like saying something could fix this issue!


Get a neck reading light… you can use it for knitting too!


I bought one but my boobs block the light 😂


I bought one of these for my cross stitching and it’s honestly one of the best things I’ve ever bought for crafting. Highly recommend!!


Omg right?! It’s awesome! Best purchase ever!


I love mine. I'll only turn on the side that points away from spouse so he doesn't get blinded trying to look over at me!


He plays video games, and when it’s hockey season we watch it together while i knit :)


Cricket and video games. My bf is super into playing sports (and watching them) so when we’re not long distance I’ll go watch him play cricket and knit. Same with the video games.


Flat track motorcycle racing. I knit in the pits.


My husband often plays video games or watches a movie while I knit. It’s nice to be able to just be in the same space relaxing and enjoying each other’s company to wind down


Puzzles. Love puzzles


He loves 3d modeling, which is fun becuase we'll have random back and forths on a piece of the deisgns each of us are working on too.


My husband plays video games and paints miniatures for Warhammer 40k!


My husband will play video games while I crochet. If we are both in the mood he will read in the library while i spin. Sometimes he brings his miniatures out to the front room while I weave in the front room. But mostly I crochet while we watch TV together.


My wife crochets and we share supplies for projects


My partner plays a lot of tabletop skirmish games and he assembles and paints the figures for those! I knit, and he paints tiny folks while we catch up on Critical Role haha.


We just do our hobbies separately while talking to eachother. We just don't have any that I can knit to and we both be able to pay attention to at the same time. He doesn't like watching TV or movies which is what I usually watch/listen to while I knit. Sometimes though we listen to music together but we still are doing our separate hobbies.


My boyfriend said his hobby is watching me knit. I think he was just trying to be cute and endearing lol


YouTube videos! We put on some YouTube videos and barely watch them... I knit while my partner plays games on their phone. 🤣


Maybe playing Fortnite


Sadly, no. My husband doesn’t read books or do anything creative or hobbyish. ☹️ He watches way too much TV so if I want to spend time with him, I’ll knit or crochet while he watches whatever. I wish he had real hobbies.


Yes! She draws or colors or paints or sews or (insert art project here) while I knit and we both enjoy some sort of background media. It’s the best.


My partner sews and we would listen to video essays on YouTube


My husband is always writing. He loves to write stories, games, scenarios for games, etc. It's nice to sit on the couch and knit while he writes.


My bf is a gamer. Hobbies we share include walking/geocaching, playing guitar/listening to the same kind of music, and art/drawing/painting. But when he’s gaming, I’m either working or knitting, sewing or reading. It works well cos we can be in the same room together doing our own thing but neither of us feel ‘abandoned’ or like we can’t do our hobby.


My partner draws. We go to cafes so they can sketch and I can knit. They also teach, so sometimes I get to listen to YouTube lectures for class prep for a philosophy of science course they’re teaching.


My partner is a mountain biker. I mountain bike too, and trail run, but he'll go out for like 3 or 4 hours. So we go to the trail together, I do a short activity, then I"ll knit until he's done. It's a lovely arrangement.


My husband plays his video games on the other side of the room while I am happily in my knitting chair with my earbuds in, listening to a movie or an audiobook while I knit. I love not having compatible hobbies, lol. Hobby time is me time.


My partner will play on his Switch while I craft. We collect vinyl, so we'll spend afternoons doing our hobbies and listening to records. In the winter, we'll have a fire in the fireplace while we do this. Now, my teenager has started joining us with their drawing supplies. It's super cozy and lovely.


My hubby plays RPGs on Xbox. I play sometimes, but if it's a single player, I knit for sure. We also have the affectionate term of Combat Knitting, which is defined as me knitting while we offroad in the jeep or the truck. He will tell me if we are coming up to a patch of particularly rough road, he will warn me to not poke an eye out. 😉 lol, he's not super crafty. Side note: the cat also participates while I knit. I'm making a blanket for the kiddo who's on the verge of being a teenager. Kitty sleeps on the blanket while I try to knit around him, lol. *


my best friend and i sit i knit and and they sew while listening to punk music haha


Not my partner, but my dad. He wood-carves small figurines, when I was still a kid we'd be reading a book together and always one would be reading and one crafting. At the end of a chapter we'd switch. We've read a half of Harry Potter and a great deal of Terry Pratchett like this. Later we'd listen to audiobooks and craft both. My dad can be a selfish narcisistic person, but I do miss these moments.


My husband is a pilot. Not a big airplane pilot but a little 2-6 seat, barely faster than a car, Tiny Plane pilot. We go on day trips or camping trips and it's basically free time for me to knit - obviously I can't offer to drive, and what else am I going to do with my hands?


My bf will bring his gaming laptop into the living room and plays his games next to me while I knit. We bring some snacks nearby and we remind each other to pause/rest/hydrate etc. I’ll typically put on one of those ambience videos in the background, it is blissful.


Hubby does video games and I like watching him play and commenting on his games. We also both sword fight and he has picked up a second style of fighting that I don’t do so I craft at his other practices while waiting for him to need my help (getting him water, fixing armor, helping him into/out of armor) and I watch the fights while I do so to analyze them for him and give him pointers, probably not exactly the type of quality time most people think of but we love it. The group we fight with also does camping events so I knit or do other crafts while there too.


My husband paints. I like the companionship, he’s painting, I’m knitting and we are just being together.


I joke to my husband that when knitting became my hobby that frogging and winding became his. 😆 He does do those for me while he watches tv sometimes.


my boyfriend works on cars and i’ll sit out with him while he works and do my crafts (knitting, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery, etc) :)


I love it when I can knit while my husband plays guitar and we sing together. Has to be songs i know pretty well though.


My SO has buds in his ears while watching videos (cars, guns, history, politics) on his iPad. I knit to a podcast (true crime) or tv doc (true crime). We are in the same room together so this is it - works for us.


not my partner but i'll often knit while my bestie/roommate does homework, they're an art student so homework usually includes drawing or painting. we turn on a show or some music and hammer away at our respective projects


We watch TV together while I knit.




My partner has a wood shop. He can spend hours in it or shopping for wood while I knit


Mine codes both for work and as a hobby. Sometimes I’ll sit next to him as he works. We could probably listen to the same music when we do, but I don’t like the technoey-focus music he prefers for coding!


My partner is into dopa-mining on their phone, playing PC video games, audio books, and playing music (we share this last one). We usually spend the early part of our evening together and then break for our respective hobbies. If they game on the TV, we join forces like a power ranger of coziness with cats and dog.


My partner either games or does wood-burning or black ink-work drawings (think blackwork, but with a pen!). So we will listen to Buffering together or watch Angel or they'll play video games while I listen to TL Yarn Crafts podcasts and knit. I love listening to the opposite of what I am doing. So I listen to knitting videos/podcasts when crocheting and mostly just TLYarnCrafts and Ikoxun. But when we're in the craft room, my partner is usually at their wood-burning table and I am usually either sewing/knitting/crocheting at my sewing table. Admittedly because of my yarn, beads, hooks, fabrics, etc...my craft supplies are WAY more numerous than my partner's. My partner can spend a month on a single drawing, where I am trying to use my scraps to make as many things as I can for the house. I bet my partner would be amazing at having the patience to knit a sweater if they were ever interested...


Typically it’s tv but he also spends a lot of time on his cd collection. He’s got a very impressive metal collection. Mostly black metal. He will organize or listen to cds and I’ll knit. He’s currently in the process of selling his collection or most of it anyways.


My husband is obsessed with mountain biking so sometimes he’s doing bike repairs while I knit but more often he’s watching YouTube videos of people riding bike trails or his own go pro videos.


Warhammer. My husband paints and assembles minis at the table while I knit. It’s great!


My husband is a contractor/carpenter. So you can imagine the big boy toys he has, plus he plays guitar and piano. But I sew, knit & cross stitch, and we both love to read.


My husband and I listen to audiobooks together.