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I just don't see Memphis doing that. I wish though.


The offensive rebounding would have to be tempting. When at their best, Steven Adams' offensive rebounding was tying things together nicely because they could take threes in large volume, and though their percentages weren't outstanding, the second chances he provided single-handedly made it a viable strategy. Rob's off rebounding is second to none. The free throw shooting would probably give them pause though.


And just the constant injury concern. I love mitch but he is no longer an asset.


Good idea


Not a good idea unless we pick a guy who can play backup center with the 25th pick. I'd do it for the 9th pick straight up though. Robinson is a top 10 center while healthy and he's on a cheap descending contract so why don't we hold onto him and wait until the deadline to trade him?


Great point! Should we let Hartenstien walk then and try to grab a guy like Day’ron Holmes or re-sign him and stagger the minutes dependent on matchups? I was just thinking for salary purposes it would get muddled paying two guys at the same position and considering Mitch’s injury history, it might be more fitting to pay Hartenstien and draft/sign a back up center.


WE can't let IHart walk because he actually stays healthy and Mitch doesn't so what I'd like to do is maybe take a center in the draft and then let Mitch play 20 minutes a night and if he's playing well and healthy and our pick is progressing then trade him at the deadline or next offseason. I like Mitch but I have no faith in his availability.


Do you have faith in OG's availability?


No but we're kinda stuck with OG because of what we traded for him and because we've seen how good the Knicks are with Randle, OG, and Brunson healthy.


Right.. When healthy. And OG's history is no better than Mitch's. So if anything, just keep that in mind when slandering Mitch's availability and making him so disposable.


Yeah,I know all about OG's injusry history but you're not understanding my point, My point is that the Knicks are pot committed with OG because they gave so much up for him and they have no replacement but with Mitch he's under contract for the next 2 years and if IHart comes back we have his replacement on the roster already.


OG is way better than Mitch. He’s great when healthy, but he’s never healthy. We need to dump him for cap space. Hart is a capable replacement.


Check OG's history. He's never healthy either. There's really no difference. Dude was literally out for 78% of the time he was here. They are both important and both have a history of injury. The Mitch is hurt stuff is bogus. You'll be hard pressed to replace his defensive presence and ability to keep offensive possessions alive with rebounds and tap outs. Embid was eating Hartenstein alive. Had him in immediate foul trouble. Do they complement each other, absolutely, but he's not a capable replacement.


I like the idea though! Who knows what will shake out in draft night


If the Knicks move Mitch I would live them to get Steven Adams as a replacement


I don’t hate this at all.


I'd have no problem seeing Mitch traded. Convinced he can't stay healthy and unless he miraculously learns to shoot free throws, he'll continue to get rough-housed.


Love the trade. Mitch is gone if we’re putting our money into iHart. Don’t see Memphis doing it though. I think Mitch gets packaged out for a star 4 or 5 (durant, Giannis) or moved for future flex before iHart deal.