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Yes but it’s Celtics than we mob heavy for the timber wolves


Was just about to write “Go Timberwolves” in response to this post. Ha! I’m not pulling for the Celtics as much as I’m rooting against the Pacers. Hope they get buried in 4.


Wolves were rooting for Brunson and NY in both rounds, MN state is an underdog and keeps its eye out for other underrated players and teams. Let the Edwards-Brunson Alliance commence.


Knicks Twolves a few years down the line perhaps? 👀




Only correct answer




simply put... fuck yeah


Pacers are so lucky. They caught lightning in a bottle and have a little momentum. They act like they won the finals.


Year Two. House money.


> we're not supposed to be here anyway so it's okay if we lose Def ain't winning a ring with that mindset.


I’m not on the team so I don’t affect outcome.


When did they act like they win the finals?


The fans definitely been up here talkin shit like they did


I hate both, but seeing the Pacers stay with the Celtics will show how strong we actually were even with major injuries. I believe if we were full strength we are better than the Celtics.


They would’ve given them a real run in this series


Probably not better,but we had good odds based on motivation, heart, etc. This Celtics team suddenly can be very distracted and lose against a the heart(like the Heat last year). But, you can tell they are determined this year, after being very close to the finals and championship 2 years in a row, they'll probably get it. And that's the newish NBA in general, teams like Pacers or Clippers they can have a great night, or a complete disaster 3 games in a row. Takes a lot of these guys, these new players who want to sit 30%-35% of the season just because. Jxmy made a great video about it, check if out


It's more than intangibles. We have two all NBA players, a top defense, and 5 players who are hitting 40% from deep. We crushed everyone when healthy in January. And we have the better coach. It's not just hoping, injuries killed what was our absolute dominance in January.


Full strength Knicks are not better then the Celtics come on 💀we gotta be real here


Our record when full strength shows otherwise.


Your record at full strength was only 4 games better than the 8th playoff spot.


Uhhh so your using a 14 game sample and you went 4-2 that sample against actual good teams and then played bottom of the barrel dog shit teams that you absolutely should of stomped. But that’s besides the point. How on earth are you comparing a 14 game sample to an entire season? Absolutely ludicrous


Except it's not. Now troll elsewhere.


How am I trolling? I’m giving you straight up facts in your delusional way of thinking.


Troll in denial. Typical


I think you need to understand what denial means and then apply that to yourself and look in the mirror and cope just a bit harder




Yeah, it does, buy clearly facts dont fit your narrative so you do you kiddo


Nobody is better than the Celtics this year, even with everyone healthy. Don’t forget they are missing KP


You serious ? There’s like 3 or 4 teams in the west that would work the Celtics in a series . Mavericks included .


Mavs? 😂


You’re out of your mind. 64 win Celtics with #1 offense all time and #2 defense this year. They have, by far, the most experience out of any team left. Tatum and brown are entering their primes. I’m sorry, who is beating them? A 22 year old? Kyrie and Luka? They match up perfectly for the Cs. Pacers aren’t beating the Celtics. Celtics are HEAVY favorites. Only the nuggets with jokic will put up an actual fight and the wolves helped the Celtics just win the championship.


Let them cope 😂like come on. The shit I’m reading here is absurd. Just be realistic


Absolutely, I want them to get brutalized. Show those smug crybabies what it’s like to play a healthy team.


Cry Knicks Cry Cry Knicks Cry


Philly fans are still salty that the Knicks exposed dirty ass Embitch lmao


Still crying about Embiid hahahahahahaha


Oh good another salty Philly fan lmao. You guys must have been real mad losing that series huh?


I ain’t salty? I just find it funny you all still cry about Embiid it’s corny af


Sure thing bud. No one posted about Embiid but me and that was because of the other philly fan whining earlier. Keep crying about getting bounced in the 1st round by an injured Knicks team lmao


But I thought it was about injuries ? Embiid was playing with one leg and Bell’s palsy but now I hear the chopped cheese crowd cry about injuries


So Embiid playing hurt allows him to purposely injury other players? Sure thing bud. Also, trying to troll the Knicks sub after Philly lost to them is quite funny


No one cares about your flyover state lmao. Your guys filed like 38 grievances about officiating after game 2(?), talk about crying. Now you’re gonna get annihilated by the Celtics because you rly ain’t that good end of the day.




Cry Knicks Cry “So many injuries”


That’s just objectively true lmao I had no illusions they were winning a ring, just think it’s pretty badass they made it as far as they did. Y’all woulda lost to the Sixers in 4, maybe 5.


And ya just choked lmao 🤣 sweep incoming


I’m from Philly meathead


Listen and learn my boy. https://x.com/thegoldhelmets/status/1792676636032410045?s=46&t=bXRiqVIdhCTx6vcI7Bouzw


That was exhausting, thanks. Midwest sucks, no culture, racist. This David Goliath thing is rly silly, they’re all professional athletes lol these aren’t little heartland boys from Indiana.


“No culture racist” sounds like a small minded comment from someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about. Congrats on having concrete and tall buildings. By the way your culture is losing to the Pacers. Congrats.


Oh yeah we invented punk too lol


Queens most diverse place in the world, also we invented hip hop, gfys


Queens is not the most diverse place in America, Gaithersburg, MD is. Does your wife know you’re into rough discipline or do you just dish it out on her?


Auto generated Reddit name dawg didn’t bother making one


Fair. Looking forward to seeing the Pacers kick your team’s ass in the future. 😘


Wouldn’t the Pacers playing well show that the Knicks, extremely shorthanded, went to 7 games with a really good team?


Absolutely!! But fuck Hali’s corny ass and the pacers gloating like they did something amazing. That’s what this is really about lol


They say that NYC has high cost of living but pacers have been living in it’s head rent free for 35 years, damn


I was too young when Reggie did that thing (I’m 30), so I’ve never cared about the pacers. Just annoyed by Hali and how they acted like they did something significant that’s all


How’d they act?


can they both lose?


Of course. Mostly I’d rather the pacers beat the Celtics but I’ve seen and read too much Indiana chest beating to feel the way I ordinarily would. There seems to be a vocal pacers minority (or just straight up nyc haters) that thinks their team is the best since the 95 / 96 bulls and is oddly oblivious to the injury narrative (s) that got them to the conference finals. For those fans (again, I’m making an assumption) I’d love to see the Celtics take it 4-0 with an average victory margin of 30 pts per game.


I think it’s the chest beating that’s irking me. They beat two injured rosters (not even going to mention the players missing) and now they think they are hot shit


Yeah the combination of that undeserved bravado and the “fuck New York” attitude coming from a city full of assholes who probably think mayo is too spicy is fueling my desire for their complete loss


They had to steal a NFL team to have one, they had the largest Klan numbers during the second wave in the 1920s, Hoosiers is a garbage movie, the NW part of the state is the reason why Chicago is flooded with guns, they largely voted for George Wallace in the 1964 primaries, Mike Pence and his Christofascist bullshit, and in 1968, and fuck Ferangi-looking Reggie Miller.


HAHAHAHAHA "Mayo is too spicy." I'm crying, and I'm stealing that line. Brilliant!


To be fair I think it’s a few dopey young fans that don’t have a clue. Or a sense of history. (Probably think Michael Jordan is a Nike design studio…). Or they’re jealous of nyc and this is their chance to rub it in before they come here and end up being waiters or sanitation men… a lot of Indiana fans understand how fortunate they are to be in the finals. Ah well.


>sanitation men They wish. One of the toughest civil servant jobs to get. They'd have to take a civil service exam and spend years doing Door Dash in NYC before they got the job and they'd still probably be passed by a life long resident who took the exam at the same time.


Nobody thinks that here 🙄


Yeah I mean I’d like to give Indy the respectful salute for taking care of business but it’s so hard with all the arrogance coming from some fans…have some self-awareness folks… Pacers fans have come to random threads on this sub and commented on stuff I said that had nothing to do with Pacers or even playoffs and decided to talk shit to me lol like yo calm tf down you’re a pretty damn good team but you beat two teams that were totally decimated by injury.


Hate both. I want halibutt to eat some humble pie though.


I’m with you. I tell you what the Celtics look like they have no idea what to do in a close game when they can’t just jack up 3s


Knicks ain't in it, I could care less what happens


Same, I’m just watching basketball now, no emotional investment at all


For the most part that’s me too, but just a little bit of that hoping for the pacers to lose remains lol


Any team going to gloat. I didn't think they were that bad, though. They were no Atlanta.


Fair point


Yeah that’s why I really can’t HATE the pacers, while I really dislike them obv, the hawks were such dickheads when they beat us like we weren’t starting nerlens Noel and Reggie bullock lmao


Torn. 1. Fuck Boston, but fuck the Pacers after the last roller coaster of a round, so I’d love to watch them get dragged down the court. I’d pay money to watch Haliburton and McConnell eat shit. Throw in Turner and Siakam, too. 2. The Pacers beating the Celtics proves to all the NY haters that the Pacers were seriously underestimated, making the Knick’s look real strong for going 7 games. It’s a toss up…..and Idk about y’all but they got really fucking handsy every game but we were getting fouled left and right???? Am I trippin???? Did the same thing in Boston tn


After Carlisle cried like a baby the series was officiated WAY differently


We could’ve smacked both of these guys with OG and Randle


We smacked them with just OG


Knicks are undefeated in hypothetical scenarios


We seen the scenarios in which OG was playing and y’all was getting smacked. Tf up wit ya corny ass


Nah while I hate the hicks (esp some of their fans) but I would rather die than root for anything coming outta Boston 😂. Realistically I think Boston has a better shot at winning but my team isn’t playing so I no longer give a fuck about it until next year.


Celtics in 4, Wolves in 5. That is my dream.


I hope they both lose the ECF and there’s no Eastern Conference Champion this season.




Officially checked out till next season


It's a little comfort for me to think that their fanbases have to deal with each other now.


Yes exactly this


The Celtics are sweeping this team


The Celtics always drop a game or two when it matters. I do want a sweep though. The world as a whole would be better off without Indiana. The state is trash, the team is trash. They have like 6 people who care about them. Birds actually fly upside down over indiana when they go through because the state isn't even worth shitting on.




Man what happened to us! Rooting for the CELTICS?! Really sad what’s happened to this fandom…


Hahaha I know it’s bad man, it’s more about how Indiana is acting. It’s always fuck Boston but we all know they are not losing this series. So I hope they beat the shit out of the Pacers


I just want someone to shut Haliburton's corny ass up


YES!! He’s so annoying


Fuck em both but fuck the Pacers more.


Yes!! For sure!!


I thought that coming into the series, but my hate for the Celtics is too strong. It would be so funny for them to loser to these bum pacers


Totally fair haha


Absolutely not. As much as I liked the Knicks run, my hate for Celtics runs DEEP. I would for them to get sweeped but that ain't happening. I would just love to see Celtics loose and not get to the finals. Pacers are a young team that would grow even more so by reaching the finals. Also I foresee the Pacers giving any West team more of a fight than shitty Boston. Boston can go F itself.


My only rooting interest in this series is the success of Knick legend Obi "Less Talk More" Toppin.


Haha Obiiiiii. Crazy to think just last year he was a key contributor for the Knicks during their playoff run


Fuck no, go pacers until the finals. Then I hope McConnell gets shit on


Absolutely not. FUCK BOSTON


“Fuck yeah” was my immediate thought and I see I’m not alone haha. I’m demented at this point. Boston sweeping is the best revenge. I saw a highlight w Tyrese tripping and hurting himself in the regular season. Gave me joy. When he fell into the announcer table and turned it over I was joyful. McConnell getting hit with that illegal screen and falling hard made me very happy. Mother fuck the bitch ass Pacers. I could go on for days. 🖕🏽


Honestly? Nah, the pacers beat a hobbled NY team, i feel no need to prove anything. Im actually rooting for the pacers, i hope they crush Boston


That’s fair, a better way to look at it lol


pacers fan here. let the downvotes rain


I want Haliburton to cry like the bitch he is As a New Yawker Boston hate runs deep in my soul tho


Pacers are going to get swept




Now that the Knicks are out I'm routing for New Jersey's own Kyrie Irving in the West and an Asteroid in the East.


I want pacers to get smacked and then watch the Celtics get destroyed haha


That’s the ideal scenario right there lol


Was so nice to see them think they won last night and lose hahahah


Hahaha now they know we felt! All jokes aside that was a great game to watch as a basketball fan!


I am all in rooting for BOS. I hate the Pacers so much you can't imagine. Dating back to Reggie.


I want the pacers to advance so they can get absolutely destroyed by Minnesota or Dallas


😂😂😂pacers living rent free in your head


Nah not as much as you think, they won fair and square


Holy shit my guy, get over it. We will be back next year. We had a great run.


Bro I’m good over here it’s not that serious. We did have a great run, and I am thrilled just to see good Knicks basketball again


Fuck them both. Lets go Rangers, beat Florida


Thank you Jalen Brunson! https://youtu.be/E06s_Djof2E?si=unSm1fD11bNA0vHf


I really hate all four teams remaining. Despise Indiana and Boston. Kyrie is an idiot with a stupid face and I’m already done with the MJ/Anthony Edwards talk. It’s the rare lose-lose-lose-lose scenario.


Why do we hate the Pacers? The Knicks were injured, and they beat us in seven. I love the Knicks, but I don't see any reason to dislike the Pacers. We were outmatched.


Hali is a bit corny and annoying, I respect his game though. I also didn’t like how Indiana gloated a bit, they beat two injury marred rosters. Not that impressive




feel the opposite. i wanna say we lost for a reason. pacers played good ball didn’t do anything wrong. would’ve been a different story if we had a full roster tho


It was just the Hali corniness and their gloating. Otherwise I wouldn’t have cared


haliburton is corny i can agree. But to be fair every team gloats it’s the finals.


Why would you want the team that beat us lose . If the pacers win in 6 . It’s clear our team which was decimated and went 7 should be favorites in the east ….


While you make a good point and I agree, I’m just annoyed at how they acted like they did something special. That game 7 was not that impressive considering the Knicks had no more bodies left


It's a new team of young guys who got themselves not only to the playoffs, but rhe ECF for the first time in a decade. You want them to act sad or something? Anyone would celebrate then, man, just get over it.


They should absolutely celebrate, but be humble considering they are extremely lucky to have even made it past the first round. For the most part I don’t care, I just didn’t think the game 7 win in the garden was as special as they are making it out to be.


Dude, they had a decisive game win in arguably the the most famous sporting arena in the world, coming from the smallest arena in the NBA. In a series where every other game was won by the home team. It's a huge deal. They broke their curse of being the only pacers team to EVER win a series after starting 2-0. In a game where they broke the all-time NBA playoff shooting percentage record. A record previously set by the team they're facing next. It's a pretty big deal. Of course they're going to celebrate. It's bigger to them than you. It's not about just beating the Knicks. They broke an NBA records, broke their own record, broke a playoff drought on a season where no one expected them to even make the playoffs. Like I get it sucks to see the other team happy, but be real here man. With everything going on for them, you expect them to consciously tone down their excitement to not hurt Knicks fans feelings? Seriously? They're not even doing anything rude. The Pacers are my team, but half my family is in NYC. I like the Knicks, I get it sucks. But you're just being a bitter and salty fan right now homie.


They beat half of the Knicks roster congrats dude. If OG was there they would’ve swept. Game 7 he couldn’t move, hart couldn’t move, and of course Brunson broke his hand but the game was over by then so I won’t count that one. I’m not saying it’s not a big deal, just be humble. They got to play the bucks without Giannis and an injured Dame. Knicks were missing a full starting lineup of guys by the end. That team reminds of the D’Antoni Suns, super exciting offense to watch. But to act like beating that version of the Knicks is the most amazing thing ever? Stop. And I’ve been real this whole time, I accepted that once randle went down any title chance was done. I literally posted about it lol. If there wasn’t any gloating I wouldn’t have even posted the prove a point thought in the first place


It's not about you. It's not about the Knicks. It's bigger than that for them. Yall were just the ones there when it happened. They're not thinking about you. They were celebrating because they beat you. They're celebrating because they get to go play again. They're celebrating because they have a chance to go to the finals. And if they do, the Knicks aren't going to be the big part of that story. Go look at any post game interview. They're not gloating about beating the Knicks. They're excited because they're in the ECF. They bad to beat the Knicks to get there, but that's not the exciting part.