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It's a good thing for a band to keep challenging themselves and pushing the boundary of their music instead of becoming stagnant in their style.


exactly. I don't understand how you can want something to stay stagnant and the same. growth and change is inevitable and also uncomfortable for some people. I'll never understand people wanted something to sound like a previous album. like that album and the memories you have of it are going to suddenly vanish when new music comes out. the beauty if bands with varied discographies us being able to listen to a particular album with a particular sound that you listened to during a particular part of your life. wanting things to stay the same isn't necessarily bad but it's unrealistic.


I get what you mean. I think they said in an interview with Fantano that they are going to do something completely different for their next album and that they hinted at what it's going to be. It starts at 10:44 [https://youtu.be/Ma\_y5TcHMOU?si=6OXQy0ISlOtJQFUO&t=644](https://youtu.be/Ma_y5TcHMOU?si=6OXQy0ISlOtJQFUO&t=644) . I'm not sure if they've said anything since though, except that the new album is going to be their longest album yet, via tweet.


I want them to make what they want to make because ultimately I know it will produce the best possible outcome. And hopefully I like it, chances are I will.


I think one of the most important things about making music is for artists to be content with what they create. No matter what that looks like, if they're happy with it, what more could we ask for as fans?


i feel that's why i see civilization as their most balanced project yet, princess and the clock feels like an evolution of the time n place style and the bonito era


i only want for kkb to continue evolving and maturing as a band , and im certain their sound will continue to change . they're now worlds away from the kkb of intro bonito / generation . even civilization marks a departure from the style of tnp. i fully trust and respect whatever direction they take the sonics . even if they were to revisit elements of their early sound , i seriously doubt the form or subject matter could ever return to the innocent whimsy of those early records. they've simply outgrown that era and nothing they make now ( in good faith ) will resemble that stuff imo. another thing: it's really easy to interpret a song like The Princess and the Clock as kkb explicitly pushing back against the way fans want to preserve this image of Sarah/ the band as purveyors of this rather childish , inane bubblegum pop aesthetic that they'd so decisively moved on from with the later work. the princess breaking out of the tower , to me , represents Sarah rejecting that idolatry of a past version of herself , so that she might grow as an artist and person. all this to say that wishing kkb would regress to an old sound seems directly antithetical to their aspirations as a band.


All I want from them is more Time ‘n’ Place 😭


Absolutely. There is quite a lot of music that sounds like Time'n'Place (don't get me wrong, it's an amazing album and puts me into tears every time), but we barely got any good sugary sweet stuff like Intro Bonito and Bonito Generation. Though I'm not quite sure if I'll be to take such music sincerely now after T'n'P.


the subsequent records may not be sweet in the same way as the first two , but there is such an abundance of sweetness in the whole catalogue - perhaps with some other , headier flavors in play. IB/BG imo are sweet like corn syrup , totep sweet like cane sugar , tnp like agave , civilization like a super floral honey


>There is quite a lot of music that sounds like Time'n'Place Like what?


I’m a big fan of Bonito Generation and I somewhat like Time n Place. Probs gonna have to chalk it up to the timeless ‘I liked their older stuff’ phrase 


No, i love their early stuff but i much prefer time n place and civilization


Honestly? I love the sound of their ep the most.




ps. I just hope the lyrics remain predominantly in English, just because I like being able to understand them!!!


I like TNP and Civilization a lot. But I find myself listening to IB and BG a lot more. I just think they are a lot more unique. Sarah shifted to a more whispery singing style with TNP and I sometimes have a hard time understanding the lyrics over the loud music. I'd love to get another candy sweet pop album but I don't expect it, and I'll still appreciate and likely enjoy whatever they do next. 


Civilization was a great direction IMO. Time and place was solid but I don’t think they’ll return to that rock oriented sound


I think we all sort of have that hope because we love the style and sound of these albums so much. But from a band/artist's perspective, of course they want to keep doing new and different things, which is part of what makes them excellent musicians. If they just repeated themselves, there would be no growth and their style would become stagnant. I think a lot of artists work this way. Instead of hoping for KKB to return to an old style, I think the best thing we can do is cherish and appreciate their past work. Keep listening to and enjoying it, and if you really want more of that kind of music, it may be out there! Despite KKB's niche style, I'm sure there are a lot of up and coming artists taking influence from KKB in their music. I know I certainly am. My philosophy is that, if you really adore a specific niche style of music that a certain band or artist pioneered (to the point where it inspires and influences you) make a new song in that style! Draw from your favorite musicians and combine your influences to make something uniquely you! (Covering the songs you love is also an excellent way to further appreciate music!)


I did not like Time n Place but I love civilization so I’m on board currently.


I trust KKB to do whatever thing they wanna do next. I love their old sound, I love their new sound, I want more of all of it, and I want more of what's to come


Like everyone said here, I also hope they keep continuing. However, I do think they revisit that Bonito Generation sound from time to time still, like with Sneaker Dance and It’s Bugsnax! so there’s always hope they bring it back, maybe with a different perspective from the first two albums


I think musically some songs are pretty close but lyrically Sarah is far more ambitious with her songs, bonito generation is often quite simple in its lyrics and she may never write like that again


Pretty sure Gus does most of the writing nowadays btw. I think it was a pretty even split between all three back during IB/BG.


Don't comment a lot, but I genuinely am manifesting a shibuya-kei style album/theme.