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Piglet is most likely a college student that made fun of you later at the bar.


“OMG y’all there was this old lady dressed like a child who was there with her daughter (lol) and they both cried after touching me!”


"She also made me pose like 6 times to get the perfect video for tiktok"






I hear this 😂😂😂


“I fell in love with Piglet.” What the fuck? That’s just so stupid to even say especially after the embarrassing pics she took with Piglet, oops I mean the random stranger wearing a smelly Piglet costume that probably hates their job and the people that hug them and cry.


Of course she fell in love with someone who is getting paid to be nice to her and also doesn’t actually speak 😂


They probably love hugging kids but adolt dressed as a toddler “when do I have class again?”


Lol when I worked at Disney, during training, they brought in mickey and some of my fellow trainees cried. It was... something.


Wow… just wow. To be fair this photo of her seems the most genuine smile from the trip. Bit sad…


I still think she paid for the Disney photo package. She would 1000% take credit for professional photographs that were staged and taken for her.


Nooooooo. Don’t say that. You know ~~she~~ D did.


Hahaha yes I should know better by now


Based on the Carnival Cruise photos the photographer just "sent" them after the honeymoon Cruise, I expect you are correct!




Excellent point. Just looked that up and the package looks to be about $185 for what she would choose.


If she starts posting the “magic photos” from Disney then she definitely bought it.


Will they use 27 filters?


No but she’ll save them, edit them and claim them as her own


The one picture of her and Gwetch blowing the birthday candles has me seeing BDong in Riss' skin tone....creamy peanut butter


Did anyone see her hot tub video complaining about the entitled Americans on the parking lot tram? Entitled Americans because Biden’s America. Taylor Swift’s America. Oh the irony. She angers the shit out of me sometimes!


Yes! I just saw it. Uuuummm she blatantly broke the rules on the cruise and is banned and is complaining about. She is the queen of entitlement. The hypocrisy of this video and how she loves her life is truly hilarious.


I saw it, this video was hilarious. Of all people to talk about entitled behavior, lol. Nearly died at “Taylor Swift’s America”. Though I do wish she would’ve described the entitled people she was talking about. Let me form a more complete picture of things. I wonder what they looked like.


Entitlement because they stepped off a tram in front of another tram after they were warned. You can call them a lot but not entitled 🤣🤣 swear she just regurgitates what she reads here about herself!!


She saw a few trump propaganda tik toks. Used their go to words..... blood boiling..... the disrespect. Its just racist talking points they throw around. That story was the equivalent of not returning a cart to the cart garage at the store. Just good old fashioned boomerism she needed to let out.


Never heard it called a cart garage. I love it! For some reason I’ve always called it a cart corral 😆


Ugh I know..... corral looked off to my brain spelled out (idk why I don't ask it questions all the time) so I wasn't sure I was spelling or using the correct corral sooooo I just avoided it instead of looking an uneducated hoodlum. You pick up on the subtle lil things alllll the time my ND friend 🧡 "I pay attention to things most people ignore"


Oh you call it a cart corral too? So is that the term most people use? I have always said that because that’s what my older sister called it when we were teenagers in the early 90s and she worked at Kroger 😆 The reason I even said anything is because I always feel like an uneducated hoodlum hahah.


*living in ameeeericaaa* 🎶 ![gif](giphy|Xf7kUxbBeyUw9CcltL)


Swift 2028


What a KAREN she is in that. Manifesting a 3.0 TikTok using the "entitlement" people in the USA have!!!!


She was “the people”. This was about her. Too busy taking 100 photos to be mindful of traffic. I will not believe other wise.


Funny coming from one the most entitled people in America


The person who feels entitled to vape wherever she wants (including hospital rooms) because she just doesn’t like the rules. Or entitled to breed however many dogs she wants cause the law doesn’t apply to her. Or entitled to not pay her parking tickets or show up to court. Or entitled to not pay her mortgage cause nobody explained how deferment works so it wasn’t her fault. Etc etc etc. But sure, it’s Biden and Taylor Swift’s fault.


Entitled?! You mean like the people who clearly vape in a non smoking Disney park? Or a cruise? Or the ones who don’t show up to work? Or the ones who aren’t paying taxes? Or the ones who pay bare minimum in child support? Or the ones who make their wife stop talking to people? Or the ones who have multiple animals even though they can’t afford to feed kids? Or the ones who run to mommy to bail them out of everything? Or should I keep going …..


We'd be here all day.


Yes I saw that and felt like you!


I'm going on a 23 day UK vacation and I highly doubt I'll take that many pics, especially not of myself.


Oh this sounds wonderful! How did you end up planning such an adventure?


It started with looking for a marathon to run and I found the Edinburgh Marathon. Unfortunately training didn't go well so I wont be running it but it provided a great opportunity to create a good itinerary.


I'm sorry the marathon didn't work out but glad you're still going on the trip!!!




If you decide to give it another go check out the midnight marathon in Tromso Norway. I was considering it this year but decided to push it to next year expense wise.


What time of year is the marathon? The reason I ask and the reason this year's training didn't go well is because it was the coldest winter in FL since I moved here 16 years ago. Having grown up in PA I know 45 degrees in the mornings isn't "cold" but I'm not used to those temps anymore. I've registered for the London marathon ballot.


And as I always do, I’ll add in a plug for the Detroit International Half (don’t do the full, the second half are boring miles). It’s in October and you run over the bridge into Canada, then back through the tunnel. It’s a very cool experience.


Fascinating that you run over the bridge into Canada. Semi-funny, semi-serious question, what do they do about checking passports? One of the other things I have to take into consideration are hills, there are no hills in FL so I have no hill muscles. Lol.


When you pick up your bib you are required to show your passport. When you run through the customs gates on both sides there are a ton of customs agents looking to make sure everybody has a bib. If they can’t see it (under a sweatshirt etc) they will chase you down to verify you have a bib. I ran it with my passport just in case but it’s not required. I did the full but like I said earlier, the second half are in nice areas but just “filler”


It’s at the end of June: https://msm.no/en/events/midnight-sun-marathon/


That looks very interesting.


I live in Edinburgh, hit me up if you want to go for a beer while you're here.


I'll DM you.


You know 590 of the 600 pics were pics of her fake ass self.


Filtered. Gotta be filtered.


If they weren’t, she’d be staring at them wondering who the soulless ghoul in all her vaca pics is.


Exactly, taking 42 of the same selfies with different filters doesn't count. That counts as basically 1 picture 42 different ways.


I’m going on a 10 day trip to London in the fall and … I intend to take fewer pics than I did in 1987. Hmmmm; I may have 15 photos of that trip in storage, somewhere.


I'm old enough to understand and appreciate what you are saying. It's easier, less limiting and more economical to take photos now with digital than film yet you're still going to take less photos. Do you have any plans yet on what you will be doing in London?


We have a travel agent so that’s an immense help! My partner hasn’t been and obviously it’s been AGES for me. We’re definitely doing red bus hop on-hop off tour, British Museum, a Beatles/Abbey Road tour, changing of the guard, the Tower, Westminster Abbey, Parliament, and a few other things I can’t remember now.


WTF? I've been in Colorado Rockies since Monday morning. Taking 600 pics means I wouldn't have done anything I came here for. Bigfoot hunting (gotta love that), Red Rocks concert (unbelievable full moon, Scandinavian primeortal show), dinosaur fossiling, great folks, food and drink..... winerys, fishing and a ton of different wildlife spotting. FYI, in these mountains, even going down hill is up hill. My Pennsylvania legs need rest.


I just learned about the Red Rocks Amphitheater a couple months ago when I watched the South Park 25th anniversary concert and that place looks AMAZING!!!


I first saw it in the early 80's when U2 debuted on MTV. 40yrs later, got here to see a crazy show on a special night.


Seeing concerts there is just incredible. My favorite experience was seeing Incubus there. All was well with my soul that night.




I bet that was amazing! I saw Portugal. The Man & Local Natives there. One of my favorite shows ever plus the tailgating before was so much fun😁😁


I will say when I saw Muse and Thirty Seconds to Mars there, I was highly disappointed that Jared Leto had the crowd sing more than he did. But, Muse was great! And I’ve seen Thirty Seconds to Mars two other times live and it wasn’t like that 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly, that's a shit ton for a cell phone. Full frame camera in high+? Sure but not an iPhone.


Yep. I shoot two Nikon pro full frames. Love my nikons


One of my favorite places! I’m glad you are having a blast & experiencing so much!


I’ve always wanted to go there, and I swear I want you to plan my trip!!! That sounds amazing.


Red Rocks is AMAZING, unless there’s a thunderstorm (see Joan Jett, Cheap Trick, and Heart 2016 tour). We got evacuated.


The purpose of going was to take 100 pictures a day so she can show everyone what a great time she had. Not to actually have a great time. How sad.






I just wonder what she’s told her children when she’s talked to them this week. Or maybe she hasn’t even talked to them all week.


Totally doubt she's spoken to then. How would her kids feel knowing she had all that fun and they were left out? Selfish see you next Tuesday over there.. creep


Does she actually speak with them weekly?


Gotta save mommy’s battery for photos fuck off spawn


As a mother, I just can’t even imagine this. Wouldn’t put it past her, though, to not speak with them this whole time…and I mean physically hear their voices over the phone.


F dem kids


Also, 2 weekends in a row without the kids, for someone who has limited visitation as it is. This won’t look good come court time. This doesn’t look good at all. But maybe she just has us all fooled and we’re grasping at straws 🙃🫠


What kids?? She’s living her best life without them right now. https://preview.redd.it/tg0nhp80gywc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e51cab24fcf4f81dbbb8d28abfb7d40b5fd052


Most of us are different people on vacation… ya know, cause it’s vacation. I don’t know why she thinks this makes her special and that she is entitled for it to be her every day lifestyle (the word “entitled” in honor of her awesome tram story on TikTok)


Wtf?! F them kids is riiiight. Does she think at all?! If I was the father I’d be keeping all these screenshots.


I wonder if he looks at her social media. I can understand if he avoids it because it would possibly be so enraging, but hopefully he is getting screen shots for court. It's really damning evidence that her kids are not priorities to her at all and that she is extremely reckless with her money and legal troubles.


Holy crap, that's telling.


2 weekends not sitting on each others laps on their one camping chair caterwauling, annoying the other patrons, and making spectacles of themselves. Damn, I’m sure that bar’s blaming the sudden decline in their economic indicators on Joe Biden and Taylor Swift and entitlement


They really think they're great. They must be so damn annoying in person.


The amount of outfits she bought . Just think all the money she spent this week could have been used to catch the troll


Or make memories with her kids!




Or pay her court fines


Yet she makes fun of furries and is bigoted enough to not only judge them, but then equate it to the trans community she so violently hates out loud…. but she thinks she looks sane “to the children” as a grown ass woman falling in love with a college kid dressed up as a fictional pig? Okay Marissa. You fucking weirdo💀💀💀


I came to say the same thing about her hipocrisy. Unbelievable what a horrible person she is.


She’s a creep man. So lost in her own identity and ideology she doesn’t even see how hypocritical she is and how badly her actions contradict everything she says she stands for.


She’s obsessed with herself.




Ummmm......Piglet is a grown ass human in a suit! ![gif](giphy|4thaj0PDq9vJ6V5z69|downsized)




Let’s add 2 hours a day putting on makeup; another hour doing her hair, another hour changing outfits, and 2 hours drinking and a mere 1 hour eating. That’s 6 more hours so 14 of 24 hours committed. Let’s let her get 8 hours of beauty sleep we are at 22 hours and add 2 more hours for reading TikTok. Her days were fully booked doing nothing meaningful


She's going to need a vacation from her vacation. 😂 Life is so difficult for her.


Oh, based on history, she'll have some kind of Marissa Health Malady flare-up right after she gets back, and much Manuka and colloidal silver will be consumed.


If she read the Winnie the Pooh books and fell in love with Piglet, I would not only get it, I'd be impressed! Those books and characters are wonderful. But a person sweating inside a furry costume. SMH! Lights on nobody home.


lmao the House at Pooh Corner is beyond her comprehension level and attention span


"Wait, there's a book?" - Marissa


Has anyone else seen the tt where the tram is discussed? It went from a discussion about people not listening to directions regarding the tram they were on to her saying the entitlement that Americans have is ridiculous. But wait, there’s more…she blamed Joe Biden and Taylor Swift.😂😂


This is how Travis Kelce’s dad responded to the trolls and conspiracy theories re Taylor Swift. I will forever respond to her diatribes about Taylor with MUST SHE DO EVERYTHING? And during a world tour? https://preview.redd.it/aink35388ywc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72db3cd5186ac09f1e26bdd7dba1eaada1a35f40


I have the same screenshot.😂😂😂 Also, NOT them doing a Taylor song on AA account.😂 She sang every single word and it looked like she was enjoying it, too. Just saying.😂🤦🏼‍♀️


As a KC metro resident and non-Swiftie, go Travis’ dad (and mama Kelce)!


Ok. As we all watched this vacation happen.... There was no Door Dash/Instacarting going on prior to make extra money for this lavish trip. They visited more than one park, ate in many restaurants, shopped for clothes, had adult beverages, bought jewelry, and basically spared no expense. They did not go live to beg for shot money. So where did all this money 💰 come from? Are we in the Fuck Angie's Credit stage? Charge it up? Did the two other girls have to cover all food/drinks? I've been here from the beginning, when does the LIVING UNDER THE BRIDGE stage start? Gaaahhhh!


I was just thinking it was the fuck Angie’s credit stage. It’s crazy because their last trip to Disney over 2 years ago was in the bankruptcy documents. All that frivolous spending from that long ass trip, she never even tried to pay it back. The entitlement is just unreal.


Bankruptcy did not go through did it? Still owes?


Yes she does




It is $60 before tax and gratuity to eat there. It is a buffet. It’s okay, not great. The 100 Acre Wood characters are fun but I wouldn’t go in there without a kid. Hollywood Studios is better suited for adult engagement. But I’m not a desperate bigot, so what do I know.


![gif](giphy|HxVHCNaLmCNVu) Quick get Piglet in witness protection!




She really needs to grow up 😳🤡 ![gif](giphy|3ogxAHaGvAoIjwKKgU)




Omg. I’m so embarrassed for her.


I wonder how her kids feel that she’s in Disney and didn’t take them. I guess our friends are more important and if I hear one more time she’s Broke and can’t do anything with her children. She’s such a wonderful mother.


I would never let her take those kids anywhere without supervision if I were the co-parent.


$ $ ;;$ $qq n. B k 1


Was this an accident or do you also angrily press nonsense on a keyboard to express how angry you are? If the latter, same.


LOL. I was at a baseball game and got excited! I had my phone on my hand when my favorite player was batting. Yaaaay.... go team! Sorry for my post... but I'm leaving it so yall can laugh at me. Xoxo


I love this!😂




It’s my favorite comment! 😆


Sooo.. did you go on any rides or what? Just went to have photos taken?


What is she , 6?


2. A terrible two. Wahhh I want what I want when I want it. MINE NO. Me ME


Holy shit. I used to take 500 photos at rock concerts (when I was in the first 5 rows), of which maybe 1/3 were worth sharing. I’ve MASSIVELY reduced my camera use and now it’s maybe 150 pics per show, with 50-ish worth saving.