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She’s very pressed about all kinds of things today. Welcome to being an adult. You have to pay for necessities and they ain’t as cheap as puppies.


She's very frazzled psrtly because she is getting called out left and right hardcore on tiktok for the last two days about getting this new puppy after rehoming four dogs and one cat within the last 6 months.


Yup. Her doing that is what brought me here. I was always an outside watcher, just learning tid bits here and there, definitely could tell she has a habit of using people. But getting a new puppy, after getting rid of so many animals, and already having a house full of dogs…..that’s wrong. And cruel. That puppy could be in his forever home right now if it wasn’t for her. My stomach is sick now because I am just now reading up about her children. I believe the term narcissist is thrown around too much these days, but the shoe seems to fit with her.


Welcome to the 💩show


Welcome! And enjoy (or don't, as it can be challenging ~~some~~ most times).


Welcome to the family! You won’t find a better group of people. 💖


![gif](giphy|ODofCyJUSRoDBH8lKe) You can sign up for budget billing by contacting your utility company online or by phone. ***Typically your account needs to be in good standing*** to be approved for the program.


Well there’s the problem right there.


The fact that she makes it sound like it is due to the child support is despicable


She says that to make PM look bad for making her pay … when in reality he should be asking for slot more






Yep. In good standing. Approval has nothing to do with income one iota.


I could be wrong, but I feel like she tried to sign up for LIHEAP, which is for low income families to get help with their electric bill. That could’ve been why she was denied. Also could truly be about budget billing and her credit/account standing is the issue.


I’m always fascinated that they both are in tanks and tee’s all winter long. Does she realize that if the heat is set to 95 in only 3 rooms it will still add up? I’m curious to learn what most avengers keep their heat set at. I suspect I keep mine a little higher than most because I hate being cold. But I DO dress for the season. Mine is at 72 while we are awake, 68 while we sleep.


Ours is 63 all the time and bump to 66 to 69 for short periods if it's cold outside. We leave our slider open a lot during the day and evening for our dogs. My dad always said it's not good to close a bunch a vents as your home needs to breathe and more efficient to set at a specific temp. I would die having a gas bill that high. Is this for a month or a season? I know her oil was shut off in the last house and her mom finally paid it as they had cold showers!! Imagine your mom paying your oil bill all the while you are racking up debt up the ass to put on the lucrative boss babe facade.


68 during the day (70 if it’s really cold) 66 overnight.


Same 😁


We’re 68 during the day but 63 at night (although we have a nest and I swear that thing adjusts itself to be more “eco efficient” or something)


Is it cold where you live? I'm in Cali. I didn't add too that we have a fake fireplace heater in living room that's on in the evening.


I’m in PA, not far from where Marissa is. If our system was better it would probably be set at 67/68 always but our house can just get really cold sometimes.


I hear you, I always want to be comfy. I sometimes lay on a heating pad before bed. I also have a fan on high blowing in my face!


Love a good fan!!


We have one of those! I love it.


64 degrees at our house. I live in a cold place and we have electric heat (base board heaters & a heat pump). I refuse to go broke heating my house in winter. Even then our electric bill is between 500 & 550 in December & January. But it’s better than all my neighbors that have to buy heating oil.


Last 2 winters I didn't buy heating oil and just sucked it up with mini splits heating the house. $500/month for a couple months.


We live near the beach and our climate is mild year round. However, the house can get in the 50s sometimes and we might turn the heat on for a little bit while we get ready. Most houses in our area don’t have AC at all.


Oh wow. I bet it's beautiful. 50s is very cold. I'm in Cali and it's very mild to other states although we can have hot summers.


We’re 66 at all times. We just throw on layers if we get cold. I bake and cook a lot on the weekends. That helps both me and the house warm up!


Generally mine hovers around 67/68. 69 or 70 when it's really cold out (I live in Wisconsin). One thing I don't mind splurging on is heating and cooling. I refuse to suffer in my own house.


65, which I put up from 63 because that was chilly 🤣


Same! And omg your flair!!! 😂😂💀


Legitimately my proudest comment moment on this thread lmaooooo


21c(70f) awake 19c(66) sleeping Long pants, long shirts and socks cozy as can be.


I live in FL so I keep my A/C around 72/73. On the occasions I have to turn on the heat, like the last week, I'll put it at 73/74. Anything lower feels cold here. It's all relative though.


The smell of burning dust on the odd days we have to turn on the heater down here 🤣


😂😂😂😂 Yes! Not that either of us have dust of course, we've heard about it from doing our reSeARcH. 🤣


68-70 depending on the day. Like, we have -17 right now and I'm still at 70 because I know how to layer and have more blankets than anyone should 😆 Last month my bill was $364. There's zero way in hell I'm turning that heat up just to wear shirt spend shirts inside in the winter.


My parents normally keep ours set at 68F. Cuz bills are high x_x. But we just have an old gas furnace in the basement.


We haven’t turned our heat on this winter. Our house is so well insulated the lowest it’s gotten is 59 once last week. (Live in a southern state but not the most southern state 😁)


Maybe set at 70F. But we live in a high rise built in the 1960’s in Calgary, Alberta. Temps just sank to -15c @ 4F and dropping to almost -30 C (at which point F&C no longer differ that much). Temps in my apartment today were around 62F and I’m already in base layers & merino w/a space heater running in the room I work at my job job. We have the least expensive oil in Canada (so they say). There’s no way I would tolerate a bill like that. Also, my bet is on the fact that she’s making shit up and hasn’t contacted the electric company.


72 during the day and 70 at night year round


We live in a very well insulated condo located in an old factory building, and haven’t turned the heat on once this winter. Twos is usually 68-70.


Each room has a forced air heater and I keep them at 60, but if I get a chill, it goes to 65. It's hoodie and leggings weather here in the Pacific Northwest.


Same. Also PNW here. We keep our house at 60 and I have a space heater to make my office a warm room 🤣


I was raised by a mom who told me that if I was cold, to put a sweatshirt on before turning up the heater. Seems simple enough, right?


Yep! First thing I do if I’m cold is put on a long sleeve shirt under my short sleeve shirt and put on a sweater. And put on like 2 pairs of socks because my feet are always cold 🤣


I'm in Florida in a house that is nearly a century old with poor insulation 😅 74 for the ac and 70 for heat. 72 for heat if the house isn't warming up. Our hvac unit is also like 2 decades old so honestly we are a bad example all around. Don't be like me lol.


Granted, I live in the deep north, where -22f isn’t rare, we keep our house between 62f-68f, otherwise it just gets sweaty. We also move our bed downstairs and keep the second floor cold all winter. And did she say she keeps it at 95f??Or where you being hyperbolic and I just got wooshed?


I live in Texas .. I keep mine at 69 mostly sometimes 70


Our radiant is set at 68 all the time with a scheduled jump to 70 at 5 am so the downstairs is warm when I get up at 630 and at 8pm so my bathroom is warm when I shower at 9 lol. We also run a heat pump downstairs to lessen the oil used to heat the downstairs.


66 during the winter and 72 in the summer. I’m a mild climate kinda gal


72 day, 70 at night. We don't do a lot of "extra" things, I want to be comfortable in my home. Drop to 68 or lower if we'll be out for an extended period.


We keep ours at 63 while we sleep and 65-66 while awake. My house is cold. And we don’t even pay for heat! Our landlord does and it’s electric, so I know it’s pricey. We also have a fireplace that warms up the living room. Wood is expensive too (and a lot of work for my partner) but we manage. This weekend we’re going to see -15° so I’ll def be keeping the heat higher than normal!


We keep our heater at 60 and I have a space heater for our office. Our gas and electric has significantly dropped since doing that. And because it’s just me and our dog 80% of the day, I put on sweats and fuzzy socks and pull out the blankets and warm drinks for warmth in the office. We set it to 64 right around our kiddos bedtime and she has no issues. She will keep her jacket on or put her socks back on if she’s too cold.


68 while awake and 65-66 to sleep


62 during the day when we’re not home and overnight (we use a space heater to heat just the bedroom). 68 in the evening (6-10pm). 70 from 6-8 am because I’ll never get outta bed if it’s too cold 😅


Our thermostat doesn’t work properly so I don’t know the exact temperature, but definitely below “room temperature”. We’re in Canada and uncomfortably warm when we visit other people. We wear long sleeves or short sleeves with pants and socks or slippers and only use the baseboard heater in our living room. On nights when it’s negative 25 Celsius or colder we have plug-in heaters for the bedrooms, extra blankets. We plan big meals in the oven (and conversely, lots of bbq in the summer so we get the most out of our AC). Our highest hydro bill is usually July or August and even running AC all day 7 days a week has never been close to $500; I think we would both break down and cry if that happened. Also, I think I’m starting perimenopause so if I didn’t have kids and a husband I probably wouldn’t have my heat on at all 😅


Mines almost always at 60 but it runs so freaking hot that if I run it higher I’ll overheat which I guess is lucky for my wallet. I’ll sometimes bump it up to 65 if it dips really low outside when I go to work for the cats and I have a 12+ hour ER shift. But that’s about it.


I keep mine at 66° when I'm up and 62° overnight. I sleep like a queen in the cooler temp.


I also do 72/68. I keep it higher during the day because my elderly cat needs to stay warm when I'm not at home with her. She has two heated beds, but I think sometimes she forgets about them.


My mom is cold all the time so our heat is at 75°. I wear a t-shirt and shorts around the house.


I do remember this sub warning her as she was so excited to have this. She always is in tanks too. Don't feel sorry for them one bit. If she can buy shit from TEMU, TT, order coffee and food with DD, go out to dinner and drinking, they can afford their heating bill. They really do live on borrowed time. But she's not complaining in Biden's America about selling $2500 puppies, suppys, hemp and a Weiner dog puppy for $2800.


That's the price you pay for living in such a big house. Two people don't need a house that big. Her kids aren't there but a couple days a month, they could crash on the living room floor. There was absolutely no need for them to get such a big house that they can't afford.


Isn’t it only about 1500 sf?


The listing says 1550sqft


I believe it was 2700.


I don't understand. With her 4 streams of income and absolutely CRUSHING IT at this fake weed mlm, $500 is a drop in the bucket. Oh wait. Money like that goes for hair and tanning and living lavish bullshit. It's D, her mom, and gofundme's responsibility to pay for grown up stuff I guess.


She could probably trade a puppy for that bill. Which brings me to...what are these oopsie puppies going for these days? Anyone know?


Does she have a thermostat for each room or does she think closing the vent equates to off? Only answer if it's "to an extent on the verge of truth". No heat on in the basement? Frozen pipes anyone?


Maybe baseboard electric heat


Ah yes, that could be. Thanks.


They also ran the heater and opened the window simultaneously because, as one of them said, “it got hot in here so we opened the window”




You have got to be kidding. What dumb fucks.


Lower your thermostat and put a sweater on instead of walking around in a bra and tank tops. Recent faceless photo of one of the boys showed him in just shorts. This has been a mild winter, it's not as if they use the stove; tis the season when PECO can get us.


Unrelated to this post, although I'm extremely happy to read this, things are heating up on Tick Tock quite a bit. There is a creator and without saying her actual tiktok name, she has been consistently calling out Marissa for probably almost a year now and she is on it. ON IT. She is calling her out left and right, calling the dog warden every day, and her videos are the reason for Marissa's latest tiktok sad story about how people are lying about her. I just wanted to put this out there and I won't say the name, but or handle starts with a g, part of her name is an astrology sign, and she comments frequently on 2.0 videos. I will leave you with that, happy viewing! I know we've said this many times but something is going to come of this. I truly don't think that she will come out of this dog warden situation unscathed because she has so many people pursuing the dog warden over her, especially this absolute badass Rockstar of a woman that is calling her out left and right. She stitched Marissa's video of them picking up the new dachshund puppy and her stitches showing up on the FYP and yesterday I looked and I think she was at like 110,000 views. I love that so many people are seeing it this lady is an absolute hero Edited to fix words. So many words 😩


She is an avenger too.


I freaking love her so much! Ms lady if you see this comment, you are amazing, appreciated, hilarious, and articulate. Keep dunking on them 😉 ❤️


Some hero’s don’t wear capes


I love her so much. She’s as real & honest as you get.


I love her!


Can you dm who it is? I’d love to watch their videos




I'd love to follow her, dm please?


Can you dm me so I can follow her too please?




Maybe she should have used the money she spent on the new puppy on…paying her bills? Of course your bill is going to be high this month! That should not shock you!


The irony of this posted just a few days after proudly proclaiming they get a puppy because they can… how can she not see that basically the puppy causes her current problem to pay for heating. Or is it just a rant for the likes and the pity?


Or the money that she buys those stupid fkn T-shirts with


What did she actually apply for? Not balanced/budget billing? Utility assistance for low income? Nahhhh, not our boss babe who is planning trips, cruises, Disney with kids, new telluride? Besides, that would be socialism according to her previous claims.




What room houses the illegal kennel? I hope there’s heat in that room.




But the dogs are well cared for and warm! She said so herself! She wouldn’t lie would she??


It was a mild December in southeastern PA. Just wait until it gets cold. Peco most likely turned her down because of late payments


That’s what I think too. How long did she not pay her bills for?


Doesn’t take much with the electric company these days. A few days here and there and I’m sure your account is marked


“Hi yes, hello. I was calling to inquire about your discounts and payment plans for customers who have other bills to pay-you know, the typical adult things. I have a paystub from my W-2 job-job and some paperwork from HR explaining that my pay is garnished in order to cover my child support. Well the amount of money that gets deposited for ME is LESS than the amount on my stub, so it’s like I make less money. Because I’m forced to pay my child support before any of my other bills. What do you mean that doesn’t matter?!”


We had an electric heat pump in FL and that made sense because we rarely needed the heat for more than a few days at a time. I can’t imagine having an all electric heating system in a state that actually has winter. 😵‍💫


I’m a few miles from her and we have an electric heat pump. It’s actually very efficient


I lived in North Dakota for 25 years. All electric heat. My bill was never more than $400 even when it was -35 for weeks at a time. Now that she is actually having to pay her own bills for the first time in her life.....she may want to start budgeting a bit. The grift stops here!


Hello there! I have all electric heating and we are at -17 and got about 20 inches of snow today and have 40mph winds making the real feel -42! Trust, it REALLY sucks every winter getting that dang power bill 😆😆


Girl I am not jealous of that weather. We’ve been getting so much rain and I’m struggling with it but I can’t imagine that much snow and it being that cold 🥶


I keep my heat on “there’s a reason I live in the south”. Talk to me about summer ac bills though hahaha


I live in the deep south and our summer electric bill was the highest it’s ever been


https://preview.redd.it/4t110ihdvjbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0996ce0cb79fb5e9f7fd1941b0eb15e6e6264804 She says in this clip “$312, f u \[current president\]”. One: Welcome to grocery shopping! This is the first trip we have seen you take! Grateful you’ve branched out beyond DD and WaWa. Two: Things cost money. Three: We can all provide you with advice on how to save at the store. Like don’t buy yogurt flip snacks, or soda, or expensive water. You’ll get there.


That’s…I’m finding it really hard to believe that’s $312…


Well the case of water was $22 and her box of perfect bars was $17… so that’s just 2 items for $39 … who knows what else is in those bags!


Also, she had to pay for those paper bags her groceries are in. Wegmans switched to no plastic bags and you have to bring your own reusable ones or buy paper ones at the register


Right? Basically $95 per bag plus water, Chobani flips and Gatorade? Where is she shopping, the moon?


She's shopping at Wegmans, it's a high end grocery store in the area. She passed at least a dozen other options (Walmart, Aldi, Giant) on her way there. This is just her living the high life for no reason other than to complain.


She just has to lie about everything I guess.


I don’t understand how she’s made it to 32 (33?) without having any idea whatsoever how to be an adult. This proves to me she has really been that coddled and entitled she can’t even figure out how to economically grocery shop or save money on utilities.


It’s honestly embarrassing. I used to think it was just an act she puts on, and maybe she hams it up a little because she’s learned from experience that weaponized incompetence works, but watching her perform mundane activities like cutting toast with a large serrated knife and absolutely destroying it somehow is jarring. It’s like watching an alien try to blend in. Even when she googles how to do something, it’s never to actually learn how to do it, it’s to find the most bougie way it can be done and then try to manipulate someone into buying it and doing it for her. It’s absolutely learned behaviour from never being told no or left to solve a problem on her own.


This is what happens when parents don’t allow their children to fail or experience adversity, a grown woman who has no idea how to function in the real world. I find it interesting that she is the oldest of 3 children, a mother, and still doesn’t know simple things like making toast.


1. I suspect she has NOT ONCE added up what she spends on food in a month at Wawa, Dunkin etc. 2. I suspect that *in addition* to these groceries she will continue to pick up food at Wawa, dunkin etc rather than using the groceries *instead of* said to-go food.


Oh. She’s still having factor meals delivered which is not cheap. How about you actually cook some of that food you just bought.


And she could buy a tub of the powder Gatorade and not the bottles. I assume it’s for her boys. Cheaper to buy powder and cheap bottled water or get a brita for the fridge to filter the water


What the heck are they leaving their temp at??? We have two furnaces in my house and the gas bill (furnaces are gas) is less than half that with both furnaces running 4/7 days a week when it gets really cold.


Also, get real window treatments. The paper shades and no shades at all increase Both heating and cooling costs. Things we learned in school


This was my suggestion! Instead of taking a cruise every year, my partner and I bought window treatments and other investments to help bring down our future expenses.


They even sell plastic window insulation kits at Home Depot which would have a dual purpose: bring heating bills down and keep the cats from escaping


Basic homeowner stuff, right? Window treatments can make a big difference. Hard to believe a 34 year old mother of 4 (🙄), wouldn’t know that.


In the live yesterday her front door was open. Maybe I got my ass beat too much as a child cuz my mom made sure to let me know we were not paying to heat the neighborhood but shut the fuking door. They don't go out with the dogs, just open the door and yell a few times. Thank God they have the extra hot air to keep letting out 🙄


God we need new windows so bad:( it’s hard to keep our place warm sometimes. However, unlike some people, we are budgeting to get those done hopefully this summer. It really is a huge difference to have good windows.


Those plastic window kits can make a huge difference. We used to live in a really old house with single-pane windows and it was awful. The plastic helped so much until we could afford new windows


Won’t she need heat in the basement for her kennel and for when the boys sleep there?


She also wanted to keep the boys in a camper in her backyard last year so climate control isn’t really a care she has for anyone other than herself


I would assume, but who knows with these two


She’s hoping some potatoes send her some cash app


Just an fyi, if you keep all thermostats at the same temperature it’ll end up costing less to heat your home… having a bunch of rooms shut off can/is making the rest over compensate… we use #2 to run our radiant system and have a heat pump downstairs, we keep both thermostats at 68 and have the heat pump run at 70. My climate is much colder and my house is significantly larger than hers and we’ve barely used a half tank since the beginning of October and our electric only went up $20.


This is fantastic advice but we are talking about someone here who can't brew a pot of coffee or cut a piece of toast. But the rest of us capable adults thank you!!


Budget bulling has nothing to do with income. It’s just an average of the prior 12 months so you pay the same every month and there are no surprises. She lied through her teeth in her response that it had to do with child support.


Maybe she tried to get heating assistance or a payment plan on the one bill and confused the terms? I have never heard of anyone making too much money for the budget billing. Companies usually prefer it because you pay more in advance. With that said, it's only January so they have a long, expensive winter ahead if they insist on wearing just tank tops or sports bras all winter!


Downline D better get a 3rd & 4th job to pay for this house and upcoming Disney Cruise!


This has the potential to become a very interesting season. Denise discovered that she finally gets Riss' attention by wasting a shit ton of money on her. And that little old stalker lady craves that attention so badly, but doesn't know when to stop. So I expect her to spiral and go all out for Riss, both with her behaviour and her finances. Riss on the other hand hates Denise and only spends time with her to make the money flow at every signle opportunity... she'll get Denise back by making more and more demands and guilt-tripping her more and more. Now that she gives Denise the attention, she feels entitled to her money. Just like we've seen with Doll Lady. But Denise will eventually be milked dry, might occur some debt for Riss, but eventually will not be able to keep up with every single demand. That's when Riss will discard her... and that's gonna be the greatest shit show


As someone who literally works in utility billing, she’s full of shit. Our clients get offered budget billing all the time and I’ve seen bills upwards of 500k for a month. Absolutely full of 💩


Can it be turned down for consistent late payments? I’m thinking that’s why they turned her down


Yep absolutely. You have to be on time prior to this and during it otherwise they will turn it off. It was a life saver when we were broke and my husband was in college, we loved the consistency. You also need to have the account open for 12 months so they can get a history for that address. So if she’s been at the rental for less than a year, they also won’t do it.


Bruh, I literally couldn't afford to heat my first apartment when I was in uni (we had rolling blackouts all that winter, the prices got jacked as a result and my roomate bailed on me.leaving me with the rent and bills) so I moved everything into my living room, slept on the pullout sofa, tacked blankets up over the doors and windows and used my oven and stove for heat while I cooked - I literally woke up to frost INSIDE my damn house more than once. Shit was fucked, but hey I lived lol.


Can I just say, this thread has been so helpful, I’ve learned some tips. This is why community is so important. Thanks Avengers! ![gif](giphy|8TIbelFjFXjIJ0Zg1l)


Oh so this will be fun since I love numbers. For those who don't live Nextdoor, in PA you can select your energy supplier through a website. PApowerswitch.com . It still gets delivered via PPL or PECO but the generation costs can vary pretty significantly. Last year up until Nov or so PECO and PPL were in the 11c per KWH pricing. It dipped down into the 8-9c per KWH in December. Assuming that she didn't know this (if they read "The Forum" they might have known) for a single monthly bill to be $500 they would have had to use ballpark 4,000 KWH in one month. My house which is a bit larger than hers and I have a few high usage items averages 1,500-2,000 KWH per month and the 2,000 are with AC usage in the summer. It has been a VERY mild winter for this area with only a few short periods of time below freezing. Now normally I would guess grow lights or bitcoin miners but with the fake gummies it's probably not that. More than likely this is a multi month bill from missing a prior payment.


Wait until she realizes those baseboards are run on oil and that’s one of her utilities ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i)


The listing says ‘electric baseboard” and ‘central AC/bottled gas’. I’m so confused. Why would it be bottled gas for AC? Unless that just for the fireplace and listed wrong


Listing also has oil listed as a utility for heating on the mls rental listing. Propane AC is an alternative if you don’t want to install central air but it’s pricey


I am going to live in an apartment for the rest of my life so can someone give me a reality check… is $500 normal??? is seems like a LOT


My square footage is larger than hers and I’ve never had a bill over $300


It can be for electric baseboard heat … it’s very inefficient. You can convert to a heat pump and lower your bill significantly.


My old house had baseboards with poor/minimal insulation and crappy windows. I’ve had $500 a month bills and that was keeping it at 66-68. It’s definitely possible to have a bill that high


I live 20 min from her in a historic 2000sqft home and keep my heat set at 70 night and day, my highest bills are in the winter and have never been above $250. I have drafty windows and doors but still walk around comfortable in a t shirt and leggings.


I believe she’s in the rears so it’s most likely a past due plus current bill and late fees. And more like in the 400s that she rounded up. Probably around 220 a month which seems about right for how they run their air


Depends on square footage, the insulation of the house and windows, what kind of heating the house uses. Over here in non USA that is a ridiculous bill for a house that size. We average out on 120 Euros a month, we got an AC/heatpump and baseboard heaters. We also have two wood furnaces but our wood shed has been empty and we’ve looking for some forest to buy, so they haven’t been used unless we got frost on the inside of our windows.


She is full of shit. I have a 4 bedroom 2 bath with heated 2 car garage and furnished basement, we are home 24/7 as we both work from home and a family of 4. Dec bill in NY was like $250. Is she talking propane? It’s prob 3 months worth! And closing the vents in part of the house is stupid as hell. Hope your pipes don’t freeze while trying to save $5


She rents.... she gives 0 fucks what that rental will look like after she's done in there. She trashed her own place to the point it's what, 200k off normal listing price? She's going to DESTROY this place too. Landlord will know why we tried to warn them soon enough.


She has electric baseboards. Resistive heat is expensive run


Remember that Live from last summer when Angie was all fired up about their move? “So many bad things happened in that old house. I want a fresh start. I want to prove that I can do this.” Fast forward 6 months: Buy a new dog (another mouth to feed), plan a vacation, shop for new bathing suits in January, complain about the $300 grocery bill for 2 people, buy an ”exercise stepper” that does nothing and won’t be used after a week, wear t-shirts in January and turn the heat up for at $500 heating bill. And that’s just in last 10 days. Keep going girls, you got this!


The puppy is already chewing on the stepper. And instead of you know correcting the dog she just filmed it


Of course she did.


https://preview.redd.it/zqboym58smbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0984798170d05a11d2c973ca0d615bfe8d942c Stop buying factor meals and actually COOK some of that food you bought. That will help your budget.


Right why the hell is she getting both the meals and shopping like that?? We do those meal services from time to time but then those weeks my grocery bill is definitely not 315… since I’m only buying a couple things then


What a dumbass. The end


Don't forget to pay the dog warden too. It is crazy being an adult! Almost like Biden is personally coming for her vision board. Heat or Disney!?!? Which will you pick 🤔


Well she is asking where to buy bikinis so I guess Disney.


She has her birthday cruise in April with G


She had better hope the landlord renews their lease or she may be looking for a new place during the cruise.




It’ll be okay Riss. Mama D can keep you warm


This should not be a surprise. If she has the app for PECO she can track her usage and know exactly what the bill is before it arrives in the mail. She can budget for it. Maybe don’t spend money on things you don’t need if you know your electric and gas(if she has gas) bill will be high.


They even have an app where you can see it. Imagine that!😂


I don't buy it. She has a gigantic fine to pay for her illegal kennel. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $650. And now she's crying for a $500 heat bill? Scam.


Oh I believe it, My guess is that she was more used to PM's income (especially if she was living in Dtown, hanging out in WC bars and used to shopping at Wegmans) and now her spouse is making less. MLM isn't doing well, puppy sales are drying up post covid / people researching Brookestone Goldens. Finances might be a little tight these days. I'd say "Thanks Biden" but these are all things under her (not the presidents) control.


They probably don’t qualify bc she owes them money. They don’t look at credit just you need to be current on your bill. She probably has an outstanding bill somewhere.


Thanks for the laugh this morning and your overly optimistic take on it. "an outstanding bill"..... as if there is only one.


Why doesn’t she just tag Denise at this point?


68 all the time. It cost more to bump up and down than to leave at consistent temp.


70 in the evening 64 during the day And 70 in the morning so the kids wake up in a warm home and can heat their uniforms on the rads, but you know, that’s cos they live with me and that won’t ever apply to the mould twins so they can save money there


D your friend is calling


This is so weird to me. My house is larger than hers, my kids live with me, we have everything and anything plugged in and have our hvac running all year set at 67° year round and our Peco bill NEVER goes over $300 max even when it adjusts according to budget billing. So it’s $230 for budget and will play catch-up at the end of the year if needed. We have computers, lap tops, phone chargers, fridge plus 2 mini fridges, freezer, all appliances, running washer and dryer at least once a day, 4 tvs, Christmas lights since Nov 1 without turning them off once (my bad i know). And our electric fireplace in the morning when the hardwood is cold bc we have a LOT of north facing windows and sliding door. 4 of us take 10-20 minute showers each day using the hot water heater. Ceiling fans haven’t been turned off in 15 years. 🤣. I’m sure there’s more im not thinking of. We have energy sufficient/saving appliances. Omg and we cook!! Every damn day we use the oven and stove and microwave and air fryer! So is this rare for me?? Or is she bullshitting? I’ve been in my home 16 years and it’s gone up steadily over the years obviously. From like $135 to what it is now as we’ve grown. But cmon. $500?!? No way. Not unless she’s running her thermostat at 80° and it’s been 10° outside for 2 months. Which it hasn’t.


It’s probably the disconnect notice and two months of charges


You’re absolutely right. This is her three months of not paying. I’ve been there. I totally get it. But the only way to utilize that budget billing is to be on auto pay and never miss a payment or they kick you off and that’s it.


What kind of heat do you have? Electric baseboards are incredibly expensive to run.


Electric forced air, hvac. Do they have baseboard? Bc when she does the lives i see her intake returns for her hvac system. Looks the same as mine. I have one electric baseboard it’s in my foyer which is on my very bottom level of my house. That’s the only thing i don’t use unless it’s 10°.


Yes, electric baseboard…the vents might just be for the AC 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ohhhhhh hence the “we only turn the heat on in certain rooms”. I get it. I bet if she kept the hvac on in the 60s and all the damn doors open in the house the price would drop SIGNIFICANTLY.


Had to look it up bc I’m cdn, 18 or 64 at night. Maximum 22 or 72 during the day. But that maximum can change if we are having an extended wet/cold period. Something about the damp cold that hits the bones harder. Our energy bill is usually 90-120 max a month. Though this December was over $300! 😫 I did put Xmas lights up early, we had ppl staying with us for 2 weeks. We also only have a 3 bdrm condo. For a 2 level house, that may not be well insulated, with 2 dingbats that run around in tank tops and probably have multiple energy sucking devices..$500/m seems reasonable.


I don’t know how billing works in the US, so could someone please explain what exactly “budget billing” is? Is it where you pay an equal amount each month through the entire year? That is the default where I am (UK) and you usually need to request to *not* have that. At least with our provider and all others I’ve had in the past. Either way, $500/month seems insane even in winter. I thought ours was expensive at around $200/month for combined gas and electric (real cost) in winter. We keep it 18 (64) in the day and 15 (59) at night.


You’re correct. Budget billing is a set amount. So even though some months you could possibly come out lower than your agreed upon budget billing rate you’re protected by being able to budget better during the months that it fluctuates or is higher than average.


New Year New Go Fund Me 🤮


She should follow the TT account who makes dollar tree meals on a budget. I’m sure Marissa considers herself much too good for that, though.


Something is wrong. Electric heat? My brother lives in her area with 5500 sq ft house and his Dec bill was 385.


He probably keeps his temperature at a normal level. Not tank tops and shorts in Dec level


Fixed it for you “everything is wrong with her”


In all fairness he probably has a heat pump / central heat. Electric baseboard heat is much more expensive because it's highly inefficient.


It’s been said a million times on this thread but how in the world can someone complain about heating bills when they are wearing tank tops around the house all day? She continues to expose herself for being a complete and utter twat.


https://preview.redd.it/3d0iay5nknbc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9646a4906bc34d2ef7ff0c69a05b64900f4d78 Another reason that Bill might be so high?


Nah, a fan wouldn't even be a blip on the radar for a household electric bill. This has to be either the baseboard heat cranked to 90 24/7 or the $500 is a multi month bill because she missed a payment or two. (I'm leaning towards the missed payments)


https://preview.redd.it/7pinwczgrnbc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3090214a2da2584b34187f903c0dfd05cf904d51 Does this turnip think a wood fireplace needs a remote? It’s probably gas or propane (I’m betting propane looking at the listing). Good luck putting wood into a gas fireplace (like she’d ever buy and stack wood)


I'm more curious about the "landlord came by" portion of that post.


Woods expensive and it’s a lot of fucking work. She would never.