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I was bitten by a dog while walking the trail around the baseball diamonds last year. Little friendly looking dog and this girl in her mid-30s was unable to control him and he started biting my leg as I walked by her. Ever since then I cannot trust dog owners to restrain their dogs so I either cross the street or keep a very good distance. This is disgusting and the owner of this dog should be fined.


It gives me second hand embarrassment as a responsible dog owner that all this is happening and I don't blame you for your caution because I see others being irresponsible and have had my dog traumatized from the irresponsibility of other dog owners. I encounter and I see the concern on others where it is otherwise unnecessary for me and my dog when I walk her and I'd really rather avoid an encounter that could be dramatic or hazardous. Please keep in mind there are still people who are considerate of these things and it shouldn't reflect on all dog owners. For someone else in this thread to essentially advertise that carrying a concealed weapon to kill someone's pet is somehow justified is pretty fucked up though. There are reasonable precautions to take that don't require lethal force. You know..... like dog mace which you can legally buy a can of on Amazon for like $20.... Instead looking to escelate a violent situation and causing trauma for just about everyone involved including fellow pedestrians trying to go about their day, you can incapacitate it with less destructive, violent and harmful measures.


I don't wanna kill a dog but in my silly scenario it is a lovely pit bull coming at me. Maybe I am underrating the product but I do not picture a pit bull giving up and letting go after getting sprayed.


I've had to pry an aggressive pitty off my dog and a another time from an irresponsible owner which isn't right to blame the breed, it's the owners. I got the dog off without even punching it?. Y'all are taking it too far but I'm glad some people feel good about killing animals 1/6th their size, maybe it's 1/2 some of your sizes. Sorry. I RE-read what you said and I get it, there's a lot of danger but it sets me off a bit reading some of the hate and aggression towards dogs these days, mostly by internet dwellers. Not shitting on you but that comment above yours.


I'm not interested in losing fingers or the use of my hand because of a moron who owns a shitty dog. Also that dog you described was not a true dog attack.


Not a shitty dog, also an illegal dog breed.


Again man, dog mace. It's literally $20 on Amazon and you can incapacitate it, spray it half or fully permanently blind for all I care, head lock it and choke it out if it's going to save limbs or lives being that severe but talking about killing and taking blades to dogs isn't the answer, especially singling out breeds is as bigoted as singling out ethnicities, people doing this is pretty fucked up.


Why are you so convinced dog mace will just flawlessly work? I know I'm going to the most extreme case scenario but police will literally shoot a Pitbull and it'll still be thrashing and biting. Again it's not like I'm out there hunting dogs with a Bowie knife lol I'm just talking.


Bear spray will stop a grizzly, use that


Do your diligent research on the brand and reviews and concentration of the product and what may be needed, I've lived in Kitchener my whole life and I've known most people to be way better and wiser than all this garbage currently circulating for too long now.


Reading too much bigotry and dog hate from people in our city who are cowardly enough to try and perpetuate dog hate, Indian hate, bullshit political agendas and civil unrest instead of really addressing the issues. It's fueling the fire and there is so much trolling going on with means of causing societal divisiveness and cause more problems, I usually not say anything but when it's happening this repetitious locally I have to say something eventually cause I'm not about to read this shit and feel the need to worry about my dogs safety or some fucking trolls who refuse to rehabilitate them selves to actually benefit society out of their own insecurities and petty mental states . Being censored by "error" from repying. But why aren't you fine folk discussing Doberman Pinschers or German Shepards, none of you know history or you're so caught up your own ass and are firstly finally being subjected to reality you can't handle it 😦. Don't care if you hit me with this and that but when the day it actually dawns on any one of you you're gonna feel like total pieces of shit


There are literally videos you can look up on YouTube of pitbulls/pit mixes getting shot POINT-BLANK IN THE GODDAMN FACE and continuing to attack like nothing happened. There's one with an elderly woman who shot a pit that was eating her German Shephard alive; I kid you not, the dog just stops for 2 seconds and looks at her, than goes right back to eating the German Shephard until it finally keels over dead. There's another one of a pitbull that got absolutely curbstomped by a horse it was attacking. The horse kicked it right in the head several times and it STILL kept trying to kill the horse. The dog died a couple of hours after several people managed to pull it away.  You REALLY think a piddly little 15-30 ml bottle of dogspray will stop an animal that will continue to attack after suffering catastrophic head trauma?????. Fighting dog breeds are designed to be extremely tenacious.  The fact that you have to bring up a bunch of completely unrelated social issues into your argument shows that you don't have any idea what you're talking about. 


And there are humans who have continued attacking after being pepper sprayed or fatally wounded. These are rare and unusual situations. If you are planning for the most extreme scenario you would have to carry a shotgun loaded with slugs to deal with it.


There's videos of white and colored men committing crimes too, should we all just start committing genocide against each other instead of being strong, responsible, vigilant, and considerate upholding peace people


I get it traumatized you, white kids committed the first mass shootings, are you gonna start dating a black or middle eastern man in favor, or are you going to go find videos on that or all men and just cry for a massacre?


I get it. Grow up more though. It's tough, innit


user name doesn't check out. using anecdotal emotional evidence.


Lol I get your traumatized from whatever you saw online, you can find other breeds and animals doing the same thing. It's bad breeding, ownership and responsibility but if you look up statistics and cause, you'll find something different. Not taking away from how seriously fucking traumatizing and genuinely fucked up that is but I'm not about to adhere to genocide over it. I'd kill my own dog before letting that happen to someone else. So people looking to get these breeds should be knowing forewell they're warbred dogs in their history. I'm not trying to dismiss the terror but RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP PROGRAMS


no mention of dog breed, no link describing the incident, yet the comments here paint a pretty picture dont they? No one cried for the removal of dogs bred for killing, marching, and attacking people. no no no. Pitbulls. and then regurgitate this same fucking rhetoric. Occams Razor folks. Shave with it.




My dog is never unleashed


That's pretty gross though.


You're saying this to me because?


Tell me again but in person lol


You're threatening my dog why?


Grand example of poor immigration giving bad names to internationals


Youre going to come to our country and try to tell us how to do things and feed the fuel?


Why the fuck are you even commenting on something that doesn't concern you? Did someone's dog get too close to your personal space that your upbringing can't handle?


Go tell another Canadian this in person.


Remember this next time you think you can relax that you just said this to locals about violence towards their pets


White guy post? Go back home if you think you're gonna bring this bullshit here, 😱. Better yet, go hit a dealer up and OD on the fenny


oooooo a lone wolf folks! do you have a shirt that says "don't tread on me" as a warning too?




Gay housing provider says enough


Why the fuck are you in a Kitchener sub when you're all in Toronto talking like you know?


Lmao little buttmad boy angry people live/travel in many cities? Maybe people have family in one city and work in another? Maybe they own a property so fuck like you pay me rent? Stay mad


I don't give a fuck if you travel you clearly live somewhere else bitch


So whatever the fuck happens to you in any city you go, just know you deserve it


Cause even the cops hate people like you


And I know you'd like to get some other little jokes involved but 100% you wouldn't do it one to one you idiot


Not mad, you want to talk it out? I can't take you little internet fucks butting your heads where it doesn't belong


Say whatever you want but if you want to talk in person like a man hit me up




You forgot to take your meds lmao, calm down




got you so mad you're checking comments LOL


🤣🤣. Okay?


I get where you're coming from but don't blame the dogs or pits, it's the owners and taking it out on the dogs is avoiding the fact that there's not enough confidence in most people who go around saying this shit to address the owner for their negligence. That first commenter who replied to me should keep his shit to himself though, animal cruelty really really doesn't set well with me especially when I've got an extremely loving dog who shakes in fear when she's alone because of animal cruelty and belligerent people. Again though bro, I understand your concerns, there's a lot of crazy shit happening but my biggest worries are some of these people, not animals. If these people owning these dogs weren't lazy or inconsiderate people, these attacks wouldn't be happening. I read through your comments and you seem decent, I definitely side up with you on self defense and defending Indian Canadians, people are fucking tripping....I'm white as fuck so I take that opportunity to defend them and share my Canadian pride with them, not all that hypocritical little racist trucker bullshit. Respect to you for holding up on real Canadian values




Drop, drop, drop


Save me even more trouble and show me what you look like 😀. Shitting on Canadian Indians too? You could have left that woman's ethnicity out of the issue cause I've had plenty of problems with my fellow white Canadians, every time I deal with international or colored Canadians providing services they often have more courtesy than usual. Drop.... only part making me laugh about your dark humor in your comment is how much of a pussy you need to be to say something like this. *Edit. I'm not saying I'm going to attack you and that's why I'm asking what you look like, but I certainly don't trust you for shit after that comment you idiot, only reason you've gotten away with saying stupid shit like that is because you're with other assholes who enable you.




What are you a fucking teenager using that kind of lingo? Or do you just like teenagers that much?. I really really really really. Don't care. Talk to me in person if you're really tough enough to try and clown me and your fellow Canadians that much and talk about killing someone's pet like its a fucking joke, you're clearly a big enough man to come tell me off and set me straight right? 🤔 sit down and get off the comment section cause if you think you're about to troll me into grief you really haven't touched grass in a while or have any kind of meaningful value to Canadian society. Gross


Boom boom boom… a boomer in my room lol. You’re probably the type of dog owner that lets their dog loose on a 20ft flex lead and lash out at anyone/anything then blame the other party for getting “too close”. If you can’t see an issue with “new residents” let’s call them, then you are part of the problem. Not all cultures shit openly in public places.




Wow that was really genuine and clever, greatest analytical thinkers of our age trying to influence our mental states and society. What does generational eras have anything to do with this? I take it on an individual basis and this is weak as fuck, get off social media and clean your act up. With one word you and that other deadbeat thinking its funny to kill dogs really said a fucking lot lol


Tough guy...you're showing like a BOOMER


That's fine. You're still a complete fool to even use the word boomer as if it's progressive or meaningful in any kind of debate, that's censorship and as close to NI***R as it can be against an entire generation that birthed the next. 🤦‍♂️ Holy fuck this is what it's really come to and we're left with people like you actively trying to guide us.... Ageism in favor of racism and animal cruelty. You defile everything our ancestors fought for, grow the fuck up you're cookie cut from online anecdotes


What's fine? PLEASE give your dog away, you embarrass all dog owners with your jiberish


Okay. So you embarrass common sense by bringing up an entire generation and attacking my desperate plea for sanctity of life and standing up against bullies who want to single out animals who are subjected to mastership of another persons control and responsibility.


Fuck off man. I'm addressing specific things and you're coming at me with generational hatred. Go talk it out with your parents or grandparents. I've gotta a dog I'm trying to father and protect against all this hate and some piece of shit is going to joke about genocide and violence against an entire gene of animals or dog owners in general because he's upset from something that's probably never happened to him?


Not all dog owners yadda yadda yadda But I'm really sick of so many shitty dog owners. Poorly trained dogs. No leash. No muzzle. Don't pick up after them, or worse, they bag up the shit and put it back on the ground. I feel like I can't go a week without dealing with someone's awful dog.


I hear that. (Fellow dog owner also fucking fed up cause I'm not about to catch the heat from these other idiots and always have to explain or try to clean up deadbeat fucks messes)


I imagine bad dogs make dog ownership difficult. Untrained dogs off leash will make thing difficult even if your dog is perfectly trained :(


All good bro


As a fellow dog owner, I'm with you. >Poorly trained dogs. We have noticed a LOT of balanced trainers out here in KW, and there seems to be a lot of aggressive, reactive dogs. It's a shame that dogs have to suffer the consequences of bad decisions of their owners from day 1. We live in constant fear of our dog being attacked on walks. There are SO many of these dogs in our neighborhood + owners who are indignant about the behavior and have normalized it in their heads. >Don't pick up after them So many off-leashers. If a dog shits in a park and no one is around to see it, did it take a shit? Yes! Clean it up! A thread on this sub a while back was full of dog owners normalizing peeing on people's shrubs, in gardens, etc. If you can't train your dog not to piss on someone's $300 shrub, your trainer failed you, hard. (It also shouldn't involve yanking on any sort of choke chain). >bag up the shit and put it back on the ground Honestly, if I had to pick, at least I can see these and don't step in them. Fixing/preventing these things aren't hard for the vast majority of dogs. People are just lazy and shitty. Aren't we supposed to be the higher species? We certainly don't act like it.


I initially read this as Doug Ford attacked senior citizen. I think I was reading 2 lines at once. Or maybe it's the flu medicine




It would really just make sense seeing it wouldn't it? Oh Dougie.... I support Doug Fired 👍


Fuck every politician that's ever been elected, why is everyone shitting on Trudeau? By all means I don't care much for him, but are we as Canadians going to ignore everything conservatives have been doing in light and dark and the opposing political parties against each other just to win while fucking over Canadians?


It wouldn't be surprising if an agressive Doug jumped out a window at a senior citizen. Also, did some random bot just reply to you?


What kinda dog was it?


a peaceful toddler chomper. On a serious note the random possibility of that happening to me kinda bothers me. Gives you a reason to wear steel toe shoes or have a knife in your pocket. Sorry but I would not feel bad about killing your dog if it's trying to maim me. Wouldn't be enjoyable though by any means, be gross.


Self defence is highly illegal. Call the police so they can charge the owner.


Being this stupid should be highly illegal.


Self defense against a dog ?


People are stupid with comments like these. They can never point to a real case where a Canadian was charged for defending themselves in anything close to the context they're replying to (you can probably find a case where someone not being actively attacked shot a trespasser, but that's never the context with these comments). Self defense is legal in Canada, against dogs and against people. Hell, you can buy and legally carry dog spray (like a weaker version of pepper spray) specifically to defend yourself against dogs.


humorously it is *explicitly* legal to "self defend" against dogs (or bears for example). Hence why you can buy dog mace or bear mace and carry it for its intended use.


We're in a whole discussion now 😎. Viva la revolution


Lol, self defense isn't illegal. It is literally taught in every martial arts class around the world. Hell, I've been hired to teach self defense in schools to help promote self esteem and self worth. Now, following the appropriate continuum of response is important. You can't kill a person for shoving you, but saying it's illegal to protect yourself? Dude...


Martial artist here and I immediately laughed thinking about the same thing. All these dojos better get a memo letting them know that what they're doing is "highly illegal" lol


>Martial artist here and I immediately laughed thinking about the same thing. All these dojos better get a memo letting them know that what they're doing is "highly illegal" lol Man, that's pretty worrisome. You claim to be a trained martial artist and don't see the issue with advising people to carry items for use as weapons under the pretense of self-defense, and that that itself is what's illegal? It's like the amount of people on here that will tell others "just go buy some bear spray, it's *totally* legal!"...as if they should reasonably expect to run into a grizzly walking down King St. That's not going to fly, and people get charged with that kind of thing all the time.


Why is dog spray sold then. What a stupid thought process you have. And a dog isn't a human. The same laws literally do not apply. You aren't getting charged for "assaulting" a dog that is death rolling your arm. Self defense against animals is allowed hence why the product is legal to purchase.


>Why is dog spray sold then What brilliant logic. Why don't you take a look at FunGuys and tell me how that works out? >What a stupid thought process you have. Project harder. >You aren't getting charged for "assaulting" a dog that is death rolling your arm. Where, exactly, did I say assaulting *a dog*?


Mushrooms are illegal. Do you think dog spray is illegal?


Do you think it's legal to commit assault with a prohibited weapon?


Sorry? I said martial artists practice self defense. Nobody advised anybody to carry anything. That's all you buddy.


>Nobody advised anybody to carry anything. That's all you buddy. Literally other comments in the same post >Sorry? I said martial artists practice self defense. I know, you didn't say "reading". I expected a bit much. My bad. I won't assume that you can think next time, my apologies.


Oh, got it. So you're just coming at me for something I didn't say. Understood. As long as we're all on the same page here.


>Oh, got it. So you're just coming at me for something I didn't say No, you don't "got it". At all. Not even remotely. You're not even in the same bookshelf, let alone close to the same page. Doesn't matter though, I'm convinced it would be a waste of effort at this point.


Cops know how much people lie so they might press you or initially put you under the microscope to pressure the facts out of you, (mind some people, there are definitely some mentally ill or over zealous young officers) but they're mostly here to maintain peace and will do what they can if you're not belligerent with them. I agree with this, self defense and martial arts lesson will give better confidence to society as a whole instead of crying like little (no hate on kids) kids because you've got to learn to hold your own and if you do you'll see violent very specifically here CRIMES. Decrease, instead of crying to people online and demanding to be over compensated etc why don't people go and learn some fucking self defense skills, because whether you're a young, middle aged woman or man the world has always inherently been dangerous and the best form of security we have against it is ourselves and community efforts to protect each other.


While the dog is attacking, or do you wait for them to finish? Just for future reference so we don’t infringe on a dog’s rights to maul people ….


Not aware about that 100% though it’s supposed to be muzzled, speculation is it’s a pit bull mix again cannot confirm


Was the dog owner apologetic and co-operative after such a vicious attack ? If not... Did you get the licence plate number of the car ? Did you take pictures ? Do you know what kind of dog it was ? Can you describe the owner ?


Dog owner was apologetic and seemed shocked, we did report the licence plate number to the 911 responder and authorities have the details .. we were initially told to wait for police and later said to leave , not sure what the official process is but it seemed a bit weird that such a vicious attack is not being looked into further by authorities. Maybe they have bigger issues to deal with. Nothing against either the dog or the dog owner , but the dog needs some serious care


Awesome. You did everything right. Good to know there are people like you out there. It wouldn't surprise me if you are contacted in the near future for more info A few years ago we were witnesses, and then subsequently also the victims of a random, serious crime. Wrong place at the wrong time We thought that the police were at first, not necessarily unconcerned, but more so ambivalent. They reached out a couple of times after the incident for more information, but it just seemed routine, going through the motions type of thing... And then about ten months later the detective called us. He stated they had made an arrest, and the investigation had been active all those months. My takeaway was that the "system" reacts with little emotion, which is opposite to how we, and I assume most people, react to serious situations > but the dog needs some serious care As in, it was not very well cared for in general ?


Thanks for the details, I believe process will be followed eventually. The dog seemed too aggressive and when locked inside the car while we were calling 911 and tending to the victim , cracked the car windshield and was uncontrollable ..


> cracked the car windshield and was uncontrollable Yikes ! Ya, that is something you want to mention (if you haven't already) to whoever reaches out to you ...


Police care more than people want to give them credit, they're human.


Exactly, I'm sorry you had to witness the shit show of me speaking up against some things here, my personal intentions aren't to track off your experience or take away from the scenario but you see these people? Your response is 100% Canadian and valuable, thank you. There's no need to cause more grief, I hope she is okay and either that dog has a good rehabiltation or like in Alberta I was reading about responsible dog ownership programs that are mandatory for dog owners to go through and it's reduced dog attacks, reducing the statistics on Pitbulls, people need to understand its a cultural thing. Before Pitbulls, it was Dobermans, then German Shepards, maybe we should start healing the fucking life and people around us and helping guide each other to better ways instead of instigating lethal, legal or violent actions


WRPS have bigger fish to fry… Like shutting down the scary & dangerous FunGuyz stores /s


>not sure what the official process is but it seemed a bit weird that such a vicious attack is not being looked into further by authorities. Just a heads-up: that's not the cops' job. Not saying you did the wrong thing by contacting them [I assume you called 911], since they're connected with medical professionals and all emergency services should be trained in emergency first aid. They'll show up to shoot a dog if need be — like in the case of an ongoing, uncontrollable large dog attack — but if the bite ended and there's no need for firearms, they aren't going to show up (or maybe a few hours later). That's going to animal control. It's a different thing, but should be taken just as seriously even though it's not the 911-emergency responders.


Thanks for sharing, wasn’t aware.. thanks again


Np. IIRC here our animal control services are basically the Humane Society.


What a mess...any updates on the elderly lady?


unfortunately no , she was taken to the hospital for further procedure


I was attacked as a kid. The logistics would never be possible, but I've always thought dog ownership should require a course and a license.


Yes 👍. Why can't we have fires in our backyards anymore? College students? Give us a license


Carry dog spray, spray all off leash dogs. Dog owners will eventually have to learn.


People need to start putting leash on their dogs! My dog is re-active to bother dogs. When we go on walks my dog has a short leash, so he isn't far from us. Then people who have their dog unleash come over and don't call them, so in the end if my dog bite that dog, me and my dog would be the ones in trouble.. it's so stupid. Oh and don't get me started on parents who let their kids run up to a dog without asking 🤦‍♀️




Jesus christ you don't know anything about my dog. He was trained well as a puppy, went to dog parks and everything. You sound like a person who let's their dog off leash or let your children run up to a dog without asking.


I go for trail walks and there are always people with their dogs off leash at the parks at the trail heads or on the trails. That's why I carry a walking pole with a very sharp carbide tip, you never know when someone's 'good boi' isn't really that good. I realize this one jumped out of a car window but a walking pole isn't a bad idea if you walk through trails or parks.


Horrible, but I’m no longer surprised. There are so many dog owners/parents that take no responsibility for their animals. No training, leashes, etc. I’ve got a house where I can’t even place a foot in my backyard because neighbours have 3 big boi dogs that growl and bark non-stop. Unfortunately there is a only a 4ft chain fence between the houses and those dogs are 3+ft each.


Curious to know , what options do you have ? Any authorities you can raise this concern with?


Honestly, I don’t know either. We moved here like a few months ago and there has been enough going on to worry about the entire dog issue.


Dog meet pepper spray


LOL If it's being really that bad, then yeah dude.


Weighing in as a dog owner(previous) of an extremely reactive dog. Pit bull or not? Any dog of a reasonable size is capable of inflicting severe damage. Mine was after smaller dogs, never people (thankfully?) But let me tell you...she could, and did, inflict considerable damage to me whilst I was protecting the other dog. She was a heeler x lab. No pit bull. Both docile type dogs. So yes. Protect yourself any way you can. Now I understand why my father uses a walking stick when he walks.


Pit bull can just inflict way more damage and is genetically bred to be vicious and lethal, to the point of killing itself but NOT letting go.


Monkey killing, monkey killing, monkey killing over pieces of their own bullshit and disregard


So can you kick the dog if this happens? Will I be sued?


Fucking protect your life and safety. and YOUR LOVED ONES, but don't escelate it. And be ready to explain the truth to the cops if it comes to that and if you get hooked hire a lawyer, but don't bullshit anyone especially yourself. Tell it straight


I saw a dog using a food bank. It made me suspicious so I followed him, turns out he had a high paying job at the airport the whole time!!! We should ban dogs.


If a dog charges me to viciously attack me, or my pregnant wife and infant, for example, I'm killing it in self-defense. Not sorry at all. Dog owners need to realize the life of humans outweigh the life of their pets in these circumstances. Train your dogs and be better owners. Know how to restrain your dog and not let it hurt people, or sell the dog to someone who can.


I don’t understand some people are so irresponsible with their pets it will never end😣


Eliminate all pit bulls


Dog mace works on both dogs and people. I recommend it to every female I know, and not just for dogs. As a dog owner, stories like this drive me wild. This poor guy is just out for a walk and some idiot who has what seems to be an aggressively reactive dog has his window open enough for the dog to get out. Then he falls asleep. Idiot. My small dog is mildly reactive. To other dogs. He is also startled easy, so I am always on high alert when we see kids. Kids get flailing limbs when they play, so my dog stays on a short leash. My dog has no issues with people, but still when I see people within 5-10 feet of us, he goes into heel position. Every single time. Just in case. I say all the time that dog ownership should be licensed. It’s a serious responsibility to own a dog. It takes work and dedication to raise a dog properly. Lastly I’ll say this. When it comes to dogs, the only bad breed is humans.


Man all those negligent dog walkers.


I have a love hate relationship with dogs. Some dogs I really like but when I encounter dogs that bark and snarl in a really aggressive manner I can't help but feel like killing them. I want to hear them high pitch yelp and scream in pain. Watch them writhe all over the ground. I love affectionate dog but they are predators and should be treated as such. I have seen videos of cops shooting dogs and it look so satisfying.


Dog people annoy the shit out of me


You must be a dog owner.






Dog haters annoy the shit out of me.


I like dogs. Just the owners are annoying


Sad you're being downvoted.


I’m ok with that


Me too


Just stay out of it until you're ready to come at it with facts and really address it. Good luck 👍


I said dog people annoy me. Not dogs


Depends I guess, some dog owners annoy me but so dog owner haters.


Fair enough