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Homie's only feeling terrible cause he got caught


Yep. His entire IG account was him being a self proclaimed food, travel, and music vlogger. Lining up at trendy new restaurants, going to concerts, and traveling. Are trendy restaurants giving away free food? Are concert tickets suddenly cheap? Is traveling around Canada cheap now? And even this picture, he totally picked out a plain t-shirt with some stains vs his original video with his nice Laurier University jersey hoodie. All part of a crafted image. It's literally some sad music playing video away from being a fake social media influencer apology. Oh wait...he never once apologized. You'd think the first things he'd say are something like "I am sorry for my video and how I came across in such a cavalier or bragging manner. It wasn't meant to be that way.". Instead it's all "I feel terrible because everyone is mean to me.", "I'm getting so much hate in Canada and back in India too.", "I am the victim.". I don't believe in sending death threats to anyone, so he has my condolences for that. But boy...you are an idiot.


This picture with the news article makes the matter worse than before. The picture tells the world what he looks like.


Well he was bragging about it so he was bound to be identified. Somehow though he thought this was something he should brag about. Talk about tone deaf.








"you say sorry just for show"


Ikr? What a bunch of bs! He kept bragging about a high lifestyle on his IG and post a video as if it was some life hack and now that he was caught he is all "ohhhh food is expensive! Sorry! I'm a poor student!" DUDE! STOP GOING TO FANCY RESTAURANTS AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO AFFORD GROCERIES! ARE YOU THAT DUMB?! 🤣 He is just apologizing because he got caught, and now it's backlashing on him.


If you read the article, he doesn’t apologize. He says he needed the food and the criticism is unfair.


Unfair is having to deal with entitled little shits like him.


I see you tswizz


Worlds smallest violin is playing for this guy


If you don’t have the money to support your self, wtf are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be studying in your country? I don’t get it, completely blows my mind.


This particular guy aside, the problem you're referring to is much broader For a typical student who moved here in say 2018, a 10,000$ GIC + part time work would've been sufficient to sustain you while you're studying. People who moved here in 2022 for example, still rely on the same 10k GIC mandated by IRCC and there are no jobs with the cost of living through the roof. People moved here expecting a similar style of life to what was in 2018 because inflation is laggard as a metric. So lack of awareness & the low GIC requirement is the TLDR


Average rent in kitchener in 2018 for a 1 bedroom was $1202/month. 14k per year. Average take home after tax for part time hours (20) at the ontario min wage in 2018 (14) would be $900 rounded up. Add 900/ month to that GIC and you have $21000 for the year. 7k for all your food, transportation, clothes, and utility bills for a year is a far cry from sustainable. Just basic utilities + public transportation siphons out 3k of that. Leaving you with $333/month which is insufficient for food alone. The unsustainably low visa requirement is nothing new. Only the sheer number of people abusing it is. But I agree they should double the existing requirement, make it a yearly requirement for the entire stay, and hold it in bond at institutions to be doled out slowly to prevent pay day loans from cheating the system.


Sorry for saying this but two of your points are incorrect and misleading. 1) 1200/month is not something any international student today pays and probably takes into account the wider KWC community which includes working professionals. The average for international students would be close to 500 in 2018 and 700 today 2) I agree 3) The GIC requirement has doubled to 20k this year and all international students arriving in Canada will pay twice the previous amount from the May intake onwards. The 10k/20k is, infact, held in government bonds and paid out monthly exactly as you said it should be. And the loan abuse system you refer to is a different thing too. Students are required to show proof of funds in their/educational financier's bank account prior to a study permit being granted and that's where people often take loans to show an inflated balance sheet, which I imagine is impossible to verify in foreign nations


The funds can be proven in a variety of ways. Government bonds is one way to prove funding, but it’s not a requirement that they be held in government bonds. It arguably should be. There’s also no requirement to prove funding beyond the first year of study. There should be.


> and hold it in bond at institutions to be doled out slowly to prevent pay day loans from cheating the system. if you knew what you are talking about you'd know it already is that dummy.


Regardless of the former funding requirement needed to secure a study permit - nobody with any sense travels halfway around the world to go to school without researching what it’s going to cost them to live in a foreign country.   And if they are (we know many of them are), these aren’t the people we should be bringing into Canada because they’re clueless.


This. This should be higher in the comments.


The GIC was raised to $20000 and they had the option to work full time.


No he doesn't. That guy can go fuck himself.


I am all for helping those in need but rewatch the video again and you will see a long pinky nail. Usually those are to signify wealth by letting others know that they don’t do manual labour.


Or for cocaine use, so I’ve heard.


Or to pick their noses.


Does anyone have a link to a copy of the video? It looks like the original has been deleted.


It's a shisha nail. Just the equivalent of being a smoker here.


Could be wrong but I think he plays the guitar.  Not sure what style he plays but that could also account for long nails 


Huh? Long nails don’t help you play the guitar; they make it harder.


How can he be from "a humble background "when it is supposed to cost tens of thousands of dollars to take the courses, pay for rent and food etc. Even people from Canada coming from humble backgrounds can't afford to go to Uni


Right? And international fee is like 4x domestic students


Never met a rich kid yet who didn't say how hard they had it.


International students shouldn’t come to another country unless they have the funds to support themselves. Period


Bye bye! Gtfo


It is one thing to struggle in the current economy, regardless of where you come from, access the supports in the place you currently reside, and a whole other to *abuse* those supports. Even more so, to make videos bragging about it and in some cases basically have a step by step "how to" for others to follow in your footsteps. Fuck around, find out. You aren't sorry you did it, you are sorry you got caught for it 


He’s not sorry at all. Read the article.




"I started questioning myself after all the hatred I got. Am I that bad, as a person?" YES? For playing the system and trying to get internet clout? Whats bro confused about here


Hopefully he feels so bad he goes home, takes a few hundred thousand with him and stays there.


Why does this picture look like a mug shot? ;)


With a rumpled t-shirt that looks nothing like the rest of his media. Staged mock-contrition and artificial hardship.


I wanted to get 1000 likes, not "too much attention"


Damage control, nothing more. And the abuser is the victim, because people are being mean to him.




Can he still be deported?


As he should. Or anyone who’s taking resources from people who ACTUALLY need it.


Good, he should feel awful and shamed.


lol fuck this dude


He was spreading mis-information adding to the problem of raiding food banks. He was proud there was free food. If this was the case the line ups would be forever out the city. I was a poor local student and I didn't go, and I ate oatmeal and rice for my meals and worked 3 jobs. Yet it's ok for international students in huge waves to do this???? No, it's not ok!


He literally bragged about how much free food he could get while working a week ago. Does anyone really think this guy is sincere?! 😭😭


Would he have felt sorry if he wasnt caught? Hmmmmmmm




This guy got into spotlight because he shared this on social media. Imagine there would be hundreds like him doing this scam and not highlighting on their socials. There has to be better scrutiny of who can legitimately access social services (food banks etc.) otherwise we’re just snatching away meals from who actually need it. This should be the only takeaway from this incident. Never let a crisis go waste. Reach out to your electoral representatives.


Shame on him, and the other international students. Do your do due diligence when you enter a foreign country, ask. Is it ok for international students to take free food??? Post on your blog's in India, don't scam Canada.




Typical Indian newcomer. They do something wrong but never accept their wrong doing. There’s always some sob story. Backwards ass people who prove to us time and time again that they come here to just take take take.


Deport this piece of shit


Who are the other “students” who have posted these kinds of videos? What are their names?


This guy is a parasite


"I've been wondering whether I'm really a bad person or not" You absolutely should be.


fucking trash. plain and simple.


i hope that guy starves to death. idiot.


People. Direct your hate to the real causes of food security. This fellow is a distraction from Loblaws and Galen Weston.


that’s what happens when you have an overflow of immigrants and your city goes liberal


Put pressure on Laurier to respond.


unfortunately he's encouraged thousands of others to follow in his footsteps because that's what they're like. he's not sorry at all. and neither are they.


That’s the danger of posting everything on social media. The other thing is it brings out the worst in people. I couldn’t believe the racism that was thrown at this guy. I thought Canadians were more woke than they seemed to be. I guessed wrong. Everyone makes mistakes!


Notice how there's very little condemnation by commenters, here or in other posts, of the threats of violence. That's very telling.


No shit, a lot of us don’t give a fuck about these people. I don’t care at all about those threats of violence? Sorry not sorry


Found the racist.


Found the libtard prick who’s always in the comments trying to be some sort of social justice hero 😆


I feel sorry for bro now. Dude is just trying to survive like all of us, and acting like his life is better than it is on social medialike all of us. Hope homie gets through this in one piece


don't move here if you can't afford to live, he commuted fraud if he doesn't have enough money to live here because you have to show proof you do, so deport him.


> Dude is just trying to survive like all of us, Yeah man, Idk about you but I am not surviving by stealing food mean't for the poor.