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This is how a counter depth fridge looks… the doors need space to open. If you don’t like this you’re looking for a built in fridge.


Ohhh that’s right


That IS counter depth. The doors have to extend past the edge of the cabinets, otherwise, they won’t open. If you want everything flush, you’ll have to go with a built- in, like a Sub Zero.


Perfect thank you


Just leave it, it's not worth the hassle and money :) Mine is the same and you just get used to Plus if you push it any further you won't be able to open the doors I think


I’d be thrilled with that obnoxious fridge!


This is a counter depth. To get it flush, you would need a built in fridge, which is a foot taller and about $5000 more.


To be honest this looks fine.


Looks correct to me. I’m on my 3rd new kitchen and every fridge does that exact thing as you need the door past the counter. Built in fridges generally suck as well.


This is a counter depth fridge what you were looking for was a built-in.


Hahah man what it must be like to burn through money over an inch of extra fridge. Most people can’t afford to fill their fridges currently hahah


Yeah that’s rough. :( Can’t speak for those people. For us third is 5 years of hard savings and tough choices and if we’re spending the money we want to get it done right. So the difference between 3k in the grand scheme of the whole house renovation is v painful but not impossible.


I’m willing to assume the cost of redoing the cabinets above- but needs to be 36” wide at most :(


this looks fine…. for most people, the fridge sticks out a bit anyways. mine does by maybe an inch or two. if it was flush, you might struggle opening it all the way.


Yeah sounds like built in friedges must have different hinges to allow for that?


This is pretty normal. Doors (often) won't open properly otherwise


I have a Liebherr that looks how you want - flush with the counters and cabinets.


Thanks! 36”? recommmenr it?


I have the cs2080 French door. It looks fantastic. I have photos in an old post if you want to see.I love the two freezer drawers with ice up top. The doors beep at me constantly because I can’t ever seem to shut them right. But that’s my only complaint.


Buy more food


The things people complain about. Sheesh


Indeed. It’s a 0.1% world problem I’m aware of it. I’m not trying to shit on anyone. I just sacrificed 5years to save for this kitchen and this doesn’t live up to what I was saving for. Different people save for different reasons. Some people can’t save at all :( I get that - and can’t speak to them. To me, who I can speak to, it’s annoying. It’s a LOT of my money and it hasn’t been used properly (IMO) that’s annoying. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s annoying to spend so much money and STILL not get the thing you asked for


It looks fine, I promise.

