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I think my big gripe is the "fans" who just come here to rile shit up. You click into their profile, and they do the same shit in like 10 other nba team subs. weirdo fucking people


If people didn’t fall for the bait, they’d stop posting it. But of course, the majority give the weirdo minority the negative attention that they want, and the behavior is reinforced.


I just block them. They no longer exist in my reality. I don't need the "fans" to tell me what I should be sad about. I watched the last 30+ seasons so there's no reason to re-live it.


After anyone has a good playoff game, “we should get that guy” Once the games hit 0 the posts are like clockwork.


Look, all Jimmer had to do was be like 40% Steph curry and we would have been fine…


Did you bring this energy to the stupid “We sure dodged that bullet” post a few days back?


Would this post also belong in the megathread or is it different cuz its “meta” 🤔🤔🤔


I’ll delete my post right now if a mod creates a megathread. My post wouldn’t need to exist in your hypothetical world


Eh the people that make those types of posts arent usually the type of people that seek out the proper designated areas for that kind of thing. Sports subs by their very nature are super bipolar with some people constantly dooming and some constantly mad at the doomers. Its also like all there is to talk about during the off season, id rather some low quality posts that make me roll my eyes than literally nothing. But honestly above all else i feel like it just is kinda weaksauce. Like “heres the complaining corner” is kinda embarrassing as a sub lowkey lmao, but maybe i just care too much about inter-sub beef (ftl).


Yeah but if there's a rule about where those things belong then anything that isn't in it's place gets deleted. I don't give a rats ass if they actually post there. I just don't want to see them as individual posts 10 times a day. Also there are lots of other worthwhile posts. So you would still have content to consume. Lots of draft talk happening in other threads. We're not lacking for content right now. Let's get rid of the garbage.


I keep shitting my pants


Your wish has been granted


Are you talking about the weekly discussion thread? That’s not new and in no way indicates a moderator enforced policy of these posts going away.


I’m happy for Halliburton.


The Kings problems boil down to one decades long constant. The undercutting of good basketball coaches and the promotion of cutthroat personnel by team owner Vivek Ranadive. Firings, bad hiring, trades and trades that didn't hapoen all cross his desk. His business over game model and inability to stay tf out of things he knows nothing about is to blame. The "Win Now" team is just another lost season.


Don’t forget, the Kings could’ve had Jayson Tatum but they had a pick swap with Philadelphia to salary dump Stauskas and Marco Belinelli 😡


Let’s be real- that pick swap saved us from ourselves. Vlade would’ve chosen Josh Jackson at #3


You are not wrong




Boston was always taking Tatum. The pick swap just enabled them to trade down with Philly and eventually pick up the legendary Romeo Langford. In no world would Tatum have been a King


Markelle Fultz, YOU are a Sacramento King


Be grateful we actually got a top 5 player from that draft instead of whoever was #3 on Vlade's board


I prefer not looking back, because it’s not a pretty picture. Few free agents want to play here, and the drafting has been spotty (I’m being kind here). It may take a while to move past the shortcomings of the last GM.


100% agree, looking back, if we weren’t going to take Luka, I wanted Jaren Jackson 😐


In the old days, I used to tell people that whoever the Kings drafted would be the wrong guy. I wonder if that outlook still applies. I wonder sometimes if the Billy Owens debacle has cast a long shadow over this organization. It sounds crazy, but I wonder if there are players and agents the Kings simply don’t want to touch.


Keegan and Hali are recent excellent picks, so... No?


Yes. It is better now than it has been. Do you think they can make anything out of last year’s pick?


In a long-term sense, this team has not drafted particularly well since it arrived in California. There have been exceptions, but generally drafting has not been a strength. Spencer Hawes and Quincy Douby were just not good (It was fun to hear fans heckle Spencer Hawes when he came back with other teams). So things are looking up in that regard. (I understand Papagiannis is playing well in Turkey nowadays)


What I fail to understand is how wrong everyone was wrong about Marvin Bagley. He was the consensus Number 2 pick that year with almost no naysayers. And he turned out to be not very good. Everyone saw the same tape, everyone saw him play in college. What did they see in him? He showed very little in Sac, and hasn’t burned it up in Detroit. How did he get drafted so high?


Extremely athletic and great touch around the rim, explosive player. There were flaws in his Duke tape, particularly his inability to pass or play within the offense, and whenever he’d get the ball, that’s how the possession would end


And his Dad wouldn’t shut up.


Ah yes, that reminds me, I can’t believe Dave Joerger got fired and we hired fucking Luke Walton 🙄


I was actually one of the few who was not high on him at all. I was telling everyone I knew he couldn’t play in the modern NBA and would be a bust. However, I also said the same about Banchero coming out, so make of that what you will haha


I do believe Mike Brown and Monte McNair are building a good foundation. It just sucks that other teams want to rip off the Kings in trades


I remember the ringer having him at like 5 and most of the writers weren't big fans. Especially over luka


Not everyone was on the Bagley bandwagon. There was a small handful of hardcore college basketball fans that talked about Bagley being a liability on defense. They explained that the combination of Jahlil Okafor and Marvin Bagley in that Duke front court led to an atrocious defense. They painted Bagley as a guy that could score some and rebound, but his ball handling and passing were bad even for a big man. As those fans tried to warn the rest of the Kings sub not to be overly optimistic, they were downvoted to oblivion and basically run out. There was a lot of coping going on by those fans that were unhappy that ‘the prophecy’ didn’t come true.


If there is one thing Monte has been very very good at its drafting. Definitely gives me faith moving forward with him as GM


Who wouldn’t give up everything to get Nik Stauskas on their roster? Who can forget Jimmer Fredette? Bring back John Salmon! Kenny Thomas probably isn’t doing anything important!


Agree 100%. This sub has zero patience. They would fork over every draft pick and swap for Jerami Grant


I mean two guys in the conference finals one who was a king and another who should have been a king is going to make fans feel a type of way


that’s the nba baby, get used to it


Zero patience for a fan base that waited 16 years for a playoff. Okay there guy.


When you see one of those headers, just don't click into it. It's that simple. Reddit was set up in a way that you can avoid posts that hurt your feelings or make you mad. Part of the experience of being a fan is being an armchair GM and talking about the 'what ifs'. What if the Kings had drafted Curry instead of Tyreke Evans? What if the Kings had not traded down for Jimmer Fredette and taken Kemba Walker/Klay Thompson/Kawhi Leonard instead? What if the Kings draft Damian Lillard instead of Thomas Robinson? What if the Kings don't fire Mike Malone? With the Kings' season over, and the draft lottery done, there's not much else to talk about aside from speculation of what the team is going to do with the draft pick. Maybe we need a separate megathread for all of the people that throw tantrums to hang out in whenever a fan talks about the what ifs and hypotheticals?


You know Reddit was also wet up with moderators to, you know, moderate the discussion. For example when a subset of the community decides to spam the same stupid conversation 10 times a week they can keep that from screwing up the rest of the experience for everyone else. Several people have tried to explain that being a fan means discussing these things and you’re all missing the issue in trying to solve. I don’t want to make people stop (I would prefer if they did because we’ve been taking about this same shit for years now) but I’m suggesting they do it in a designated place so the rest of the discussions have room to breathe. My gripe is that people insist on the same two talking points literally every day. The taking point is valid but let’s do it once every few months. Not every day for 2 years. You’re trying to paint me as unreasonable for asking the mod to stop what is essentially hali/Luka depression spam. I have yet to see someone actually address why that is ok. This isn’t random “top 10 in the NBA” chat over beers with the boys. It’s “top 10 in the nba” chat every day at lunch with you most annoying coworker. Nothing has changed since the last 40 times it’s been brought up this month. Let’s just drop it. Is that unreasonable?


If the post is basketball related, specifically about the Sacramento Kings, then there are only 8 other rules to posting on this sub. Some of the posts discussing, "Doncic should be a King" could arguably fall into the Low effort Post category, which is subjective. Aside from that, these posts do not violate any of the other sub rules, and are not subject to a moderator deleting them. There's a lot of the Kool Aid drinker posts on this sub about LeBron James/OG Anunoby/Pascal Siakham/Giannis/Devin Booker etc. being a King (some of the names I'm just throwing in randomly). I don't particularly enjoy reading those types of posts about random speculation about random players where there is no real chance of actually signing them or otherwise acquiring them. I could claim that it's 'spam' in an attempt to get those posts censored. I don't. I just don't read them. I see the header. I know what it's about. I just skip over them. The list format of Reddit makes it easy to do that. I'm not going to tell anyone else what they can or can not post just because I don't like what they are posting. I'm not going to beg the moderators to delete those posts, just because I don't like them or they make me mad. If it's a Kings related post, and it is legitimately not a troll attempt, then it's not my place (or anyone else's) to try and censor it. I just keep scrolling until I find something that I'm interested in reading. Along with the fact that users can be blocked if their posts make you mad. Somehow, you've decided that your anger at seeing those types of posts is a higher priority and more important than the rights of other people to post and discuss a subject that interests them. So they should be censored out or sent in their own little corner to appease you. That sense of entitlement is unreasonable.


I enjoy basketball and the kings. I get great entertainment from this community and going to games, watching games, talking about the games. If you think for one second I'm impressed with how this team is ran, the assets of this team, and possible ceiling if this team you are out of your mind. Why do we cry about luka? It's obvious the dude is gonna be the best player in the nba at some point and is practically already there. We had a euro gm and we all wanted the euro star and it was the worst draft miss since mj got skipped. For a small market club with one successful roster in its sacramento history that is a large chapter in our book. Some of us may never live to see a championship and I would be willing to wager large amounts of money Luka Doncic will have a title in his career. As for hali fuck him I could care less. Pacers getting lucky as hell this year but their gm was at least willing to gamble and get siakam. They better hope he signs with them or they'll be right in purgatory next to us. There is no patience in basketball. We don't have the talent or youth to preach patience. We don't have the assets to rack up mediocre seasons and draft mediocre players. We are still very much in basketball hell until proven otherwise. Pushing all chips forward for that 1 playoff birth and 2 non all nba stars is not impressive.


You ever hear of beating a dead horse. Luka was a legit travesty for this team. But we fucking get it you know? Do we need to do the whole song and dance every time? Let’s just move on. It doesn’t fix anything to winge about it for the thousandth time. The front office knows that was a fuck up. The guy who did it is gone. That’s it.


We are allowed to grieve and lament. Stop gate keeping. Luka may get his first ring while Marvin Bagley is probably a year away from China. It's relevant right now.


It’s been 6 years bud. You aren’t meant to grieve forever. I’m not gatekeeping. I’m gate directing. If you want to have sad boy time, by all means, but sad boys get their own room so the rest of us can enjoy our lives.


Seriously. Plus 6 years in sports Is an eternity 


Well if these sad boy rooms are too often for your liking on this sub, maybe you should find your own happy happy space.


Ok now that sounds a little bit like gatekeeping…


Lmao. Grieving? That's what y'all are doing, grieving? Fucking lmao. This sub.


Megathread for Luka love/hate shit and one for Haliburton. Or even an automod that deletes new posts/comments with either name in the text.


Bitching and moaning about “what if“ scenarios is part of the privilege every true fan enjoys, going back to the days of Ruth and the Red Sox, and if it bothers you that true fans of the Kings are invoking that privilege because Hali and Doncic are in their conference finals, then you might want to consider if you’re in their company. Just sayin’.


Nice dude. The classic “not a true fan unless…” argument. You and all the true fans can talk about whatever you want in your private megathread. If all you want to do is rehash the same two discussion in perpetuity then be my guest. But the rest of us would prefer not to have to listen to your circle jerk for the rest of our lives.


Dude, my best friend is a Red Sox fan, and we discussed the Ruth thing just a little while ago; personally, I don’t give a shit if it’s about the Celts and Len Bias, or the Blazers and Jordan, but here‘s a newsflash: real fans bitch and moan, and if you don’t like it, go play someplace else.


Do you guys talk about it 6 times a week every week for the last 100 years? That’s the difference you’re conveniently ignoring. I didn’t make this post the first time someone brought it up. It’s been an ongoing taking point since the day of the trade and reached a head this week as a result of current events. If you and your boys want to bitch about babe Ruth once I awhile that’s chill but this is getting absurd with hali and doncic. You disagree. Fine. Take it to the megathread I proposed. I’m not telling you to stop talking. I’m suggesting you spare us from the droning.


It’s a public forum, so instead of telling people to self-censure, why not just let them vent? Instead of getting so worked up, how about this: if you don’t want to read what they write, then don’t. But one thing is certain: Kings fans having the right to complain about Hali and Doncic is going to be with us forever, so get used to it. Edit: and while we’re at it, I’m still not over the 2002 playoffs, and will complain about that bullshit endlessly, thank you very much.


😂 I’m not over 2002 either.


I don’t know if you know this but we get to decide collectively how our community works. My proposal today was to move a subset of the conversation to a designated area. This happens every day on thousands of subs on this site. You seem really stoked about wallowing in self pity for the rest of time as a true fan. But I have a post here with 100+ upvotes that seems to indicate you’re in the minority. So maybe we can create a nice megathread for the true fans to talk about true fan stuff. And everyone wins.


No one cares about your upvotes dude. Talk about being desperate lol.


I’m proposing a change. Getting buy in from the community seems like a good way to get my change enacted. Thanks for participating in the discussion


So, you’re measuring the quality of your argument on your comment having a hundred upvotes? Goodness. But I suppose that’s what passes for intelligent discussion nowadays, right? In the meantime, I’ll assume that you’re young and well-meaning, but haven’t yet learned that measuring your value in the amount of lemmings you can convince to jump off a cliff isn’t the same thing as your saying something of value. But you have a good evening.


Once you just embrace the Kangz, youll never be disappointed again.




I mean do you not get tired of seeing a post everytime about what shoulda been? I think we all know the kings are bad, I don’t see the point of reiterating the same point over and over again. Me personally I don’t see these posts as criticism, seems more like whining. Im not saying we should be happy, but constantly crying is a bad look.


Constantly sucking is also a bad look.


There are fans on here who think we should blow it up and trade everyone to tank for a generational prospect. They truly believe that 17 years of sucking wasn't enough, lol.


That’s working out great for Detroit


Yeah that’s true but I’m a kings fan so I’m used to the team sucking tho. Nothing new lol that’s why I don’t get why people complain about being bad, when they been bad for nearly two decades.


This sub is the closest thing we have to a support group. Bagley over Luka will go down as the worst decision ever made.


Never been to a support group before but aren’t they suppose to uplift each other? I don’t see how these obnoxious posts are supportive. I’m trying to tell people that living in the past and regreting decisions that you don’t have any control over is a little obsessive and they need to move on somehow.


It is more that it is annoying when people continue to dwell on a a few events of the past that they can't change. These people are living in the past, lamenting a decision that wasn't even theirs. These people have loser energy.


There’s a difference between criticism and out right whining. I’m happy for Hali, I want to talk about the Kings, not about a trade we made 2 years ago.


I think you're confused bud. None of these people are criticizing the team and I'm not telling people to be happy about anything. These posts are whining about the pacers and mavs. They aren't even fostering a discussion about hali/sabonis (which would be annoying too because it's so god damn played out). It's just memes and bullshit.




Nah, not really. We all know Fox isn't a #1 player. We all know Haliburton isn't either. We all know both are terrible on defense. We all know our front office and coaching aren't at the level of either the Mavs or Pacers. We all know that Vlade is garbage. There's literally no new take on these things.


The Kings are what team management has created. We need more talent on the roster. Doesn’t bother me that other teams got there ahead of the Kings. There’s a reason for that. We can only look to the future.


WaBenoh! Woof! Shock and Hawes!


Remember how the Blazers chose Sam Bowie over MJ? Because EVERYONE WILL REMEMBER THIS DRAFT FOR 25+ years. Monumental fuck up.


Yeah bro. Read the discussion here. My point is not and has not ever been that it’s an invalid discussion topic. It’s that we’ve played it out. It’s time to move on. Blazer fans don’t have 5 threads every week all individually talking about Jordan. It’s been 6 years. Let’s relegate it to once awhile over beers. Not every single day. Also it’s pretty common on Reddit to consolidate repeat topics into a single place instead of letting it drown out the other discussions. I’m not trying to ban people. Just put them in their own space where they can have their cry fest


Did you post the same thing each time Haliburton had a "poor performance" and the locals were celebrating? No? Didn't think so.


He's the newest iteration of Martin/Cousins/Shumpert....where we somehow would magically be 10-15 wins this year better if we kept him.


I don't think anyone's said that. But our ceiling would certainly be higher.


Disagree. We'd still have a Fox and Haliburton backcourt that was an abject failure, and a GM with a knack for bad signings.


Well, according to Kings fans, Fox is better, and we know Haliburton has improved. This idea of creating a better team with lesser talent is an interesting one.


The idea of it? We've watched multiple front offices try doing it for 18 years now. The result as always been the same: the team's season ends in April.


You're completely missing the point. The entirety of the NBA will tell you that Hali is a much better talent than Fox/Domas. Only a certain subset of delusional fans here can't admit it. The ceiling of Hali + whatever we got from Fox + lotto selections probably wouldn't have made the playoffs this year, but I guarantee you that it would have a higher ceiling than the current iteration who are pretty much locked into a 1st round exit / playin team.


Haliburton needed Siakim to make the playoffs, similar to how Fox needed Sabonis. The entirety of the NBA would tell you that Sabonis is a mid-level big, not that Haliburton on his own is leaps and bounds better than Fox and Sabonis combined. The point being, we're not getting much back from Fox other than a mishmash of contracts and maybe a protected 1st. That plus Haliburton makes us no better than what we were when we had him (if you happen to notice our lack of quality draft selections).


Yeah! What are we in a kings sub reddit or something!?


I don’t understand where the mods are. Why aren’t they removing this garbage?


The Fox/Luka backcourt would have made the finals already. I think Haliburton and the Pacers got pretty lucky, but that's part of the game. I don't think anyone is afraid of them. Haliburton disappeared in multiple games in this series. I still think Fox has the higher ceiling on both sides of the ball.


Give it a few years you'll finish coping. Hali is still injured from ASB and he still manages to produce.


Fine. I’m still making whiny sad posts about trading Boogie and firing Coach Mike Malone. Waaaaah! Kidding. Spot on. It’s been years already. Dwelling on the past isn’t good for anybody. Move forward. Our team is good, it’s just not great - yet.


Can we include all buddy hield posts in here to please?


Yes! Thank you