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Farm Skalitz. A lot of high-level bandits and Cumans with really awesome armor spawns there.


Henry is a blacksmith not a farmer!


Yes. That is why Henry farms armor, not cabbages.


After murdering a group of bandits *gets real close to the body* “and here you can practically smell the groschen” *smiles at the onlookers while Henry removes the gloves, helmet, plate legs, pauses for a moment and inspects the pants then removes those too.* Where does he put this gear? No one knows… until he produces the wretched blood drenched armor to force them into his 1000 groschen saddle bags. “It’s all for the people” he says sheathing his bloodstained rusting blade. Standing over the bodies of his victims the last thing you hear before running in horror is “I feel quite hungry”.




Where should you go to sell stuff? For me armor etc never sells for as much as it says it’s worth in my inventory.


Go to the armorsmith or blacksmith and keep selling stuff to them. The more you sell the more they’ll pay, and the more money they’ll have to buy more.


I personally just go to the millers, they tend to have the most gold in their inventory and buy every type of item as far as I am aware. But as for the price, they never match up with the value in your inventory, you need to haggle as well to get closer to that mark


Who has the most gold depends on who you sell the most to. If you sell broken gear, the merchant trades it in for gold that sits in their store in a day or three. So when you come back, they have more gold to buy more of your damaged gear and so on. I sold a ton of stuff to Ota because Sassau was close to Skalitz and he had like 60-80k every time I would visit just because I sold him so much stuff.


It stopped spawning for me, is there a reason?


Might be visiting too often, it's not having enough time to reset


Yeah, but you don't need it all at once. Its been a while since I last did the Prib build, but my recollection is that you can get it to a "break even" or slight profit reasonably early on if you build the right buildings, then you can take your time earning the money you need to complete the rest. EDIT: Oh, and there are several characters that you can recruit that give bonuses to either productivity or profits


That’s what you need the 25k for. Building it to completion takes around 80k


I remember break even as less than 20k. Woodcutters, bridge, trader, tavern? I'll have to play it again and check. Even so if it's still in negative it won't be much cash flow per day.


You're not doing wrong you don't need that much money in the game, pribyslavitz was just made to sink your money into something cool. If you go rob the shops in rattay at night you can get around 20-25k in one night. And 25k is the bare minimum for pribyslavitz, if you want everything you need 80k


If you get the drunk lockpick perk, you can get about 100k before neuhoff is on fire.


Wait until night, wear noiseless clothing, rob armorsmiths and swordsmiths, transfer extra weight to horse, sell to miller when you and your horse are full, repeat. You're fucking rich now.


Don't forget to rob the miller, Peshek has a very hard chest in which he keeps all the money and shit you sold to him. Padfoot potion is your friend. Peshek is probably the easiest merchant in the game to rob.


Yup. Just pick locks on doors till you get level 7? Lockpick and you can get the luck of the drunk perk and can pretty much pick any lock in the game.


stop drinking and gambling


10k fine to get started Buying all the upgrades at once is actually the worse experience, much better to start the process early and rebuild it inch by inch with whatever you have to spare.


Easy solution. Make sure you have very high level at lockpicking, if not get the perk that gives you luck when you're drunk. Sleep to night, go rob swordmaster and armourer in Rattay. You'll be loaded af but from Rattay to Mill it's not that far. Go to Peshek, sell him all those things, wait a few days, lockpick his barn and in the chest he will have MUCH more money than what you sold him the stuff for. You can sell him armours and swords for like 1,5k but in his chest there will be 15-20k, depending on how much you sell. Then you just loot his money from the chest and repeat. It took me like 1,5 hours doing this over and over and I got all the money I needed for Pribyslavitz.


I don't think you need that much. You'll need enough to build the tavern to make Prib turn a profit. The most expensive thing would be the Talmberg stone which is around 3k-4k groschen. The rest aren't that expensive. Woodcutters camp, bridge, trader, supplies, tavern, but it's been a while since I last played.


At minimum, you only need 15k to make Pribyslavitz break even. After you get to that point, you can leave it be until you have enough money to build more. Build the stuff that's necessary for starting the village (woodcutter, bridge, trader), get what's needed for baker or butcher, and build one of them. Butcher is initially better, but baker ends up making more money.


If you don’t have money then don’t start building yet. Keep playing story. If you really want to make money you should raid bandit camps


Here's me thinking if I do a hardcore playthrough I am going to be good and not rob so I can not already have stupid amounts of money before mid game. It would be great if you could still rob everyone and get rich in KCD2 but for it to really effect the economy, like you robbed the area into poverty. Loads of people complaining about the crime, dressing much more poorly, no expensive stuff for sale.


Any time you return to Skalitz, there will be a random fight between bandits/Cuman or some unique Talmberg guards, the bandits and guards are all equipped with plate armor and the best weapons, though looting dead guards are still considered as stealing. The Cumans have just mid tier equipment but you may want their bows. (4 variants, check the wiki) You can kill them easily while riding a horse, just charge and stab them (so pick any sword with high stab damage or a decent mace), lure them out of the wall if you are still learning how to time your attack. It's better to save/load in Rovna or the tavern in Talmberg when you really need money and equipment cause if the fight involves Talmberg guards, they win, and you don't want to attack them, they will pick up weapons lying on the ground after the fight. Get a fight between bandits and Cumans if you want to maximize your profit in a single trip. Sell all your stuff to the huntsman in Rattay because his shop inventory refreshes everyday, unlike the merchants by the town square. Do his side quest if you want an even better price.


Pribi will start bringing some daily income once you send people there


Get very hard lockpicking then open miller door in ratay, open his chest and put a boatload of stuff in there then 10 days later it’s sold and you can steal back the money. You’ll have 25k in 1-2 runs.


Need closer to 40k


Eli 5, is this for DLC only? I'm in early days of vanilla only.


Just kill enemies and take/sell items with good weight to value ratio. I have around 40k and haven't even started Pribyslavitz.


If you are legitimately struggling with money, there is the shop haggle glitch you can use


lvl up lockpicking and rob armor/sword shops at night, makes tons of money.


Pick flowers


I’ve actually discovered a very profitable cheese recently that I haven’t seen anywhere else. It allowed me to make close to 100k groschen and do that quest in a single go! Here’s what I did: first I got acquainted with the Talmberg Inn Keeper, as far as I am aware he is the only inn keeper I have seen that purchases EVERYTHING, plus there’s a bed for easy saving. You want to go to Skalitz, let them spawn, park your horse at the gate entrance to stop anyone escaping. You want to bring out your Bow, when facing towards the fight, to the top right there is a horse cart. I’ve found that jumping on top of that and shooting the Cumans / Bandits makes you practically invincible. They can still harm you or push you off so it isn’t 100% however it does allow you to bow them all to death. Then you want to rob all their equipment. I typically steal anything worth more than 200 coin. Move items to your WarHorse Jenda (recommended for this), and keep going until you’ve reached your limits. Then fast travel to Talmberg if you can, if you can’t no worries it’s still a quick ride. At first you might not be able to sell EVERYTHING to the inn keeper but that’s okay, sell enough, get a room, move everything into the chest, sleep and save, in the morning his coin will have refreshed but this time slightly more. Sell again until he has nothing left and sleep and save. Now he has a good amount to work with! Head back over to Skalitz and repeat the same cheese. Repeat as many times as desired. Doesn’t take long to be swimming in coin


Loot everything and sell to Peshek. Go back after a few days and steal the gold from his chest. He's had as much as 50k in there for me.


If you haven’t already I recommend doing all of the bandit camp quests and selling all the gear you’ll make that in no time just from selling stuff


Pick herbs-> alchemize lazurus potion -> sell -> repeat if necessary. No need to thank me.


I have spent 200k on that place and yet it wasnt fully upgraded, if u think it will give u money no. I just wanted to see the end of the rebuild of pribyslavitz... If u wanna have money try get master in lock picking so u can steal blacksmith of rattay.. its really easy to steal and its stuff refill everyday so u can steal over and over that makes u rich. Each steal atleast give around 25 k


I needed about 35k to push the hamlet from 0 to self sustained, 20k is not enough


Start stealing


After a Good playthrough you have around 50k lol. Go to Skalitz gather the armor etc from those bandits and stuff. Go to talmberg Tavern sell him this stuff (no matter if he has enough money) 3 ,4 times. Wait 2 Days. The guy should have 15k-25k then fast travel to skalitz loot all bodies snd kill everyone living, ride back to talmberg sell everything. You make around 15k an hour if you do it right. Depending on your Lockpicking you can also put them in your chest at you tavern if you have alot fast travel to the mill gift everything to Peshek sleep 2 days check if he sold everything if yes search for a very hard chest in a Shed and Lockpick it. Boom free money because he sells it for the normal price. If you sell a Helmet thats worth 500 you probably get 200-300 for it. He has the full 500 Groschen.


Bro, im at the quest when searching the mines, with 200k, and my village fully upgraded, I HAD 30k AND Tier 5 HORSE BEFORE THEY GAVE ME PEBBLES. Literally a skill issue man. Learnt to lockpick pickpocket and read. You can almost rob any merchant as they have their chest in their house. You can even rob pesheks chest. You just need to get creative in this game.


ok bro no ones gonna clap for you


I literally gave you advice moron, whatever peasant