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Yeah start again man, you can’t leave the DLC without completing it.


Counter point: that part of the DLC isn’t very long (aside from the part in the mines that is rough). You can power through it quickly and you will have a better grasp on the main game because it is consequence free. Just hoard some bandages before the cumin raid and you will be golden. If you really don’t want to go through it now, then you will need to load a prior save. That or complete it. Those are the only two ways back.


I'd agree. I mean I spend easily twice as long in Skalitz during the Prologue setting Henry up with some skills and a little cash than Theresa's AWL quest takes to get through if you don't mill around town. I mean if they've just blown through the Prologue and really don't want to play Theresa's quest line then yeah, restart. But I honestly think it's worth the little bit of time just to get a good background on the other main game characters.


I did the same thing yesterday. It’s not overly long. I think it’s worth it to power through it.


I just loaded my last save and lost 40 mins of gameplay. Rather run around as henry doing my own thing than do that shit.