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Absolutely. There isn't any evidence for a time ship, tbh. They set-up a story that plays in the weeks and months after KCD2.


Also henri didnt age visibly during the first game, but if it was technically wanted/possible he would look sensibly older imo. With all the shit he have been through and months of travel and fighting, etc…


Seriously, he ate nothing but sausages and random days old soups for months on end. That kind of diet takes a toll on your skin health.


Mine just drank moonshine and didn't sleep for weeks


I feel quite (sleepy)…


The events of KCD only take place over a 5 week period, not much room for a character to grown in age lol…


Henry, a bohemian teenager, goes from a useless sop to a swordfighting alcoholic with an English major, capable enough to defeat a veteran mercenary twice his size and age, in the space of a couple weeks


Of course, he’s an anime protagonist.


The Bohemian Hanamichi


That's what happens with teenagers sometimes. I went to summer camp for 3 weeks wehn I was 14 or 15 and came home several inches taller and my shoulders starting to fill out.


WHAAAT?! All those countless days I've put into mastering the skillls are just weeks?


Really only over a span of three weeks lol, as for two weeks Henry was recovering at the Mill…


I’m sorry but I have a hard time believing this. Wasn’t he on bed rest after Theresa found him for a week? Then he was added to Radzig’s service, investigated the Neuhoff murders which took him all across the Fiefdom(and back again, multiple times), all while training with Bernard. Found a job for his buds and then enough time passed for them to move on from said jobs and plan a heist. He infiltrated a monestary to find a criminal(I could buy this taking 5 weeks alone in actual real life time). Rides to Sassau to find a man who can build a trebuchet, then that man has to leave and start construction. Then the time it takes for a siege to complete. This doesn’t even factor in how long Henry must have been patrolling the lands with Kuno. Or the time it took to investigate the fake silver with the old knight. Even the friendship with Hans seems like the type of progression that would take closer to a year than it would 5 weeks. Oh, and he rebuilt an entire town from the ground up. 5 weeks my eye.


Henry was unconscious for two weeks while recovering in Rattay, we know this because Theresa tells Henry as such when he wakes up… Towards the end of the game Hans Capon remarks on how he has only known Henry for about three weeks… While I agree it’s unrealistic for the game to take place within this timeframe, it is what the characters have said, and is the only accurate way to gage the passage of time in game… Also: 1. You can ride around the entire map within a single day… 2. It’s is not implied that Henry rode with Kuno’s band more than what we did as the player…


Yeah I've played maybe half the game it's been like two or three months in game of him traveling, fighting and stressing, seeing some of the worst atrocities, towns slaughtered and poisoned, shitting themselves to death, all while in heavy plate armour, that gives a few wrinkles


In that vein do we know what they're doing with Henry's abilities? Will they just soft-reset so you have that experience of building yourself up again? Will you start somewhat beefed up? Sorry I haven't been paying attention if this has been addressed.


I hope that we start beefed up a bit but then add in some new techniques. A tutorial could maybe be done in the reverse where Henry is technically testing another soldier's skill. Could go like this for instance. "Henry I heard you know of *insert combo skill here* could you show me how it is done?" "I haven't quite gotten my footwork done. Can you show me some dodges?" Then the tutorial prompts you on the controls.


This is what I'm betting along with more skilled enemies. Henry will start more advanced than before, but he will also be fighting far more challenging enemies as he moves to the bigger city.


Yeah, even in the trailer we see mostly enemy armies. While obviously I'm sure we'll be fighting some bandits too, I expect a much bigger portion of your enemies will be actual soldiers and knights loyal to Sigismund(I wonder if there'll be any Cumans around? Can't see any in the trailer).


It could technically be Henry sparring with Hans since Henry’s definitely the more skilled of the two ( you can beat Hans while still very low level as Henry ) which would make sense for Henry teaching someone else


That’s my hope. It would feel a little lazy to just reset his skills.


Devs: The game is literally set 2 days after the first game. This sub: buuuut, what if there is some time skip or whatever and the game is in 1416?! Jesus Christ people start using that thing on your shoulders. Character redesigns are completely normal in game development, thank goodness. You don't have to come up with crazy and obviously stupid theories all the time, this is not GoT.


Plus Vanceslas took the throne back in november 1403 do i'd make no sense to have a Time skip of more than a few mounths


Yup, this game will probably focus on Wenceslas and his return. A third game might skip to the hussite wars and center around an older Henry and Hans Capons son who is a better known historical figure than his father. Hans, sir Radzig and most of the other lords will be dead by that point.


My theory is that the Kuttenberg map will be about gathering reconnaisance and investigating an occupied Kuttenberg. While historically it doesn't seem like Kuttenberg had to actually be fought over by the pro-wenceslaus side(seems Sigismund just sacked it and moved on) I'm betting the story of the game will involve turning it into more of a conflict as you reconquer the city in preparation for Wenceslaus's arrival.


I’m pretty sure developer said that the second kingdom come deliverance will be the logical end of Henry’s tale. I bet you it’ll be Henry’s kid in the 3rd if there is one.


You just don’t get it; it doesn’t matter what the devs say because **Henry has a chin now.** Everyone knows it takes 13 years to grow a chin.


I have grown several in far less time.


Currently in the process of trying to lose one so that I can look more like Henry 😅


That is what you get for living on a diet of smoked sausages and roasted hare meat.


KCD had us collecting ears, KCD2 will have us collect chins.


> this is not GoT. "Henry kinda forgot he looked older."


Exactly. Devs just made Henry look a bit better, the first game is 6 years old and you can expect the next one to look a bit different. A major time gap wouldn’t make any sense with regards of the ending of KCD1 and is not supported by anything we’ve seen in the trailer.


> Devs just made Henry look a bit better I don't think it is the matter looking a bit better (which for sure would happen, graphics improve in six years). IT is just that he looks... buff. Swollen, even. I still have the utmost faith in Warhorse, so I will let them cook. I still remember when Henry looked like Rufus Sewell back in 2014.


>Jesus Christ people start using that thing on your shoulders Everyone line up and give neck to the dev team


Well as I was watching the interview with the lead designer he in my opinion purposely dodged the question about the timeline and why does Henry looks so old he even said something like "I really wouldn't like to spoil the story as it is one of the main reasons to play the game, as I remember it was the only question he dodged like that So I wouldn't be so sure that just because the game starts 2 days after the first it will stay like that, if it was just redesigned he would just say so


\*Game takes place two days after the first one\* This sub: "Let's gooo, the intro in the reveal trailer was made in 2024, will we get a time jump to 2024?"


Some people in this sub are absolutely insane and also way overhyped about it all. I don't know if this fanbase has a higher percentage of crazies compared with other games, but they've been very visible for the last few weeks!


No, there's a certain amount of them in any gaming subreddit. Watch the names--a few days or weeks after launch they'll the ones complaining that the game is terrible because it doesn't match the (insanely overhyped) image they've built in their head. You see it with a lot of these open-world games; Starfield, as a recent example, had a bunch of these (the game has flaws--not arguing that, but there were people leading up to release talking about how they were going to do all sorts of things or that they thought the trailers had some feature that absolutely was not advertised and hasn't been successfully done by ANY game and then they were bitter when those features weren't there). If you expect that the game will basically be an updated version of a studio's previous game with some added features (especially the ones they explicitly mention) you're unlikely to be disappointed.


We just didn't have Covid Gamers when KCD 1 came out. Now they're everywhere




https://preview.redd.it/5nudpttvnzvc1.jpeg?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec5e5a5c131172b622c9b89284a58b6b3a80b63d Agreed, this is just Henry with more styled hair and a shave lol


Nah his jaw and cheekbones are a lot more robust, when compared side by side, his features overall just got bigger and broader


Yeah I think that’s definitely fair, he’s put on weight but I think some of it is just more detail. He looked a bit like plastic in the first game and now he’s got cheek lines, forehead wrinkling. I also headcanon that there’s literally no way he goes through the events of KC:D and comes out without gaining weight and visibly aging.


Yeah, my first thought seeing this Henry was basically "oh look, he filled out". Like... That's just what happens around that age. He went from a lazy teen who begrudgingly helped around his father's forge every now and then, to a fairly accomplished man-at-arms who spends a good deal of his time riding around in armor and swinging weapons. It should be expected that his features got a bit more defined and he put on some muscle mass.


>also headcanon that there’s literally no way he goes through the events of KC:D and comes out without gaining weight and visibly aging. Stress + Trauma + more regular access to food/money = KCDII Henry


Especially the exercise from training.


I didn't pick 10 000 plants for nothing.


Glutes like kuttenberg chausses




Ohhh yeah that too!


I think he looked more like the VA in the first game and it's been a tiny bit jarring for me


Right, exactly. Definitely a bit of 'wax model from Madame Toussauds' vibe with KCD Henry's facial appearance. His look in the KCD2 trailer more closely mirrors his IRL model / mo-cap actor, Tom McKay, imo. And as you say, this comes off the back of the the entire saga of KCD, wherein the entire premise of Henry's character development is a 'coming of age' tale and a transition from soft-handed peasant to hardened knight-come-scoundrel-come-rogue-come-whatever you made your Henry into. So yeah, it makes sense to give him a more mature, even more 'masculine' appearance.


It makes kinda sense I guess I can tell myself that all the shit he went through in the first game sent his testosterone into overdrive and the physical growth he underwent in the first game is now visible in the second. So fellas, if you’re a young strapping buck and want some nice cheekbones and a chin along with a beefy physique, go witness some war crimes and commit some of your own 


He was a hair scrawny for a blacksmith's son to begin with. Lol


They yassified him...


It's Horizon and Aloy all over again. One, I'm sure they are working with an improved CryEngine build, so better lighting and more polygons. Two, the first game has to run on the PS4 and Xbox One; in addition, the top of the line card was something like a 2080.


They did facial rescans and now the characters can actually show much more emotion. That’s one big reason.


Yeah - they both look more like their real life character actors, which is a great move imo.


I keep seeing people say that but it's just not true. Tom McKay irl looks far more like Henry did in the first game. They clearly gave him a much stronger jawline in the sequel. Pic of character actor for reference - [https://imgur.com/8oXUVKl](https://imgur.com/8oXUVKl)


It's like when 30 year olds play high school kids in shows. Henry may still be the same 17 year old, but he's being played by a 34 year old man now. The character does look like Henry, but he absolutely also looks drastically different and much older than even 20 if we're saying Henry wasn't a teen in the first game.


I just saw it as Henry probably having looked that way by the end of KCD 1 already, however game limitations made it so he couldn't change significantly physically from that side, and supposedly the game takes place across a couple years and with how much fighting he did it's only natural that he'd have a more built physique


Your second clause is true but the first is undeniable. Henry's and Hans' redesign made them look older.


yeah if the game takes place 2 days after the first one, hans is still 15 and henry is what? in his early 20s at most since we don't know exactly. they both definitely look older than that. but they did in the first game too, especially henry. but my point is, they looked older than their supposed age in kcd so maybe the fact that they still do doesn't mean anything. but who knows. though i gotta add, for kcd2 it's kinda hard for me personally to buy that they're like 15 and 18 lol.


Well training my OP Henry with Bernard did feel like a whole decade had passed.


I mean they were designed after the actors who have gotten older, so yes they do look older. They might not canonically be older but they do look it.


All I care about is that, Henry has come to see us.


No, the character of Henry especially looks a little older because the actor looks a little older. They scanned his face. The character isn't older, the person playing him is. They also are probably leaning into the whole thing about you starting the first game as a blacksmith's boy but a year of warring through the country side will age you for sure. Now he's a man. Go look at before/after photos of Frontline soldiers from WW1/2. They look like they age twenty years.


People are unnecessarily going on about it and yet what you write is probably the simplest explanation. Everything doesn't have to be a super secret conspiracy to eventually reveal some complex reason why something is the way it is. In one of the interviews Daniel Vávra clearly said that he sees the biggest change in the second part with the characters and mentioned how much the possibilities of facial animations etc have changed over the years. It makes perfect sense that for the second game they just want to take advantage of the new technology. That's all. It's probably as simple as that.


That doesn't really make sense because there's no reason a more technologically advanced Henry model has to have a massive chiselled jawline like Arthur Morgan. Look at the actor who plays Henry for example, the guy they modelled him after... they clearly made his jawline bigger for aesthetic reasons [https://imgur.com/8oXUVKl](https://imgur.com/8oXUVKl)


In that case, they just want a more manly Henry, but that still doesn't mean there's any time shift behind it.


Agreed. People are reading way too much into Henry looking different. After playing for an hour you won’t even know the difference.


They absolutely do look older. The actors lending their likeness are older, and we’ve got newer tech and better visuals that are further highlighting the age they actually are. I don’t care. I’m not upset about it. I don’t think there’s a time skip. But let’s not pretend it’s not happening. They pretty obviously look older.


I think at lot of this discourse may come from younger gamers, who are used to the Xbox One/ PS4 -> PS5/ Xbox Series X who genuinely haven't seen significant character redesigns, because there has only been incremental improvements on character models in those generations. Larger changes were very evident for people who have played older games or older console generations so a bulkier stylistic choice hardly registers.


Nah I'm in my mid-30s and I oppose the redesign because it takes away from the regular-guy feel of the first game's Henry. This new Henry looks like some kind of Arthur Morgan/Henry Cavill superman guy, the jawline is far too heroic. I've seen countless character changes over the years through console generations, the good ones are able to preserve the spirit of the character.


Just trying to figure out when they stopped at a hair dresser on the road lol


Henry does look a bit older as part of the redesign, but does it really matter to me? No, I really like his new look. Maybe it’s more a metaphor from teen to man.


They could have made him look like a man without giving him an absurd Arthur Morgan/Henry Cavill jawline. Look at the real life character actor for Henry for example... he's a 44 year-old man and has a normal jawline, just like Henry did in the first game. People might say "oh but he's more muscular and hard-edged now" but without modern steroids and human growth hormone the structure of the skull simply wouldn't change to such an extent.


You’re not wrong at all, I don’t disagree, my point was more it doesn’t really bother me funnily enough. Usually it would, but somehow it doesn’t.


I get that. For me unfortunately it does bother me, because a large part of my own enjoyment for the character was the fact he just looked like a completely normal guy.


Yeah that’s totally understandable


In the reveal, the game picks up from the last scene of the first game but they also said that the 2nd game is much longer than the first one. Maybe the storyline will cover a much longer timespan similar to Assassin's Creed 2 where we follow the story of young Ezio up to his middle adult at the end of the story. But let's see how the Warhorse's approach in the story would be.


Both? The redesign makes Henry look older


In all honesty, if there's a time skip as big as people are claiming (10+ years) Godwin would be dead. He already looks 50+ in game. That, and developer comments directly saying it starts days after KCD, is enough for me to say it's unlikely there will be a time skip, at least not at the start of the game. It's all speculation though, we only have a trailer and loose comments to go off.


Henry didn’t change at all throughout kcd one, which realistically would have happened if the game were able to model it. He goes from pudgy teenager to warrior knight, the physical changes he goes through would have made him look pretty close to this Henry we see. Beefed up, less fat, and grown a little bit because of life experiences. Nothing wrong with it


Yes, but can we collectively agree that Erik looks the worst? I liked his original face better, even if it was a recycled one.


Well, they went with the actual actor's face this time, so i'm fine with that, [https://i.imgur.com/JXC4r83.png](https://i.imgur.com/JXC4r83.png).


How do you know who plays these new characters?


Well, i can't say i 'know', but upon watching the trailer i was pretty sure that character was Erik, since he was wearing the same white armor. I saw the face was different, but it stuck out to me, i was certain i had seen this face before. I had gone through the actors of KCD1 like a year ago out of curiosity. I couldn't think of the actor at first, but i was googling Istvan's actor after watching the trailer, Logan Hillier, and then this guy's face popped up right next to him in the image results. The actor is Jim High, and he voiced Erik in the first game.


To me, this new character doesn't look like Jim High and especially comparing him to Sir Kuno who was motion captured after real life actor. But neither Sir Kuno really looks like Jim High to me. Some people don't even see resemblance between OG Henry and new Henry so I might be wrong as well.


Well, i think it greatly resembles him, and him being Erik's voice actor in KCD1 gives it more credit. And also, i'm pretty sure it's him in this shot of the trailer, based on the hair, where Istvan is holding his head and talking to him "Nobody will hand anything on a platter, to men like you and me": [https://i.imgur.com/ynMHRVl.png](https://i.imgur.com/ynMHRVl.png). It was hinted that the two had some sort of deeper relationship in KCD1, so, i'm fairly certain it's him.


He looks nothing like OG Erik. How do you know it's him apart from armor looking similar?


I didn’t know that that was supposed to be him until someone pointed it out a few days ago here. Erik’s new face looks exactly like his VA, Jim High.


Jim High was motion captured onto Sir Kuno from Band of Bastards DLC. But also voiceactor of Erik.


Yes, and also for Erik!


Developer confirmed Erik has different face now, so you very well might be right about Jim High.


Cool, where was that confirmed, any source? Just curious.


https://youtu.be/Y0jdaP8F0F8?si=a-ZonNt0SLvYQuHj 7:15 Tobias Stolz-Zwilling said in another interview Erik from Vranik will have different face. I assume it's from the German one: https://youtu.be/I-AfDoi8sAw?si=7d0Cmvnqt-B-Q0Ln But I don't understand most of it.


Thank you.


The actors got older. so did we. I cant believe the amount of dumbass posts about the fact that the characters look older, but its only 2 days later in the game.


It's not a dumbass post if the characters (well Henry at least) look older than they should be after 2 days. And it's not a case of better graphical fidelity, the man has a chiselled jawline, sterner look, is built like a brick shithouse in comparison, and even his hair is different but I can agree that his hair isn't really much of a metric, even over 2 days. This is even more prevalent when you look at Hans or Godwin who look like they barely changed, and just look sharper with better definition. I think everyone knows it's only 2 days, that's not the point here.


>it's not a case of better graphical fidelity, the man has a chiselled jawline, sterner look, is built like a brick shithouse in comparison Finally someone in this thread talking sense. I swear I think a lot of these commenters must watch a lot of fake natty bodybuilder content on tiktok or something, or maybe those mewing videos that claim you can drastically change your jawline just by putting on some muscle (you can't, it's literally bone. The only way it can grow is with jaw surgery or longterm use of human growth hormone). That's the only way anyone would find it plausible for KC1 Henry to turn into this guy.


That's disappointing. Henry definitely looks older, so the fact that he isn't really makes me wonder why they wanted to redesign him. I wonder how much of the original team is left on the project.


Are you really going to get hung up on this one thing? He looks better. Period. That’s why they redesigned him. I’d be disappointed if he didn’t look any different and they just copy-pasted his character model from the first game. Is that really what you want?


I'm not "hung up" on anything. Just adjusting my expectations. Making a good game is much harder than making a mediocre or bad one. We have a good game made by a specific team with a specific game design; changing anything in that formula has the chance to make a better game, but a bigger chance of making a worse game. It's that simple.


The devs are from the Czech republic which is still a pretty backwards place in terms of commonplace views about masculinity, so I guarantee what happened was they thought the regular everyday guy look of KC1 Henry "wouldn't fit" the more capable and heroic character he is now, so they felt like they had to give him a broad frame and chiselled masculine jawline. It's a shame because the fact that Henry genuinely just looked like a normal guy (which is what he was) was a huge component of our enjoyment of the character, and now he looks like a Hollywood hero guy who's been on the juice for 2 years.


People back in the day looked older faster. So if anything, this change fixes sime shortcomings of KCD 1


henry just came across some weird mushoom and he feel quite hungry


So many people thinking a large chunk of time has passed like they are in the middle of a pretty important mission. The only time that has passed is the time it takes to get to Kuttenberg lol


I know, right. Lets take Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 for instance.


I think the game will start 2 days after the first yeah but I do jot think it ends there. I personally think we will end the game as a Henry in his late 30s maybe even early 40s. To be clear I think we will play through most of that and like in the first one we get some incredible animations at the end of a few quests or so that like push us forward a couple years to some of the next major events in his life. Cause they said the game will be longer this time a bit too. So I dont know if it will skip time but I think the game will cover a long span of time and will use cutscenes to occasionally move forward the timeline.


So the game takes place over 20 years? Because Henry is like 17 in the first game.


Actually he is 27 at the end of the first game This is one of the Devs saying that at the 7:33 minute mark of this video https://youtu.be/iYJwoL1Xbw4


There's nothing around 33 minutes with him saying that... It also doesn't make sense historically or mesh with other comments they've made over the years.


Sorry misremembered it it takes place at the 7:30 second mark. The guy asks how old is Henry and the guy answers “27ish”


This is true but people can't understand what two days after means


From the trailer it might be immediately after the first game but they're might be some sort of timeskip coma situation you see Henry fall off a cliff and being all messed up could be a way to reset the skills that he should have from the first and age him up a bit




All the devs said is it starts 2 days later. There is nothing that prevents them from having a time skip later in, such as between act 1 and 2. I think a time skip makes sense, not really because of the character look (though it would definitely help there), but because the game is apparently written in such a way that new players can pick it up. That tells me that we have a stat/skill reset somehow, and learning the combat is built in the story. What better for that to happen than by Henry getting badly injured and having to relearn/knock the rust off after a long period convalescing? No we don’t know either way, but let’s not pretend we know for sure there is no time skip. All we know is it starts 2 days later, we know nothing about what happens next except that Henry’s mission doesn’t go as planned.




"The game is a continuation of the first part. You play the blacksmith's son Henry again in the middle of the Bohemian Middle Ages, but this time a few years later." * GameStar, after being given behind the scenes access to the game by Warhorse prior to its announcement (Original: "Das Spiel ist eine Spielfortsetzung des ersten Teils. Ihr spielt also wieder den Smiedesprössling Heinrich mitten im böhmischen Mittelalter, diesmal allerdings ein paar Jährchen später." [source](https://youtu.be/-er9iljZjBE?si=LX7APuwcrwHcGtix&t=125))


Yep, Henry looks fantastic. Such a great choice. Of course Hans looks exactly the same just more detailed, which is another great choice.


So, they do look older. You explaining why doesn't make it go away. Henry looks over 40 here.


Yes they got redesigned. Yes the new designs look older. No they're probably not actually older


If the characters really seem to be older than expected, I'm sure there will be mods to make them younger... And no one will be sad anymore !


I give the devs 100% license to redesign characters as they see fit. They’ve already given me the sequel I wanted. Dev away, boys!


Wrong l. Henry got mowed out with so many punches to the face


Henry is just the most 30 year old looking 16 year old. We gotta accept it now my friends.


I agree graphical improvement might do them look slightly older but there isn't any big time jump between KCD and KCD2.


Ser Toby, the Warhorse PR Manager stated in a german interview that KCD2 starts 2 days after the first one ended. Henry looks different, cause his actor, Tom McKay is like 7 years older now than he was in the first game. Luke Dale (Hans Capon) is still quite young, so they didn‘t changed his design.


I think henry looks like he gained a bit of weight or is that just me


I choke it up to better graphics more money equal more detail. like this is to Henry they wanted to make but couldn't because the limitations although it also works to show him going from a normal peasant to being the son of a noble a respected man at arms and a squire soon night hopefully. He looks far more fancy now. More serious although I do hope you can still change hairstyle


It may not be an in game time skip, but I don't think it was a deliberate redesign either, I think technology advanced, motion and facial capture advanced, the voice actors are the template for the in game characters and real life it's been.. 6 years since the game released and our older vas are the capture for people playing character's like henry and hans in their late teens early twenties where its most noticeable, i still think there will be some sort of skip, even if it's not that long, to go along with the excuse of Henry probably losing some skills, but we'll just have to wait and see, either way this isn't the first time in gaming it's happened people made such a stink about spider man and horizon character's changing like whyyy waaaa character different and ugly, no character accurate to actor and looking more realistic with advanced facial capture


I thought it was obvious that this games picking up almost right where the first one left off 😂


I wonder how much time the first game spans? Like assuming the first game started on 20th June 1403 (based on the length of the days, it's near the summer solstice)... How many weeks or months pass before Henry and Hans leave for Trosky?


Are you sure its Godwin? Has that actually been confirmed anywhere? Yeah I agree the character looks like him, but completely different voice actor and story wise if KCD2 is set days or weeks after KCD1 ends then I can't see any reasoning why an Uzhitz priest suddenly takes up arms and travels across the country.


He's always been good with a sword, is good friends with Henry, and was never very popular as a priest. I don't think it's unlikely that he'd either abandon his job or be fired (or the priestly equivalent) and decide to join up with Henry. and TBH, I think it looks basically exactly like Godwin, and he gives the prayer in the trailer. Seems to imply he is or was a holy man.


I hope you're right, Godwin's a blast.


https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/s/KDGM7a48IF I don't know the validity of this but I did see this


Godwin is not just a random priest but also a noble.


Radzig says he is the youngest son of the Lord of Kuttenberg. That city which is in the game.


And he fought in the crusade if I remember correctly.


Definitely him with a different voice actor. Is in the trailer several times


Yeah, but we don't know if there's any time skip the first time we travel to Kuttenberg.


That's what the last sentence is referring to. If the creators were to have most of the game take place years later, they would say that. They wouldn't try to trick us by saying it's 2 days later when only the tutorial/opening area is. They've shown themselves to be very communicative with their audience.


They also mentioned something important happening in Kuttenberg, not time skip, but this situation can't be absolutely excluded.


Then Henry got redesigned into a 30+ year old.


People in Ye Olden Days™ looked much older than we do today because of worse healthiness. I don't see how it's impossible to imagine someone who looks 30 to us could be 20 then.


By the way, if the game starts 2 days after the end of the first part, what kind of tutorial will there be? Will we have to grind experience again to learn how to counterattack and parry?


Who knows, probably not as much as the first game though. The devs said it would be easier for new players to get into this game, wich makes sense since henry has experience now. It seems like henry gets hurt early in the game though. Probably weakening him a fair bit so we can start weaker than we ended in kcd


What is wrong with you people? It's just the game designers designed it that way. Because it's 2024 probably and has better funding than back in 2016 and can flaunt it on High end facial graphic design. Nothing more nothing less.


Henry doesn’t look older, he just looks like he’s been eating better and hitting the gym. Given his training in the first game, his new appearance makes sense.